Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3232: Eat fragrant and spicy

  Chapter 3232 Eat fragrant and drink spicy

   Originally, Chen Xuan had not made up his mind to kill them, but after hearing Li Hongyuan and hearing that they were going to Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan absolutely couldn't keep them.

   "You actually know Li Hongyuan?" Chen Xuan's face was full of playfulness.

"What's the matter? Little bunny? Are you scared? Have you heard of our eldest brother Li Hongyuan's name? I tell you, even if you kneel down and apologize to me today, I will definitely beat your dog's head. Break!" The Tianluo Sect disciple suddenly shouted, took out a long sword from under the table, and slammed it towards Chen Xuan's chest.

Chen Xuan's footsteps stepped back two steps slightly, and directly avoided the attack of this disciple. At the same time, a flame burst out of his hands, gently pressing on the opponent's long sword, only seeing his This sword made of steel was directly burned into a pile of debris by the flame.

"This, this! It's impossible." The disciple's face was full of panic. He looked at his sword hilt in disbelief. The blade of spiritual power was originally blooming, but now it has turned into a place. Residue.

  The sword in his hand was already a ground-level blade, and it was easily resolved by Chen Xuan, which was far beyond his imagination.

"This guy can't be that strong, right." Many warriors who ate in the inn were also surprised. They also felt the terrifying power of the Suzaku fire, and just lightly tapped a ground-level blade to burn into it. Shredded.

  Compared with ordinary weapons, the sharp blades are all made of very strong steel, and many have reached the level of magic weapons, and they cannot be eliminated by ordinary exercises.

  But now the flames blooming in Chen Xuan's body burned the tiered weapon with ease, so how could they believe it.

  Many Tianluozong disciples were also surprised. They looked at the red flames rippling around Chen Xuan's body, and a disciple suddenly said loudly.

   "He is the Chen Xuan whom our senior brother Li Hongyuan is going to kill, this is terrible!" A disciple showed a panic on his face.

I don’t know where he heard the Suzaku Fire. The disciple pointed to the red spiritual power rippling around Chen Xuan, and said in surprise: "This is Chen Xuan’s right. I heard that Yunxiao Mansion’s In, he is the only one who can possess the Suzaku Fire. The power of these flames is very terrifying."

   "Senior Brother Li, you must be more careful, don't head-on with him, this guy's cultivation has reached the eighth level of the **** king realm!" a disciple said loudly.

   Hearing the discussion of the disciple behind him, the disciple known as Senior Brother Li also showed a timid look, but he couldn't get rid of the wind in front of everyone, otherwise others could only say that their Tianluo Sect was all rubbish.

   "Damn it, now I can only put the stone on my scalp." He suddenly danced the long sword in his hand and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

In just a few short moments, the sword in Chen Xuan's hand had already surfaced in the sky, and a sword shadow appeared behind him. At this moment, Chen Xuan's face was full of disdain, and the strength of the opponent had already been given by him. It was clear to the touch, and at most it was only the middle seventh stage of the Divine King Realm.

   "It's not easy if I want to kill you!" Chen Xuan yelled, the sword in his hand suddenly burst into a terrible light, and he stood directly on the opponent's body.


  The opponent's body was directly cut in half by his sword qi, and he flew out far away.

  At this time, everyone looked at Chen Xuan in shock, with surprises on their faces.

   "This is impossible, this guy is so powerful, he can kill the disciple of Tianluo Zong with ease." A warrior in the inn opened his eyes wide and looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

In the face of everyone’s discussion, Chen Xuan’s performance was very flat. He just gently danced the long sword in his hand and continued to speak loudly to several Tianluo Zong disciples: “I’ve told you just now, and I’m waiting for you. There is only a dead end, you didn’t believe it just now, now!"

  The three Tianluo Sect disciples had already been frightened to soft feet. They had a chance to escape, but now they could only stand on the ground and almost fell on their knees.

"Hahaha, Chen Xuan, let's give these three beasts a little hope, we don't have to kill him, are you right!" Dugulun suddenly walked over, and there was no spiritual fluctuation in his body. , But the black giant sword in his hand suddenly burst out with a terrifying mysterious light, and this light was completely embedded in the blade.

  Dugulun's face was also very plain, but when he walked toward the three Tianluozong disciples, everyone in the entire inn focused on him.

   "Look at him, this young man is also very strong, I am afraid that his cultivation has reached the ninth level of the realm of the gods." A warrior who knows goods said.

Dugulun’s body was rippling with fierce spiritual power. Facing the three Tianluo Sect disciples Dugulun with a stride, he rushed directly to the disciple’s side, and a terrible light burst out from the blade. Three disciples were instantly beheaded by him.

  In this world, the strong are always respected. Dugulun and Chen Xuan can easily kill the disciples of Tianluo Zong. These warriors who are onlookers do not have a half-talk, but cheer for them.

"The two princes killed well. These guys are used to being a blessing for the mighty in the neighborhood on weekdays. Because they are a member of the Tianluo Sect, they want to repay the debt several times!" The innkeeper said loudly, obviously wanting to give them. Cheer up.

   Among these people, naturally they also knew Chen Xuan's face, and they also knew that Chen Xuan was the city lord of Sky Dragon City recently.

   "Look at it, isn't this Chen Xuan? It's really him. I heard that the city lord of Sky Dragon City fought against the entire dragon blood tribe with his own power!" A warrior's face was filled with excitement.

"No, I heard them talking just now, but I didn't expect it was really Chen Xuan. I also heard this rumor. It turned out to be a young handsome man. As expected, Yunxiao Mansion didn't misunderstand the wrong person. He actually made this genius a member of Sky Dragon City. City Lord, now, our Yunxiao Mansion can be saved!"

