Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3371: Meteor Port

   Chapter 3371 Meteor Port

After arriving at Meteor Port, Chen Xuan rented a boat, and then Bian and Yuchi Leiyuan embarked on the journey.

Seeing the surrounding scenery, Yu Chi Leiyuan was impressed and said to Chen Xuan: "Master Chen, this place is really beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful scenery before. It is simply beautiful. "

  Chen Xuan also turned his gaze to the north, with a slightly purple color, shining from the sky, it was truly beautiful, and Chen Xuan couldn't help but be immersed in these scenes.

  A few minutes later, Chen Xuan shook his head and said to Yuchi Leiyuan: “The scenery is indeed beautiful, but the most important thing we need to know this time is to go to the vacuum city as soon as possible. After all, the Tiangang auction conference will begin soon.”

Vacuum City holds a Tiangang auction meeting every three years, and the scale is extremely large. Every year, most people in Yunxiao Mansion will participate. After all, there will be many precious items in the Tiangang auction meeting. If you have a good eye and know the light, maybe you can. Many useful treasures were found inside.

After staying on the merchant ship for more than five hours, Chen Xuan felt a little bored, so he was ready to go back to his residence. At this moment, he felt that the two men in black in the distance were a little bit bored. Sneaky, hideous expression, don't know what to plan.

  "What is the origin of those two people?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

  Wei Chi Leiyuan also followed his gaze closely, looking at the two men in black robes. From these two men, he could clearly feel the strong murderous intent, and his hands were definitely covered with blood.

   "I don't know what his origin is, Master Chen, do you want me to investigate." Yuchi Leiyuan said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly. After all, they were still on the merchant ship. The appearance of these two men was extremely strange, and Chen Xuan had to pay attention to it.

After walking into his residence for a while, Chen Xuan began to practice in retreat, but Yuchi Leiyuan followed closely behind the two men in black, following the same steps, no matter where they went, Yuchi Leiyuan didn't take it. They let it go.

  At this moment, the two men in black seemed to feel that they had been under surveillance, and one of them was full of murderous expression.

   "Li Aifan, do you feel that someone behind has been watching me secretly? I don't know where this guy came from."

"Big brother, don't worry, I will investigate who he is, and dare to monitor me in such a place. I must let him see how good I am." Li Aifan turned his head hurriedly with a murderous look. Looking behind him, he found that Yuchi Leiyuan was constantly observing them in a hidden place in the distance.

  Yichi Leiyuan's high cultivation base, coupled with keeping a distance of five or six meters from them, even if the two black-clothed men suddenly act, it is absolutely impossible to cause any harm to him.

The boss also hurriedly turned his head, looked at Yuchi Leiyuan, and then nodded and said, "This guy's cultivation base seems to be good, Li Aifan, if you fight, you must be more cautious. We are in this merchant ship. If you really can’t grab it, run as soon as possible. Life is still important.”

Hearing this, Li Aifan nodded like a woodpecker, and said to him: "I know, I also feel that this person is not weak in cultivation. We must be more cautious to guard against him..."

  Yichi Leiyuan himself already possesses the power of true essence. He can listen to the voices of these two people. After hearing their voices, Yuchi Leiyuan also initially judged their identities.

   "The origins of these two people are indeed very mysterious..." Yu Chi Leiyuan said inwardly.

  A few minutes later, he came to Chen Xuan's residence, his face was full of respect.

"Master Chen Xuan, if I'm right, these two people should be both fierce tiger hunting groups. They lurked in the merchant ship, trying to conspire to **** all the people in this ship, and then kill them. "Yichi Leiyuan said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly. From the first glance he saw the two men, he felt something was wrong. Obviously, the purpose of the two men in black was definitely not that simple.

On this river, there will indeed be many fierce tiger hunting groups. Compared with some thieves, these fierce tiger hunting groups are significantly more lethal and have a strong cultivation base. They will kill many people and rob them. All the valuable things on his body are extremely vicious, and he doesn't talk about justice at all.

   "If they do, they will directly kill all these fierce tiger hunting groups." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Yi Chi Leiyuan nodded, and replied to Chen Xuan: "That's what I said, Master Chen, do you want me to kill them all now?"

Chen Xuan shook his head and said, "No need. These fierce tiger hunting groups can't overcome many storms. No matter how strong their cultivation is, they are definitely only in the realm of Shenluo. With your strength, you should be able to deal with them easily, right? ?"

  Yichi Leiyuan nodded and said, "Of course you can rest assured."

With a smile on his face, he continued: "Master Chen, the next level of cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Shenluo realm. It is not very easy to deal with these little fierce tiger hunting groups. If they dare to do something, wait. Just kill them all, and then these fierce tiger hunting groups know how good I am!"

Chen Xuan nodded attentively and continued: "Well, Yuchi Leiyuan, you have to be more careful. I suspect that the purpose of this group of fierce tiger hunting groups is definitely not that simple. If they poisoned the food of merchant ships, it would be very It's hard to deal with."

   "Master Chen is right..." Yuchi Leiyuan said hurriedly.

   If so poisoned their meals, even if Yu Chi Leiyuan's cultivation base was stronger than them, it would be difficult to kill these fierce tiger hunting groups.

   "Master Chen, I will leave now." After speaking, he turned his head and left.

