Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3181: The storm is coming

  Chapter 3181 Storm is coming

Dugulun showed a certain color on his face, and shook his head and said to Chen Xue: "It's impossible to go wrong. I clearly felt a breath just now, but this breath is very secretive. You can't even use the power of the demon soul. Are you aware of it?"

  Chen Xuan closed his pupils again and began to observe the surrounding breath, but he still did not feel any change.

   "There is no one in the house. Let's go in and look for it."

   There was a crunch.

  Chen Xuan opened the iron door directly, and then followed Du Gulun and walked in together. When they walked in, Chen Xuan actually heard a sound of discussion coming from a distance.

   "Do you think the monster beast that we recently researched has such a strong power?"

   "If these monsters can really complete the research, then we can definitely upset the entire Yunye Empire."

  "The imperial family of the Yunye Empire has recently begun to work on us again. As long as the research is successful, these monsters will fall into rampage, and the Yunye Empire can definitely be destroyed."

   "Hahaha, the imperial family of the Yunye Empire is now very jealous of our Pantheon, and the Dragon Blood Tribe suddenly attacked Yunxiao Mansion a few days ago, and now the Yunye Empire is very worried about us."

  At this moment, one of the warriors of the Pantheon showed a look of surprise, walking by the iron gate and constantly observing and speaking to the other person beside him.

   "I feel like they have been turned over by someone. I don't know if anyone has entered. Let's go in and have a look."

  After hearing their voices, Chen Xuan hurriedly hid toward a cabinet next to him, and stayed motionless with the two Dugu people on it.

  After the two people walked in, there was a look of surprise on their faces first, and then they kept turning around.

   "No one seems to be here, it should be the night cats coming in, don't worry, these cats often come in and out of the organization of our Pantheon recently." After the warrior finished speaking, he went out directly carrying the lantern.

After taking a breath, Chen Xuan and Dugulun walked out from the side with a touch of surprise on their faces. Then Chen Xuan whispered: "It seems exactly the same as I thought. These pantheon beasts have been conspiring. What's the matter? They should have created the strange-looking human sentiment monsters we encountered in the Black Rock Forest before."

  Dugulun nodded and said, "That said, those humanoid monsters are still very strong, and they are also very agile in size. I didn't expect that they were actually made by the Pantheon."

  At this time, a huge conspiracy slowly emerged in front of them, but Chen Xuan knew very well that the Pantheon organization in the Tianlong Mountain Range was just a small organization.

  They want to find the real pantheon and study the locations of these monsters. I am afraid they will never find them in the Tianlong Mountains. These pantheons must have established strongholds in various places to study these monsters.

   "If they are really researched out, it will be a blow to the Yunye Empire, and the most terrible thing is that if all these monsters fall into a runaway, most ordinary people will definitely be killed by that time."

   "These guys are so sullen in their minds, and they want to make these monsters fall into a runaway. If they become crazy, they will definitely attack the surrounding cities."

   "The strong ones can naturally escape, but the weak ones will be killed by these monsters. They obviously want to destroy the vital power of the Yunye Empire."

   "These people in the Pantheon are crazy, don't they know that they are also part of the Yunye Empire? Do they want to fight to death?"

  "Don't say so much, let's take a look at what's inside this room." As Chen Xuan said, he moved around and started observing the objects placed on the table.

   "There seems to be a lot of strange-shaped liquids in it, and the liquid seems to be highly poisonous. If I guess correctly, there must be an alchemist among them." Chen Xuan whispered.

  As for alchemy, Chen Xuan could not be more clear, but besides alchemy, there are many alchemists. These alchemists are not only as simple as alchemy. They can use weird herbs to develop some strange-shaped pill.

  Even these pill can cause terrible lethality, just like these weird pills that the Pantheon is studying, can make a monster into a runaway.

"They definitely haven't researched out the real medicine. If they are researched out, these monsters can not only maintain a violent state, but even listen to their dispatch. At this time, the Pantheon has a large army of monsters, enough Dealing with the Yunye Empire..." Chen Xuan's face showed a look of shock.

   "No, you mean they want to control these powerful monsters. If they can really control the monsters, they can indeed increase the power of the Pantheon."

  For the Pantheon, although their own army is not weak, it is definitely not strong. At most, it can only be equal to Yunye Palace, and even Yunxiao Palace can't deal with it.

   And now there is a ready-made resource in front of them, that is, the huge group of monsters in the Yunye Empire. If these monsters can be domesticated, they will become their huge vitality.

  You don’t even need to train these monsters. All monsters are natural warriors. They only know how to fight. If they really train monsters successfully, they will deal a fatal blow to the Yunye Empire.

  For Chen Xuan, he didn't want to help the Yunye Empire turn the dangers into danger. Now Chen Xuan is most concerned about whether he will do anything to him. The Pantheon has a strong power in the Yunye Empire.

At the beginning, Chen Xuan killed several warriors in the Pantheon. Among them, there was even an alchemist who was used by the Pantheon to refine alchemy. This incident had already spread to the ears of the high-level people in the Pantheon. If these high-level officials act on Chen Xuan If so, I'm afraid Chen Xuan is not their opponent either.

