Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3361: Practicing magic

  Chapter 3361 Cultivating magic skills

Even in the Qiushuang Empire, it is a sin to practice magic power. Ordinary people would not practice magic power at all. Generally speaking, they would practice this kind of exercise. Most of them are people who have become crazy or right. Only those who are extremely eager to cultivate will take the risk.

In any case, this Wanyan Linglong is also his son after all, and Wanyan Boshou can only sigh helplessly: "You unfilial son, if Qingyun Thunder Palace really sends someone over, your father and I have nothing to do. , But, I’ll find a way to suppress this matter for you, you’d better guilty and make meritorious deeds for me."

"I will not pursue the matter of practicing magic skills anymore, but if you can help us kill Chen Xuan and the Dugu family next to him, I will spare you, otherwise..." End Yan Bozhi's face was full of anger.

Seeing the angry look on his father’s face, Wanyan Linglong hurriedly knelt on the ground and said to him constantly, “Don’t worry, when those Explosive Flame Hunting Demon Groups were killed, I used to hear from them. He has obtained the refining method of the medicine pill, and I still have a lot of essence and blood that I have already obtained, and my cultivation level will definitely improve quickly."

   "What realm can you reach?" Wan Yan Bohe asked.

  Although his son's practice of magic arts brought him a lot of trouble, if Wanyan Linglong could defeat Dugulun, it would indeed save him a lot of things.

  When Chen Xuan and Dugulun were guests in the city lord’s server, he already felt that Dugulun’s cultivation level was extremely powerful. In this case, he was still a descendant of the Dugu family, and his sword skills improved his power again.

"Father, it only takes a week at most for me to make my cultivation reach the Shenluo realm and achieve great consummation. Then let alone this Dugu Lun, even if they have the thirteen sword ranks of the Dugu family, I can relax. Kill them!"

"Haha, the second brother really can speak big words." Wanyan Haomo suddenly stood up: "Second brother, do you know how strong the thirteen warriors of the Dugu family are, even if you reach the highest level of the Shenluo realm? Consummation is absolutely impossible to defeat him."

   "However, it is more than enough to deal with this kid called Dugulun. I hope your cultivation level can be improved quickly, and then you don't have to hold back my legs."

"You, Wan Yan Haomo, don't be so proud. Although your cultivation base is better than mine now, as long as one week later, I will surpass you. In another two weeks, my cultivation base will break through to the gods. At the second level of Luo Jingjie, you will only be my defeat by then."

  Wan Yan Hao didn't disagree. In his eyes, his own cultivation base was steadily improved, which was completely different from Wan Yan Linglong's practice of magic skills.

"Well, second brother, even if your cultivation level can be improved quickly, what about it? There is no place for you to stand in Tang Yicheng. I advise you to leave this place as soon as you kill Dugulun. Here There is no place for you to stay." Wanyanhaomoss showed no mercy, even if the person in front of him was his younger brother.

  At this moment, in the Lingshuang Inn.

With a polite look on his face, the owner of Lingshuang Inn quietly walked to Chen Xuan's room: "Master Chen, this is really thanks to you, if it weren't for the two of you, Wanyan Linglong did it. These evil things will never be exposed."

Chen Xuan held up a cup of tea with a pleasant smile on his face, and replied: "Boss, don’t be so polite. This is what we should do. By the way, how are the boys who were rescued by us the other day? Up?"

   "These boys are still very weak, but please don't worry, you two, they will recover in a few days. I am going to leave some of them to work with me." The owner of Lingshuang Inn said softly.

Chen Xuan smiled softly. After a few days of getting along, he found that the owner of the Lingshuang Inn was very temperamental and extremely friendly. In addition, he prepared a lot of free meals for Chen Xuan and others. Provided a lot of help, Chen Xuan also took the initiative to help him a few times.

   "By the way, for the past week, I have to concentrate on cultivating. If nothing happens, don't come here to disturb me." Chen Xuan whispered.

The owner of Lingshuang Inn nodded quickly, and then pointed to some of the food on the table: "Okay, Master Chen, these are all prepared for you. You and Master Dugu, concentrate on eating, I am here. I retired."

  In the evening, Chen Xuan sat alone in the room, with a touch of comfort on his face, tilted his legs, and cast his eyes out of the window.

   "This Wanyan Linglong, I never thought that I would shake out all his evil things. I really didn't expect that he would have done so many bad things over the years."

Catch the children who were born on May 5th and use their blood to refine the pill. This is just the tip of the iceberg. In the previous two months, this Wanyan Linglong didn't know how many bad things he had done and robbed the girl. It was just one of them. He even helped his brother to kill more than 20 people.

   "This Wanyan Linglong is also really evil, Chen Xuan, today, he did it all by himself." Dugulun leaned aside, and slowly picked up a cup of tea.

   "If I'm right, this guy will definitely sue the wicked person first. Tonight, he will most likely send someone to count me." Chen Xuan whispered.

   "How did you decide?" Du Gulun asked.

"It also needs to say that I have shaken out all the bad things in their family, how could he easily spare me? I'm talking about it, the whole Yan Linglong has done a whole lot of bad things, and it's not bad to send a killer tonight. Kill me." Chen Xuan said carefully.

   "That's the same, but their family has now been pushed to the forefront. If you kill you at this critical juncture, you will most likely be discovered by others." Dugulun said.

Chen Xuan nodded and replied: "It is indeed very likely to be discovered by them, but don't worry, I have already set up the Vermillion Bird formation near the Lingshuang Inn. If they break in, they will definitely encounter the formation Burning."

"Well, by the way, Dugulun, I will fight Wanyan Haomo in a few days. This battle is very important. If I can defeat it, Wanyan Boshen will definitely not dare to face me. If you do it, it's just a little trick secretly at best."

