Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3191: Xiaoxiang Sword School

  Chapter 3191 Xiaoxiang Sword Sect

In the Lu Yu Mountains, Chen Xuan and Dugulun were still looking for the whereabouts of the Pantheon, but at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a strange breath coming from the front.

   "It seems that these guys in the Pantheon haven't left. Let's kill them all." Chen Xuan said coldly.

  Dugulun nodded lightly, and then said to Chen Xuan: "That's right, since these guys don't leave the Lu Yu Mountains, we will kill them all today."

Outside the Pantheon stronghold, Chen Xuan observed with cold eyes, only to see two disciples entering and exiting around the stronghold, not knowing what they were doing.

  "Have you seen the two people in front of you?" Chen Xuan pointed to the two Pantheon disciples in front, with a murderous expression on his face.

The two Pantheon disciples obviously noticed Chen Xuan and others. One of the disciples showed a hideous look and pointed at Chen Xuan and said, "Brother, look, this kid has come to us. I must give him something today. Look at the color."

  As his voice just fell, many disciples from the Pantheon also rushed towards this side, and when Chen Xuan saw the group of disciples from the Pantheon kill, his face wore a disdainful smile.

   "It's just a group of Xiaoxiao, don't you think you can stop the two of us with your own strength?" After Chen Xuan finished speaking, his body suddenly rushed over.

  The speed was so fast that he approached a Pantheon disciple almost in an instant. The Liaoyuan sword in his hand quickly lifted the disciple and directly killed the disciple.

   Then Chen Xuan once again killed the other disciples. After just a few rounds, Chen Xuan directly killed eight Pantheon warriors.

  Dugulun chuckled lightly, and showed admiration to Chen Xuan: "Good fellow, it seems that your cultivation level has been improved quite quickly recently."

Suddenly, the two of them had quickly killed several Pantheon warriors.

  This group of warriors from the Pantheon had been hiding near Lu Yucheng for a long time. The purpose was to research out the pill to control monsters, but unfortunately they had not researched it out yet, and this plan was destroyed by Chen Xuan.

   "Let's go to find other places, maybe the Pantheon has established a lot of strongholds." Chen Xuan said, and then stepped forward to find the past.

  The Pantheon stronghold they found now is just the tip of the iceberg. There are still many huge strongholds that have not been discovered by them, but according to Chen Xuan's thinking, there must be a bigger stronghold near Lu Yucheng.

  Since they are the stronghold of the Pantheon, the hiding place is definitely not that simple. Chen Xuan even suspects that they have something to do with the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect.

The Xiaoxiang Sword Sect is a handed down sect of the Yunye Empire, and its strength is still very strong. There have been rumors that the master of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect once killed a giant dragon with a single sword. Of course, this was only heard by Chen Xuan. But there is no experience.

  But being able to spread this kind of news does show that his strength has reached a very terrifying realm, and at the worst, it is very likely to enter the Shenluo realm.

   Chen Xuan's current strength, wanting to fight with the opponent is no different from a foolish dream, but Chen Xuan still has to try it. After all, if the Pantheon really cooperates with the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect, it will definitely bring a huge threat to Lu Yucheng.

The   Xiaoxiang Sword Sect is very close to the East Region City, and it is only more than two hundred kilometers away from the left and right. If they really unite the Pantheon, then if the Pantheon really develops the pill to control the monsters.

  The entire city of Lu Yu would be wiped out almost at the touch of a finger. He also had a very deep friendship with City Lord Lu, and Chen Xuan would not let this happen.

Especially Chen Xuan is now on the blacklist of the Pantheon. These warriors in the Pantheon desperately want to kill Chen Xuan, especially for the Yuwen family. These Yuwen family warriors are in Wantheon. The temple can be regarded as a large family.

  A few days ago, several warriors of the Yuwen family began to inquire about Chen Xuan's news, and wanted to assassinate him, but it was a pity that Chen Xuan's strength cultivation level improved quickly, and they did not succeed.

"Chen Xuan, are we really going to the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect? The Xiaoxiang Sword Sect is not so easy to provoke. I heard that many of the inner disciples of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect have entered the Divine King Realm. Others have reached the eighth level of the **** king realm." Du Gulun said.

Chen Xuan walked in front, turning around and saying to him: "No one knows how powerful they are, but it is said that the cultivation base of this suzerain has reached the ninth level of the **** king realm. Now we are both strong. It may not be able to deal with him."

   "Then why are you going there?" Du Gulun asked. "After all, this is just a small sect near Lu Yucheng. Although this sect has not been handed down for a long time, it still poses a huge threat." Chen Xuan replied.

   "In that case, let's go over and take a look."

  The Xiaoxiang Sword Sect is in the northernmost part of the Lu Yu Mountain Range, not far from the Dragon Blood Tribe, and Chen Xuan is now rushing towards the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect.

  Three days later, Chen Xuan and Dugulun finally appeared in the northern part of the Lu Yu Mountain Range. Just as they were about to explore the location of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect, they suddenly felt waves of strange spiritual power coming from a distance.

  In an instant, a monster with an unusually large body suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then rushed towards them frantically.

  "Well, this is the Zhenshan monster of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect. If I guess correctly, the name of this monster is called the Moonman Flame Lion."

  Looking at a huge moon-full flaming lion in front of him rushing towards him, Chen Xuan immediately swung the Liaoyuan sword, creating a hurricane, and directly knocking the huge moon-full flaming lion into the air.