"Hahaha, Master Chen Xuan, I have heard of your name before. I heard that you blocked a dragon blood tribe. Although compared to the entire dragon blood empire, this is only a small tribe, but it is also It is enough to show that you are powerful!" A warrior showed respect on his face.

   Hearing their discussion, Chen Xuan couldn't help scratching his head, and the expression on his face became a little embarrassing. At the beginning, he killed the dragon blood tribe's great sacrifice, but it was not only his strength alone.

"This is a bit overwhelming. I was able to deal with the Dragon Blood Tribe at the beginning. It was because of the help of everyone from the Yunxiao Mansion and the help of my friend, that we could deal with the Dragon Blood Tribe." Chen Xuan hurriedly Talking.

  But these people completely ignored him and continued to line up Chen Xuan's flattery.

   "What are you talking about, Lord Chen, I think it's all your credit. If you were not there, Sky Dragon City would have been occupied by the Dragon Blood Tribe."

   "That's right, now you are the city lord of Sky Dragon City. If we want to go to Sky Dragon City in the future, we need to take care of the lord of the city!" Many warriors said one after another.

  In the inn near the Tianluo Mountains, most of the people who pass by here are some powerful warriors. They also have unique skills, but they just pass by here.

   Seeing the admiration on the faces of these warriors, Chen Xuan also knew that their hearts really admired him, so he hugged everyone.

   "Since everyone wants to come to Sky Dragon City, we will definitely open the door to welcome you. Please remember that our heroes of Sky Dragon City do not care about their status!"

   "Well said, well said!" All the warriors were enthusiastic and offered a toast to Chen Xuan.

  Not far away, the corpses of the disciples of the Tianluo Sect who were killed by them fell under the feet of everyone, and they did not pay attention to them.

After walking out of the inn, Chen Xuan wore a chuckle on his face.

   "Chen Xuan, do you think these guys will really come to our Sky Dragon City?" Du Gulun asked suddenly.

   "Regardless of whether they will come, let's go back to Sky Dragon City as soon as possible. I guess Li Hongyuan has already gone back. He has already written a letter to let these Tian Luo Zong disciples come over."

  "Fortunately, we killed these beasts just now. If they return to Sky Dragon City, it will cause us more trouble." Dugulun sighed.

  The two of them did not lose time on the road. They returned to Tianlong City in only two days. The distance between Tianlong City and Tianluo Mountain Range was not very far, only more than 300 kilometers.

  In the Sky Dragon City, inside the mansion of the Li family, a red-haired old man with an angry expression on his face, patted the table.

   "This Chen Xuan, why didn't he blow him up before? I have carefully designed the spiritual explosion, but I still haven't killed it." The red-haired old man said angrily.

After hearing what he said, Li Hongyuan suddenly walked over and said to him: "Don't worry too much, father, now I have sent someone to search for Chen Xuan's whereabouts. If he dares to do something to you, I The first one went over and killed him."

With confidence restored on his face, Li Hongyuan said, "I am afraid that no one in the entire Sky Dragon City is my opponent. You have also said that there is another person named Dugulun next to Chen Xuan. He is the descendant of the Dugu family. But his cultivation is only in the early stage of the Ninth Layer of the Divine King Realm, right?"

   "If it really fights, my Frost Spirit can definitely kill it easily. This matter is definitely left to me." Li Hongyuan said softly.

   Sitting next to him was the patriarch of the Sun family. The patriarch's face was slightly displeased at this time, but he still said.

   "Li Hongyuan, you have returned to Sky Dragon City this time not far away. It is really troublesome for you, but we don't need you to do it at all. We only need our Sun family to completely deal with Chen Xuan." Patriarch Sun said softly.

  Li Hongyuan naturally also knows what kind of wishful thinking this patriarch Sun has in his heart? Although the two big families are united with each other, they are not satisfied with the position of the Sky Dragon City Lord, and now they are only temporarily united.

   "Where is Patriarch Sun? If it weren't for me, who would Chen Xuan give it to deal with? Who would deal with that Dugulun? Is it up to you?"

"It's not that I said, your Sun family has long been no longer at the beginning. I heard that the ancestors of the Sun family were all killed by Chen Xuan. With you, how could he be his opponent?" Li Hongyuan's tone was full of Disdainful, obviously, he did not put the Sun family in his eyes.

  At this time, the Sun Family Martial Artist's face was already blue and purple, but they didn't show it blatantly.

   After all, the Sun family really wants to unite with the Li family. Chen Xuan had already killed a strong man in the Sun family. Now they can only unite with the Li family to ensure that their family is destroyed.

   "That's what I said, if that's the case, then I will say goodbye..." After Patriarch Sun finished speaking, he waved his sleeve and left here.

   Seeing that his son’s face was full of calmness, the old man with red beard laughed loudly and said directly to him: "As expected, I am Li Yuan's son, I really have a sense of righteousness!"

Patriarch Li's face was full of joy. When he saw his son calmly deal with Patriarch Li and Sun, and his cultivation had reached the mid-ninth stage of the Divine King Realm, he now felt that he had the opportunity to become Sky Dragon City. The lord of the city.

"Li Hongyuan, when your father I become the lord of Sky Dragon City, I will give you all the property when that time comes. You don't want to go to Tianluo Sect anymore, just come and help me with peace of mind." Li The patriarch's face was full of smiles, watching the trace of care revealed on his son's face.

Li Hongyuan also smiled softly, and then said to the fellow seniors behind him: "Have you heard what my father said? As long as I can become the son of the city lord of Sky Dragon City, hahaha, I will taste delicious and spicy when the time comes. , Have everything."

  Many of Tianluo Sect’s disciples all grinned, and then said.

  "Is what the brother said is true? Does it really have everything." A disciple said suddenly.

  (End of this chapter)

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