Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3506: Shock

  Chapter 3506 Shock

Closing his eyes slightly, Chen Xuan also put in the surrounding medicinal materials one by one. The rejuvenating pills have been refined by Chen Xuan to the ninth level. On this vast continent, few people can like Chen Xuan's. Refined to such a point.

In these Four Elephant Demon Breaking the Secret Realm, Chen Xuan and Princess Yuwen continued to search for liberation. After the past few days, Chen Xuan also searched for a lot of "Four Elephant Demon Spirits". Now Chen Xuan already has them on his body. It cost twenty-three "Four Elephant Moses", plus what he had collected before, the total number of "Four Elephant Moses" had reached more than 30 yuan.

  "We have found more than 30 yuan, it should be enough for us, but what is the origin of this superb "Four Elephant Mojo"?" Chen Xuan hurriedly asked.

Although he had already received the term "Four Elephant Mojo" from Princess Yuwen, Chen Xuan has never seen it. This "Four Elephant Mojo" is already very rare, let alone the best "Four Elephant Mojo". Mojo".

"Chen Xuan, there is no way to absorb this top-quality "Four Elephant Mo Jing". You can't absorb it at all. You don't need to worry about other things. I have found the "Four Elephant Mo Jing" for you. Can you get out of here? , The rest depends on your luck." Princess Yuwen said.

   "Where are you going!?" Chen Xuan revealed a doubt.

   Before he finished speaking, he found that Princess Yuwen had disappeared.

After seeing the disappearance of Princess Yuwen, Chen Xuan scratched his head helplessly. It was indeed not easy to get out of it with his strength alone, but now, Chen Xuan can only move forward in the dark.

  Walking in the dark Sixiang secret cave, Chen Xuan unleashed the power of the Vermillion Bird, and a burst of fire suddenly appeared around him, allowing Chen Xuan to see clearly in front of him.

  At the same time, as soon as Princess Yuwen left here, she would search the past forward.

  Princess Yuwen still has one thing to do, and that is to look for Zhang Longtian, and Zhang Longtian has a **** feud, plus Zhang Longtian is still from the prince's side, Princess Yuwen will never let him go.

  In the middle of a mountain in the Four Elephant Demon Broken Secret Realm, Princess Yuwen watched the man in front coldly, and said cruelly: "Zhang Longtian, you will never get out of here today."

   "Haha, Princess Yuwen, I didn't expect you to have the guts to come to me now. It seems that you don't know how to live or die." Zhang Longtian roared, and the blade of the move suddenly went out towards Princess Yuwen.

The two of them fought in the Four Elephant Demon Breaking the Secret Realm, causing the entire Four Elephant Demon Breaking the Secret Realm to shake. Before Chen Xuan had time to run out, he felt a sensation in the entire Four Elephant Demon Breaking the Secret Realm. .

In the fight between these two superpowers, most of them have to form a spiritual formation around them to ensure that their bodies are not harmed by the other party. The four elephant demons did not directly reach him in breaking the secret realm, but the strong The strength of the battle between them is unavoidable.

   Feeling the Four Elephant Demon breaking the mystery by the shaking of the earth and the mountains, Chen Xuan also felt a headache, and said in a low voice: "Unexpectedly, there are actually two masters fighting inside. This is troublesome."

  At that time, Chen Xuan had just thought of Yu Wenqiu. He hurriedly searched for the other side's whereabouts in the Four Elephant Demon Breaking the Secret Realm, and finally let Chen Xuan find Yu Wenqiu three days later.

  At this time, Yu Wenqiu was already seriously injured. It was obvious that Yu Wenqiu was definitely hit by a strong man, and the injury was very serious.

   "Are you all right? Yu Wenqiu?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly.

  Yu Wenqiu stood up from the ground with difficulty, his face was full of blood, and said to Chen Xuan: "Don't worry, Chen Xuan, how could I be killed by them so easily."

"Who did it!?" Chen Xuan's voice was extremely cold, and his face was also full of ice. After condensing the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan has discovered that he can master the initial extreme frost, and let him The cultivation base has been improved.

