Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3178: Defeat the Five Poison Gang

  Chapter 3178 Defeating the Five Poison Gang

  Chen Xuan was not in a hurry to attack. He knew that the opponent had a terrible toxin, and if one was not careful, he might be hit. If he was poisoned now, Chen Xuan would even die in the opponent's hands.

With a roar, a burst of terrible spiritual power wafting out of Chen Xuan's body suddenly rushed into the sky, and the whole cave began to crack continuously. Seeing Chen Xuan smash his lair, the gang of the Five Poisons revealed a touch The look of anger cursed Chen Xuan loudly.

   "Damn little bastard, you actually ruined Lao Tzu's house, if we have the ability, we will go out and fight again!" The leader of the Five Poison Gang was furious, and Chen Xuan said angrily.

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan deliberately showed a look of mockery, patted herself at her, and said with a smile: "If you have the ability, come and bite me, and see if you can catch me!"

  Chen Xuan is still very confident about his speed. He knows that the five poison gang’s gangs can’t catch up with him at all, so he simply played peekaboo in the cave.

  Although he possesses terrible venom, as long as he does not get close to the leader of the Five Poison Gang, its toxin will not attack Chen Xuan. Therefore, Chen Xuan has no fear, and constantly dodges left and right.

   Seeing Chen Xuan running fast in the cave like a flexible monkey, the leader of the Five Poison Gang was furious.

  But Chen Xuan was so fast that it took two seconds to escape his pursuit.

   "Little miscellaneous, don't run if you have the ability. We two are fighting head-on, and no one has to use insidious tricks!" The leader of the Five Poison Gang yelled at Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan only showed a sneer, and then said: "Also, I don't need to use underhand tricks. I have never seen anyone who is more harmful than you, and actually beat me with toxins. I have never seen you. Kind of rubbish, **** like you is only worthy of eating shit."

   "You dare to say that I eat shit, you wait for me!" Come and help me, and immediately waved the scene in his hand and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan suddenly roared when he saw him killing him, gathering the Suzaku sword aura in his body with all his strength, and swiftly killing the opponent, the two figures constantly intertwined in the air.

  Faced with Chen Xuan's crazy offensive, the leader of the Five Poison Gang seemed to be gradually not an opponent. After all, their cultivation bases were not much different.

  Especially after Chen Xuan displayed the power of the Vermillion Bird, his strength has been further improved. The two sides were constantly fighting in the air. With the power of the Vermillion Bird Fire, Chen Xuan's body suddenly burst into fierce flames, and began to burn towards the leader of the Five Poison Gang.

  When the leader of the Five Poison Gang felt the flames burning out of his body, his body immediately took two steps backwards.

   There was a boom.

  This fierce flame burned quickly to his body.

   At this moment, the spear in his hand was shaken suddenly, bursts of black mysterious light burst out, and they attacked Chen Xuan fiercely.

  This time Chen Xuan was finally caught by him, and Chen Xuan's body moved backward. At the time, a terrifying spear light was directly concentrated on Chen Xuan's body.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan condensed the power of the Vermillion Bird, and the defense was in front of him. In addition, Chen Xuan already had body refining defense now, so the gang leader of the Five Poison Gang did not achieve more results, and was even directly affected by Chen Xuan flew out.

  The two sides quickly saw the saw, Chen Xuan knew that he could not fight him head-on now, especially since this guy still possesses many terrible toxins, if Chen Xuan fights him at close range, it is very likely that he will be poisoned.

Just now Chen Xuan has been poisoned by him. If it weren’t for Chen Xuan’s own power of Vermillion Bird, plus the detoxification pill, I’m afraid Chen Xuan would have been killed by him just now, but the pill is not omnipotent. , Chen Xuan couldn't say for sure what other exercises he would have, or even other toxins, to deal with himself.

  In addition, there were not many medicines refined by Chen Xuan. After this battle, Chen Xuan was also prepared to refine a few more detoxifying medicines.

  If you encounter this level of battle, the pill can also play a huge role.

  The leader of the Five Poison Gang is full of hideous looks, but his offense has gradually slowed down.

A burst of turbulent flames immediately burned around him. Even though the five poison gang leaders possessed extremely powerful strength, at this moment, the flames of the Vermillion Bird displayed by Chen Xuan directly attacked his body, causing Wu The body of the leader of the poison gang flew out directly.

With a hateful look on his face, the help of the Five Poison Gang said loudly: "You dog beast, today I must let you see how good I am, and let you know that our Five Poison Gang is not easy to provoke!"

  As for the Five Poison Gang, Chen Xuan also heard a little bit, until the warriors in the Five Poison Gang possessed some extremely weird exercises, and some exercises even contained violent toxins.

  In the blink of an eye, the help of the Five Poison Gang waved the spear in his hand, and bursts of purple storms rushed towards Chen Xuan. Feeling the terrifying light blooming in the spear, Chen Xuan immediately dodged aside.

Chen Xuan also waved the long sword in his hand and slew towards each other. The two kept colliding in the air. At this moment, Chen Xuan had gradually gained the upper hand. Although the help of the five poison gangs was very strong, Chen Xuan Has fully displayed the power of the demon soul.

