Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3176: Not intentional

  Chapter 3176 Not intentional

Two giant icy wolves, a male and a female, let them see Chen Xuan attacking, they suddenly let out a howling sound, and then bursts of ice power were condensed in their bodies, and the frost was in this space. It permeated, and immediately froze on Chen Xuan's body.

Frost’s speed was so rapid that it took almost a millisecond to get Chen Xuan’s legs. She only felt that there was a burst of gravity coming from the legs. When Chen Xuan lowered his head, he found that there was a huge amount of condensation on the face of the legs. ice crystals.

  The ice crystal weighed almost a dozen tons, causing Chen Xuan's body to fall directly to the ground, and two ice wolves immediately rushed towards Chen Xuan.

With a sneer on his face, Chen Xuan quickly gathered the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian. When the flame of Vermillion Bird was burning out, the ice crystals that had condensed on his legs were instantly burned into ice water, and in a blink of an eye In between, the two ice wolves had already killed Chen Xuan.

  The two martial artists who were onlookers showed nervousness. They didn't know whether Chen Xuan could deal with the two ice giant wolves, especially now that the two ice giant wolves have united, Chen Xuan launched a fierce attack.

This is also the first time Chen Xuan has been attacked by a giant ice wolf. Not only can the two giant ice wolves mobilize the frost in the air, but they also come in very fast, and they rushed to Chen in almost two seconds. Next to Xuan.

  Chen Xuan quickly waved the spirit sword in his hand, and bursts of turbulent flames burned out of him, and he quickly killed a giant ice wolf.

Faced with Chen Xuan’s attack, the ice wolf made a huge roar, but after all, it did not resist the terrible sword aura, and its body was directly knocked out of more than two hundred meters, and it slammed into it fiercely. On the wall, after a giant ice wolf was knocked into the air, but the other one did not stop, it still rushed towards Chen Xuan quickly.

Chen Xuan's body suddenly retreated crazily towards the back, but the giant ice wolf suddenly opened its mouth, and a burst of frost suddenly froze Chen Xuan's wrist, and the sword energy that he wanted to slash out suddenly Solidified in the air.

   felt a terrible aura. After killing him directly, Chen Xuan immediately condensed bursts of raging Vermillion Bird fire, which burned on the ice giant wolf and slashed over.

With a bang, Chen Xuan's arm was directly bitten by the ice giant wolf, and blood continuously flowed out of the arm again and again, but before the blood dripped on the ground, it was directly blocked by bursts of frost.

  The cold ice wolf opened its mouth wide, and breathed out bursts of icy air from his nostrils. This cold air continued to circulate around, once again freezing Chen Xuan’s wrist.

There was a look of shock on his face. Chen Xuan did not expect the strength of the two giant ice wolves to be so powerful, and he was secretly surprised: "As expected, the descendants of the immortal, the strength of the two giant ice wolves is indeed very strong. Tough."

  Although Chen Xuan had also encountered ancient alien beasts before, none of what he had faced was as powerful as the two giant ice wolves in front of him. These frosts could actually resist the fire of his Vermillion Bird to a certain extent.

  You must know that the Suzaku Fire is the source of all fire. Everything in the world can be burned by the Suzaku Fire, but now it is blocked by the ice, which really surprised Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan didn’t stay here either. Chen Xuan knew that any stay now is likely to be attacked by a giant ice wolf, especially the two giant ice wolves have very sharp fangs. When a giant ice wolf bites towards Chen Xuan When he came over, Chen Xuan lifted his foot and kicked it fiercely on the belly of the ice giant wolf.


The ice giant wolf's body was directly knocked out, but Chen Xuan was uncomfortable. A thin layer of frost began to condense on the shoes. When Chen Xuan turned the Suzaku fire toward his legs, he condensed. Another giant ice wolf rushed towards him.

  If it is a normal monster, Chen Xuan only needs to fine-tune the Suzaku Fire to get rid of the frost, but now both of them have the blood of ancient monsters.

  Chen Xuan wanted to display the two ancient alien beasts. The time it took to get rid of the frost had significantly increased, and it took almost two seconds to remove them completely.

Although it was only a short period of two seconds, it was very important to Chen Xuan, because in these two seconds, the ice giant wolf could get close to Chen Xuan. After opening the mouth of the blood basin, the ice giant wolf’s mouth exuded There was a burst of blue frost, which instantly entangled Chen Xuan's body.

Chen Xuan roared and waved his arm quickly. The Liaoyuan Sword flew out. At this moment, the Liaoyuan Sword turned into two sword shadows directly in the air. As time went on, more and more sword shadows appeared in the blink of an eye. All over Chen Xuan's back.

  After displaying thousands of sword shadows, Chen Xuan's face showed a touch of sadness, and quickly mobilized the sword shadow behind him, and quickly killed the ice giant wolf.

  Even though the two ice giant wolves have the bloodline of ancient monsters, facing Chen Xuan's attack, it seems that they are gradually no longer opponents.

In an instant, thousands of sword shadows directly killed the ice wolf. One of the ice wolf was filled with sword chants. With the power of Chen Xuan's Suzaku, this ice The giant wolf let out a roar.

Even if the two giant icy wolves are wrapped with a thick layer of frost, and even these frosts can withstand the Suzaku's fire to some extent, it is a pity that the Suzaku's fire displayed by Chen Xuan directly suppressed the two colds in their bloodlines. Ice giant wolf.

Even though the two ice giant wolves have powerful powers, they are not Chen Xuan's opponents after all. In almost five minutes, the two ice giant wolves have been completely suppressed by Chen Xuan, and there is even one ice giant wolf. Started to flee continuously to the side, wanting to leave this secret room.

