Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3200: Anger

   Chapter 3200

Hearing this disciple’s angry voice, the chuckle on Chen Xuan’s face became thicker, and then he said to the famous disciple: "Since you don’t know, let me tell you. It has become a red-patterned monster, and it is impossible to become a human being."

"What? You said that our brother was actually caught by so many red-stranded monsters. You, this fellow, cursed our brother. Besides, how can I believe that what you are saying is true?" This disciple was full of unbelieving expressions. .

  Chen Xuan shook his head lightly, and then continued to say to him: "If you don't believe it, then I can't help it, but you see what it is."

  Chen Xuan took out a piece of cloth from his pocket, which was taken from his body when he was fighting with Wanyan Tianhong.

"You actually used pieces of my senior brother's clothes. You wouldn't kill my senior brother? Okay, Chen Xuan, kill my senior brother. Now you still want to blame the Pantheon. I think who will believe you!" The disciple said loudly.

Chen Xuan frowned, and bursts of turbulent flames burst out of the air. A sword aura appeared out of thin air and concentrated directly on this disciple’s chest, knocking him into the air for more than 100 meters. His body was fierce. It fell on a huge rock.

   "It seems that I can't talk nonsense with you. I'll just wait for your suzerain to come." Chen Xuan waved his hand, and then stood directly on the spot and looked at the sect.

Dugulun said: "Chen Xuan, don't worry about this kind of little guy. No matter how much you talk to him, he won't understand your thinking. This kind of person has always been like this and only believes in what he believes. You No matter how much it is said, it is futile."

Chen Xuan nodded, sighed and said, "I originally wanted to change his thinking. I never thought that this group of people had already solidified their thinking. No matter how much they talked to them, it would be like playing the piano against a cow. It's really impossible. Take it."

  While they were waiting, the disciple who had been looking for their suzerain also hurriedly returned. When he saw his second brother who was injured by Chen Xuan in the distance, a flash of anger suddenly appeared on the disciple's face.

   "Chen Xuan, you actually became my second brother, do you want to die!" This disciple's face was full of madness.

Standing behind him was a very tall green-robed disciple, but Chen Xuan discovered that this martial artist wearing a green-robed had a very strong cultivation base. He had reached the eighth perfection of the **** king realm, which was also different from him. Few.

   Obviously because this Qingpao disciple was standing behind him, he made the other person so arrogant, so Chen Xuan walked over and said to him: "What did your sect master say? Are you going to see me?"

The disciple sneered, and then said to Chen Xuan: "Our Sect Master said it is very simple, if you can beat my brother, then let you see him, otherwise there is no door."

  Chen Xuan sneered all over his face, and looked back at Dugulun: "Is it you or me this time?"

   Dugulun spread his hands and said to Chen Xuan: "This time it's still you. I want to take a break."

   Hearing Dugulun’s voice, Chen Xuan reluctantly shook his head: “You guy is really getting worse and worse recently, but it’s good, I just want to move my muscles and bones.

  After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan walked towards the other party, and the disciple in the green robe suddenly shook his arm, and a green long sword suddenly appeared from his hand.

  Suddenly, the two collided with each other in the air, and the terrifying sword shadow whistled constantly in the air, unexpectedly killing Chen Xuan quickly.

   After feeling the sword energy displayed by the opponent, Chen Xuan certainly refused to let him, and quickly swung the Liaoyuan sword, bursts of turbulent flames burst out of his body, and slapped the famous disciple fiercely.

The two went back and forth, and kept fighting, but Chen Xuan was unable to win the battle within a short period of time, because this disciple's cultivation was indeed very strong, and he had reached the eighth major consummation of the **** king realm. , And Chen Xuan's own strength is not much different.

And Chen Xuan did not use the power of the demon soul now. Now Chen Xuan will easily display the demon soul. Although his Suzaku fire has reached a very strong state now, Chen Xuan also knows that the Suzaku fire is more demon. The power of the soul is his assassin.

  However, the fire of the Vermillion Bird is easier to be discovered. Chen Xuan has no way to hide it. Moreover, the power of the Flame of the Vermillion Bird is actually more obvious than the power of the demon soul.

  Because the burning power possessed by Suzaku's fire is not comparable to other spiritual powers at all, even in the world of Black Rock, Chen Xuan did not find the attribute spiritual power of others, which can be stronger than his registration.

Relying on the power of the Vermillion Bird's fire, Chen Xuan's figure shuttled quickly, leaving a trail of flame marks in the air. These flames burned very fast, and it only took two seconds to burn the Tsing Yi disciple. .

The Tsing Yi disciple’s face was full of shock. He obviously didn’t expect Chen Xuan’s flame speed to be so fast. When the flames engulfed the sword and killed him towards the Tsing Yi disciple, the heart of the disciple was shocked. Then quickly swung the long sword in his hand.

Feeling a surge of sword aura from the surrounding spiritual power, Chen Xuan immediately roared, and a terrible aura suddenly overflowed from his dantian, and this power quickly revolved around his body, forming After firing a fireball, Chen Xuan roared and slapped the Tsing Yi disciple.


  A turbulent flame light spread rapidly towards the surroundings, even if this disciple’s cultivation reached a very strong level, he still could not defend against this terrifying flame.

  Although Chen Xuan's strength is only in the early eighth stage of the Divine King Realm, Chen Xuan can definitely fight the opponent as long as he displays the demon soul.