  Chen Xuan did not think too much. Judging from Yuchi Leiyuan's words and deeds, Chen Xuan also temporarily relaxed his vigilance against him. If he were to deal with the fierce tiger hunting group, Chen Xuan would indeed feel a lot easier.

"It just happens to give me time to practice. My luck is really bad. If I want to go to the vacuum city, I can meet the fierce tiger hunting group on the way." Closing his eyes, Chen Xuan was in the room afterwards. In the middle, began to practice.

  In just three minutes, from Chen Xuan's dantian, the Vermillion Bird's fire formed, condensed on the surface of his body, and began to desperately absorb the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth.

  Now Chen Xuan has reached the first major consummation of the Shenluo realm, and it takes a long time to break through if he wants to break through to the second level.

Every breakthrough in the cultivation base requires a lot of accumulation, but since Chen Xuan reached the first peak of the Divine King Realm last time, it has now been a month, and the cultivation base still hasn't grown a bit, but the power of the demon soul has improved him a lot. A monster pattern has once again condensed.

Before I knew it, more than half an hour, one hour, two hours had passed, and he was still in this state of cultivation, feeling that his strength was increasing.

  The good times did not last long. Chen Xuan suddenly heard a violent explosion on the entire ship. He hurried out of the house and took a closer look. He found that there were many fierce tiger hunting groups, which surrounded the entire ship.

   "Looking for death!" Chen Xuan condensed the flames of the Vermillion Bird in the palm of his hand. Before the fierce tiger hunting group approached, he directly saw his head with a sword.

After seeing Chen Xuan’s clean sword aura, the other fierce tiger hunting groups did not dare to approach. They all smelled a terrible power from Chen Xuan’s body, but once they rushed over, Chen Xuan would definitely Do it without hesitation.

   showed extraordinary strength, and all the fierce tiger hunting groups showed the color of fear. From Chen Xuan's body, they felt invincible power.

   "Who is this person? Why is his cultivation so strong..." a fierce tiger hunting group said in surprise.

  Chen Xuan directly ignored these fierce tiger hunting groups, with extremely light steps, and walked in the direction of the deck.

  "Who is he? Why is he so arrogant..." This fierce tiger hunting group showed a hideous color on his face, gathered the sword blades in his hands, ready to go, ready to do something against Chen Xuan.

   "I don't know, he can kill Li Lun in one turn. The cultivation base is absolutely extremely powerful. He must have entered the realm of Shenluo. The boss must be brought over, otherwise we absolutely can't kill him."

  At this moment, on the deck, the boss caught a young girl with a ferocious face, and said frantically: “Hurry up and give me all the valuable things from you, otherwise, everyone will die.”

"I give, give!" There are many people who are afraid of death, all of whom have already shown panic. The power of these fierce tiger hunting groups has made many people on this ship show fearful expressions and dare not resist the slightest amount of resistance. , Obediently took out valuable items and handed them to the hands of two fierce tiger hunting groups.

It's a pity that the leader of the fierce tiger hunting group is definitely not so simple. When he got the item, he turned his face and denied the person, and cut down the men in front of him with a sword.

   "His grandma, he wants to bargain with me, **** it." The leader yelled.

  They originally thought that after handing over the money, the other party would let them go, but the leader of the fierce tiger hunting group actually hacked the other party to death with this sword.

The two men in white clothes just handed in all their previous things, but they still did not escape death. Everyone felt it out. These fierce tiger hunting groups not only wanted their spirit stones, Still want their lives.

  Many people cried suddenly. They couldn't resist the fierce tiger hunting group, let alone fight against them, and now they had no choice but to kneel on the ground, waiting for their death.

  Almost all the people on the ship have been arrested. Even if there is a master, they have been hidden, and he has also found a master now. Hidden in the dark, waiting for an opportunity, ready to launch a fierce attack on several fierce tiger hunting groups.

   Just when he was about to do it, Chen Xuan suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

  "Don't worry yet." Chen Xuan said.

Dongfang Zhijun hurriedly turned his head and found that the face of the young man standing behind was full of calmness. He shook his shoulders hurriedly, threw Chen Xuan's hand down, and said to him: "I don't know how sacred this brother is. Why stop me?"

  Chen Xuan said to him: "Don't worry, these fierce tiger hunting groups have not yet gathered. Once they get together, we will catch them all at once."

   "What are you talking about? Their strength is not so easy to deal with. The thief leader's cultivation has reached the first level of the Shenluo realm. Do you think they are so easy to defeat?" Dongfang Zhijun asked.

  Chen Xuan did not directly answer his question, but kept searching for the whereabouts of Yuchi Leiyuan nearby, but he hadn't seen it for so long.

   "Where is this Yuchi Leiyuan going? It's really strange, haven't I told him before? Let him deal with these fierce tiger hunting groups, what's going on?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but said.

   "Yi Chi Leiyuan?" Dongfang Zhijun was obviously puzzled, I don't know who Yu Chi Leiyuan was in Chen Xuan's mouth.

   "This brother, I don't know who you are?" He felt that Chen Xuanqi was extraordinary, and his origin must be unknown.

  Chen Xuan smiled lightly, pointed to the west, and finally said: "I am the lord of Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan, I don't know who this brother is?"

"It turns out that you are the city lord of Sky Dragon City. I have heard of your reputation before, and I didn't expect to meet you here today." Dongfang Zhijun was full of joy. He had also heard of Chen Xuan's name before. I also wanted to go to Sky Dragon City to visit him.

  (End of this chapter)

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