Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3198: Beat up

   Chapter 3198

Feeling the terrible aura emanating from the opponent's body, Chen Xuan couldn't help frowning and lowered his voice: "What on earth did this guy eat? You have become so strong. It's a pity that you don't have any IQ now, or else. It will be more troublesome to deal with him."

   Although Chen Xuan sighed, he did not stop, and quickly approached Wanyan Tianhong. At the same time, he shook the blade in his hand and waved his long sword to burst out a terrifying sword aura.

   But when the sword energy hit the skin of Wanyan Tianhong, it only caused a layer of sparks, and it did not cause any damage to Wanyan Tianhong.

Seeing that his attack failed to cause any damage, Chen Xuan couldn't help but sighed, and then displayed the power of the demon soul, and the red color turned into red, but Chen Xuan obviously still had reason and was not completely sensible. Fall into a violent rage.

  Dugulun also drove the black giant sword, and directly greeted Wanyan Tianhong. The two continued to float in the air, killing each other for more than a dozen rounds, but they were still indifferent.

Finally after the eighteenth round, Dugulun was already concentrated on the ground by the opponent and smashed into the air. If Dugulun hadn't blocked his body with a long sword, I am afraid that he would be able to be Wanyantian. Hong Yijian was killed.

   "This guy's power has become too strong. If we fight head-on, we are definitely not his opponent." Chen Xuan said.

While talking, Chen Xuan watched the opponent move, and finally knocked Wanyan Tianhong's body away with a sword. Although he turned into a monster, Wanyan Tianhong's battle instinct was still there, facing Chen Xuan. The attack, unexpectedly dodges directly to the left.

Seeing Wanyan Tianhong rushing towards him suddenly, Chen Xuan's face was shocked. He wanted to defend himself, but Wanyan Tianhong attacked so fast that he almost moved towards him in the blink of an eye. Chen Xuan hit him.

Facing this terrifying sword aura, Chen Xuan had no way to defend. He could only hold the Liaoyuan sword in front of him, but he still couldn't defend against the sword aura. His body moved away like a cannonball. Smashed out fiercely.

With a vicious look on his face, Chen Xuan cursed loudly: "This **** Wanyan Tianhong, even if it turns into a monster, you won't worry about it."

   Hearing Chen Xuan’s curse, Dugulun actually laughed, and ran over to him and said, “Let’s concentrate on dealing with this kind of monster, how about the injury you just received?”

  Chen Xuan got up from the ground and endured the pain and said, "The injury has almost recovered now. If I hadn't prepared many pills in advance, I am afraid I would really want to be killed by this guy..."

The two of them suddenly united and stared closely at Wanyan Tianhong in front of him. The red skin on Wanyan Tianhong's body suddenly burst into a blood-red light, and this light continued to condense in his hands. A turbulent energy ball was formed, and it suddenly detonated towards Chen Xuan.

  When this energy ball exploded, the eyes on Chen Xuan's face instantly became condensed, because the power of this energy burst was so strong that it surpassed Chen Xuan's imagination.


The energy ball continued to spread around, and Chen Xuan hurriedly blocked her eyes to prevent this terrible energy from blinding her eyes. Because of lessons learned, Chen Xuan knew that this energy could cause severe damage to his eyes. .

After finally defending against this terrible energy, Chen Xuan finally had a chance to resist the opponent's sword energy instantly, and at the same time, his body rushed out.


  Chen Xuan swung the Liaoyuan sword and pierced Wanyan Tianhong's chest with a sword, but Wanyan Tianhong's body was as strong as steel, no matter what his sword aura. The offense still couldn't move him.

   "This guy's defense power has actually increased so much, this is troublesome..." Chen Xuan sighed, and at the same time displayed the strength of his whole body, stab Wanyan Tianhong with all his strength.

  Faced with Chen Xuan’s attack, Wanyan Tianhong actually showed a sly smile, and the red skin showed ripples.

   Then the skin on his face wrinkled, and blood-red rays of light burst from Wanyan Tianhong's body, directly pressing Chen Xuan on the ground.

  I just felt that my body was hit by a force of tens of thousands of tons. After falling to the ground, he finally stood up. Wan Yan Tianhong then punched Chen Xuan again.

