Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3222: Slow down

   Chapter 3222

  The arm that was penetrated by the red mysterious light suddenly began to burn, and the red skin continued to spread toward the top of the body

"Hurry up and save me, I don't want to die, I'm so young, Brother Chen Xuan, please save me!" Yuchi Hongyan saw that his body was constantly looming with red light, and his body was constantly being covered. These red profound auras are swallowed.

  The current Yuchi Hongyan was already terrified to the extreme, even Chen Xuan was panicked and didn't know what to do.

   "What can I do?" Chen Xuan hurried to Yuchi Hongyan's side, only to see Chen Xuan's hands, a bluish-red light burst out suddenly, and it instantly patted Yuchi Hongyan's body.

  "Is there any use of Yuchi Hongyan?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly.

   Yuchi Hongyan's expression eased slightly, seeing the red light on the surface of his body gradually dissipating, the look of surprise on his face was gradually replaced by ecstasy.

"No, Brother Chen, I didn't expect you to be able to deal with these red profound auras. I am so grateful to you. I thank you eight generations of ancestors." Yuchi Hongyan hurriedly got up from the ground without saying a word. Said, he hurriedly protected his arm and hid in a safe area next to him.

"Yuchi Hongyan, please watch our battle next to you. Your injury has not yet recovered. You can eat the pill that I gave you just now. When your injury recovers, you are helping us fight. "Chen Xuan said softly.

   also knows that Yuchi Hongyan has no ability to fight at all now. If he is allowed to join the fight, it will not help Chen Xuan and others at all, but will pull them back.

Dugu Lun is on the front line. With the power of Dugu swordsmanship, he can easily defend against these red auras. Fortunately, even if these red auras have very powerful cutting power, their lethality is not so terrifying. .

  The black giant sword can completely withstand these red profound auras, but the power of the red profound aura makes them dare not ignore it. If one is not careful, it is very likely that Chen Xuan and others will kill themselves.

   "You should still be more careful." Dugulun said as he approached Chen Xuan's direction.

Suddenly, the blood body carrion rushed towards Chen Xuan, and the blood body carrion corpse charged at a very fast speed. It only took two seconds to appear next to Chen Xuan. If it was only fast, Chen Xuan could not be allowed. Feeling desperate, but this **** carrion suddenly turned into a white light, and then dissipated in the world.

"This **** carrion will actually be invisible. You must be careful not to let the **** carrion touch." Suddenly, Chen Xuan's body slowly faded towards the back, and then it was displayed. A blazing prairie sword aura, the whole body was filled with a raging flame of Vermillion Bird.

The   Suzaku flame burned desperately, and finally burned around Chen Xuan's body. The nearby locations were covered by the Suzaku fire. Even if the blood-body carrion could be invisible, it could not defend against the Suzaku fire covering such a large area.

With a scream, this **** carrion actually affected her body from the darkness, only to see this **** carrion rolling on the ground, it seemed that she wanted to take the Vermillion Bird on her body. The fire is eliminated.

  It's a pity that Suzaku's fire has a terrible adhesion. Even if a **** carrion can be invisible, there is no way to guard against Suzaku's wings.

   There was a gleam of light on his face. Chen Xuan saw the opportunity he had seized, and the blade in his hand danced quickly, as sword shadows fought desperately from his Liaoyuan sword.


The   Liaoyuan Sword continued to bloom with terrifying light, and the fierce sword aura directly washed the blood-body rotting corpse, knocking the blood-body rotting corpse directly into the sky for more than two hundred meters.

Seeing that his blood-body carrion was actually restrained by the fire of the Vermillion Bird, Gongsun Guiwang shouted out loudly: "This **** little bunny boy can actually defend my newly refined blood carrion, I still I don't believe it, this kid is so invincible, today I will let him see how powerful the old **** carrion is!"

   let out an angry shout, Gongsun Ghost King then mused Fa Jue, only to see a trace of black aura in his palm, and directly got into the **** carrion that was blown out.

The blood-body carrion that was originally burned by the Suzaku fire into an unrecognizable body suddenly stood up from the ground. At this time, the whole body of the blood-body carrion has undergone ups and downs, and bursts of black aura are in the blood. The bodies of the carrion corpses kept gathering.

"It's terrible. How could this **** carrion be resurrected? Unexpectedly, Brother Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire would not be able to burn him. How can we kill this **** carrion." Yu Chihong Although Iwa was watching the game from the side, his mouth was still chattering and talking.

Chen Xuan lowered his eyes and began to think about how to deal with the invisible blood-body carrion in front of him. Although this blood-body carrion can be invisible, Chen Xuan can completely rely on the fire of the Suzaku to prevent this blood-body carrion. Approach him.

  It's just that the black red mysterious aura that blooms in the eyes of the blood body carrion is very powerful. If it is really hit by this red mysterious aura, I am afraid that Chen Xuan will also break his arms and legs.

  "Dugulun? Is there any good way." Chen Xuan suddenly asked.

  Dugulun showed a thought, and then began to constantly think about **** this **** rotting corpse.

"I think if we just kill this **** carrion, there is no way to solve the problem. It is the Gongsun Ghost King behind that really controls the **** carrion. As long as we can kill the Gongsun Ghost King, we can definitely kill this The **** carrion is easily killed." Dugulun said in a low voice.

Chen Xuan thinks what he said is very reasonable, and he did see that it is Gongsun Ghost King behind that controls the **** carrion, but Gongsun Ghost King has a strong escape technique. If Gongsun Ghost King escapes, they There is no way to kill him.

   "Is there any good way for me to get close to Gongsun Ghost King? Only by surprise can I kill him." Chen Xuan continued to ask.

