Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3219: that power

  Chapter 3219 Power

  Yichi Hongyan was not as good as Chen Xuan in his original cultivation. In addition, Chen Xuan's speed was already close to the speed of sound, only to see Chen Xuan disappear in an instant, and Yuchi Hongyan looked left and right, and his face was completely blank.

   "Brother, where have you been?" Yuchi Hongyan called out loudly.

  Chen Xuan suddenly turned his head in the air, and said loudly to Yuchi Hongyan: "Come here quickly, I feel Dugulun's voice."

  The two of them hurriedly marched in the direction of Dugu. After just a few minutes, Chen Xuan discovered that in the secret room far away, he actually saw Dugulun and the **** carrion fighting constantly.

  Dugulun is completely at a disadvantage. I am afraid that in ten minutes, Dugulun will be killed by this **** carrion.

   "Dugulun, I'm here to help you!" Chen Xuan yelled, and the Liaoyuan sword in his hand suddenly burst into red light.


  The sword blade was directly concentrated on the body of the **** carrion, but for the huge **** carrion that was 16 meters high, this sword energy only knocked him back a few meters, and did not cause any harm to the body.

"This **** carrion corpse seems to have some wisdom, but it's over. I just found a blue spirit profound crystal in the secret room. This blue spirit profound crystal can definitely withstand the attack of the **** carrion." Chen With a confident expression on Xuan's face, he suddenly took out a piece of Qingling Xuanjing from his pocket.

  A burst of blue-red aura exuded from the entire Azure Spirit Profound Crystal. Following this aura, it diffused throughout the room, causing the huge blood-body carrion to reveal a look of fear.

   "Look, look, this beast actually feels scared. I didn't expect this green spirit profound crystal to be really useful to him." Yuchi Hongyan's face was full of joy.

He originally thought that this blue spirit profound crystal could not fight the huge blood-body carrion, but now it seems that this blood-body carrion has already shown horror, and now its footsteps are constantly retreating towards the back, obviously Fear of the Qingling Xuanjing in Chen Xuan's hands.

"I didn't expect it to be really useful." Although Chen Xuan was amazed in his heart, the blue spirit mysterious crystal on his hand continued to emit light. Chen Xuan put his hands in front of him, making the blood body not rotting. Dare to come closer.

  Dugulun’s face was full of scars. It seems that the battle with the **** carrion made Dugulun reveal too much physical strength. Seeing Chen Xuan in front of him, Dugulun’s face was full of bitter smiles.

   "Chen Xuan, you fellow, you just closed the door directly. I really want to kill you with a hammer." Dugulun complained.

Chen Xuan also smiled helplessly, and said to Dugulun: "There is no way. The time just now is too urgent. I thought you could follow me closely. I didn't expect you to be ten years away from me. A few meters."

  "Don't say so much for now, this monster is still staring at us, hurry up and leave the surveillance area of ​​this monster, let's leave this underground palace directly." Yuchi Hongyan said in a low voice.

  "Leaving this underground palace? Our original purpose was to find the remains of the Sacred Mountain. If you want to leave, then you will go alone. We will not stop you."

"But there are still many **** carrion in this underground palace. The **** carrion we are encountering now is just the tip of the iceberg. I feel that there are many of these huge monsters created in the whole underground palace. If you encounter it alone, you might be killed by these **** carrion corpses." Chen Xuan suddenly threatened.

  Yichi Hongyan, seeing the two of them threatening him, he could only helplessly follow behind Chen Xuan, and moved out a little bit in the direction outside.

  This blood-body carrion originally wanted to chase them, but when he felt the light blooming from the green spirit profound crystal on Chen Xuan's hand, he shrank his head in an instant.

   "It seems that this body is really afraid of the breath blooming from the green spirit profound crystal, let's leave as soon as possible." As Du Gulun said, followed Chen Xuan.

  In just a few minutes, they had left the secret room.

  But as soon as they left, the blood body corpse suddenly let out a roar, lifted the huge green spirit profound crystal in his hand, and slammed it towards them.

"This **** **** rotting corpse actually wants to kill us. I didn't want to get rid of you. Now you are forcing me!" Chen Xuan roared and suddenly raised it high. The Qingling Xuanjing in his hand was lost.

  I only saw the cyan light bursting out of this green spirit profound crystal, which directly wrapped Chen Xuan's body, and instantly hit the **** rotting corpse.


  The body of the **** carrion was like a kite with a broken line. It flew directly into the secret room and hit the wall. The body was originally sixteen meters high, but this one was actually full of scars.

   "I didn't expect this green spirit profound crystal to be so useful." Chen Xuan's face revealed a touch of surprise.

With the help of the Qingling Xuanjing, they soon left the underground palace, but the blood-body carrion still launched a desperate attack on them. Seeing this blood-body carrion slaughter unwillingly, Chen Xuan could only show a bit of murderous aura.

   "This **** **** rotting corpse, since he wants to die, let's show him a little bit of color!" Chen Xuan's face was full of murderousness, and the Qingling Xuanjing in his hand suddenly burst into a blue light.