  As an ancient temple that has existed for tens of thousands of years, the Pantheon is still very strong, and Chen Xuan's current strength wants to deal with the Pantheon, it is simply a dream.

   "What shall we do now?" Du Gulun asked.

"Destroy all these things." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, a fierce flame burst out of his body, which immediately burned towards the walls. Almost only a few seconds passed. All the items were all. Were all burned to ashes.

After leaving the house, Chen Xuan began to constantly search around. The entire Tianlong Mountain Range is very large. These Pantheons have established their strongholds in a hidden canyon. If you don’t know what they are looking for carefully, There is nowhere to be found at all.

  There are a total of twenty-eight houses lined up one by one, and there must be many other precious medicines in them.

  What Chen Xuan has to do now is to destroy all these things so that the conspiracy of these people in the Pantheon will not succeed.

  After seeing all the houses suddenly catching fire, many warriors in the Pantheon shouted loudly and rushed out of the houses.

   "What the **** happened? Has anyone found out here!?"

   "Who did it? If I find him, I must kill it. This animal dares to do this to my Pantheon. Doesn't he want to live anymore!"

   "I don't know who did it! If you find him, you must give him a thousand swords!" Many warriors from other places ran out of the house one after another, and quickly started to wipe out the water with a basin from the side.

  And one of the warriors suddenly burst out with terrible spiritual power, and then began to think of Fa Jue, and the sky suddenly began to rain heavily...

  However, they were surprised to find that the falling rain could not extinguish the burning flame at all. One of them was shocked and suddenly looked at Chen Xuan in the distance.

   "He did it!" said the warrior of the Pantheon.

  The rest of the Pantheon warriors also noticed Chen Xuan who was laughing in the distance, with a vicious look on his face, and rushed towards Chen Xuan frantically.

After seeing this group of Pantheon warriors coming over, Dugulun's face was full of disdain: "These guys really want to find death. Since they want to find death, then we can fulfill them."

  Chen Xuan whispered, “Don’t leave any of them. Kill all of them. The whole family lives here to study the weird potions of monsters. If they find out, we will be dead.”

   "Kill them all today!"

The two of them suddenly displayed their spiritual powers, their bodies constantly floating in the air, and in a blink of an eye they killed a warrior. The strongest of the Pantheon warriors here is only the Seven Majors of the Divine King Realm. Consummation.

  When Chen Xuan showed thousands of sword shadows, the Pantheon warrior showed a touch of awe. He obviously did not expect that Chen Xuan was showing the swordsmanship of Wanjian Villa.

  You must know that Wanjian Villa is also extremely famous in the entire Yunye Empire, and only Wanjian Villa’s Wanjian Sword Technique can display thousands of swords.

  I really wanted to see the swordsmanship power displayed by Vermillion Bird's Qi, and with the addition of Wanjian Jianyin, this terrifying sword aura almost surpassed the imagination of all Pantheon warriors.

  In an instant, a sword shadow directly pierced the chest of a warrior, and blood suddenly emerged from his chest. After almost two seconds passed, the warrior was directly burned into a bone by a burst of flames.

  The rest of the Pantheon warriors still wanted to rush over, but seeing that their brother was killed in an instant, they also showed a timid look.

   "Should we rush over, this guy seems to be very strong, we may not be his opponents together."

   "Who is he."

  "This is definitely the Fire of Vermilion Bird, I know, its name should be killed before it was called Chen Xuan, he is the elder of our Yuwen family."

   "This guy is so hateful. He actually killed the people in the Pantheon. Today we must give him a little bit of color to see!"

  Many warriors in the Pantheon suddenly cursed and began to gather towards Chen Xuan.

  Seeing these Pantheon warriors is as if they are not afraid of death, there are only 23 people in total, but the combined strength of all of them is definitely not his and Dugulun's opponent.

   Suddenly, a fiery red light burst out on Chen Xuan's palm, and a turbulent palm wind suddenly killed the warrior in the Pantheon.

Before the warriors of the Pantheon had time to react, Chen Xuan's body was directly pressed to the ground and rubbed continuously. Only a few minutes later, he was crushed into a mass of fleshy mud.

   Then Chen Xuan's body rushed towards him again, and ran behind him almost in an instant, and then Chen Xuan's fingers burst out with a fiery red light, and thrust into his eyes.

  The martial artist's eyes suddenly splashed with blood, and he covered his eyes, and roared constantly on the ground.

   "Damn it, my eyes are blind, this guy is so cruel, let's kill him together." The warrior was rolling on the ground with pain, but he still cursed madly at Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's face was full of sneers, and he directly lifted his foot and kicked him in the chest.

  The strength of this foot is tens of thousands of kilograms, and he directly kicked his body for hundreds of thousands of miles, and flew out into the air.

At this moment, several Pantheon warriors rushed towards Chen Xuan, with a resolute expression on their faces. These Pantheon warriors swore allegiance to their main god, and at the same time rushed towards Chen Xuan. come.

Seeing these pantheon warriors is like desperate, the sneer on Chen Xuan's face thought it became thicker, and he said coldly to them: "Do you think I can be afraid of you if I am not afraid of death? I tell you today. Everyone will die here, and all will be sent to me to **** to see the King of Yama!"

  (End of this chapter)

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