   "This is actually the Zhenshan Monster Beast of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect, are you not mistaken? Is the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect really well matched with the Pantheon." Dugulun showed a touch of surprise.

  Chen Xuan also kept thinking about it. Before he came to the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect, he had already inquired a lot of news, and knew that the Moonman Flame Lion in front of him had a great relationship with the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect.

  This full moon flame lion has been hovering near the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect. It seems to be the first mountain beast of this Xiaoxiang Sword Sect. If this is the moon full flame lion really rushes over, Chen Xuan will definitely kill him.

With a violent roar, the full moon flaming lion was motionless on the spot, and did not rush towards Chen Xuan. At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly saw the full moon bursting out from the body of the flaming lion. The raging fire, this flame began to spread along the ground toward his body.

  Chen Xuan jumped up directly, swung the Liaoyuan Sword and displayed a fierce sword aura towards him. The sword aura exploded in the air, and then released a surging spiritual aura.

  In the sky, the two sword auras suddenly crossed, and then Chen Xuan's body dived violently.

   and Du Gulun both slew towards the full moon flaming lion. When the full moon flaming lion saw Chen Xuan and others rushing towards him, he immediately lifted the huge paw and began to defend.

  The two sword auras concentrated on the body of the Yueman Flame Lion, but they did not cause any harm. The Moonman Flame Lion shook its huge body, and the hair on its body stood upside down one by one, and then quickly came up towards them.

The hair of this moon-full flaming lion has extremely powerful lethality. It not only carries fire, but also contains toxins in the hair. This is the terrible thing about the moon-full flaming lion. Fortunately, Chen Xuan has done enough. ready.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan began to wield the Liaoyuan sword, forming a hurricane in front of him, and directly smashed all the hair that had struck him, and then dived away again, with a sword slashed at the moon full flame lion. On the body.

The Moonman Flame Lion made a huge roar, but when he saw Chen Xuan killing himself, he quickly lifted his huge body and ran towards Chen Xuan quickly, which was like a hill-like body running swiftly on the ground. , So that the earth trembles.

   Feeling the fierce fierceness blooming from the huge body of the full moon flaming lion, Chen Xuan immediately refused to let it go, and quickly cut out the Liaoyuan sword energy.


The sword energy was directly concentrated in the ancient and heavy body of the full moon flaming lion, causing the full moon flaming lion to retreat two steps back, but it did not cause any damage.

  "Look carefully, Chen Xuan, this moon-full flaming lion has a huge protective armor. If these armors are not broken, we will definitely not cause damage to the moon-full flaming lion." Dugulun said loudly.

Chen Xuan nodded in the air. He also felt that the heavy armor draped on this moon-full flaming lion had a very strong defense power. If this layer of armor was not destroyed, Chen Xuan would not be able to defeat it anyway. This huge moon full flaming lion.


The moon full flaming lion's big palm like a meat mountain suddenly patted Chen Xuan's body. Originally, Chen Xuan was still thinking about how to break the moon full flaming lion's armor, but the speed of this moon full flaming lion was really fast. It was too fast, and almost left a red afterimage in mid-air.

  When the black palm of this moon-full flaming lion slapped Chen Xuan's body, he directly hit Chen Xuan's body to the ground, causing Chen Xuan's body to roll on the ground for several times before stopping.

Coughing up a bit of blood in his mouth, Chen Xuan cursed in a low voice: "Damn beast, if you keep breaking your armor later, I see how arrogant you are. Wait a minute, you must get rid of your tendons and twitch. Take your skin, and see if you dare to do it to me."

Hearing Chen Xuan's yelling, Dugulun actually began to laugh, and said to Chen Xuan with his throat: "I said Chen Xuan, weren't you still very good just now? How come this little moon full of flame lion The attack has arrived? Let's not fight this head-on. This moon-full flaming lion's combat power is still very strong, wait until I break the defensive armor of this moon-full flaming lion."

  "You can break the armor of this moon-full flaming lion." Chen Xuan shouted out loud.

The corners of the eyebrows lowered slightly, and Dugulun stared at the full moon flame lion in front of him, and whispered to Chen Xuan: "Although this moon full flame lion has a very strong armor defense, it has only one weakness. , Have you noticed that this moon-full flaming lion has a tentacles on its head? I think this moon-full flaming lion must use the tentacles on its head to observe its surroundings."

   "That's also true, this moon-full flaming lion must have weaknesses." Chen Xuan also began to constantly observe the moon-full flaming lion in front of him.

  And this moon-full flaming lion also felt that the two in front of him seemed to be plotting wrong, and made a huge roar, and then rushed towards them frantically.

  The huge moon-full flaming lion almost circulated turbulent winds in the air. The storm hung up quickly, causing Chen Xuan's body to retreat.

  Covered his eyes, Chen Xuan whispered: "This guy actually wants to create a storm to deal with me, but it's a pity that my flames are not something the storm can resist."

   let out a roar, and then Chen Xuan's body shook quickly, and bursts of turbulent flames burst out all over him. These flames burned quickly all over Chen Xuan's body, and quickly gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword.

   Waved the blade in his hand, Chen Xuan's pupils burst into forceful killing intent, and then directly displayed a terrible sword aura.

  The sword aura almost tore the air, and the sound of the flame burning in the air was also very strong, directly concentrated on this huge moon-full flaming lion.

After the Moonman Flame Lion was concentrated by the Liaoyuan Sword Qi, he suddenly let out a huge roar, but his attack failed to knock Chen Xuan's body back.

  (End of this chapter)

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