Chen Xuan held the Qingling Xuanjing in his left hand and the Liaoyuan Sword in his right hand. The cyan light instantly gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword. After the Liaoyuan Sword absorbed the spiritual power of the Qingling Xuanjing, the expression on Chen Xuan's face Gradually became ferocious.

   "This guy, let you see what power is!" Chen Xuan let out a roar, and suddenly shot out a sword aura.


The sword aura hit the body of the **** corpse, and directly split the body of the **** corpse into two halves. Before that, Chen Xuan had no power to deploy the defense of this **** corpse, but now it is completely After changing Chen Xuan's sword aura, he directly saw through the bones of the corpse.

  Blood flowed out of it in an instant, and Chen Xuan felt a rotten smell coming over.

   "This guy's blood is really stinky, I've never smelled anything so stinky!" Yuchi Hongyan hurriedly covered his nose, his face full of disgust.

Chen Xuan also frowned slightly. This was indeed the most stinky smell he had ever smelled. Originally, this **** carrion always exuded a sour smell, but he did not expect the blood of the **** carrion to be so ugly. , Like rotten eggs for tens of thousands of years.

   "It's disgusting, let's leave this place quickly." Chen Xuan covered his nose, and Dugulun and others left here in an instant.

  In just a few minutes, they appeared in the underground palace another time, and Du Gulun was observing the underground palace on the left and right, and suddenly pointed to the front road to Chen Xuan.

   "I'm afraid we are going here." Du Gulun said softly.

  Chen Xuan showed a dazed look, wondering why Du Gulun took this path, so he asked, "Why?"

Chen Xuan really doesn’t know the difference between this road and the other road. They are now at a fork in the road. If they want to go forward, they must find a way to go forward, but the two roads in front are almost there difference.

"Since we are going this way, let's not waste time. Leave this underground palace as soon as possible. This place is simply my nightmare. I don't want to stay in it anymore." Yuchi Hongyan was full of complaints. , Indeed, for Yuchi Hongyan's cultivation base, he was always accompanied by great danger in this secret room.

If one is not careful, it is very likely that he will bury his life here. However, as far as Yuchi Hongyan is concerned, he has no idea to enter this underground palace. The reason for following Chen Xuan and others is because His strength is not strong enough, if he acts alone, he is likely to be attacked by other forces.

"The huge **** carrion we encountered just now should be the king among the **** carrion. Not only is it powerful, but I feel that the blood in the **** carrion is also very corrosive. If you continue to move forward, you might still encounter these **** carrion." Dugulun turned his head and said to Yuchi Hongyan.

Yuchi Hongyan was already numb. Seeing Dugulun walking ahead, he could only say weakly: "It's up to you to make a decision. I can only follow you now, and I can only say that Is not strong enough, or who will follow you?"

   "But why are you two looking for this underground palace? Is there anything special about this underground palace."

   "This underground palace seems to be a relic left by the Sacred Mountain. We don't know what is in it," Chen Xuan said.

  While they were walking, Chen Xuan's ears keenly noticed the movement from a distance, so he directly pulled the two of them and hid behind a rock.

  Chen Xuan stared at the front guard.

"There seems to be a little weird here. We still have to be careful not to make any noise. There should be two monsters in front of me. Generally speaking, there are some monsters in this underground palace, but we actually encountered one just now. Steel-faced ghost tiger, this is a bit abnormal." Chen Xuan said softly.

   "Even a steel-faced ghost tiger?" Dugulun's face was full of surprise.

He certainly did not expect that there would be a steel-faced ghost tiger in the cave. It stands to reason that it is definitely not a monster of the type of steel-faced ghost tiger that can survive in the underground palace. If a steel-faced ghost tiger survives in the underground palace. Inside, there is only one reason that can be explained.

   "Could it be that there is a passage leading to the ground in this place, and this passage is also connected to the Monster Beast Mountain Range?" Du Gulun whispered.

Chen Xuan nodded, and replied to Dugulun: "Your idea is quite right, but I still have another idea, that is, this underground palace has been searched by the people of the Pantheon, and I think the Pantheon must be right too. Shenlieshan is very curious."

   "You are right, but how could the people of the Pantheon come to the Qiushuang Empire? The people of the Qiushuang Empire don't have a good impression of the Pantheon."

In the   Autumn Frost Empire, most of them are families. Each of these sharp knife families is powerful, and most of the warriors of the Autumn Frost Empire do not believe what the Pantheon advocates at all.

   Although the Pantheon is a very peaceful and open temple on the surface, after thousands of years, what the Pantheon is doing is completely different, and there is no openness at all.

  Most of the current pantheons are not polytheistic. All pantheons believe in a main god. Even in the Yunye Empire, a considerable number of people do not believe in the pantheon.

  The Yunye Empire is almost all polytheists, but there are also a small group of people who are very opposed to polytheism. These are all ancient immigrants of the Yunye Empire. It is only now that the Pantheon has determined the main god.

  All those who defy the main **** will all be punished by the Pantheon. It is precisely because of this that the Pantheon and the imperial royal family have such a big contradiction.

  The royal family of the Yunye Empire believed in their ancestors, and did not believe in the beliefs promoted by the Pantheon. It is precisely because of this that the Pantheon would do everything possible to destroy the Yunye Empire's royal family.

  (End of this chapter)

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