Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3365: Wanyan Boshen

   Chapter 3365

  In the City Lord’s Mansion.

"Since Wanyanbo has already apologized according to the city lord, then I, Chen, will not continue to make unreasonable troubles, but I also said that I will be the first, but when the life and death battle is carried out first, I have already told you. If Yan Hao is defeated, we will get all the shares of the Poxue Mine. Hope that Wan Yanbo can count on what the city chief says?" Chen Xuan said softly.

"Of course, hahaha, brother Chen Xuan, you really despise me. I can't tell you that although I do things unfairly sometimes, based on the friendship between the two of me, I will definitely not lie to you. Yes, now, in the name of my city lord Tang Yi, I guarantee that all the snow-breaking spirit stones in the entire Cold Dragon Mountain Range belong to your Heavenly Dragon City, and I don't want any of them." Wan Yan Bohei swears.

   "If I cheat you, I will thunder and strike every day, trip to death when walking, choke to death when eating." Wan Yanbo said softly.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan just nodded silently. He didn't believe that Wanyan Bo's vows were useful. This person could do anything for his own purposes. If he suddenly repented, Chen Xuan could not help him.

  "Why not, since you have already sworn, but I think it's better for you to bet."

"Brother Chen, what are you talking about? Now that you have won the battle, how can I grind? I can give you whatever you want. Come, bring the paper and pen, and cinnabar. I brought them all." Wanyan Boshi's face was full of bold aura, his murderous aura was completely restrained by him, and it is indeed a man who can bend and stretch.

After taking the vow, Chen Xuan also nodded slightly. He knew that these constraints on paper had almost no effect on Wanyan Boshen, but he finally got back a round on the bright face. It is definitely impossible to send people directly to dig the snow-breaking spirit stone in the Cold Dragon Mountain Range, and they will only do damage at best.

   "If that's the case, then I will leave." Chen Xuan gently gave Wanyan Boshy a fist, and then he was about to turn his head and leave.

Upon seeing this, Wan Yanbo hurriedly stopped Chen Xuan’s pace and said, "Brother Chen Xuan, what is the reason? Although you just killed Wan Yan Haomo, I will never blame it. Yours, based on the friendship between the two of us, I must leave you for a meal in my mansion."

  Even many warriors in Tang Yicheng sensed his hypocrisy and whispered beside Chen Xuan.

  "Master Chen Xuan, he must have no good intentions. You should think about it beforehand. Don't participate in his dinner."

  "It is said that this guy has repeatedly lied before. Don't believe his rumors..."

Hearing these people’s comments, Wanyan Boshen’s expression was also very ugly. He could only smile and said, “Brother Chen Xuan, this is also a life-and-death battle after all. Wanyan Haomo lost to you. I will definitely not look for you. Trouble, don't you think I'm that kind of person?"

   "Yes, I think you are this kind of person." Du Gulun didn't show mercy at all, and directly choked the Wanyan Boss back with a single sentence, leaving him speechless.

"Well, hahaha." Wan Yanbo smiled, but continued: "This brother is really good at joking, but both of you still have to stay with me for a meal. I have prepared food for you. Good food, if the two of you don’t eat here, you will definitely feel sorry next time."

  Chen Xuan turned his head directly, without saying a word: "Wan Yanbo, according to the kindness of the city lord, we took it. However, I have to return to Tang Yi city as soon as possible. I am afraid that there is no time to continue eating in your mansion. I will leave."

   After turning his head and leaving, Wan Yanbo never concealed the killing intent on his face. Seeing Chen Xuan and Dugulun leaving behind, he whispered: "This matter has a lot to do with you, right?"

After    was asked, Wanyan Linglong was stunned for a while, unable to say a word: "What does father mean."

  "Do you think others can't see it, but I still can't see it?" Wanyan Boshen suddenly showed hideousness.

"Father, what are you talking about? How could I..." Wanyan Linglong was speechless. He didn't expect to do tricks on the blood spirit pill. He had already been known by his father. Now he also feels that he can hardly ride a tiger. .

Kneeling on the ground quickly, Wanyan Linglong said to him: "Father, please give the child a chance to redeem the merits. I will definitely kill Chen Xuan. Believe me, it only takes three months. No, it only takes one month at most, and I can make my cultivation level break through to the second level of the Shenluo realm. At that time, let alone Chen Xuan, even if it is two, I can easily kill it."

  Wan Yan Bohei coldly snorted: "I hope you don't lie to me. If your cultivation level can't break through to the second level of the Shenluo realm after a month, you will be the first one I will kill by then."

   Wanyan Linglong nodded in a hurry, and finally both knees knelt on the ground: "Father, don't worry, I will definitely not lie to you this time. I will definitely kill Chen Xuan."

   After returning to his residence, Wanyan Linglong saw that his room was in a mess. He must have guessed that Chen Xuan had definitely been in his room before. Search for evidence of his alliance with the Flame Demon Hunting Group.

"These Explosive Flame Hunting Demon Groups were killed by Chen Xuan so easily. It's really embarrassing to me." Wanyan Linglong originally wanted to trouble the Explosive Flame Hunting Demon Group, but thought of the Explosive Flame Hunting Demon. Tuan had been killed by Chen Xuan, and he could only sigh helplessly.

"Now I can only rely on myself. Fortunately, I still kept this backup. As long as you find forty-nine martial artists who were born on May 5th and have cold energy in their bodies according to the ancient secret method, you can refine them. The soul-breaking pill is out." Wanyan Linglong thought secretly in his heart. In order to improve his cultivation level, he also sent people to search the city in recent days.

