Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3359: Explosive Demon Squad

  Chapter 3359 Explosive Flame Hunting Group

  In Lingfeng Inn.

  The owner of Lingshuang Inn nodded: "I've seen it, but who did this? Why are they so courageous? Is it really the Blazing Demon Squad I told you before?"

  "It is indeed the Explosive Flame Hunting Demon Group. At that time, these Explosive Flame Hunting Demon Groups had a lot of origin. They had many connections with Wanyan Linglong, which I personally investigated."

   "They actually have contact with Wanyan Linglong. This shouldn't be possible, Wanyan Linglong wouldn't do such a thing in normal times..." The Lingshuang Inn owner clearly showed unbelief on his face.

"Master Chen, although the security of our Tang Yicheng is very chaotic, as the leader of the security team, Wanyan Linglong will take care of many things from him. If he blatantly does this kind of thing..." It was halfway through, Zhang The boss was suddenly afraid to speak.

Cursing his lips, Du Gulun said: "I said the boss, this Wanyan Linglong dared to do more than you think. I dare to say that this thing is definitely what he did only, relying on these Explosive Flame Hunters. , I would definitely not dare to blatantly arrest people in Tang Yicheng."

   "That's also..." The owner of Lingshuang Inn nodded lowly, thinking of Tang Yicheng's chaos. As a resident who was born and raised in Tang Yicheng, his heart is also very complicated now.

"Boss, don't think so much. Was this thing done by Wanyan Linglong? I just need to go to his study to investigate it. If he did it, I hope you can help me. Matter." Chen Xuan said.

"It's easy to say, two adults, if this thing is really done by Wanyan Linglong, I will not spare him lightly." The owner of Lingshuang Inn gritted his teeth. He himself is not a villain, especially this one who was born in his own city. Such things, being seen by Chen Xuan, also made him feel very embarrassed.

   "Two adults, when are you going to go there?" Lingshuang Inn owner suddenly asked.

  Chen Xuan smiled softly: "He certainly wouldn't know, we have already killed Feng Lianqing..."

   "Do you want me to be there tonight?" the owner of Lingshuang Inn asked.

If Chen Xuan waits for a few days to pass, this incident is likely to be discovered by Wanyan Linglong. He will definitely destroy all the evidence. According to Chen Xuan’s calculations, this incident will be passed on within two days at most. In the ear of the other party.

  The only chance they have now is to take advantage of that night to go to the City Lord’s Mansion, but Chen Xuan also knows that this will definitely not be that simple.

  When Chen Xuan entered the City Lord’s Mansion, he felt that there were formations all around, and it was so easy to sneak in.

  But he could only go to the City Lord’s Mansion today. Chen Xuan knew very well that Wanyan Leading Dragon would never react now. He definitely didn’t know that the Explosive Flame Hunting Demon Group had been killed by Chen Xuan.

   "Should we go over tonight, Chen Xuan?" Du Gulun asked.

Chen Xuan nodded his head and replied: "I have the same intention. We must go there that night. Before he destroys the evidence, we should quickly take out all the clues. As long as we can obtain his evidence, we can finish the match. Yan Bo got it."

   "This Wanyan collared dragon is really too arrogant. He dared to blatantly join the Explosive Flame Hunting Demon Group." Du Gulun couldn't help complaining.

  At night, Tang Yicheng has obviously become quiet. After several years of development, Tang Yicheng is also very prosperous, but it cannot be compared with Sky Dragon City.

  At 3:10 in the middle of the night, the lights on the street have become very dim. Chen Xuan gathered the power of the true essence into his eyes, and he could clearly see the changes in the things around him.

   "Chen Xuan, if we are now in the past, it is very likely that we will fall into their plan. I feel that this is definitely not that simple." Du Gulun said.

"It is true, but we have been to the City Lord's Mansion during the day, and there is absolutely no problem now. As long as I can quietly destroy all their formations, no one will find us." Chen Xuan Said slowly.

  In order to break the formation of the City Lord's Mansion, Chen Xuan also accelerated his pace. At this moment, outside the City Lord's Mansion, he found that he had to walk through this tunnel to get to the City Lord's Mansion.

  "Let’s go over here together, Dugulun, you must not make a noise for a while, or we might be discovered by them." Chen Xuan said carefully.

  Dugulun nodded. He never loses his chain at critical moments. Seeing the serious look on his face, he replied: "You don't have to worry about me, we will go in now."

While talking, Dugulun walked into the city lord's mansion. At this moment, he suddenly turned his head and cautiously said to Chen Xuan: "By the way, Chen Xuan, how do you want to break their formation? I listen. Said that there are a total of three spiritual formations in this city lord's mansion, and all of them must be destroyed."

   Chen Xuan said: "Don't worry, my Liaoyuan sword itself can be invisible with the sword formation, and they will never find it."

