Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3386: Blood for pill

  Chapter 3386 Blood Return Pill

  Faced with Chen Xuan's Suzaku swordsmanship, he tried many times but couldn't break through.

   Chen Xuan, who was surrounded by the Liaoyuan Sword, had turned very pale. These Xuantian poisonous waters were devouring a large amount of his spiritual power, and Chen Xuan felt that his physical strength was passing by quickly.

  "The blood must be paid back..." Chen Xuan couldn't help thinking inwardly.

He felt that his essence and blood was fading fast, and if he continued for more than half an hour, maybe he would really be taken away by this mysterious water of poisonous water. Fortunately, Chen Xuan also began to ooze the power of the Vermillion Bird. Xuantian poisonous water began to burn in his body.

   "This Xuantian poisonous water has already begun to penetrate the dantian. If I used the power of the Vermillion Bird in advance, it would not become like this." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

The power of the Vermillion Bird also has an obvious effect on the will of the Xuantian Poisonous Water, but at first Chen Xuan did not expect that the other party would actually coat the Xuantian Poisonous Water on the Bone Extraction Essence Fantastic Flame Knife, which made him miss the most Good time.

"Damn Captain Li, once I recover from Xuantian Poisonous Water, I will definitely kill you!" Seeing this man preparing to charge Captain Li against him, Chen Xuan felt that he couldn't get angry. , His face was full of madness.

With the fire of the Vermillion Bird running in his body, Chen Xuan once again allowed the power of Vermillion Bird to walk in the blood for two weeks. After five minutes, Chen Xuan suddenly took out a blood spirit pill from the ring and quickly Swallowed in the stomach.

   "I can't do it anymore. I can't use the blood spirit pill to get rid of the mysterious water!" Chen Xuan shouted.

A plume of blood burst out of his body immediately, spreading quickly to the surroundings. After just a few seconds, Chen Xuan's body slowly floated in the air, and then he felt a wave of strength. It came out from the palm of his hand and immediately spread to the surroundings.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's pupils also turned red, and this power was rapidly circling around the forming area. With the power of the super ghost, Chen Xuan had already removed these Xuantian Poisonous Water from his body little by little. Forced out.

   "No, this is impossible!" Captain Li's face was full of panic.

  When he saw that Chen Xuan's strength was constantly recovering, he also knew that Chen Xuan could not be beheaded at all now. The gap between him and Chen Xuan was obvious.

  Chen Xuan just arranged a simple spiritual formation around, and coupled with the control of the Liaoyuan sword with his consciousness, he could defend Captain Li’s attack.

   "You want to kill me today. I'm afraid it's not that simple, right?" Chen Xuan suddenly grinned.

  From his body, a fierce airflow directly flicked out, and immediately slammed towards Captain Li.

Facing Chen Xuan's attack, Captain Li felt that he had no defense at all, so he could only lower his head helplessly, and was directly knocked out by this sword aura for twenty to thirty meters, hitting a distant wall. .

   Walking slowly towards Captain Li, Chen Xuan directly grabbed him by the neck, then threw it into the air fiercely, hitting the opponent's lower abdomen with a punch.

  The hard work spit out from Captain Li's mouth, and finally fell to the ground fiercely, his face was full of madness, but also full of unwillingness.

He originally thought that Chen Xuan would definitely be killed after being hit by the Bone Extraction Essence Fantastic Sword, but the facts were beyond his expectation. With the power of the true essence, Chen Xuan took all of the Xuantian Poison Water It was forced out. If this kind of thing is said, the entire vacuum city will probably be amazed.

   "Damn it, why can he have such a strong power? I don't believe it, it's impossible!" Captain Li roared out loud as if he was crazy.

  Chen Xuan kicked **** the head and said crazy to him: "Hehe, you don't know a lot. You still want to use venom to deal with me. Are you really naive?"

   "Why didn't you die!" Captain Li, who had already fallen into a ferocious roar, roared out loud, his face was obviously incredulous.

"You are miscalculating. My Vermillion Bird's power can not only kill your waste, but also easily deal with the mysterious water infiltrated into the body. However, this venom is indeed very dangerous. If it is later, I'm indeed very likely to be poisoned and die."

   "It's impossible, who are you..." Captain Li panicked.

"I'm your father." Chen Xuan didn't want to, and continued to answer, grabbing Captain Li's head, pressing his body severely on the ground, and stepping on his forehead. Suddenly the brain burst and blood flowed, the whole scene seemed cruel, and this was just the tip of the iceberg.

   "You still want to sneak attack on me, I'll take you eight!" Chen Xuan roared, and the two swords in his hand danced quickly, quickly cutting his body into eight parts.

  The next morning, many warriors in many cities also heard the fighting nearby. Before that, they didn't dare to come out.

  Many recent battles in the vacuum city have made the residents of these vacuum cities also realize that the city is not peaceful recently, and if it comes out hastily, it is likely to be affected.

   "Look, the battle that took place here yesterday, his corpse is still here." A man from Vacuum City suddenly pointed to the blood on the ground, as well as the broken limbs in the distance.

   "Should we report to Captain Li? This is too cruel, right? It's a big deal of the corpse."

   "This person can't be seen after being beaten. I don't know who he provokes. He was beaten so badly and his body was cut into eight parts. This murderer is too cruel."

   "What happened to Vacuum City recently? Why did you suddenly lose so many people."

   "Why are they fighting here."

   "I heard the sound yesterday, but I didn't come out. Fortunately, I didn't come out, otherwise I would be dead."

