Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3195: Fierce Fighting Moon Man Lion

  Chapter 3195 Fierce Fighting Moon Man Lion

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a burst of blue light burst into his chest.

   "What is this?" Chen Xuan's expression was all surprised.

When Chen Xuan saw the blue light blooming, he recalled the blue-haired girl he had met. Now Chen Xuan has created this prairie sword, which was given to him by the blue-haired girl. Handle fairy.

  It is precisely because of this weapon that Chen Xuan was able to create the Liaoyuan sword that appeared in his hands. Although this Liaoyuan sword did not reach the height that Chen Xuan's previous life could reach, it was more than enough for Chen Xuan.

  The blue light continued to circulate around his body, feeling a trace of violent power constantly rippling around him, Chen Xuan began to accelerate the absorption of the spiritual power around him, not letting go of the slightest opportunity.

  After a short period of five minutes, Chen Xuan's pupils bloomed with a red glow, and then his body slowly stood up from the ground.

   "It seems that I really want to thank him a lot, his cultivation level has improved again, and now he has reached the mid-eighth stage of the **** king realm." Chen Xuan looked at his body.

  'S promotion to the mid-eighth stage of the **** king realm did not make Chen Xuan feel a noticeable improvement. When he went from the seven major consummation of the **** king realm to the eighth stage of the **** king realm, the change made Chen Xuan unforgettable.

   "It can be regarded as an increase in strength, but there are still some shortcomings in dealing with Yan Tianhong." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  Wanyan Tianhong’s cultivation has reached the realm of the **** king, and from the early days, Chen Xuan could only be sure to fight him when he reached the realm of the **** king, at the eighth peak.

   "With my current strength, I must join forces with Dugulun to deal with Yan Tianhong, otherwise there is no way to kill it." Chen Xuan opened the door and walked out.

  When he left the courtyard, he saw a burst of black light emitting from the distant room.

"It seems that Dugulun is also cultivating recently. I saw him doing nothing before, but now he is also cultivating." Chen Xuan walked to the side of the house, but when Chen Xuan looked closely, he found that Dugulun was already asleep. Up.

   "This guy, didn't he tell me to cultivate together? Why is he sleeping again? This guy has been sleeping every day since he left the Demon Wind Empire, as if he couldn't wake up." Chen Xuan cursed.

  In fact, Dugulun’s sleeping is also a way of cultivation. Sleeping allows him to absorb the spiritual power of the world around him, and the speed is no worse than others.

  This way of absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth is also an extremely special method of the Demon Wind Empire and the Dugu Family.

   However, the black smoke emitting, it turned out that Dugulun set up a barbecue on the ground, and the meat of the monster beast was still roasting on it.

  "This guy, not only did he go to bed early here, he still didn't call me when he was eating delicious food." Chen Xuan cursed secretly, only to kick the door open and walk in.

  But Dugulun actually slept like a dead pig, motionless on the bed.

  Chen Xuan walked over, a smirk suddenly appeared on his face.

  When Dugulun woke up, she found that Chen Xuan was holding a huge club in his hand. Seeing Chen Xuan approaching him like a ghost, Dugulun suddenly screamed.

   "What do you want to do? Do you want to kill me with a stick?" Dugulun shouted out loudly.

  Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly and asked: "I said you, I haven't practiced in the past few days, and all of them are sleeping here. Did you forget that we are going to kill Wanyan Tianhong together."

   "This Wanyan Tianhong made us so miserable at the beginning. If you don't kill him, can you be worthy of your name, the first commander of the Demon Wind Empire?" Chen Xuan asked.

  This title was still given to him by Du Gulun.

Using his hands to move his hair, Dugulun stood up directly from the bed, with an awkward smile on his face, and said to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, you don't know anything, this is actually one of my practice methods. , It’s just that the absorption of spiritual power is slower when I sleep, but it can also improve my cultivation."

   Immediately afterwards, Dugulun suddenly burst out of the spiritual power in his dantian. This spiritual power continued to spread to the surroundings, and Chen Xuan's expression was also lifted.

"This guy has been sleeping in the past few days, and his cultivation has actually reached the eighth major consummation of the **** king..." If Dugulun's cultivation has entered the **** king level, and the eighth major consummation, they will deal with Yan Tianhong. The certainty has improved a lot, and now it can even reach 70%.

   "Unexpectedly, your cultivation level has also improved." Chen Xuan sighed.

Dugulun replied: "What's this? Your cultivation level has been improved faster. I have always been at the eighth level of the **** king realm. As a result, you have now reached the mid-eighth level of the **** king realm. I am afraid that in a few days, you Can catch up with me."

  Chen Xuan could only say, “Don’t talk about this. There is still more than half a month left. You and I will go to the Lu Yu Mountains to hunt the monsters. I want to increase the power of the monster soul.”

Dugulun revealed a touch of doubt, and then replied: "Speaking of Chen Xuan, I have practiced the power of the demon soul to some extent before. This power of the demon soul is not suitable for me, but I know one thing very well. Now your demon soul It's not weak anymore, if you want to continue to improve, a weak monster can't make the monster soul break through, right?"

Chen Xuan nodded, but then showed a wicked smile: "You don't know anything about it. Although you want to improve, you need to absorb a lot of monster blood, but I now have a knack, as long as I hunt it down. With enough monsters, even if the monster soul breaks through, it is not impossible."

This trick was not discovered by Chen Xuan himself, but the demon soul in his body told him that this ancient demon soul also wanted Chen Xuan’s cultivation level to increase quickly. Only in this way can it work out a stronger power and it will not disappear. in the world.

  In the Lu Yu Mountains.

