Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3373: Yuchi Leiyuan

  Chapter 3373 Yuchi Leiyuan

  Yi Chi Leiyuan just joined Sky Dragon City, he would definitely be very grateful for Chen Xuan's actions, but Chen Xuan did not see any waves in his expression, which made Chen Xuan feel a little puzzled.

"This Yuchi Leiyuan is really what Yu Wenqiu said. I always feel that this person's origin is very mysterious, as if he has a certain purpose." Seeing Yuchi Leiyuan picking up the high-grade spirit stone from the side, then After leaving, Chen Xuan did not continue to think, but talked with Dongfang Zhijun.

   "Brother Dongfang Zhijun, why did your family provoke the Vacuum City Lord?"

"That vacuum city lord is simply a dog thief. He felt that our family was in danger, so he united with other families to kill us. If it weren't for my father's strong cultivation base, I wouldn't be able to escape." Dongfang Zhi The army's face was full of murderous intent.

   "I'm going to Vacuum City this time. You have to go there too, just so we can go all the way?" Chen Xuan asked.

He was not going to help the Eastern Zhijun, but he was very curious about his life experience. This blue frost Amazorphee could be regarded as a treasure of inheritance. It is positive and rare. It can not only be used for alchemy, but even if an ordinary person eats one plant, it can also be used for alchemy. Cultivation is improved.

   can even make Chen Xuan from the first level of the Shenluo realm, directly to the second level of the Shenluo realm, the breakthrough of this level of cultivation has been extremely rapid.

  The most important thing is that Green Frost Ampelopsis can grow freely even in the air. Every 30 days, Green Frost Ampelopsis can grow a leaf. Just under this leaf, you can get a lot of aura.

The reason why Dongfang Zhijun’s family was able to rise to the top of the three families in the vacuum city was because of the Azure Frost Ampelopsis. If it hadn’t been because of the Blue Frost Amazolome, their family would not have become so prosperous, and it would not have been affected by the vacuum city lord. Envy, thus erasing their family from the vacuum city.

   "Is there still your family in Vacuum City now?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

Dongfang Zhijun smiled bitterly: "How could it be possible? Our family has already been wiped out. Now the only one who survives is me. That vacuum city lord is very vicious, and is still sending people to chase me. I am afraid that these fierce tigers hunt. All the regiments were dispatched by him."

   "Is there a connection between the Fierce Tiger Hunting Group and the Vacuum City Lord? Why does he want to unite the Fierce Tiger Hunting Group?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but said.

"I don't know this. However, these fierce tiger hunting groups actually knew that there was blue frost azure grass on the merchant ship, and it was definitely told by the vacuum city lord. Otherwise, these people would not know that I was carrying blue frost azure grass on my body. "

   "When I escaped from the family, only the lord of the vacuum city would understand that the Azure Frost Ambergris was on my body, and the other warriors in the vacuum city thought that the Azure Frost Ambergris had disappeared in the battle."

   "No wonder." Chen Xuan nodded secretly.

  Time flew fast, and two days passed in an instant. On this day, Chen Xuan also came to the vacuum city, and temporarily accompanied Yuchi Leiyuan and Dongfang Zhijun.

  When he came to the vacuum city, Chen Xuandong looked to the west, and began to look at the scale of the vacuum city’s construction, secretly comparing it with the sky dragon city.

  As the largest commercial city in the south of Yunxiao Mansion, the scale of Vacuum City is indeed very prosperous. There are many merchants coming and going, most of them come from the waterways.

  Just after getting off the ship, Chen Xuan walked into the port of the Vacuum City Meteorite.

  At this moment, he suddenly heard a noisy sound in front of him. Two men in black clothes were battling their swords, and they were about to kill in the next moment.

  "Who are you?" a man asked.

   "Hahaha, you care who we are, this road belongs to us, boy, I think you should be more acquainted, hurry up, or I won't spare you lightly."

   "Fart, this place has been photographed by us a long time ago, and you still want to occupy this area, it is really looking for death."