  There is an extremely powerful magic circle in the secret room, and the two ice giant wolves can't leave at all. If it weren't for other Five Poison gang disciples told him, I'm afraid Chen Xuan would not be able to get in.

Seeing that one of the two giant ice wolves had been killed, Chen Xuan showed a terrible look on his face. He quickly swung the Liaoyuan sword and yelled out: "Damn beast, weren't you very arrogant just now? Why are you not going crazy? Let me see how good you are!"


The Liaoyuan Sword gathered in the sky, bursting out a burst of turbulent flames, and quickly burned on Chen Xuan's arm. The terrifying power that burst out of Chen Xuan's hand rushed directly into the sky, and then fiercely towards a giant ice The wolf smashed past

  The wide-open pupils of this ice wolf originally wanted to avoid it, but facing Chen Xuan's extremely fast sword energy, there was no way to dodge it, and he could only honestly be hit by this sword energy.


  This huge sword energy circulated quickly in the sky, causing the body of the ice giant wolf to twitch constantly, desperately gathering the ice and cold energy all over the body.

Even though the ice wolf can mobilize the power of ice in the air, it is not Chen Xuan's opponent after all. Finally, five minutes later, Chen Xuan's face is full of turbulent colors, and the terrible flames blooming in his arms are no longer there. A single shot of force directly burned onto the body of the ice giant wolf.

  The ice wolf roared, but the long chanting voice was getting weaker and weaker. After a few more seconds, Chen Xuan clapped his hands, and he was done.

   "I didn't expect the strength of these two ancient alien beasts to be so powerful. I almost fell into the hands of these two guys just now." Chen Xuan cursed.

   "Two beasts, fortunately I was prepared." While talking, Chen Xuan walked towards the two monsters, and at the same time flipped the daggers in his hands, and took out all the inner alchemy in the two monsters.

The inner alchemy of the monster beast showed a faint blue light. Chen Xuan knew that the two monsters possessed very pure frost spiritual power, and therefore the inner alchemy contained very terrible frost.

   Feeling a burst of coldness in the palm of his hand, Chen Xuan directly received the two inner alchemy into his ring, and then walked out.

  After seeing Chen Xuan for the first time, the two Five Poison Gangs showed shocked expressions on their faces and talked to themselves.

   "He actually killed the monster beast. I heard that these two ancient strange beasts can't be killed easily even by the gang leader."

   "His strength is too strong, I don't know if he can kill the gang leader, if he can really kill the gang leader, that would be great, then we will be able to leave here."

Seeing the envy of the two of them, Chen Xuan showed a light smile on his face, and then said to them: "Don't look at me with admiring eyes like that. Let's find a way to get out of here as soon as possible. I still have a friend coming over."

   "No, Master Chen, do you still have a friend?" said a Five Poison Gang disciple.

  Thinking of Duguren who was in a coma, he could only shook his head helplessly, and thought to himself: "This guy is too lighthearted. If he were to walk the rivers and lakes alone, he might be tricked by many people."

   And Chen Xuan didn't know that Du Gulun had woke up an hour ago.

   Lying on the ground, Dugulun humming a small song, eating a lot of food next to him, and said contentedly: "This Chen Xuan, I thought I was in a coma, but it's good, I just don't have to act."

   "I am afraid that in a few hours, he will be able to get rid of all the gangsters of the Five Poisons." After saying this, he turned over and continued to sleep, as if he had nothing to do with his surroundings.

  At this moment, a man detained next to him had a hideous look on his face. He didn't know where he had an extra dagger in his hand, and he suddenly slew towards Dugulun.

  At this time, Dugulun had already fallen asleep. When he felt the murderous aura around him, a terrible breath suddenly burst into his body.

  The dagger thrown at him was directly caught by Dugulun in his hand, and at this moment, Dugulun suddenly surrounded a layer of dark aura, which quickly circled around him.

   gave this warrior a look of surprise: "Who are you?"

   he asked.

  Dugulun originally wanted to continue sleeping, but he didn't expect that he would be conspired, and with a vicious look on his face, he slowly stood up from the ground.

   "You still want to ask who I am, you still want to count me, hahaha, it seems you don't know that I am Dugulun."

  "Who are you..." The warrior who wanted to assassinate him was already panicked at this time. He didn't expect the other party to be able to operate spiritual power freely.

  When the Five Poison Gang locked him in the prison, he had already condensed the magic circle around him, and now he could not feel the spiritual power at all, otherwise he would not have been imprisoned here.

  The reason why he wanted to kill Dugulun was because he hadn’t eaten meat for a long time, even if he was human.

  Dugulun's emotions seemed a bit agitated, and at the same time, the plain color on his face revealed a terrible killing intent.

   "Miscellaneous, I just wanted to sleep, I think you seem to be plotting against me, I don't know what your plan is, you actually want to harm me?" Du Gulun asked softly.

After being asked, the man suddenly burst into laughter, and seemed to have fallen into madness: "Hahaha, why do I want to kill you? I don't know, I just want to kill you, so what can you do? Come here!"

  After hearing his words, Dugulun clapped his hands, then raised the black giant sword in his hand, and bursts of black spiritual power quickly surrounded him, breaking through the entire formation in a blink of an eye.

   Seeing Dugulun directly destroy the formation, there is almost no room left.

  The man who wanted to assassinate him, his legs trembled uncontrollably. He knew that Dugulun’s cultivation was not easy, and it was too late to say anything.

  (End of this chapter)

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