The two of them dealt with the blood-body carrion while constantly discussing plans. Fortunately, this blood-body carrion couldn't kill them for a while. Even though this blood-body carrion could be invisible, it was treated by Chen Xuan. Suzaku's fire was completely restrained.

Gongsun Ghost King originally thought that he could easily kill Chen Xuan and others with this invisible blood-body carrion, but he did not expect that Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire would actually restrain the invisible blood-body carrion. It also made his wishful thinking empty.

  Even if Gongsun Ghost King is very angry now, he bet everything on his own **** carrion. Only his **** carrion can kill Chen Xuan and others.

  If this **** carrion can't do it, even he might be removed by Chen Xuan and others.

  Compared to Chen Xuan and the others, Gongsun Ghost King's heart is very tense. The **** carrion now is not only his most proud artwork, but also made by him with all his hard work.

This blood-body carrion made the two steel-faced ghost tigers on his face, using the claws and skin of the steel-faced ghost tiger, to refine this blood-body carrion, and besides the steel-faced ghost tiger, it also used a lot The bones of other monsters.

  The **** carrion in front of him not only has a strong defense, but also its claws and eyes can cause damage.

   "I don't believe it anymore. The **** carrion I created can't kill the two of you guys. Otherwise, my Gongsun Ghost King really has no face to mess around in this world." Gongsun Ghost King suddenly grinned.

   Suddenly, the blood-body carrion rushed towards Chen Xuan's back, facing the blood-body carrion attack, even though Chen Xuan had been prepared for a long time ago, he still could not defend against this red mysterious aura.

  The body was directly knocked out of more than two hundred meters, and Chen Xuan's body slammed on the Qingling Xuanjing, but this was just one of their plans.

  Seeing that the **** carrion suddenly gained the upper hand, Gongsun Ghost King began to laugh wildly again.

  The direction where Chen Xuan was shot and flew out was exactly on top of the huge boulder where Gongsun Ghost King was located.

At this time, the ghost king of Gongsun had no longer put Chen Xuan in his eyes. When he saw Chen Xuan being shot out, he suddenly cursed loudly: "Little bastard, now you know the old man is amazing, I Which of the refining blood-body carrion is not a work of art, and this is my proud work. I not only gave this blood-body carrion the ability to be invisible, but also gave him the ability to cut lapis lazuli ability."

   "Hahaha, the strongest lapis lazuli, can also be easily carved by my **** carrion, let alone your skin boy, wait for death today." Gongsun Ghost King was full of madness.

   Chen Xuan knew that the opportunity had come, but Chen Xuan just pretended to be dying, lay on the ground, and began to curse him.

"You dog skin plaster, don't you think you can kill me? Where is the artwork you refined? It's obviously a waste product. Just take it to the garbage dump as soon as possible. It's stinking, I see I feel like I want to die at once." Chen Xuan kept mocking.

Gongsun Ghost King suddenly became angry, his face revealed a trace of joking, and said to Chen Xuan: "Little bunny, don't be so arrogant. Just now you have been hit by the aura of Red Xuan. Now even if your strength is stronger, three hours have passed. You will definitely die, hahaha."

"But I have changed my mind now. I want to kill you right now, kid, wait for you to die. The Suzaku fire in your body is indeed very strong, so I can refine you into my most proud blood. It's a carrion, I didn't expect it, hahaha." Gongsun Ghost King said as he suddenly shuttled towards Chen Xuan with a dagger.

Gongsun Ghost King himself possesses a strong escape technique. He only saw his body turn into a cloud of black energy. When the black energy condensed next to Chen Xuan, only Chen Xuan's body suddenly disappeared. Shuttle, like a sensitive leopard, generally caught Gongsun Ghost King first.

  And Chen Xuan's pupils gradually turned red, and he had already displayed the power of the demon soul, the purpose was to wait for Gongsun Ghost King to get the bait, but he did not expect that Gongsun Ghost King would be fooled so easily.

  Chen Xuan was indeed injured, but in order to catch Gongsun Ghost King, even a slight injury was completely worth it. If Gongsun Ghost King was not killed, they didn't know when and how long they would be able to catch Gongsun Ghost King.

"Boy, you guy still wants to resist me. Now that you are injured, I don't believe that your power can be as powerful as mine!" Although Gongsun Ghost King is a puppet master, his own cultivation base is not low, plus As a puppet master, if there is no great strength and strong cultivation base, these **** carrion corpses can't be used by him at all.

The stronger the puppet master’s cultivation base, the more blood-body carrion that can be controlled at the same time. Gongsun Ghost King can control nearly 20 blood-body carrion corpses, which also shows that his cultivation is almost close to the eighth level of the **** king realm. Mid-term.

  Seeing Chen Xuan suddenly grabbing his neck, Gongsun Guiwang's face was full of mockery, and he suddenly drew a dagger and attacked Chen Xuan's neck.

   But when his dagger attacked Chen Xuan, the expression on his face suddenly became gloomy.

  His offense did not achieve any effect at all. Instead, the Suzaku's fire began to burn rapidly on his body. With the power of the Suzaku's fire, Chen Xuan has now completely gained the advantage.

Originally, the fire of the Vermillion Bird could only operate the sword aura, relying on the power of the sword aura to increase the range, if it was only in a normal state, Chen Xuan could only cover the flame of the Vermillion Bird to about 20 meters around him at most, which was called The field of work, Chen Xuan's current scope is still very narrow.

But now Gongsun Ghost King suddenly broke into Chen Xuan’s domain, and his Suzaku Fire was brought into full play. Coupled with the power of Suzaku Fire, it was originally very lethal. At this time, Gongsun Guiwang Man His face was full of pain, and he felt that his skin was bitten by countless ants.

   "You **** bastard, you actually want to count on me!" Gongsun Ghost King shouted, and at the same time, Operation Law decided to summon the **** carrion.

  (End of this chapter)

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