  Suddenly, the two men turned into a black mist, and they continued to fight in the air.

  "Who are the two of them?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

  Dongfang Zhijun slowly shook his head: "I don't know. There are many forces near this meteorite port. Dragons and snakes are mixed. They often fight for an area here."

   "Look, these two people are the leaders of the two forces, and there are many others who haven't done anything."

  Chen Xuan looked to the sides and found that there were still many warriors in black who were ready to go.

  As they were about to walk over, a man suddenly stood in front of Chen Xuan and said to him: "Boy, this road is not allowed to go by. If you are more acquainted, get out of here as soon as possible. We are now fighting for territory."

The rest of the black-clothed warriors have also gathered. These are all members of the Dragon Bear Gang. In order to obtain the site of the Meteor Port, they will not hesitate to fight. If Chen Xuan passes through their lineup, these people But it will feel very embarrassing.

   "Have you heard? Go by, don't go from here, or I will teach you a lesson." The man cursed loudly.

  Chen Xuan chuckled lightly, and then replied: "Just because you want to do it to me?"

The dragon bear gang showed killing intent, and suddenly took out an eclipse magic sword from the side, stuck it on Chen Xuan’s neck, and said to him cruelly: "Boy, don’t you blame me for not warning you, do you know? Know who we are? We are all members of the Dragon Bear Gang. If you dare to provoke me today, I will chop you into mashed flesh in minutes."

   "Dragon Bear Gang members are too arrogant, right?" Chen Xuan whispered.

"That's not true. Our Dragon Bear Gang members are arrogant, so what can you do to me?" The Dragon Bear Gang warrior laughed and continued to say to him: "Did you see the two people fighting over there? The one in black is my elder brother. His cultivation has reached the ninth peak of the **** king realm. In only two rounds, the opponent will be killed by my elder brother."

  "Boy, if you get acquainted, hahaha, you should kneel down and kowtow to apologize. I may let you pass, or if you leave something valuable, I can let you pass."

   "Really looking for death!" Yu Chi Leiyuan's deep voice resounded.

   Suddenly, the face of the dragon bear gang martial artist showed hideousness, and suddenly raised the Erosion Jing Huan Yan knife, and slashed it at Yu Chi Leiyuan.

  "Die to me!" Yu Chi Leiyuan squeezed his fist, and a fierce fist wind suddenly radiated out, and even a burst of flames condensed on it.

This punch hit the dragon bear gang fighter firmly, his internal organs were shattered, making the dragon bear gang fighter's body immobile, and then fell to the ground with blood on his face. .

   "Damn it, big brother, someone is going to make trouble!" Another dragon bear gang warrior's face was full of horror. From Yu Chi Leiyuan's shots, he could also feel that the opponent's strength has far surpassed himself.

  So this dragon bear gang warrior didn't dare to stop Yu Chi Leiyuan directly, so he could only call his eldest brother's name.

  The leader of the Dragon Bear Gang heard his little brother’s voice, and immediately retreated the opponent with a punch, and then returned.

  "Who?" The leader of the Dragon Bear Gang asked loudly. When he saw Chen Xuan Dongfang Zhijun and Yu Chi Leiyuan, he suddenly showed a vicious smile.

   "Who I thought it was, I didn't expect it to be you." He recognized Dongfang Zhijun at a glance.

  Dongfang Zhijun was regarded as a hero in the vacuum city at the beginning, and his family was already very prosperous, but unfortunately it is already different now, but even so, many people also know Dongfang Zhijun.

   "Dongfang Zhijun, what's the matter? Do you still want to do two tricks with me? Without your family to support you, you are just a waste of wood, I see what you fight with me!"

  For the leader of the Dragon Bear Gang, Dongfang Zhijun is an embroidered pillow. His eyes are full of disdain, and it is obvious that he looks down on him at all.

This also made Dongfang Zhijun feel a little angry, but he knew what he had done before, and could only say: "Leader Li, you are a bit too much to say that. When did I provoke you, you? Actually want to target me like this?"

