Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3419: Black cloud gate

  Chapter 3419 Black Cloud Gate

  In the remains of the First Dynasty.

"Well, you deserve to be from the Black Cloud Gate. The speed of this sword aura is really fast." After seeing the sword aura he showed, Chen Xuan's face was also surprised. It's a pity that Li Lianhui's speed is compared with Chen Xuan's. , It's a little insignificant.

   "Today I will let you see what real speed is." Chen Xuan's pupils gradually turned red, and a red demon soul power appeared in front of him, instantly increasing his speed.

In just two short seconds, Chen Xuan appeared behind Li Lianhui. When Chen Xuan displayed the Suzaku sword aura, a thousand golden lights appeared behind him instantly, blocking his body. Densely packed.

   Li Lianhui in front of him also showed a look of shock. He hurriedly waved to defend himself, but at the same time, Chen Xuan's Suzaku sword aura was completely released, and he quickly killed Li Lianhui.


  Sword Qi directly hit the blade in Li Lianhui's hand, directly causing the long sword holder in his hand to fly out.

"How is this possible? Why did your cultivation level improve so quickly..." Li Lian would open his mouth. In his impression, Chen Xuan was only the second peak of the Shenluo realm, but now only a few hours have passed, Chen Xuan's cultivation level had actually broken through to the second major consummation of the Shenluo realm.

  "Have you encountered a heritage in this first dynasty relic?"

   "It should be impossible, how did you discover the inheritance, Chen Xuan, you..."

  Li Lianhui just wanted to speak, but Chen Xuan didn't give him a chance to react. The sword in his hand flew out directly. Seeing Chen Xuan once again displayed the Suzaku Sword Qi eightfold, Li Lianhui also felt a slight threat.

  The next moment, Li Lianhui's figure suddenly flashed, and quickly grasped the long sword flying in the sky, and then showed a fierce sword aura towards Chen Xuan.

   "Let's let you see today, our Lei Qianzong's black cloud swordsmanship!" Li Lianhui let out a roar, and then, black air appeared in the air, and quickly filled the past towards Chen Xuan.

When Chen Xuan showed thousands of sword shadows, his other hand also showed a gray light, which set off Chen Xuan's whole body extremely dazzlingly. The next moment, another flame came from Chen. Xuan's body bloomed out, and they quickly killed Li Lianhui from different directions.

   "How is this possible..." Li Lianhui's face was full of shock, and he finally felt the danger when he saw the dense sword aura emerging from behind Chen Xuan.

Suddenly, a flame burned onto Li Lianhui’s face instantly. He instantly grasped the sword in his hand and slashed it to the Suzaku Fire. His face was also obviously shocked, and he continued to curse Chen Xuan: " This **** Chen Xuan has such a strong cultivation base, I must kill him and give him all his family!"

  After continuous efforts, Li Lianhui’s sword aura finally resisted the Suzaku fire, but he also left traces of tiny scars on his body. If you didn’t look closely, you wouldn’t be able to see it at that time.

  Chen Xuan had already estimated Li Lianhui’s defensive route before the attack. The next moment, Suzaku fire suddenly appeared on his fist, and he slammed Li Lianhui’s neck.

  If this punch can hit, you can directly knock Li Lianhui off the head.

  Chen Xuan's speed is too fast. Li Lianhui originally wanted to run away sideways, but found that Chen Xuan's punch had directly hit him in the face.


   The majestic strength was mingled with the flames of the Suzaku, and it directly hit Li Lianhui's face, and his body was instantly knocked out and fell into the distance.

  Getting up from the ground with difficulty, Li Lianhui covered his left face, which had been completely burned by the flames, his face was a little pale, and blood was constantly flowing out of the wound.

   "Chen Xuan!" Li Lianhui's pupils were full of madness. He originally thought that his cultivation had completely suppressed Chen Xuan, but at this moment, Li Lianhui realized how simple he was thinking.

He always thought that he had cultivated in the Lei Qianzong for decades, and his cultivation level would definitely be able to deal with Chen Xuan easily. When he returned to his family, he saw only a few people, and all the others were taken by Chen Xuan. It's gone.

The fight against Chen Xuan also made Li Lian feel that he was a little bit arrogant. Chen Xuan's cultivation was not as simple as it seems. Although he is only ranked very low in Yunxiaowei, Chen Xuan's true cultivation is even Far surpassed many warriors in Yunxiao Mansion.

  Just now, Chen Xuan not only defeated Li Lianhui, but even surpassed him in speed by far. As Li Lianhui who is known for his speed, he feels very humiliated now.

   "Damn I!" Li Lianhui said angrily.

   "Zhongsun Ziming, you are still around to see what he does, don't hurry up and help me kill it!" Li Lianhui shouted out loudly.

After seeing Chen Xuan's attack, Zhang Sun Ziming also had a look of surprise on his face.

   "Why does this kid's cultivation level improve so quickly..." Zhang Sun Ziming had already been frightened and stupefied, but just stayed in a daze, constantly observing Chen Xuan's footsteps.

Chen Xuan slowly walked towards Li Lianhui, his face was full of calm, but it also looked a little long, and slowly said to him: "Li Lianhui, how is it? Now you know, the gap between the two of us, How old you are, and you know how I killed your father in the first place, right?"

Seeing Chen Xuan walking towards him step by step, his face was full of wind and light, Li Lianhui roared to the sky, the sword in his hand suddenly burst with a red light, the breath of the whole body soared, and a burst of light burst out all over his body. With the fierce air current, the blade swayed fiercely and slammed towards Chen Xuan's neck.

