Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3242: real body

  Chapter 3242 Real Body

This snow spirit charm demon's skin was pale red, and there was pus on its body. Obviously, it was all the illusions caused by the snow spirit charm demon just now. As for Dugulun, he was actually bewildered by the snow spirit charm demon. I'm afraid Chen Xuan can laugh at him for several days.

  At this time, Dugulun suddenly woke up in shock. When Dugulun saw that the graceful girl above the lake had turned into a disgusting Snow Spirit Demon, he swung his huge sword and cursed loudly.

   "Grandma's dare to deceive the old, I thought I was lucky, and today I made you better than dead!" Dugulun's face was full of fury, and he knew that he was really embarrassed this time.

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Dugulun waking up. He originally thought that after Dugulun was hit by the illusion, there was no way to wake him up, but he accidentally hit Dugulun and knocked him out of his mind. It was rescued from the fantasy world.

  Once the illusion of the Xue Ling Charm is broken, the phantom created by the Xue Ling Charm will also reappear.

Realizing that he had no way to confuse Dugulun, this Snow Spirit Charm actually rushed towards them directly, and seeing the ferocious Snow Spirit Charm open its huge palm, Chen Xuan immediately condensed the flames of the Vermillion Bird. , The fierce sword aura slayed the Xue Ling Charm fiercely.

   "Damn Snow Spirit Demon, I want you to know the fate of the temptation of companions!" Chen Xuan's sword energy instantly rushed to the Snow Spirit Demon's body, and knocked the Snow Spirit Demon down on the water.

  The entire surface of the water was continuously burned by the Vermillion Bird's fire, and the ice pool on which the Snow Spirit Charm lived was evaporated by the flame. In just a few seconds, the entire ice pool was actually directly burned into steam.

The Snow Spirit Demon was completely exposed in front of them, and the ice pool was also dried up. The Snow Spirit Demon made a sharp cry. This time, it was no longer a graceful singing voice, but shocked Chen Xuan and others. Heartfelt.

   "This guy can actually attack with sound waves!" Chen Xuan was shocked. He only felt a tremor from his internal organs, and almost vomited a mouthful of blood.

  And this giant snow bear with golden back is still roaring loudly, wanting to kill Chen Xuan.

   Seeing the Snow Spirit Demon screaming, Tuoba Liuhong also began to attack. He knew that these sonic attacks were basically indistinguishable. If the Snow Spirit Demon continued to scream, even it would be affected.


The phantom of the Chiyan Tianlonghu appeared in Tuoba Liuhong's body. After he displayed the demon soul, the power of the Chiyan Tianlonghu was completely used by him, and the roar of tigers appeared, and Tuoba Liuhong instantly Rushed to the side of the Xueling Charm


  The huge explosion sound continued, and Tuoba Liuhong directly shook his fist and hit the Xueling Charm Demon's face.

  The Xue Ling Charm demon was in pain, and immediately retracted his head, fleeing into the distance.

After seeing the Snow Spirit Demon start to run away, Tuoba Liuhong’s face was filled with crazy laughter, and he said loudly, "Damn the Snow Spirit Demon, I didn’t expect you to be such a waste and didn’t kill this kid. what!"

  After hearing his words, Dugulun's face suddenly darkened. He also knew that he was embarrassed just now, and now he was taunted by Tuoba Liuhong.

Compared with Nangong Tianlu, the current Dugulun wants to kill Tuoba Liuhong more, but he knows that his current strength is not enough to deal with Tuoba Liuhong in front of him, so he can only do as Chen Xuan said. Swallow the sound first.

  Wait until they found the Frost Treasure, they were working on Tuoba Liuhong.

  Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt a wave in the air ahead, and a giant snow bear with a golden back suddenly appeared.

  From the ice layer, several giant golden-backed snow bears also broke out of the ice. Seeing the five giant golden-backed snow bears in front of him, Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly became low.

"We won't be targeted by these giant snow bears with golden back? Why have we met so many giant snow bears with golden back..." Chen Xuan started to scan the golden face in front of him with a curious look. Carry a giant snow bear.

