Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3252: Secret base

  Chapter 3252 Secret Base

  Secret room.

  In this secret room, Chen Xuan can guarantee that he will not be disturbed by others while making alchemy, and this place has obviously become his secret base, just like the mansion next to Lu Yucheng.

It's just that Li Qiuyu, the girl, has been entangled next to Chen Xuan recently, making Chen Xuan miserable.

   "Brother Chen, didn't you say you wanted me to do alchemy before? Why did you go there for so long and didn't come back, and you still want me to write to you!" Li Qiuyu pouted, his face obviously uncomfortable.

Chen Xuan could only smile awkwardly, and finally said to him: "Qiu Yu, it is not, I have been too busy recently, Yunxiao Mansion just let me be the lord of Sky Dragon City, now there is still a lot of mess left in my place. In front of me, if these things are not settled, I will be in danger."

   "What has happened to you recently?" Li Qiuyu asked suddenly.

"Recently, the Dragon Blood tribe people arranged a lot of manpower near Sky Dragon City, and I also killed a disciple of the Azure Cloud Sect. The elder of the Azure Cloud Sect is still searching for my whereabouts. I'm afraid he wants to take me too. Kill it, it's not peaceful recently, you have to be more careful." Chen Xuan said to him.

Li Qiuyu nodded and stopped entanglement. Instead, he said, "Okay, but you didn't say it before. If you want to teach me the secrets of alchemy, you can't break your promise, but you said it yourself before. If you lie to me, I won't spare you."

  After finishing speaking, Li Qiu Yuhan squeezed his fist and raised his head in front of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan nodded and said, “Because of course I won’t forget it, but you still need many steps to make alchemy. Have you read the book I told you to read before!?”

   "What book are you reading." Li Qiuyu's eyes widened and his face was filled with dazed expression, which made Chen Xuan unable to resist scratching his head.

"I asked you to read books about alchemy. If you don’t learn the theoretical knowledge firmly, if I teach you the secrets of alchemy, it is very likely that you will be able to refine other weird things, so you still have to do it well. Fill in the theoretical knowledge, it is not so easy to become an alchemist." Chen Xuan replied.

  For Li Qiuyu, he didn't want to learn alchemy too much. The reason why he pestered Chen Xuan to learn is just to let Chen Xuan accompany him more.

  Chen Xuan was also very clear, but he still had a lot of things to solve now, and he didn't have time to care about this little girl, so he could only find an excuse to stop him and let Li Qiuyu do other things first.

In the past few days, Chen Xuan has been staying in the room to refine the pill. Most of the herbs he found have been refined. Looking at the bottles and cans on the table, many more have been refined. Chen Xuan's face was full of confidence in the strangely shaped pill that was refined.

   "It seems that I have become more and more familiar with the herbs in the world of Black Rock, but I am afraid I still need a certain amount of heat to refine the pill that I want." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

This secret room is under the house where Chen Xuan lives. It not only holds great secrets, but also connects to the ground. There is even a room in the middle that Chen Xuan used to cultivate medicine. Obviously, this room has become Chen Xuan’s. paradise.

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan has been busy studying all kinds of pill, and he feels a little confused about the side effects of using the demon soul.

"Why does this demon soul bring such a heavy burden to me? Why don't the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe." Chen Xuan had a hint of doubt on his face. He thought of the time when he was fighting with the Dragon Blood tribe. The warriors of the Dragon Blood Tribe will not suffer the side effects of the demon soul.

"They obviously used Demon Soul Possession, but nothing happened at all. Even he was not reasonable." Chen Xuan couldn't help scratching his head. He has been studying the Demon Soul Pill these days, but he still hasn't given the slightest return. .

  These researched medicines can only extend the time for his demon soul to possess at best, but they can't eliminate the side effects in the slightest.

