Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3444: Soul of Heavenly Jade

  Chapter 3444 Soul of Heavenly Jade

  In the Demon Wind Empire.

"I have been alone in this great magic wind empire over the years. How much wrongs have I suffered? I am afraid you don’t know, Junior Sister, when your father did something like this to me, you thought I would let go. Have you passed him? Haha."

"I'll just tell you. I deliberately lured you over, and then used you to kill your father, and I just wanted to blackmail a few heavenly jade souls from you, for these days Soul of Jade, I walked thousands of miles and found the Niguang Mountain Range of the Yunye Empire, and found that there were many strange jade birds in it."

   "Okay, okay, don't talk so much nonsense, you deserve to die now." Chen Xuan's face was full of murderous heart.

"Gongsun Polu, you are so vicious, you go to death!" Sima Ru Jiao shouted, his soft body drew an arc in the air, and the sword in his hand also released a green spiritual power, thinking Gongsun Polu killed him fiercely.


  Gongsun Polu directly took out the Dragon Scale Heaven Breaking Sword, and suddenly climbed many demon-defying holy soul elephants in the air, let out a low roar, and continued to bite in the direction of Simaru.

"Not good!" Seeing these demon sacred soul elephants rushing towards him in a thunderous manner, Simaru's small face was full of panic. He wanted to avoid it, but there was no way to escape. The speed of the sacred soul elephant.

  Suddenly his body turned into a red light, Chen Xuan also showed the power of the demon soul, his body turned into a red light, and suddenly appeared in front of Sima Ru.


   Raised the blade, Chen Xuan immediately swung out a sword aura, and all the demon-defying sacred soul elephants that rushed towards him were shattered.

"It's impossible..." Gongsun Polu's face was full of horror. He just broke through his cultivation to the second major consummation of Shenluo, and the Demon Sacred Soul Elephant rushed out of the Dragon Scale Heaven Breaking Sword. Basically, his cultivation has reached the same realm as him.

  But when facing Chen Xuan, he couldn't even hold up a round.

   "What realm has your cultivation level reached?" Gongsun Polu asked in a low voice.

"Hehe, Gongsun Polu, I am afraid you are no longer qualified to know. You have done so many evil things. Today I will avenge the dead. At the same time, I also want to let you know that the wicked have their own wickedness. I I won't let you go, let me die!" A majestic sword aura burst out of Chen Xuan's body, and he slew Gongsun Polu fiercely.

"The big thing is not good!" Feeling the ferocious power carried in this Suzaku sword aura, Gongsun Polu let out a low growl, his body hurriedly evaded to the side, but the speed of the Suzaku sword aura was extremely fast. In a flash, he rushed in front of him.


   Sword Qi is like a flood, forming a red halo beside him, completely covering his body, no matter how hard his body struggles, there is no way to leave the Suzaku fire.

"What kind of flame is this? How could it be possible? Why can I be trapped here?" Gongsun Polu roared again, he threw the dragon scale sky-breaking sword into the air, creating a demon-defying holy soul image, thinking With the help of the power of the demon sacred soul elephant, let yourself escape from the flames of the Vermillion Bird.

All his attempts ended in failure. Chen Xuan created the Vermillion Bird Fire, where he could easily escape. In just a few seconds, these demon-defying sacred soul elephants were directly burned by the flames. ash.

"This is different from what I thought..." Gongsun Polu opened his eyes wide and his face was full of horror. He originally thought that with the power of the Sage Soul Elephant, he could face Chen Xuan and Simaru alone. Will go straight to the bottom.

  The flame spread rapidly again, and Gongsun Polu’s current cultivation base had no way to withstand the burning of the Vermillion Bird Fire.


Gongsun Polu let out a roar, and his body began to be continuously swallowed by flames, just like a feather in the sky and earth flowing in the air, Gongsun Polu's body was finally burned into a skeleton, slowly Fell to the ground.

   "Chen Xuan, don't think I will thank you." Simaru snorted coldly, then turned to leave.