Yu Wenqiu whispered: "A few days ago I met a group of people in the Four Elephant Demon Breaking the Secret Realm. They all seem to be from the Soul Erosion True Blood Gang, and this Lu Tianming has a very strong cultivation base. A lot of people came here to search for "Four Elephant Moses", I got a piece of "Four Elephant Moses" by chance before, so I was attacked by them..."

   "Lu Tianming?" Chen Xuan's face was full of murderous aura, but then he continued to ask: "Do you know where the people of the Soul Erosion True Blood Gang have gone? I must avenge you."

  When Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu came to the Four Elephant Demon Breaking the Secret Realm, they met Zhang Longtian and Princess Yuwen. During this battle, Chen Xuan was lucky enough to be rescued by Princess Yuwen.

  But Yu Wenqiu was not so lucky. Not only was he seriously injured, but in the following month, he managed to heal his injuries, and as a result, he was attacked by the Soul Eating True Blood Gang.

  Now Yu Wenqiu still has a knife mark on his chest. It is obvious that Lu Tianming of the Soul Erosion True Blood Gang must have used a knife.

"I don't know where they went. As far as I know, there are so many people in the Soul Eating True Blood Gang. There are almost a hundred people. However, the most important thing is Lu Tianming of the Soul Eating True Blood Gang. The cultivation base is very strong, Chen Xuan, my cultivation base is not necessarily his opponent." Yu Wenqiu whispered.

Chen Xuan laughed secretly and calmed Yu Wenqiu: "Don't worry, now my cultivation level has broken through, Yu Wenqiu, you just need to tell me where they are going, and I must let all these guys go to see you. Yama."

   While speaking, Chen Xuan's body vaguely revealed a burst of Vermillion Bird's aura, and the power gathered from his whole body also made him look very hideous. Chen Xuan's cultivation level has been greatly improved after comprehending the power of the dragon pattern.

   "Chen Xuan, how do I feel that you have a power that I am very familiar with." Yu Wenqiu whispered.

  Just now, Chen Xuan seemed to have thought of something. He hurriedly pulled Yu Wenqiu and said, "By the way, you can come over for me."

  Chen Xuan thought of the dragon stele he encountered in the Four Elephant Demon Breaking Secret Realm before, and then think of Yu Wenqiu, it is very likely that he also has the royal blood of the Dragon Blood Empire.

From Princess Yuwen, Chen Xuan also received an unwritten rule from the Dragon Blood Royal Family. Most of the royal family members will be sent out to various places in the mainland to practice when they are in school. Only those who come back alive are qualified to become Royal member.

  Although this is very cruel, it will temper the royal family of the Dragon Blood Empire. It can be said that the entire royal family does not have any bones, and all the royal families of the Dragon Blood Empire are extremely powerful.

   Princess Yuwen can see that although she is only a woman, her cultivation is extremely strong, she has reached the realm of the emperor, and the sun-breaking dragon spear in her hand is even more indestructible.

  Of course, Chen Xuan is just inferring, he is not sure if Yu Wenqiu is the royal family of the Dragon Blood Empire? If Yu Wenqiu really had royal blood, then he would definitely be able to absorb the dragon stele.

After arriving in the direction of the dragon stone stele, Chen Xuan hurriedly said to Yu Wenqiu: "Yu Wenqiu, you can try to absorb the power in this stone tablet."

  Chen Xuan discovered that in the dragon stele, a light red breath burst out suddenly, exactly the same as he had seen it before.

   also revealed a touch of joy on his face, which is exactly the same as Chen Xuan thought, Yu Wenqiu is definitely of royal blood, otherwise the dragon stone stele would definitely not show this color.

   "I didn't expect Yu Wenqiu to be really a member of the royal family. It seems that Yu Wenqiu may not know that he can absorb the dragon stone stele." Chen Xuan just wanted to ask, but he was stunned.

  Yu Wenqiu's technique is very proficient, and he has already begun to absorb the energy above the dragon stone stele. In just a few seconds, all the power of the dragon in the dragon stone stele has been mastered by Yu Wenqiu.

