Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3211: as you wish

  Chapter 3211 As you wish

Seeing the doubtful expression on Chen Xuan's face, Dugu Lun laughed, then pointed to a light red leaf in front of him, and said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, you forgot that I was not a member of the team before. A member? I went into and out of the major forests with the demon hunters, and they have already been tempered. Have you seen these leaves?"

  Chen Xuan shook his head.

"These leaves still have the dung of these Yunxiao steelback tigers. I used these to infer that there must be more than one Yunxiao steelback tiger in front, and there are several others. Let’s be careful. These Yunxiao steelback tigers like it very much. Ambush the prey, they may have been eyeing us."

  Before he finished speaking, several giant Yunxiao steel-backed tigers suddenly climbed out in front of them, reaching seven or eight meters. These Yunxiao steel-backed tigers were like tigers hunting for food, and suddenly rushed towards them.

  A wave of violent aura bloomed from the bodies of these five Yunxiao Steel-backed Tigers. Although these Yunxiao Steel-backed Tigers were huge in size, their strength was not that strong.

  The markings on the largest Yunxiao steel-backed tiger have reached twelve, indicating that this Yunxiao steel-backed tiger has been alive for fifty-two years, but the cultivation base is only on the seventh top of the realm of the gods.

  The more stripes there are on the Yunxiao Steelback Tiger, the stronger their strength, and the number of these stripes is almost inversely proportional to their strength.

  After seeing the Yunxiao Steelback Tiger rushing over, Dugulun had a cruel smile on his face, and the sword blade danced quickly, directly penetrating the chest of a Yunxiao Steelback Tiger.

Even though the strength of this Yunxiao Steelback Tiger is strong, they don't know their opponents at all. In just a few rounds, Chen Xuan and Du Gulun have killed all the Yunxiao Steelback Tigers. .

  After killing these Yunxiao Steelback Tigers, Chen Xuan and Dugu did not lose time, and continued to rush forward quickly.

  In the Autumn Frost Empire, there are many very dangerous missed swamps, and these dates also contain some very weird monsters, and Chen Xuan encountered many of these weird monsters of the Autumn Frost Empire on the road.

  Many monsters have very strange shapes. Chen Xuan encountered a monster just now. His whole body was full of green aura, and his pupils were like the moon, emitting a very cunning light.

  Along the way, Chen Xuan also hunted down many monsters, giving him a lot of power of monster souls.

Chen Xuan still attaches great importance to the power of the demon soul. The increase in the power of the demon soul can bring him a major breakthrough in cultivation. And now Chen Xuan's power has not only increased a little, the power of the demon soul has allowed him His strength has been improved almost a hundredfold.

Facing the temptation of the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan has indeed fallen. He wants to make his cultivation level stronger. Now Chen Xuan's cultivation level is slightly weaker than that of Dugulun. He must at least let his cultivation level be. Can be stronger than Dugulun, otherwise, Chen Xuan would not be convinced.

  As the two of them were walking in a hurry, Chen Xuan suddenly saw an inn in front of him, and the seats in the entire inn exuded a lavender air mass. After feeling the breath, Chen Xuan stopped walking.

   "Why is there still an inn in this place?" Chen Xuan looked at the inn in front of him. A purple mist exuded from it, which was obviously not an ordinary inn.

Dugulun also shook his head, raised his head and looked at the inn in front of him, but he still didn't see what he came to, and then he said: "This place is indeed a bit weird. Generally speaking, the martial artist who can pass by The strength is very strong, and there is no need to rest in the inn at all."

   "Shall we go over and take a look?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

   "I think this place is very weird, or let's just leave here." Du Gulun said.

   "What are you afraid of?" Chen Xuan strode directly over. Although his heart began to be wary, Chen Xuan pretended not to care. He really wanted to see where the sacred inn lived.

  "He even set up an inn in such a place. I am afraid this person is not trying to make money. There must be other purposes."

Just as Chen Xuan walked forward, she suddenly saw many horse thieves approaching and suppressing them, each with a large number of weapons in their hands. One of them was holding a huge spear in his hand and was violently killing him. come.

   "A horse thieves actually attacked?" Chen Xuan asked in confusion.

  He didn't expect that there were still several horse thieves hidden behind the inn. It stands to reason that this purple mist could be emitted from it, and there must be a strong man living in it.

   "Damn horse thieves, these horse thieves are so courageous, they dare to hide in this place and attack us!" Chen Xuan shouted, his body suddenly rushed out, and at the same time he waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

The   Liaoyuan sword radiated bursts of turbulent light, which directly gathered on Chen Xuan's body, killing two horse thieves in an instant.

The leader of the horse thief saw that Chen Xuan's strength was not weak, and his face also showed a touch of shock.

   "Damn fellow, these guys don't seem to be very weak in strength, let's retreat quickly." After seeing that Chen Xuan's strength was very strong, the two horse thieves broke their legs and fled.

After seeing them run away, Chen Xuan couldn't help scratching his head, and said to himself: "These guys are really too courageous. I have already opened my posture and prepared to fight them for three hundred rounds, and even ran away. ."