  Chen Xuan was not ready to develop much friendship with Simaru. After seeing the other party's departure, Chen Xuan was cheerful and walked towards Gongsun Polu.

  "This guy, I used to grab so many purple moon dragon scales, I am afraid there are more than one hundred, but now there are only twenty-three, but that's okay."

"Even if there are only twenty-three purple moon dragon scale plants, I can refine a lot of pills. It's a pity..." Chen Xuangang finished speaking, but suddenly realized that there were many heavenly jade souls in his ring. .

The soul of the heavenly jade contains extremely loyal power of the demon spirit. The reason why Gongsun Polu collected the soul of the heavenly jade of the soul-eating strange jade bird was to use the soul of the heavenly jade to refine the sacred soul of the demon. As a result, I have also seen that the Soul of Heavenly Jade can indeed be refined by the Dragon Scale Heaven Breaking Sword.

"But I won't use this Dragon Scale Heaven Breaking Sword to refine the Demon Sacred Soul Elephant. This Black Fiend Cloud Gate weapon will be buried with Gongsun Polu." Chen Xuan roared from his body. The Suzaku fire burst out again, and it burned desperately on the Dragon Scale Skybreaker.


The flame burns at an extremely fast speed. In a flash, this dragon scale sword made of extremely strong steel was instantly burned into black charcoal, and it fell on the ground and merged with Gongsun’s bones. .

Among Gongsun’s Polu’s rings were not only the Soul of Heavenly Jade and Purple Moon Dragon Scale, but also many of his treasured medicinal herbs. On the contrary, they were all cheaper than Chen Xuan. After all these treasures were taken out, Chen Xuan did not continue to stay in the Demon Wind Empire, but prepared to return to the Sun Moon Fortress to give an explanation to the Taixu Zhuang Master.

  Two days later, in the Sun Moon Fortress.

   "Sima Lun'an is dead." Chen Xuan whispered.

   Taixu Zhuang Master sighed, his face was quite helpless, and then he said: "Chen Xuan, I'm really sorry, this kind of thing happened, let you come here in person."

"The owner does not have to be so polite. You will send me some herbs every month. I am also very grateful to you. Don't worry. If there are people who will trouble you in the future, even if you can tell me Chen Xuan, I can naturally help you. Settle it." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

The owner of Taixu Village was full of gratitude, and said to Chen Xuan, "Brother Chen Xuan, you can’t say that. If it weren’t for you, Taixu Villa would not have been able to control the entire restriction fortress. Without you, there would be no way. My today."

For Sect Master Taixu Poyun, Chen Xuan is not only their savior. For Chen Xuan’s comeback, the owner of Taixu Village was always in his eyes. If not, their Taixu Villa would have been taken by others. The two big mountain villas were destroyed.

   "By the way, Brother Chen, I heard some news recently that Wanjian Villa seems to be convening a ten thousand swords conference, and there will be many masters who will go there. Would you like to go there too?!

  "Ten Thousand Swords Conference?!" Chen Xuan's face was full of doubts.

  "When will the Ten Thousand Sword Conference be held?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

   "As far as I know, this Ten Thousand Swords Conference should not start until a few months later. You don't want it now."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded lightly. He had just touched the threshold of the Soul of Sword. He had to attend this Ten Thousand Swords Conference.

  If I can participate in this Ten Thousand Swords Conference, it will definitely increase my cultivation.

  Chen Xuan also cultivated Demon Soul before. Although this power increased his cultivation a lot, Chen Xuan was originally a sword cultivator. If he could not master the sword soul, he would not be able to further improve his cultivation.

In this Putian Continent, he has cultivated all kinds of spirits, even fighting spirits, but it is inseparable from his sect. Chen Xuan can understand some of them, but he has not fully understood the true meaning of the sword soul. It's hard to avoid bumps when you get up.

  "In this Ten Thousand Swords Conference, you may be able to meet a lot of strong players. If you are fortunate enough to learn from them, it will indeed improve my cultivation."