  Tuoba Liu Hong also retracted his fist, but the blade in his hand suddenly flew out and thrust into the Xue Ling Charm Demon.

   actually banged directly on the back of the Xue Ling Charm, and directly nailed the Xue Ling Charm's body to the ground, and the Xue Ling Charm's mouth kept making weird calls.

  This sonic attack made Chen Xuan unable to help covering his ears. Finally, after the Xue Ling Charm died of excessive blood loss, Chen Xuan finally saw two giant snow bears with golden backs rushing towards him.

   "Hurry up and kill these giant golden-backed snow bears!" Chen Xuan said loudly, and then the Vermillion Bird's fire in his body was circling, and a fierce sword aura immediately killed the two giant golden-backed snow bears in front of him.

Before Chen Xuan could run his sword aura, the huge fist of the golden-backed giant snow bear had already blasted on his chest, so Chen Xuan hurriedly placed the Liaoyuan sword in front of his chest to defend against the bombardment of the golden-backed giant snow bear. .


   Chen Xuan's body was like a kite with a broken line, and was directly knocked out by two giant snow bears with golden backs.

  He felt a gravitational force from the fist of the giant snow bear with the golden back. The figure of these giant snow bears with the golden back was very strong. I am afraid that they have reached tens of thousands of tons after this punch.

  Even though Chen Xuan’s body-refining defense was not weak by his training, but this punch still caused it to fly tens of meters, and his body was directly hit on the wall.

After seeing Chen Xuan being knocked into the air, Tuoba Liuhong laughed disdainfully on his face and said loudly to him: "It's really a small waste. The people of your empire are only capable of this, and they even have a golden back. The giant snow bear can't deal with it."

  After hearing his voice, Chen Xuan also struggled to drag it out of the wall, then waved the long sword in his hand and slew towards the golden-backed giant snow bear.


  This time, Chen Xuan swung the blade with all his strength, and the power of the demon soul had been mobilized to the extreme by him. Chen Xuan's speed also exerted his body with all his strength, turning into a red phantom.

In the entire space, Chen Xuan left a phantom in the east, west, south and north, imaginary and real, false and true, everyone looked at Chen Xuan's back in amazement, and constantly killed the giant snow bear with golden back. .

   At this time, Tuoba Lang’s face was full of sluggishness. He originally looked at Bian Chen Xuan very much, but now it is obvious that Chen Xuan’s strength has exploded and he is already very close to the Ninth Level of the Divine King Realm.

  "This kid's cultivation is only the eighth layer of the God King Realm. Why can he become so strong in the later period?" Tuoba Liu Hong also opened his eyes wide, watching Chen Xuan continuously moving in the space in disbelief.

  In a few short moments, Chen Xuan's sword left several wounds on the golden back giant snow bear.

  From these wounds, the Suzaku's fire was still burning rapidly, even Tuoba Liuhong felt the hot flame, and directly burned several giant golden-backed snow bears.

"Why this guy's power suddenly became so strong." Tuoba Liuhong still couldn't believe it. In his heart, Chen Xuan didn't deserve to carry shoes to him. Now such a strong power suddenly broke out, causing Tuoba Liu Hong felt a heavy threat. "This guy is definitely not that simple. I think they are not only trying to kill Nangong Tianlu, they are definitely still planning to hit these treasures." A murderous look suddenly appeared in Tuoba Liuhong's eyes.

   Chen Xuan originally wanted to hide his strength, but now he also knew that if these golden-backed giant snow bears were not killed, they would encounter more danger.

The flames condensed from Chen Xuan's body rushed directly to the golden-backed giant snow bear. Facing Chen Xuan's attack, even though the hair on these golden-backed giant snow bears possessed extremely strong defensive power, they also had a lot of extra power. Road wound.

Chen Xuan also discovered by accident that his Red Sparrow Fire can completely restrain these golden-backed giant snow bears. Although the golden-backed giant snow bears can condense frost, the Red Sparrow fire completely ignores them and can even burn these golden-backed giant snow bears.的丹田.