  The leader of the Dragon Bear Gang laughed, and then replied: "Hahaha, boy, I was targeting you, so what? Anyway, your family is now completely destroyed, what can you do to me?"

   "Even if you give you ten courage, you absolutely dare not touch me now, I'm just very arrogant, are you very angry?" The leader of the Dragon Bear Gang continued to mock.

Dongfang Zhijun also knew that it was not the time to reveal his identity. Otherwise, he would definitely be discovered by the Vacuum City Lord. He could only grit his teeth to support his emotions, and then whispered: "Leader Li, my father treated you very well back then. You can develop to this day because of my father's help."

The leader of the Long Xiong Gang spit out, and suddenly said: "I'm going to your uncle. What does my success have to do with your father? Don't put gold on your face anymore. Your family has now become a dish of loose sand, the whole vacuum No one in the city can save you, Eastern Zhijun, I see if you want to get out of it, don’t show up again."

  "Do you know that the lord of the vacuum is looking for you in the whole world, if you are found by him, I am afraid you can't eat it?"

   Hearing this, Dongfang Zhijun clenched his fists. Why didn't he know the scene of his family being killed in the first place, but now he was raised again by the leader of the Dragon Bear Gang, and he could only continue to endure it.

   "Leader Li, don't force me, although I don't know what you have to do with the lord of the vacuum, but..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xuan's body suddenly moved, and only a black light appeared next to the members of the Dragon Bear Gang.

A Dragon Bear Gang suddenly booed, and then walked towards Chen Xuan: "What's the matter? You still want to do something against us. Do you know that this entire Meteor Port belongs to our Dragon Bear Gang? ."

   "Hahaha, that's right, this meteor port is all members of our Dragon Bear Gang, and they still want to find it. It's really a death."

   "You are the same as these members of the Black Tiger Gang. You are simply a group of idiots. Really think that with two brushes, you can be lawless?" These dragon bear gang members shouted and ridiculed Chen Xuan continuously.

With a calm smile on Chen Xuan's face, he smiled slightly at the dragon bear gang members, and said in spirit: "I have never seen your method of finding death. Since I want to die, I can help you. "

   "Oh, this brother has a very big temper. He even dares to taunt me here. Do you know what cultivation level our elder brother is? If you want to kill you, there is no need for the second trick."

   "I advise you to organize language as soon as possible. What is this place? Don't you know that this is the vacuum city, it is the port of the meteorite, and our dragon bear gang has the final say."

   "It's not wrong, even if Lao Wang's daughter-in-law next to him has a child, it is managed by our Longxiong Gang, don't you know!"

"Our Dragon Bear Gang is Wang Fa here. If you have the courage, you can do it to Lao Tzu!" The Dragon Bear Gang is still yelling. Obviously, he didn't notice that Chen Xuan's face had darkened. Coming down, he was murderous, and he was only one step short of rushing towards him.

"Since you want to die, don't blame me." Chen Xuan's low voice rang, his pupils gradually turned red, and the sword in his hand burst out with a burst of fire, and he rushed towards him with lightning speed. A few dragon bear gang warriors.


  The flames instantly burned on the bodies of these dragon bear gangs. Among them, the strongest cultivation base was the sixth layer of the Divine King Realm, and there was no way to resist the burning of the Suzaku fire.

  Even the Shenluo masters who have reached the same level as Chen Xuan can only use the power of refining to defend against the fire of Vermilion Bird, but these ordinary people, how can they master the defense of refining.

In just three short minutes, the bodies of many dragon bear gangs were instantly burned black, and this has not stopped, Chen Xuan once again gathered a fierce red flame in the palm of his hand, thinking about a lot. It burned fiercely.

  In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Chen Xuan suddenly exploded in strength and killed all the people who wanted to rush over.

  All of a sudden, many warriors who were onlookers in the port of Meteorite were surprised.

   "What is the origin of this person? He is even hot for the Dragon Bear Gang. Doesn't he know how powerful the Dragon Bear Gang is in the Meteor Port?"

  (End of this chapter)

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