The black giant sword behind Dugulun was also just taken off. After seeing the two horse thieves running out, they rushed up instantly. A black air current burst out of the black giant sword, directly hitting the horse thief. On the body.


The horse thief had no way to resist Dugulun’s sword aura, his body turned into a turbulent black light, and he was directly hit on the ground. When the black light dissipated, I saw that the horse thief’s body had already been chopped off. It became two halves, and there was still blood concealed next to it, which was terrible.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan also shook his head helplessly, then turned around and said to the other horse thieves: "You horse thieves, you are really too courageous. If it weren't for my brother Dugu left a hand, this guy. I'm afraid there is not even a scum left."

  Many horse thieves were shocked and began to flee incessantly everywhere. Among these horse thieves, Chen Xuan was too fast to catch up.

This is the first time that Chen Xuan has not caught up with the person he wants to chase. With the power of his demon soul, his speed can almost be hundreds of times faster, but now he has not caught up with these horse thieves, and indeed surpassed Chen Xuan's. Unexpected.

"This group of guys are really... this escape skill is really top-notch." Chen Xuan's face was full of shock, and they thought that these horse thieves had spread their legs, running at a speed of almost one kilometer per second. Even he felt so surprised.

   "These guys..." Dugulun saw that these horse thieves were like bereavement dogs, and quickly escaped towards the distance, but they could only retract the black giant sword and came to Chen Xuan's side.

  The two people looked at the inn far away at the same time. Chen Xuan took the lead to walk in. When he walked into the inn, he immediately felt a very strange aura.

   Not so much that this breath is weird, it is better to say that the power of this breath is too strong.

  As early as three kilometers away, Chen Xuan felt turbulent spiritual power coming from nearby, but he did not think that this spiritual power was emitted by humans, but thought that there was a spiritual vein nearby.

  But after arriving near the inn, Chen Xuan realized that he was wrong, and the person who exuded this breath was probably a strong man in the inn.

  "This inn..." Chen Xuan looked around him, but found that this place was not like an inn, but like a retreat for a strong man.

  In his previous life, Chen Xuan would also look for a place where no one asked questions to live in seclusion.

   "Be careful, this place is likely to live a very powerful warrior." After Chen Xuangang finished speaking, he suddenly saw Dugulun walking into the house and kept yelling.

"Is there anyone in there? I always want to stay in the store, can you come out? Come pick up the guests, I'm very thirsty!" Chen Xuan's head was covered when he heard Dugulun's yelling and loud noises. black line.

  Although Dugulun doesn’t know where the sacred place lives in the inn, the people who can start the sect in this kind of place are not ordinary people.

   Even if you open an inn on the official road, many people still have a few brushes. It is impossible for an ordinary person with a mediocre level to open an inn in such a place.

Especially when they came to this missing swamp, there was no one nearby at all. It was impossible to survive in this place without a few brushes, and even they saw some very powerful people near this missing swamp. Monster.

   Even some monsters' powers have reached the Nine Major Consummation of the Divine King Realm. Even Chen Xuan and Du Gulun had to go around. If they hadn't been careful, even if they encountered these monsters, they would have enough to eat a pot.

  As a result, Dugulun hadn't been busy for a long time, only to see that the door of the house suddenly closed, and then he directly knocked him out.

  But his body didn't fly out of the door directly, instead, it was caught by the door, and it happened to join his head.

   Suddenly wanted to break free from the door panel, but found that the door panel carried a huge amount of power. Even though his cultivation had reached the ninth level of the Divine King Realm, he almost had tens of thousands of kilograms of power, but he couldn't break away a bit.

   "It's terrible." Chen Xuan's face was full of panic, looking at Dugulun, but he didn't come to help.

  He knew that even if he helped in the past, it was useless. Instead of helping, he might as well go out and forget it.

   "I don't know where the great **** lives here. My friend said something wrong just now, and I hope this great **** can forgive him. I am now apologizing."

  After Chen Xuan finished speaking, the door panel suddenly loosened Dugulun, only to see Dugulun’s body hit the ground fiercely, and then he was pulled back into the room by a force of suction.

  The door suddenly closed.

   There was a bang.

  Chen Xuan turned his head, but he felt a familiar breath lingering around him. When he turned around, he found several horse thieves standing in front of him.

  The body of these horse thieves is transparent, obviously not human.

"What kind of person is this?" Dugulun was shocked, and instantly raised the black giant sword and rushed over, but when its black giant sword was concentrated on these figures, it actually penetrated directly into the past without causing any damage to these figures. A little bit of damage.

  This is also normal, these are not real people at all, but phantoms created, and Dugulun did not hit it, which is also very normal.

  Chen Xuan had already noticed it at a glance. He was not too excited, but said to Dugulun: "Don't be so excited, there must be a hermit master in this room. Let's visit first."


  Chen Xuan suddenly saw a change in the scene in front of him. The big house, which was still very empty, appeared directly in a garden full of birds and flowers.

  (End of this chapter)

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