  Looking at an opportunity, Chen Xuan instantly slapped a palm, and a fierce palm wind directly washed in the middle of the day, and gathered towards the body of one of the giant snow bears with golden back.

The golden-backed giant snow bear let out a cry, but the flames of the Vermillion Bird flowed in his body. When the flame was burning in his pubic area, the golden-backed giant snow bear finally couldn't hold it. It was heavy and huge. The body fell directly to the ground.

After    beheaded the giant snow bear with the golden back, Chen Xuan directly took back the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

Tuoba Liu Hong suddenly patted his palms, deliberately pretending to be a touch of admiration, but still full of disdain, and slowly walked towards Chen Xuan: "I didn't expect your strength to be quite strong. It's completely different from what I imagined."

   "What do you want to do!?" Du Gulun suddenly asked.

Tuoba Liu Hong chuckled and replied: "I don't want to do anything, but can you give me these golden-backed giant snow bear corpses? I just need the inner alchemy of these golden-backed giant snow bears. Improve cultivation."

Dugulun's face was full of anger, and he stood directly in front of Chen Xuan and said loudly to him: "These were all killed by Chen Xuan, and the inner alchemy of these golden-backed giant snow bears should belong to us, too. Why are you taking it away!"

Tuoba Liu Hong laughed: "Just because of my strength, I am better than the two of you. Now even if you add them up, you are not my opponents. You just killed a few small golden-backed giant snow bears. It's not worth it at all. Mention, what's the matter? Is it possible that you still have to do something with me."

  Speaking, Tuoba Lang also walked towards them, holding a steel knife in his hand, his face was full of fury, obviously as long as Tuoba Liuhong gave an order, Tuoba Lang would kill them.

  At this moment, Tuoba Liuhong's body also circulated the Chiyan Sky Dragon and Tiger Demon Soul, and a fierce aura suddenly appeared, suppressing them.

Chen Xuan's eyebrows were slightly lowered. He knew that he was not the opponent's opponent yet, so he could only say: "Since your Excellency wants the inner alchemy of these monster beasts, I will give it to you, but you have to be careful, I just I feel a mysterious breath coming, and it will come to us soon."

"Who is coming? Hahaha, boy, don't lie to me, if you dare to lie to me, I will make you look good later!" Tuoba Liuhong walked to the side of a giant snow bear with a golden back. Then he waved his dagger and took out the inner alchemy from the giant snow bear with golden back.

  After a few minutes passed, there was still no movement, Tuoba Liu Hong suddenly sneered and said frantically to Chen Xuan and others.

   "What I said just now, if you dare to lie, waiting for your fate is very cruel."

  There was a burst of frost in the distance, which directly froze Tuoba Liuhong's body, making his body unable to move.

  Suddenly heard the voice of a young man, only to see a crazy look on Nangong Tianlu’s face, and an old man in a white robe stood beside him.

"Unexpectedly you are here, oops, I didn't expect Chen Xuan you to come too, weren't you killed by me at that time? You are also considered to be lucky? You didn't die!" Nangong Tianlu's face was full Laughed wildly.

   Although he did not expect Chen Xuan and Dugulun to survive, he also believed that he was completely sure to kill Chen Xuan and Dugulun, and Nangong Tianlu was very confident of his own cultivation.

  After seeing Nangong Tianlu coming over, Tuoba Liuhong instantly displayed the Chiyan Tianlonghu, with the phantom of the Chiyan Tianlonghu rippling on his body, and the muscles on his arms suddenly emerged, directly breaking free from the shackles of the ice.

   "I didn't expect you to have the courage to come over, Nangong Tianlu, just now you came to our Dragon Blood Empire, the news has been communicated, I am afraid someone will come to kill you soon." Tuoba Liuhong said.

Nangong Tianlu’s face was full of disdain, and then he replied: "Tuoba Liuhong, what you think is really naive. Our purpose this time is just to get the treasure. Once I get the thing, I will directly Leaving the Dragon Blood Empire."

   "You want to catch me, dream!" Nangong Tianlu laughed loudly.

  (End of this chapter)

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