  Chen Xuan had a confident look on his face. He had already used the Liaoyuan Sword to infiltrate the enemy's defenses unknowingly, and now he is only breaking their formation. Chen Xuan believes he can do it.

  A few minutes later, they walked to a narrow intersection in the city lord’s mansion. Chen Xuan slowly closed his eyes, and now his eyes were completely connected with the Liaoyuan Sword.


  Liaoyuan Sword flew out directly, and began to search for traces of the core of the formation in the city lord’s mansion. After just a few minutes, Chen Xuan found a clue.

   "It seems to be on the left." Chen Xuan said in spirit.

  "Where exactly is it?" Du Gulun also kept asking.

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes tightly, and then began to feel the specific direction. At this moment, he suddenly heard the continuous conversation of several warriors in the city lord’s mansion.

   "Brother, do you think we can kill Chen Xuan? I heard that his cultivation has reached a very strong level. It must not be that easy to defeat him."

   "Hahahaha, don't worry, this time we have the help of Wan Yan Haomo, it is not easy to kill Chen Xuan." A warrior had a confident look on his face.

   "Well, but let's be more cautious. Chen Xuan may come to the city lord mansion sometime. This kid has been trying to search for our information recently, but he must not let him find out."

"You are so cautious about what you do. No matter how courageous Chen Xuan is, he will never dare to come to our city lord mansion alone. You think this kid is stupid. In our city lord mansion, there is not only Master Wanyan Boshen, but also Wan Yan Haomo, wouldn't it be easy to kill him all?"

   "That's what I said." They all had a calm look on their faces, and I believe that even if Chen Xuan came over, they would definitely not easily break the core of the formation.


   With a sneer on Chen Xuan’s face, the Liaoyuan Sword flew out instantly, and a man’s head was instantly burned by flames. After a short period of two seconds, blood splashed to the ground, and then he was killed.

  When the other warriors turned their heads, Chen Xuan suddenly showed a sneer, controlling the Liaoyuan sword, and launched a surprise attack on them again.

  It took only five minutes to kill all these warriors. After that, Chen Xuan continued to control the Liaoyuan Sword and began to investigate the place where the inner core was.

  A few minutes later, I saw a spiritual stone exuding lavender in front of it, spinning continuously on the altar, which emitted bursts of fierce light, and began to illuminate the surroundings continuously.

   "It turns out that this is the core of the formation, completely different from what I encountered today." Chen Xuan thought inwardly.

  He also broke the inner core when he entered the City Lord’s Mansion, but it is so easy not to be discovered.


The inner core suddenly exploded. Seeing that he was broken, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes and said to Dugulun beside him: "Let’s go in quickly. According to what I guess, Wanyan Linglong’s room is absolutely Go forward five hundred steps on the left..."

  "How do you know?" Du Gulun asked in a low voice.

  "Don't worry about that much, you believe me, let's go quickly, that guy has not returned to the city lord mansion, we can just search."

   "Well, okay." Dugulun didn't intend to waste time, but followed Chen Xuan, and walked towards Wanyan Linglong's room one after another.

At this moment, they surrounded a huge house. Chen Xuan slipped quietly to the back of the room. After a while, he knew that Wanyan Linglong was not in the room for the time being, but everything was uncertain. If the Wanyan Linglong were inside, it might reveal their whereabouts.

   "Chen Xuan, shall we go in?" Du Gulun asked. "Well, let's go." Chen Xuan said softly, and then crept in through the window. At this moment, they stopped breathing.

"I didn't expect this room to be so big." Dugulun's face was full of sighs. When they were outside, they didn't think there was something inside. When they walked in, they realized that the room was so huge, almost two thousand. More square, and there are two upper and lower floors.

  "Go to the first floor to look for it." Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

  They kept searching in the first floor. When Du Gulun turned over the cabinet, Chen Xuan heard footsteps coming from outside the door.

  Hurrying to stop breathing, Chen Xuan hid behind the cabinet in the distance, his face was wary, and he dared not make a sound.

   "It's really weird, hasn't Wanyan Linglong already left? Why are there footsteps outside now?" Chen Xuan's face was full of doubts.

  Several warriors in the city lord’s mansion also heard a faint sound coming from the room. Their faces were also puzzled, and then they leaned outside.

   "Brother Li Xuwu, why is there a voice from inside?" A Tang Yicheng warrior's face was full of shock.

   "Don’t you think the son should leave... Then why is there still a voice coming from inside."

  The faces of everyone were shocked, but they all lit their lanterns and stopped around for a while.

   "I don't know, shall we go in and have a look?" a man said suddenly.

   "It shouldn't be necessary, maybe the son suddenly came back, let's go back." Another man replied.

   "No, it is absolutely impossible. I heard that the son has been in Tang Yi city in the past few days, and he has not been far away. He will never come back suddenly." The man said by his surname.

   "Then shall we go in and have a look?"

   "Go, go in and take a look."

  (End of this chapter)

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