  Chen Xuan looked ahead. This time he had already practiced several monster beasts in succession. With the dantian in the monster beast's body, Chen Xuan's cultivation level had also made a breakthrough.

  The power of the demon pattern has been improved, and now the eighth stripe road has been condensed. As long as the demon soul pattern has more patterns, the stronger Chen Xuan can reach.

At present, Chen Xuan’s demon soul pattern can make it more than a hundred times faster. This speed has surpassed most warriors of the same level. It is even said that among the nine levels of the **** king realm, all the strong cannot catch up with Chen Xuan. .

Relying on his dexterity, Chen Xuan can be unexpected and kill with one blow, but this situation is not common, especially for a strong man whose strength is far higher than that of Chen Xuan. The strong man in the cloak at the Ninth Level of the God King Realm.

   "Now there is still a lot of gap between my strength and his strength." Chen Xuan thought to himself, and then began to move towards the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect.

Near the   Xiaoxiang Sword Sect, this time Chen Xuanshi must kill the stupid moon-full flaming lion. In order to avenge himself, Chen Xuan absolutely must eat the moon-full flaming lion meat once.

   "The **** moon-filled flaming lion, I dared to chase the old last time, I must show you some color today." Chen Xuan hid behind the rock next to him and began to observe constantly.

But they can’t blatantly attack this full moon flaming lion, because this full moon flaming lion patrols the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect very close. If they fight with the full moon flaming lion, it is likely to attract the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect. Attention.

   "What shall we do? Will you go straight to kill this full moon flaming lion?" Du Gulun asked.

Chen Xuan shook his head slowly, and said to Dugulun: "I have a way. We will lead this beast out in a while. Then we will attack together. Try to end the battle in a short time and give this beast to kill."

   His pupils burst into flames, and Chen Xuan glanced at the full moon flaming lion that was patrolling ahead, and suddenly took out a few pieces of meat from the ring, all of which were the monsters they had hunted before.

"These monsters are two tons of meat. They can definitely make this beast eat enough, but this is his last full meal. When he is full, I will kill him. "Chen Xuan said fiercely.

Dugulun smiled and said to Chen Xuan: "That's not a loss for us. It's just that we have lost more than two tons of meat, and we can still eat a moon-full flaming lion meat at that time, right? "

  Chen Xuan and Du Gulun looked at each other, with a grim smile on their faces.

   "Damn beast." The two said at the same time.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan divided the meat into segments and threw them away.

  The huge nostrils of the flaming lion full of moon suddenly sniffed towards the air, as if it smelled the fragrance, and then began to keep walking towards the south, as if to find out where the fragrance came from.

Seeing the full moon flaming lion walking towards him, Chen Xuan suddenly laughed: "This beast does not seem to know that we are the cause. It seems that the IQ is quite low. We will be able to eat it later. ."

   While talking, Chen Xuan began to slowly retreat towards the back, and at the same time kept throwing pieces of meat on the ground, forming a path.

On the contrary, the IQ of this moon-full flaming lion was very low. It followed the route they set up and kept searching for it, but at this moment, the moon-full flaming lion suddenly fell to the ground. It hit the ground thorn fiercely.

   was pricked with blood on his body. Until now, I didn’t realize that I was hit by the trick. He let out a wailing, and then crawled out of the pit.

When Chen Xuan saw this moon-full flaming lion with blood all over his body, he immediately sneered: "How is it? Little beast, wasn't it very excited the last time you chased me? I think you still thought. Chase me? Come here if you have the ability."

   Hearing Chen Xuan's ridicule, this moon-full flaming lion had already activated its spiritual intelligence. Although its IQ was not high, it also knew that Chen Xuan was taunting him, so it rushed towards Chen Xuan with its huge soles.

Although the Moonman Flame Lion had been injured, it was not slow to run. In just a few minutes, since the Moonman Flame Lion had already ran to Chen Xuan's side, he raised the huge palm and patted him. Down.


  Chen Xuan pretended to be unable to beat this moon-filled flaming lion, and began to flee quickly towards the distance. At the same time, he cried out and shouted: "Ah, I am not your opponent, don't chase it!"

Hearing Chen Xuan's cries, the moon-full flaming lion became even more furious, and rushed towards Chen Xuan frantically, lifting this huge palm to burst out a burst of fiery red fireworks towards Chen Xuan's body Coming from burning.

Feeling a burst of flame burning around him, Chen Xuan continued to pretend that he could not beat this moon-full flaming lion, and kept crying: "Oh, don't come here anymore. If you continue to beat me, I Will be killed by you."

  Dugulun had already laughed out of breath, his body was constantly flying in the air, and at the same time he said to Chen Xun: "You guys are too bad too, so you can lure this moon-full flame lion like this."

This moon-full flaming lion has now been fooled, and rushed towards them at a fast speed. Seeing this moon-full flaming lion, chasing faster and faster, Chen Xuan’s pupils suddenly burst into a murderous intent. Suddenly killed a carbine, and launched a fierce attack towards the full moon flaming lion.


  The full moon and flaming lion was knocked to the ground directly, and the huge body was like a hill. Even though Chen Xuan possessed the Suzaku sword aura, it was not so easy to break the armor of the full moon and flaming lion.

Three times and five divided by two, Chen Xuan also shook his body quickly, and bursts of Vermillion Bird's fire continued to burn from his body, gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand, and quickly slashed and retreated toward the full moon flame lion Jian Qi.

   At this moment, Dugulun also exploded with a terrible murderous intent, bursting with a burst of black sword light all over his body, and rushed directly towards the full moon flame lion.

  (End of this chapter)

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