Wanjian Villa is in the southern part of Leizhou, and it is still extremely remote. No one has set foot here for thousands of years. When Chen Xuan entered Wanjian Villa, it was thanks to the guidance of the owner of Taixu. Otherwise, he was alone. There is no way to get there.

The area governed by Yunxiao Mansion is called Yunxiao County. Chen Xuan has now become the lord of Heavenly Dragon City, and he is naturally qualified to participate in the Ten Thousand Swords Conference.

After returning to the Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan went straight to retreat and practiced, and obtained so many purple moon dragon scale plants, plus the soul of the sky jade, Chen Xuan was going to refine a kind called Dream Demon Spirit. The elixir of pill.

  After taking a rest for a while, Chen Xuan directly took out the alchemy furnace, and a flame splashed out of his pupils, which immediately entangled the alchemy furnace.

  Suzaku's fire can only unintentionally refine the pill. When Chen Xuan closed his eyes and rested his mind, a purple pill suddenly fell on Chen Xuan's hand.

"This kind of pill can consolidate my roots, although it can't directly improve my cultivation base, and increase my body strength a lot." After taking the pill, a purple burst suddenly appeared on Chen Xuan's body. The breath enveloped his body round and round.

  Time passed unconsciously, and Chen Xuan also felt that his body strength was increasing.

Although Chen Xuan's Dantian completely accepted this power, it also brought certain side effects to her body.

  A few minutes later, Chen Xuan completely dissolved the power of the pill, and the fire of the Vermillion Bird continued to burn in his blood, burning all the properties of the medicine that had not been fully absorbed.

  If these medicinal properties continue to evaporate in his body, it will definitely bring bad effects. The Suzaku Fire can not only kill the enemy externally, but also assist Chen Xuan's cultivation internally.

   "Oh, Brother Chen, when did you come here? Why didn't I know?" Dugulun stretched out and found that Chen Xuan had just walked out of the house, and he immediately leaned in.

   "Did you just woke up? Dugulun." Chen Xuan said helplessly.

   "Nor, ah, I was also cultivating just now, but Chen Xuan, why did you go this time for more than half a month? Was Yu Wenqiu still looking for you before."

   "What is Yu Wenqiu asking for?" Chen Xuan was full of doubts.

  He had left Tianlong City for more than half a month, and when he came back suddenly this time, Dugulun came over directly.

   "I don't know, it should be some trivial things, you will know if you look at it in the past." Du Gulun said.

  Chen Xuan also nodded slightly.

"Fortunately, Yu Wenqiu is here, otherwise, I really don't know what to do, hahaha." Chen Xuan suddenly laughed. For so many days, if it wasn't because Yu Wenqiu helped him deal with Sky Dragon City. Internally, how could Chen Xuan free up so much time to practice.

  Therefore, Chen Xuan also specially developed many precious elixirs and prepared to send them to Yu Wenqiu.

  "Chen Xuan, here you are. Recently, there have been some property disputes between the two big families. What should we do?"

   "What's the entanglement? Is it the kind that kills people?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "No, it's just a little thing."

   "I recently discovered that the Tianlongcheng Li family and the Wang family had some disputes because of the market share. Now their conflicts have been suppressed by me, and they will not produce human lives." Yu Wenqiu said in a low voice.

"So that's the case." Chen Xuan nodded slightly. If a major incident occurs between these two families, it will indeed bring bad negative effects to Sky Dragon City. Therefore, Chen Xuan directly said: "I will leave the matter to Yu Wenqiu. You have to deal with the affairs of these two families well."

"Chen Xuan, although you gave me the power, I still have no way to talk to the Wang family. You know, this Wang family has a history of hundreds of years in Sky Dragon City. How could they listen to me? ."

   "You can rest assured." Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "I will help you to settle it."

  As soon as he finished listening, Chen Xuan directly invited Wang Ping. When he arrived at the Chen Xuan mansion, he did not get rid of the pretence of being the patriarch of the Wang family, instead his face was full of respect.

   "Master Chen Xuan, I don't know why you are looking for me?" the patriarch of the Wang family asked hurriedly.

  (End of this chapter)

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