   "Wan Yan Linglong, we absolutely can't continue to attack in Tang Yicheng, the incident has been spread out by Chen Xuan at the beginning, our reputation has been ruined to the bottom..." a man said.

   Wanyan Linglong snorted coldly: “No matter what so many do, if these people dare to object, they will be killed directly.”

   "But what if a group of people oppose us?" the servant hurriedly asked.

"Then kill them all, don't keep any of them." Wanyan Linglong's face was extremely unhappy. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's taking out the evidence of his alliance with the Blast Flame Hunting Demon Group, he would definitely not. Will be scolded so much by my father.

   "This damn, I must make him pay the price, I must kill it, at most one month, I will refine the pill, let the cultivation breakthrough..."

   "I have absorbed the blood of five people before, and now I need more than forty people, which is more than a month at most..."

  Time has passed without knowing it, and Chen Xuan also returned to Sky Dragon City.

In the past few days in Tianlong City, he has been responsible for dealing with the snow-breaking veins in the Cold Dragon Mountain Range. In the past few days, the snow-breaking veins have been re-excavated, and he has re-employed many people and dispatched them to Han. Inside the Dragon Mountain Range.

He also directly linked with the Tianlong Chamber of Commerce and purchased a lot of herbs that resist poison and bite. This time, the speed of mining has increased significantly. In addition, Chen Xuan's attention to the snow-breaking veins has also improved his efficiency. a lot of.

  In just one month, nearly three tons of snow-breaking spirit stones were dug out from the cold dragon mountain range. These snow-breaking spirit stones can be refined with various metals and can add aura.

  Generally speaking, precious spirit stones can contain spiritual energy, but the reason why the snow breaking spirit stone is so precious is that its solidity is extremely terrifying, and even the refined magic weapons can reach the middle rank.

It’s a pity that the amount of snow-breaking spirit stones is very small, and the entire snow-breaking vein is at most enough for them to dig for ten years, but Chen Xuan believes that there is definitely more than one vein in the cold dragon mountain range. If you continue to excavate, you will definitely find others. The snow-breaking veins.

   "Chen Xuan, I feel that Wanyan Boshen will never stop here. We have now completely occupied the mining rights of the Poxue Mine..." Dugulun suddenly came up and said.

Chen Xuan nodded gently and replied: "It is true. It is indeed very dangerous now. I will also go to the Hanlong Mountain in the last few days to see how the limelight is. It is true that I will not let it go. Let's be more cautious. ."

  In the city lord’s mansion at this moment, Yu Wenqiu is also sitting next to him, listening to their conversation.

   "Chen Xuan, then Wan Yan Bo, who wanted to invite you to dinner at that time, why didn't you go?"

  Chen Xuan laughed: "Miss Yuwen, you are killing my Chen Xuan. That Wan Yan Bo wanted to invite me to dinner, even if I had a hundred courage, I would not dare."

"But Chen Xuan, I heard that Huaiyi City has had a lot of movement recently. When we went to Tang Yi City last time, the Huaiyi City Lord had almost no opinion. Now they have also lost their share of the Poxue Mine. I believe that their alliance will definitely be dissolved as well," said Dugulun.

"That's a lot of talk, but I think this winged city lord is also an old fox. After all, he has lived for almost a hundred years. Although his cultivation is not very strong, he knows a lot about these circles. There must be other plans." Chen Xuan also said.

"Maybe he will unite with Wanyan Boshen again. After all, the power of this snow-breaking vein is in our hands. If they want to obtain the snow-breaking spirit stone, they must **** it from my hand. He will never let it go if he seizes Sky Dragon City from his hands." Chen Xuan said cautiously.

   "By the way, what happened to Huaiyi City recently?"

"I don't know. I just heard some people who came to Sky Dragon City to do trade say that Huaiyi City is now recruiting some masters to form the Qingfeng faction, and the rewards to him are extremely high. You can get five hundred each month. A high-grade spirit stone, it seems that this Huaiyi City Master has already lost his blood."

"It can reach five hundred high-grade spirit stones, and there is such a good thing, and I want to do it." Chen Xuan laughed and said, the five hundred high-grade spirit stones are indeed extremely precious, even if Chen Xuan has done it now. City Lord Tang Yi, but the wealth of the entire Tang Yi City is not his alone.

   "Yes, and I heard that among this group of people, there is another named Wei Longmo, his cultivation is also very scary."

   "Wei Longmo!?" Chen Xuan's face was surprised. He had heard that Wei Longmo's fighting skills were extremely high and could even be transformed together. The previous strength almost reached more than 60,000 jin.

   "Mastered extremely terrifying fighting skills, coupled with the extremely powerful cultivation base, he is definitely not that easy to deal with." Du Gulun said.

  "Qingfeng faction was suddenly formed, and a master like Wei Longmo was also recruited. This Huaiyi City Lord really has different ideas." Yu Wenqiu also whispered.

  "Do you know Wei Longmo's information?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "According to what I have learned, this Wei Longmo masters very superb fighting skills, and his power is also great. This person is also a genius of the Demon Wind Empire. It is said that he can break a city wall with the palm of his hand."

"This person's boxing is very heavy and he is very good at using boxing. I heard that the Mingkong boxing method he has understood is powerful and strong. If you fight with him, you must be more cautious." Yuwenqiu explained. .

  (End of this chapter)

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