   Relying on the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan's body appeared behind the opponent in the blink of an eye, and bursts of terrible flames burst out of the Liaoyuan Sword, which burned directly towards the leader of the Five Poison Gang.

  The flame burned the air quickly, and made a crackling sound. It seemed that he felt the terrible faintness of the flame blooming, and the gang leader of the Five Poison Gang suddenly dodged toward the side.

  This is the flame burning speed is too fast, directly knocking his body to the ground.

With a look of horror on his face, the leader of the Five Poison Gang was obviously not convinced, and said to Chen Xuan frantically: "You little **** of his grandmother, if it weren't for you to attack me, how could I be defeated by your hands? I must kill you. If I don’t kill you today, I will eat shit!"

   Seeing that the other party had fallen into madness, Chen Xuan became even more cruel, and suddenly rushed out, a terrifying sword aura immediately killed his body.


A raging sword aura kept wandering in the cave. It took almost two seconds to knock the leader of the Five Poison Gang to the ground. This time Chen Xuan seized the opportunity with the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand. Sword shadows burst out.

   With the power of thousands of swords and shadows, Chen Xuan’s aura bloomed in his body, waving with all his strength, even this time Chen Xuan was quite sure that he could kill the opponent.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan suddenly rushed out, and a sword shadow suddenly killed the body of the leader of the Five Poison Gang.

Feeling there was no way to escape, the leader of the Five Poison Gang gave a violent cry, and then quickly dodged toward the side, but the speed of this sword aura was too fast, and a burst of fiery red sword light continued to raging in the air. , Knocked his body directly to the wall.

   spit out a mouthful of blood, the face of the leader of the Five Poison Gang was full of despair. He did not expect that he was defeated by Chen Xuan. In his heart, he felt that he was much stronger than Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan had just entered the Eighth Layer of the Divine King Realm, but his cultivation had already entered the Eighth Layer of the Divine King Realm, and now he was defeated by Chen Xuan. He only felt that a sense of powerlessness was born naturally.

Feeling the flames burning on his body and the help of the Five Poison Gang, his expression kept dripping, and at this moment, he suddenly turned his hand and took out a green bottle, and directly smashed the bottle towards Chen Xuan. come.

  After seeing the bottle thrown towards him, Chen Xuan instantly evaded to the side. The green bottle shattered directly, emitting a green fog from inside...

The green mist was constantly filling the cave. Chen Xuan felt the terrifying spiritual power emanating from the green mist, and he immediately dodged around. After finally evading, Chen Xuan finally came to a place. In the open area, panting heavily.

  Just now, in order to avoid the black fog, he held his breath for several minutes. If Chen Xuan himself had the power of the demon soul as a blessing, he would have been suffocated long ago.

  After killing the five poison gang leaders, Chen Xuan began to walk in the direction of the prison, in the prison at this time.

  Dugulun was still asleep, and the muscular man next to him, holding a huge rock in his hand, was eager to try, and wanted to smash towards Dugulun.

The warrior next to him was still stopping him, and said to him: "Brother, it's better not to be so impulsive. I am afraid that such a big stone will still kill him, or else you should change to a smaller one. ."

  The big man was full of dissatisfaction, and said to them: "You guys, this is not okay, that is not okay, what do you want me to do? I think it's better to just kill this kid."

  As they were talking, Chen Xuan had already walked over here, with a hint of surprise on his face, Chen Xuan looked at Dugulun who was sleeping.

  "Dougolun seems to have woken up before?" I was surprised.

  When his own Dugulun fainted before, he maintained a different posture, and Dugulun never used this posture when he slept before.

   Therefore, Chen Xuan concluded that Dugulun had definitely woken up before, but still slept here, which made Chen Xuan feel a little aired, so a smirk appeared on his face.

   walked towards the muscular man and the others, Chen Xuan whispered to them: "What are some brothers doing here?"

When the muscular man saw Chen Xuan coming, his face suddenly showed excitement. The man threw the stone in his hand on the ground and hurriedly said to Chen Xuan: "This hero, you can rescue us quickly. We have been locked up by the Five Poison Gang for seven to seven forty-nine days, and we will die if we continue.

  "Hurry up and save us, heroes, we beg you." Several warriors knelt on the ground one after another, asking for help from Chen Xuan.

   And Chen Xuan glanced at Dugulun with his left light, and found that Dugulun was still not up.

  According to his own judgment, Chen Xuan believed that Dugulun was already awake, and now he was definitely pretending to sleep, so the smirk on his face became more intense.

"I don't care. Did you see the sleeping person? This guy is pretending to be asleep. If you can wake him up, I will help you open the door." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he stood next to him eagerly. .

  The muscular man showed a look of hideousness on his face, and he suddenly smashed Dugulun’s head against a huge stone in his hand.

   After feeling a huge stone smashed towards him, Dugulun suddenly stood up, with a look of anger on his face.

"You guys, you guys have been discussing here for a long time, and you really have done something to me. You actually want to stone me to death and see how I can clean you up!" After Dugulun stood up from the ground, he unexpectedly found Chen Xuanzheng. Look at him from the side.

With an awkward smile on his face, Dugulun couldn't help scratching his head, and then said: "I didn't expect you to come back so soon. I thought I could sleep a little longer."

  (End of this chapter)

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