"It seems that it is absolutely impossible to just refine alchemy. The people of the Dragon Blood tribe, even if they exert their demon souls with all their strength, will not suffer the slightest side effect. I am afraid they have any secrets. This is something I don't know." A touch of melancholy, then Yu Wenqiu thought in his mind.

  "Yu Wenqiu will not suffer side effects when he cultivates Demon Soul, should I ask Yu Wenqiu." Chen Xuan had a lot of doubts in his heart, and finally after three o'clock.

  Chen Xuan came to Yu Wenqiu's residence. He found that Yu Wenqiu had been cultivating in the room recently, as if he wanted to increase the power of the demon soul again.

Knocked on the door, and then Chen Xuan walked in. He felt that there seemed to be a strange fragrance in the room. Then he discovered that there was a red spar on Yu Wenqiu's table, and the aroma was from the spar. From inside.

   "What is this!?" Chen Xuan couldn't help being curious.

Yu Wenqiu smiled lightly, and then said to Chen Xuan: "I got a spar by chance before. Although I don't know what the material is inside, it can slowly increase the power of my demon soul. "

   "You can actually increase the power of your demon soul!?" Chen Xuan's face was puzzled. It was the first time he heard that the power of the demon soul could be broken through with spar.

  Yu Wenqiu saw the shocked look on Chen Xuan's face, and hurriedly explained to him: "Although the spar can increase the demon soul, the increase is very small, but it is better than nothing."

   "I have been cultivating demon souls in the past few days, hoping to improve my control over demon souls again. I feel that my current cultivation level is about to break through."

   "As long as I continue to practice the demon soul, I can make my cultivation reach the late eighth stage of the **** king realm." Yu Wenqiu said.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then put the spar on the table, showing a serious look, and said to Yu Wenqiu: "By the way, Yu Wenqiu, I have an important thing to come to you this time. Ask you, I wonder if you can answer my doubts!?"

  Yuwenqiu sat on the bench next to him charmingly, smiled lightly at Chen Xuan, and said, "What else do you want to ask me?"

   "I want to know that your Dragon Blood Tribe cultivates demon souls. Why are you not subject to side effects when you display demon soul possession?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

Although Chen Xuan can also display Demon Soul Possession, he always feels that the power of the Demon Soul is very powerful, but it will always bring some side effects to his body, and it will also make Chen Xuan the speed when he cultivates aura. Slow down.

Yu Wenqiu stroked his chin with his tender white fingers, and then said to him: "This is a long story. We will get guidance from our elders when we are young, but these exercises are extremely complicated to practice, and It has to be soaked in the blood of various monsters."

   "I'm afraid you have no chance now. If you don't go to the Dragon Blood Tribe, I'm afraid you can't solve it." Yu Wenqiu replied.

  Chen Xuan looked at Yu Wenqiu, and then asked: "It seems that you won't be backlashed by the demon soul, right!?"

  Yu Wenqiu nodded slightly: “That’s right, since I was a child, there were many elders in the tribe who guided me in my practice, but that was all years ago, and I almost don’t remember it now.”

   "Before we are eight years old, our Dragon Blood Tribe will use the blood of the monster beast to open up the meridians and let the power of the monster soul merge with us, but our Dragon Blood Tribe has always had an old rumor...

   "What rumors!?" Chen Xuan's face showed curiosity, and he didn't know what Yu Wenqiu meant.

   "Chen Xuan, didn't you ask me about the spirit before? In fact, the demon soul cultivated by our Dragon Blood Tribe came from the spirit." Yu Wenqiu said softly.

   "Actually from Divine Soul!?" Chen Xuan also knew something about Divine Soul, he knew that this was a mysterious empire tens of thousands of years ago, the way he practiced.

  Basically, most warriors will awaken a mysterious power called Divine Soul from an early age. By practicing Divine Soul, everyone can master various powers.

It’s just that this mysterious empire has long since disappeared tens of thousands of years ago, and now most people are not cultivating souls. Although many people can carry the power of souls in their bodies, they want to mobilize them. Divine Soul is very difficult.