   "This is not a murderous monster, right? Report to Captain Li!"

   "Captain Li is dead!"

"What, Captain Li is dead!?" Many warriors in the vacuum city were shocked. In their impression, Captain Li had already been the leader of the vacuum city for many years, and he did manage the vacuum city. It's not bad.

Even though Captain Li and the Dragon Bear Gang were in collusion, there was no major trouble in Vacuum City. At most, they only extorted some premiums from the shops. Now the residents of these Vacuum City are completely confused, and their faces are full of horror. . "What should we do now..."

   "I don't know, isn't the security team alive?" a warrior asked.

   "There should be more, I just heard from him, Captain Li has been killed..."

  At this moment, in the vacuum city lord mansion.

  Vacuum City Lord has a self-evident look on his face, he is pouring wine next to him, and carefully interrogating a man in front of him: "You tell me carefully, what did Captain Li tell you yesterday?"

  "Sir, I didn’t see him when we left yesterday, and I don’t know where Captain Li went."

   "That's right, I didn't see Captain Li yesterday, and I don't know where he went."

  "Replace these people and continue to ask others." City Lord Vacuum gave orders to several servants beside him.

   "The Lord of the City said, you can come in!"

  Several vacuum city warriors wearing armor suddenly walked into the main hall of the city lord’s mansion, looking at the vacuum city lord in front of them, they knelt on the ground respectfully, and hurriedly said: "My lord city lord."

   "Sir, I am here, I don't know what you can do to summon us?" All these people are the guards of the vacuum city.

   "I ask you, Captain Li was killed last night, do you know about this?"

   "What, Captain Li was actually killed by someone?..." The faces of these warriors were shocked, and they obviously did not expect that the other party would be killed in the vacuum city.

   "What the **** is it?" the guard asked hurriedly.

  The city lord shook his head slowly: "I don't know why, but it's definitely not that simple."

  Needless to say, in the mind of the Vacuum City Lord, Chen Xuan must have been affected, and only Chen Xuan had an enemy with Captain Li.

  Captain Li had never been attacked before, but after Chen Xuan entered the vacuum city, he was dumped eight yuan last night. The vacuum city owner must have guessed that the murderer behind the scenes was actually Chen Xuan.

  He couldn't make a decision either. After all, this matter hadn't spread out yet. Where was Chen Xuan last night? Even he didn't know.

"Someone dared to kill Captain Li in the vacuum city. It's such a brave. Don't worry, Lord Lord, I will definitely investigate this matter." The man who spoke was also a member of the vacuum city. Guard one of Captain Lee.

  Hearing this, the City Lord of Vacuum said softly: "Captain Wang Li, you must be more cautious when investigating this matter. You come over and I have a word to tell you."

   "It's an adult!" Captain Wang Li immediately got up and walked in the direction of many Vacuum City Lords.

  "Sit down first!" The Vacuum City Lord pointed to the chair next to him.

After   Captain Wangli sat down, the city lord of Vacuum poured him a glass of wine, and then said: "I suspect that the person named Chen Xuan did this."

   "Chen Xuan, isn't he the lord of Sky Dragon City? Didn't I see him last time?" Captain Wang Li whispered.

   "There is nothing wrong, it is very likely that he did this thing. The person in contact with Captain Li is the only one in the entire vacuum city. If it were not for Chen Xuan, no one would be able to kill him easily."

   "It is also said that Brother Li's cultivation has reached the late stage of the Shenluo realm. No one can easily defeat him, even I am not necessarily his opponent."

"You are wrong. His cultivation has already reached the highest level of the Shenluo realm before. Not to mention that no one in this vacuum city is his opponent. Even Chen Xuan may not be able to easily defeat him, I doubt it. There are other people behind this incident."

   "Who else?"

   "However, how many people are you sending to monitor Chen Xuan, I can't say that Chen Xuan did it?"

   "Who else can there be?" Captain Wang Li asked suddenly.

  Think of the face in his mind, but the Lord of Vacuum didn't say it.

   "Well, you can retreat now. You have heard what I told you. Don't act rashly. Recently, I sent a few people to stare at Chen Xuan and leave the rest to me."

  Vacuum City Lord did not finish all the words. Apart from Chen Xuan, he also felt that this matter might also have been done by Dongfang Zhijun.

  Since he accidentally let Dongfang Zhijun escape three years ago, he has been sending people to search for the whereabouts of Dongfang Zhijun, but he has been chasing him for more than three years, but there is still no news about his strength.

"This Dongfang Zhijun has the blue frost sky blue grass handed down by their family. Maybe this kid's cultivation has broken through to the realm of the Shenluo, and now he is coming back to find me for revenge." The heart of the vacuum city lord Thinking secretly, at the same time he held up a glass of wine to fill himself and drank it.

   "However, this kid's strength cannot be improved so quickly. It took his father more than 20 years to reach the second stage of the Shenluo realm."

  At the beginning, the reason why the Vacuum City Lord was able to defeat him was because he had poisoned his glass, otherwise he would not be able to defeat the opponent, and even his entire family would be wiped out.

  In order to obtain Cyan Frost Sky Bluegrass, the City Lord Vacuum can use any conspiracy and tricks, and he doesn't even talk about benevolence, justice and morality.

   "If this kid dared to come over, I could still happen to get the blue frost sky blue grass from his hand, hahaha." The city lord of the vacuum was full of a grin.

  (End of this chapter)

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