   Immediately afterwards, Yu Wenqiu's body once again showed a fierce aura. Under the blessing of the power of the dragon, Yu Wenqiu actually sat cross-legged in the air, and then continued to run the power of the dragon in his body.

   "I didn't expect you to use the power of the dragon pattern?" Chen Xuan said unexpectedly.

  After a long time, Yu Wenqiu opened his eyes slightly, and chuckled to Chen Xuan and said, “There are many things you can’t think of.”

   "Then why didn't you tell me before."

   "I didn't tell you, now I am very curious, why you can also absorb the energy in the dragon stone stele." Yu Wenqiu asked.

   "Hey, I don't know. I happened to pass by here, so I directly absorbed the energy from the dragon stone stele, and I also awakened the dragon roar." Chen Xuan whispered.

   "Unexpectedly, you have actually realized the dragon roar. It seems that your understanding of the power of the dragon pattern has reached a very high level."

  The so-called dragon roar is also a martial skill of the power of dragon pattern.

This dragon roar can gather the spiritual power of the dantian in the eyes of the throat. Once it bursts out, its bursting power is enough to destroy everything in front of you. If it is displayed by a top powerhouse, this dragon roar can even directly kill people of the same realm. The strong.

  However, Chen Xuan is only just new to the power of the dragon pattern, and has not yet used this power proficiently. Although the power of the dragon roar is very powerful, Chen Xuan is not able to use it proficiently now.

After    continued to absorb, Yu Wenqiu's injuries continued to recover.

  A few hours later, Yu Wenqiu's injury has completely recovered, and at the same time, like Chen Xuan, he has mastered Dragon Roar.

  Yu Wenqiu sacrificed the energy on the dragon stone, and his cultivation level also directly broke through and entered the fourth stage of the Shenluo realm.

After Chen Xuan absorbed the power of the dragon stone stele, his cultivation level also broke through two levels and reached the fourth level of the Shenluo realm, but Yu Wenqiu's breakthrough realm was even faster, and he broke through directly in just a few minutes. A large level.

At this breakthrough speed, even Chen Xuan was stunned. The whole person stood in a daze, feeling the cyclic energy blooming in Yu Wenqiu's body, Chen Xuan whispered: "Yu Wenqiu, we have to look for it now. The place has escaped from this Four Elephant Demon Broken Secret Realm, and cannot stay here any longer."

   "I will tell you what happened before on the road slowly."

  Walking on the road, Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu's eyes were both cautious. They already felt that my Four Elephant Demon was about to collapse.

   "What happened?" Yu Wenqiu asked suddenly.

  Chen Xuan nodded and replied to Yu Wenqiu: "I met the princess of your Dragon Blood Empire on the road."

  "The princess of our Dragon Blood Empire?"

  "Don’t ask so much, listen to my explanation, this princess Yuwen and Zhang Longtian are vengeful, this Zhang Longtian is also your royal family..."

   "You actually know that I am a member of the royal family?" Yu Wenqiu asked in surprise.

"Hehe." Chen Xuan smiled: "Yuwenqiu, don't hide from me anymore. Princess Yuwen has already told me that those who can absorb the dragon stele can definitely be done by the people with the blood of the dragon, except for your dragon blood. In the imperial royal family, no one can absorb the power above the dragon stele."

"Not at all. This round of stone steles can only be completely absorbed by the real dragon soul inheritance, but you surprised me very much. I originally thought that only I could absorb the power of the dragon. I didn't expect that all of us in the royal family would be able to absorb the power of the dragon. Can it be absorbed?" Yu Wenqiu asked curiously.

  Up to now, Yu Wenqiu naturally will not continue to hide it. Only the royal family of the Dragon Blood Empire can absorb the dragon stone stele. Even if Yu Wenqiu wants to deceive Chen Xuan, he can't stop it now.

  "In this chapter, Long Tian is the eldest prince. He and Princess Yuwen are both absolute powerhouses. Thinking of you and me at a point beyond your imagination, they are powerhouses in the realm of the gods."

  (End of this chapter)

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