   "I want to dying to struggle" Chen Xuan smiled disdainfully.

  Li Lianhui suddenly launched a rampage, his whole body was filled with layers of fierce aura, and the eukaryote in his body also instantly became dignified, and all these auras were gathered in the giant sword in his hand.

  At this moment, Li Lianhui was filled with a strong sword aura, and an extremely powerful aura burst out of his body in an instant.

   "Be careful with Chen Xuan!" Du Gulun said loudly.

He could feel the danger from this sword aura. After all, Dugulun had also reached the second level of the Shenluo realm. At this moment, he also hurriedly wanted to run towards his black giant sword to help Chen Xuan defend against this blow. .

   "Dugulun, you are already injured. Just stay here." Chen Xuan said softly.

  At this time, Li Lian would once again wave the sword in his hand and slash towards Chen Xuanmeng.

   "Today I will kill you, Chen Xuan, I make you look down on me!"

  Li Lian would roar, and the giant sword in his hand was swung fiercely. Wherever this sword aura passed, the air burst again and again.

  This is the strongest sword aura Li Lianhui has displayed. It has even surpassed the speed of sound. These sounds are all produced by the sword aura breaking through the air. This trick has caused Li Lianhui to overdraw all his physical strength.

  What Li Lianhui didn't expect was that after Chen Xuan's cultivation level was improved, he did not confront him head-on, but directly leaned on his side and escaped his sword aura.

Sword Qi rubbed Chen Xuan’s cheeks, and rushed towards his back. At this moment, there were thunderous sounds from behind Chen Xuan, and fierce sounds burst out from this sword. The qi continued to spread to the surroundings.

  In a short while, this sword aura directly produced a huge sword light, and all the rocks where it passed by were all shattered, and even the air was shattered.

With a cold snort, Chen Xuan saw the explosion blooming behind him, and then said: "It's a pity that I am faster than you. If I follow this sword aura, I will most likely be seriously injured. what."

Even though Li Lianhui is very strong, the sword aura that blooms can easily kill the strong of Shenluo Second Layer, but for Chen Xuan, he does not need the power of refining to defend, only relying on speed. You can hide it.

   "I didn't expect you to be able to use this trick again. It's two times." Chen Xuan's face showed a look of surprise. He obviously didn't expect Li Lianhui to be able to use such tyrannical swordsmanship.

   Surprised, Chen Xuan did not hesitate to display the Suzaku Fire again, and the sword aura flying all over the sky filled Chen Xuan’s back and slammed directly into Li Lianhui.

  Li Lianhui let out a roar and waved the long sword in his hand again, and fierce sword light burst out from around him, and countless sword auras hit the top of Suzaku's sword aura.

  In a short moment, countless sword auras were constantly clashing. At this moment, Chen Xuan unexpectedly discovered that the Suzaku sword aura he had just exhibited had all been shattered.

   "There are really two sons, you deserve to be from Lei Qianzong." Chen Xuan said softly.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan once again released the second level of Suzaku sword aura. At present, he has raised the power of the demon soul to the third level, and the speed has suddenly accelerated, appearing directly behind Li Lianhui.

   "Today I will show you what is cruel!" Just when Chen Xuan was about to launch a fatal blow to Li Lianhui, his body was directly knocked out and fell to the ground.

   Feeling the blood constantly flowing out of his skin, Chen Xuan also discovered the eukaryote in his body, and his spiritual energy was constantly tumbling.

  A puff of blood spurted out of his body, and Chen Xuan hurriedly got up from the ground. Zhang Sun Ziming’s sneak attack almost killed him.

   "Damn grandson Ziming..." Chen Xuan's face was full of cruelty: "I must kill you."

  If it weren’t for Chen Xuan’s opportunity to react in advance, Changsun Ziming would have killed him with a single sword just now, and there would be no way to defend against Changsun Ziming’s attack.

  There was a slight pain in his chest, and Chen Xuan also hurriedly took out a few pills from the ring and swallowed them quickly into his mouth.

   "I'm about to forget, Chen Xuan can refine pills, and he is still an alchemist." Changsun Ziming said in a low voice.

"Zhang Sun Ziming, what are you still staring at here? You kill it quickly!" Li Lianhui was full of tension. The battle just now made Li Lianhui obviously feel dangerous. He felt that he was not Chen Xuan's opponent. , Let alone Changsun Ziming.

  Long Sun Ziming just wanted to attack, but suddenly realized that Chen Xuan's injury had completely recovered, his face was obviously surprised.

   "How is this possible? My sneak attack just now cost him half of his life, why is he doing nothing at all now..." Zhang Sun Ziming said.

A hint of shock bloomed in his pupils. Li Lianhui also grew his mouth, staring incredibly at Chen Xuan's wounds, which were healing continuously: "I said, the pill he took can make him hurt quickly. restore."

Seeing Chen Xuan's recovery speed so fast, Zhang Sun Ziming can also react. He himself has also practiced a demon soul. He naturally knows that the demon soul can strengthen the physical strength. Just now Chen Xuan took the pill and added the demon soul. The strength of his injuries allowed him to recover continuously at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "Hurry up and attack him!" Li Lianhui said loudly.

Now they don’t care about the justice of the world. The only thing they can do is to kill Chen Xuan as soon as possible. After discovering this, Li Lianhui is not going to continue to consume Chen Xuan. Although he feels very shocked in his heart, he is also very shocked. Seizing any opportunity to cause a fatal blow to Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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