  The fist wind continued to whistle in the air, causing the expression on Chen Xuan's face to become stubborn.

   "Hurry up and help me!" Chen Xuan shouted out loudly.

  Dugulun also did not stop in place, and quickly approached Chen Xuan, quickly swung the black giant sword in his hand, directly blocking Chen Xuan's front.


   A terrible voice rang, and even Du Gulun couldn't defend Yan Tianhong's attack, and his body also flew out.

  The two kept fighting with Wanyan Tianhong, but Wanyan Tianhong's strength is indeed very strong, and now he has become a monster. Not only has his strength been broken through, but the strength is terrifying.

  "What to do now..." Chen Xuan wiped off the sweat from his head, and the continuous battles caused him to overdraw a lot of physical strength. Not long ago, Chen Xuan just displayed the Demon Soul Possession, and now he can't do it at all.

   "Chen Xuan, I am afraid there is only one way now. You come to attract the attention of this monster, and then I attack him from other directions. I don't believe that Wan Yan Tianhong has no weaknesses." Du Gulun said softly.

Chen Xuan also scanned Wanyan Tianhong’s body, and suddenly rushed towards Wanyan Tianhong. At this critical moment, Chen Xuan actually saw Wanyan Tianhong grow a huge tail behind him, towards him. 'S body drew over fiercely.

  At this time, Wanyan Tianhong was rolling on the ground with his head in his arms, seeming to have suffered heavy injuries and general pain, although Wanyan Tianhong lost the ability to attack.

Seeing Wanyan Tianhong rolling on the ground, Chen Xuan hurriedly chased in Wanyan Tianhong's direction, a terrifying look was released in his pupils, and then the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand bloomed with fierceness. The flames were directly concentrated on Wanyan Tianhong's body.

  At this time, Chen Xuan finally saw the opportunity. When the Suzaku's fire continued to burn on Wanyan Tianhong's body, it actually started to burn his skin continuously, and a burst of black smoke appeared.

   "I have a chance, hurry up and launch an attack on this beast!" Chen Xuan shouted out loudly.

Doing his part, Dugulun quickly drove the black giant sword, turning his body into a black light, and transmitted it directly to the side of Wanyan Tianhong. At this time, Wanyan Tianhong was still covering his head, as if immersed in great pain. .


The sword energy was directly concentrated on Wanyan Tianhong's body. At this moment, Wanyan Tianhong's body unexpectedly appeared with bursts of red light, which constantly filled the surroundings, and actually blocked Dugulun's attack.

  The two sword auras intertwined in the air, but at this moment, a blood-red light burst out of Wanyan Tianhong’s sky. This light, like a laser, burned directly onto Dugulun’s body.

  Even though Dugulun possesses extremely strong defensive power, in the face of this terrible flame, wounds have been burned on his body, like an earthworm, constantly entrenched on Dugulun's body.

   Seeing the changes on Dugulun's body, Chen Xuan immediately stood up and fully displayed the Vermillion Bird's fire in his body, trying to dissolve the flames.

However, Chen Xuan was surprised to find that the turbulent flame burning on Dugulun's body could not be absorbed by his Vermillion Bird's fire. It was not until this moment that Chen Xuan knew the strength of Wanyan Tianhong who had become a monster. How terrible it is.

   "It's not good, this guy's strength has increased so quickly, this time it will be difficult for us to deal with him." Chen Xuan whispered.

At this time, Wanyan Tianhong's head no longer seemed to hurt, but the expression on his face looked terrifying. Chen Xuan has never seen a person with such an expression before, which is not at all. It is what human beings can show.

   "I'm afraid this guy is no longer a human being, but it's a pity that they united with the people of the Pantheon, but they suffered these two treatments..." Chen Xuan kept sighing inwardly.

   However, a burst of blue-red flames from Wanyan Tianhong's body continued to burn rapidly on Dugu's body. Seeing Dugulun lying on the ground, Chen Xuan also realized that he was not hesitating.

  At this moment, his body shuttled quickly and came to Dugulun’s side.

   Seeing Chen Xuan coming to his side, Dugulun wailed: "Chen Xuan, hurry up and save me, hurry up and save me, this flame is about to burn me to death."

  (End of this chapter)

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