  Dugulun nodded slightly, did not speak, just listened carefully.

"Wan Yan Haomo will definitely not give up in the battle at that time. He will definitely make a secret trick. I hope you can help me find some herbs. I am going to refine the dragon spirit pill, this kind of pill. Medicine can improve my defense. By the way, you are going to tell the owner of Lingshuang Inn that you must not go out at will tonight."


  "This is still a question, haven't I already told you? I have already set up the Vermillion Bird formation near the Lingshuang Inn. If they leave here, it is very likely that they will encounter accidents."

   "Well, then why didn't you tell him just now?"

   "I forgot." Chen Xuan answered very simply.

  In the dead of night, Chen Xuan did not rush to rest, but looked ahead and began to display the power of the demon soul, feeling his surroundings.

"Wanyan Linglong's character will never give up. However, his cultivation is only in the late stage of the Shenluo realm. He must know that he is not my opponent, and he will definitely send someone over to inquire about the news." Chen Xuan thought inwardly. Up.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a scream from outside the door. Chen Xuan pinched his finger and knew that these people were sent by Wanyan Linglong, and they did not leave his house at all. These warriors were all Was killed by him.

   "I came so soon, I thought they would come in later." Chen Xuan whispered.

Hearing the screams from outside the door, Chen Xuan's face was expressionless. All of this was in his plan. According to Chen Xuan's inference, the son would definitely send someone to assassinate him tonight. At least he had to inquire enough. information.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan had already set up a Vermillion Bird formation outside the Lingshuang Inn. The power of this formation would definitely kill him even if the Wanyan Leading Dragon came over in person.

   "It's a pity that he didn't come over, otherwise, he was killed today." Chen Xuan gently opened the door and found that many warriors outside had already been burned to the ground by the flames.

  Unconsciously, the corpse capitals of many people stayed in the Lingshuang Inn. The next morning, the owner of the Lingshuang Inn was obviously panicked.

   "What the **** happened? Why are there so many dead bodies suddenly appearing outside?" The owner of Lingshuang Inn opened his mouth wide, his face clearly showing an incredible expression.

Dugulun yawned and slowly walked out of it: "It turned out to be Boss Li. Didn't I tell you yesterday? Chen Xuan has already set up the Suzaku formation in Lingshuang Inn. All of these are They were sent by Wanyan Linglong. Now they have all been killed. Clean up the bodies."

The owner of Lingshuang Inn nodded in a daze, and then ordered the boys to clean up all the corpses on the ground.

  In the room, in the airtight chamber, Chen Xuan slowly closed his eyes. For the past week, he has been absorbing aura and improving his strength.

  At this moment, the head of a Ling-Eyed Demon Mouse suddenly emerged from Chen Xuan's cuff.

   took out a few high-grade spirit stones from his ring, and Chen Xuan hurriedly fed them to the Lingmu Demon Mouse.

  Suddenly opened his mouth wide, and a high-grade spirit stone was directly swallowed by Ling Eye Demon Rat.

   "Why haven't you evolved?" Chen Xuan stroked the head of Lingmu Momo, his face full of doubts.

  A few weeks ago, the Ling-eye Demon Mouse had already swallowed a large amount of spirit stones. It stands to reason that he has now completed the transformation, but there is no change on the surface, almost the same as before.

The cultivation base of the Ling-eye Demon Rat can almost reach the first stage of the Shenluo realm. This kind of strength can be regarded as extremely powerful among the monsters. The Demon Spring monitor lizard they encountered in the Cold Dragon Mountain range at the beginning It's not the opponent of Lingmu Momo at all.

This Ling-eye Demon Mouse was obtained by accident by Chen Xuan. After his training, the Ling-eye Demon Mouse has obeyed Chen Xuan's orders, and the Ling-eye Demon Mouse has a very small size and can definitely perform unexpectedly at critical times. Effect.

   "This Wanyan Haomo, his idea is definitely not that simple. He will definitely use the yin damage strategy to cure me to death. This Ling-Eyed Demon Mouse can make me die and live." Chen Xuan whispered.

   With the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan has already controlled the Lingmu Demon Mouse. At a critical moment, he can release the Lingmu Demon Mouse to help him block Yan Haomo's plot.

   Seeing Ling-Eyed Demon Rat eating high-grade spirit stones nearby, Chen Xuan no longer cared about other things, but slowly closed his eyes and continued to practice.

  In a blink of an eye, three more days passed. Within these few days, Chen Xuan obviously felt that his cultivation level had broken through a lot, and the high-grade spirit stones in the building had been completely consumed by him.

  At this moment, the high-grade spirit stones and precious herbs in Chen Xuan's ring were completely consumed, and his cultivation level finally reached the great completion of the Shenluo realm.

  "Finally entered the realm of Dzogchen." With a relaxed look on Chen Xuan's face, in order to rise to the realm of Dzogchen, he consumed nearly three thousand high-grade spirit stones in total.

  A high-grade spiritual stone is almost equivalent to 10,000 middle-grade spiritual stones. One can imagine how precious the top-grade spiritual stones are.

  The high-grade spirit stone itself has a positive and abundant spiritual energy. These days, in order to gather all the energy in the high-grade spirit stone in the body, Chen Xuan has not rested for three consecutive days.

  Even a strong person who has reached the realm of the Shenluo, without rest for many days, it will have a certain impact on the spirit, so Chen Xuan began to sleep in the room.

  When he woke up, it was already the next day, and today is also the day he and Wanyan Haomo agreed.

   "Chen Xuan, hurry up, today is the time for you to fight Wanyan Haomo." Du Gulun's voice suddenly reached Chen Xuan's ears.

  (End of this chapter)

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