  "In the oldest legend of our dragon blood tribe, the first generation of pioneers of our dragon blood empire is the descendant of the mysterious empire. The demon souls we cultivate are also inherited from the concept of divine souls."

"It's just that our blood is already very thin, so we must use the power of the demon soul to break through the spiritual bridge in the body, so that we can display the soul. For the strongest of our dragon blood tribe, their goal is to be thorough. The awakening spirit in the body."

   "Once the soul awakens, it will make one's own strength stronger."

  "Of course, you shouldn’t think that the soul is supreme. Many people can awaken the soul, but the awakening level is different. Some people can master the power of the soul, but some people can only master a little.”

   "But what does this have to do with the question I asked you!?" Chen Xuan continued to ask.

Yu Wenqiu sighed, and then said to Chen Xuan: "In short, in the Eastern Region now, only our Dragon Blood tribe can have the ability to master the soul, but if they want to understand the soul, they must go through various The blood of all kinds of monsters can awaken oneself."

   "Especially, I see the pattern on your arm, I have a guess." Yu Wenqiu said suddenly.

   "What guess!?" Chen Xuan felt that he was hearing more and more confused, not knowing what Yu Wenqiu meant.

Seeing the dazed look on Chen Xuan’s face, Yu Wenqiu then explained: “I’m afraid you don’t know. The pattern on your arm is the totem left over from the ancient empire, and you now have a very special totem on him. Ancient demon soul, the power of this demon soul is very powerful, I am afraid you can feel it too."

  Chen Xuan nodded. He also knew that the demon soul in his body possessed a strong power. After displaying the demon soul possession, he was clearly aware that this power was increasing.

"Chen Xuan, not everyone can have the bloodline of the ancient gods and souls. Most people are basically ordinary people. Although the ancient gods and souls can improve your strength, you must also be vigilant. Power is not so easy to control." Yu Wenqiu said.

   "And your demon soul will be backlashed, that's because this power is too huge, and it shouldn't have anything to do with your cultivation method."

   "That's it." Chen Xuan also knew that the demon soul in his body had a very mysterious origin.

   didn't talk with Yu Wenqiu for too long, and then Chen Xuan left Yu Wenqiu's room.

At this moment, a subordinate suddenly found Chen Xuan, and at the same time, with a look of horror on his face, he hurriedly said to him: "Of course Chen Xuan is not good, there seems to be a group of people outside Tianlong City. Mysterious guys, these guys have been clamoring outside the city, wanting to call you out!"

  A hint of doubt on Chen Xuan's face: "How could someone look for me outside Tianlong City, what do they want to do?"

The servant’s face revealed a touch of horror, but then he said: “Of course I don’t know what they want to do, but this group of people called you by name and told you to leave the city. I don’t know where they came from. "

   "These guys are really not afraid of death." Chen Xuan's face was filled with a grin, and then he left Sky Dragon City with a few guards.

  Outside the city, the faces of the three men in black were full of laughter. One of them was holding a steel knife in his hand and waving it continuously in the air, directly beheading one of the guards.

"It's too weak and too weak. I thought how strong you are. Hurry up and call out your city lord, or I will smash your city gate!" The black-clothed man's face was full of arrogance, and he obviously didn't take it away. The guards of Sky Dragon City were in sight.

The captain of the city defense saw the rapid wave of the sword in his hand, and there was a panic on his face. He said to the guards beside him: "Don't be impulsive, this guy is very strong, I am afraid that he has entered the realm of the king. In the late stage of the nine-fold, don't do it, let's wait for the Lord City Lord to come over.

Hearing this, the man in black suddenly burst into laughter, and then said: "Hahaha, you are so courageous, you still have to wait for Chen Xuan to come over. You really laughed at me. Just go out of the city and play a few rounds with me, let you know how good I am."

  (End of this chapter)

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