  In a blink of an eye, Chen Xuan no longer concealed his strength, and he simply displayed the demon soul directly, gradually turning into red demon rays in his pupils, and then Chen Xuan's speed suddenly increased.

   came behind the Tsing Yi disciple in an instant. The disciple hadn't reacted yet, and found that there was a surging temperature behind him, and the flame flew back and burned and directly attached to his body.

  The Tsing Yi disciple's face was full of shock, and he wanted to run the body refining defense to resist the burning of the flame, but this layer of fire continued to circulate beside him, and it directly broke through his body refining defense.

  Chen Xuan roared, his arm suddenly exerted strength, bursts of turbulent flames once again rushed out of his dantian and gathered on the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

  Chen Xuannian moved Fa Jue, quickly controlled the Liaoyuan Sword, and slew towards the opponent.

  After two rounds, the Tsing Yi disciple was no longer Chen Xuan's opponent. Feeling the turbulent storms condensed in Chen Xuan's body, the Tsing Yi disciple threw the long sword in his hand directly on the ground.

"I lost."

  After seeing the other party's utterly conceded defeat, Chen Xuan also immediately withdrew the power of the Vermillion Bird, and then slowly floated in the air, and said to this disciple.

   "I didn't expect your Xiaoxiang Sword Sect people to be so straightforward. I didn't expect it." Chen Xuan said softly, and then walked towards the other party.

  "Can I see your suzerain now?" Chen Xuan asked.

  The Sect Master of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect, his cultivation base is very strong, and it seems that he has reached the realm of Shenluo. For such a strong man, Chen Xuan also feels that if he fights with the opponent, he is not an opponent at all.

  So Chen Xuan was not sent for the Xiaoxiang Sword at all this time. The reason why he came to the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect was to unite the people of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect to deal with the Pantheon.

  I am afraid that the Pantheon did not expect that their little abacus this time would have failed, although Chen Xuan was not sure if Wanyan Tianhong became a red-patterned monster, whether it was because of the people in the Pantheon.

  But he wanted to push all this matter to the Pantheon, so that the Pantheon could not argue. Chen Xuan also expected that there must be people from the Pantheon in the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect, and there will inevitably be a bitter battle at that time.

  But I feel that I believe that all the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect people in the vicinity of Lu Yucheng will not be stronger than him, and Chen Xuan can also deal with it.

  If you really meet a very powerful person, then Chen Xuan and Du Gulun will join forces and they can definitely kill him.

   sighed, Chen Xuan said to the two disciples: "In that case, let's not waste time, let's go in quickly."

   While talking, Chen Xuan stepped in and walked in. At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly saw a man wearing a black cloak inside and glanced at him.

   Seeing this black robe man, Chen Xuan's face showed a touch of shock. This cloaked man was the strong man who defeated him in the first place, but Chen Xuan did not expect that he was actually here.

   Chen Xuan showed a touch of shock on his face, and hurriedly said to Dugulun: "Dugulun, this is terrible. Have you seen the cloaked powerhouse just now? He actually came here too."

  Dugulun glanced around, but did not find the other person, so he showed doubts, and said to Chen Xuan: "Who are you talking about? Why didn't I see anyone?"

  Chen Xuan sighed, and then said to him: "Don't worry about so much for now, let's cope with all the changes when the time comes, and let's go first."

  Under the leadership of this disciple, the two finally came to a hall of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect. This hall was very swift and magnificent, and it could be regarded as the very grand hall that Chen Xuan had seen.

  When he arrived in the hall, Chen Xuan saw a middle-aged man with red hair, and bursts of turbulent aura burst into his body.

  The red-haired man turned his head, lowered his voice to Chen Xuan and said, "You are Chen Xuan. I heard that you want to come to me this time. I don't know what's the matter with you?"

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and said to the red-haired man: "I guess you are the lord of the Xiaoxiang Sword Sect. There is indeed one thing here. If you are willing to believe me, then I will say it."

   "You can just tell me what the matter is, don't make a mistake, if I feel that you lie to me, then I won't be able to spare you." The red-haired man showed anger on his face, showing no good intentions to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan also knew that the red-haired man in front of him might have reached the realm of Shenluo, so he didn't dare to hide it, so he hurriedly said: "Master Sect Master, you should know Wanyan Tianhong, he is you The genius of the Xiaoxiang Sword School."

"Although there were many disputes between me and Wanyan Tianhong, and the two of us also had wars, I did not kill Wanyan Tianhong. Now Wanyan Tianhong has become a red-lined monster. Who did the thing? I won’t name it directly.”

   "You should also know that the Pantheon is now studying the weird monster soul pill that controls the monsters. I am afraid that only the people in the Pantheon have this kind of power." Chen Xuan said.

The red-haired man showed a look of doubt, and hurriedly walked over, grabbed Chen Xuan by the collar and said, "What did you say? After you said that Yan Tianhong is now a red-lined monster, how could this be possible? If you If you lie to me, I can kill you later."

Chen Xuan didn't dare to question his strength, so he hurriedly said: "My lord, everything I said is true. There is also a piece of debris that I tore off from Wanyan Tianhong when I was fighting with Wanyan Tianhong. "

When the Sect Master saw this fragment, a strange light burst into his pupils, and his mouth murmured: "These pantheon beasts, I didn't expect them to do such a thing. Wanyan Tianhong's body was used as the test subject."

   Seeing the look on the master’s face began to change, Chen Xuan continued to add fuel and jealousy: "Of course, you also know that you Xiaoxiang Sword Sect and I have no deep hatred at all, but there is a lot of hatred with the Pantheon."

  (End of this chapter)

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