Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3512: Weird Dragon Blood Warrior

  Chapter 3512 Strange Dragon Blood Warrior

  In just one round, Shangguan Haoran’s body was cut in an instant, blood drenched, and finally got up from the ground, bursting out a dark storm toward the sword in his hand, and there were even crows flying in the air.

  When these crows came together, they directly pecked out a piece of meat on Shangguan Haoran's body. Chen Xuan was shocked and hurriedly ran the power of the dragon pattern and let out an angry roar.


  The crows in the sky were also instantly dispelled by Chen Xuan's roar, but Shangguan Haoran was already **** and weak.

   "Are you all right, Shangguan Haoran."

   "How could I be okay!" Shangguan Haoran held his arm and stood up from the ground with difficulty, and his body was covered with blood, even on Chen Xuan's body.

   "No, we must run away quickly!" Chen Xuan said loudly.

  Shangguan Haoran also showed a touch of despair. The opponent's strength was too strong. He suddenly took out a red spirit stone and got it on the palm of Chen Xuan's palm.

"Chen Xuan, don't ask me what this is. Hurry up and smash it all up. Run quickly. I have two more here, enough for the two of us to run." Shangguan Haoran just finished speaking and instantly pinched it. After breaking this red spirit stone, bursts of fierce anger bloomed, and his body slowly disappeared.

   wanted to crush it, but found that the mysterious strong man with long hair had already approached him, and the spar in Chen Xuan's hand was directly shattered.

In his surprised gaze, the mysterious powerhouse kicked him on his chest, his gaze was extremely cold: "I want to escape, hehe, I have already let you run to one, I can't let you go. "

  At the same time, in an inconspicuous place in the Tianhong Mountains, several warriors of Tianhong City are talking to each other.

   "Did you feel the breath of a strong man blooming in the distance..."

   "Ah, no, is it really them?" The warrior of Tianhong City was full of panic.

   "If it is really them, let's leave this Tianhong Mountain as soon as possible. It's not that safe here..."

   "We haven't killed Chen Xuan..."

In the battle with this mysterious powerhouse, Chen Xuan had no chance of winning at all. Finally, Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and directly crushed the red spirit stone, and his body was instantly teleported to the Tianhong Mountain Range. In a hidden corner.

  He just woke up and saw many people from Tianhong City beside him.

   Seeing the warrior of Tianhong City was like seeing honey, his face was full of joy.

   "It takes no time to come, this Chen Xuan actually came directly, hahaha, so we don't need to look for it again."

   "Ah, that's right, this kid is really bad luck, he came to us unexpectedly."

  Only saw a few warriors of Tianhong City, with blood on their faces, walking slowly in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  After seeing these warriors in Tianhong City, Chen Xuan frowned, and said: "Everyone, I just met the dragon blood warrior, hurry up, I am injured now."

"Haha, Chen Xuan, do you think I want to save you." The warrior of Tianhong City was full of murderous expressions. He had already received Gongsun Tianguang's order. On the surface, he came to the Tianhong Mountain for the purpose of Investigate the identity of the Dragon Blood Warrior, but their most important purpose is to kill Chen Xuan.

  Once they kill Chen Xuan, they can get extremely rich remuneration, and they will also get rich wealth, and even their status in Tianhong City will be improved. They will not let this opportunity pass.

   "I really let you down, Chen Xuan, our four brothers came here, but they didn't come here to help you, haha, do you know Gongsun Tianguang?" The warrior of Tianhong City said suddenly.

After hearing the name Gongsun Tianguang, Chen Xuan knew what they wanted to do.

   "Are you Gongsun Tianguang specially sent here?"

   "It's not wrong, we took the initiative this time and came to this Tianhong Mountain Range, the main purpose is to kill you."

   "Unexpectedly, it was all effortless. We thought we couldn't find you, but I found out. Have you already met them?" The warrior of Tianhong City said angrily.

  "Do you know where they came from?"

   "Hahahaha, more than just knowing." This day the warriors of Hongcheng laughed more and more unscrupulously.

  He suddenly took the sword in his hand and walked directly in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  A flash of red light, Chen Xuan suddenly felt the pain of tearing, the other's sword directly sank into his chest, and Chen Xuan couldn't break free from the other's sword no matter how hard he struggled.

   "Today can only be considered bad luck, Chen Xuan, let me die!" This day, the warrior in Hongcheng roared, and the spiritual power of his whole body was constantly blooming, forming a cyclone directly in Chen Xuan's body.

   let out a scream, Chen Xuan desperately used the power of the dragon pattern, but at this moment, the opponent only saw a kick on his head.


  Chen Xuan's head tilted directly to the ground, making no sound.

   walked over and took a look, this day the warrior of Hongcheng said softly: "This kid should be dead, I broke his heart, I don't believe he can still live."

   "Let’s go, let’s get out of here, don’t let them find out."

  After finishing speaking, the warriors of the Tianhong City simply left the Tianhong Mountain Range and rushed towards the direction of Tianhong City.

For the warriors of Tianhong City, they did not want to investigate the identity of the dragon blood warrior who went to Qingfeng City. The most important thing was to kill Chen Xuan. Now that their goal has been achieved, naturally there is no need for them. Continue to stay in the Tianhong Mountains.

  In the valley not far away, Chen Xuan was lying on a large rock with his whole body wounded, almost dying.

  Three days ago, he had just escaped from the opponent's hand, and encountered several monsters on the road, which almost killed him.

  According to Chen Xuan's inquiries, these monsters seemed to have been deliberately obtained by a master of Yunxiao Mansion, with the purpose of killing him.

  Don’t think about it, Chen Xuan also knew that this monster must be sent by Gongsun Tianguang, but why Gongsun Tianguang knew his whereabouts? That made Chen Xuan very puzzled.

  When Chen Xuan was assassinated by the people of Tianhong City, it was also thanks to the four-elephant armor he was wearing, but now this armor has been completely destroyed, and it can be regarded as saving Chen Xuan's life...

"damn it."

  Chen Xuan couldn't help cursing. After several days of recovery, his body was finally able to move, but he still couldn't stand up.

  Chen Xuan was also lucky, so he was not killed. If it weren't for using the power of the dragon pattern to protect his dantian and heart, he would definitely be killed by the people of Tianhong City.

"All the warriors in Tianhong City were dispatched by Gongsun Tianguang. It's really annoying. If I have a chance, I must kill them." Even so, Chen Xuan is now very difficult even to move his body. After a few days of recuperation, Chen Xuan also took a lot of pills before he finally recovered from his injuries.

   After reluctantly standing up, Chen Xuangang wanted to interact, when he heard the cry of monsters from a distance.

   "No way, how could I be so unlucky, the injury that I just repaired encountered a monster beast nearby, if my current physical state is attacked by a monster beast, it is absolutely impossible to be their opponent."

  The most unlucky thing happened. A Zhiyuan phantom soul beast suddenly looked in Chen Xuan's direction with bright red eyes, moved its huge soles, and slowly rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction.

   "Damn it, this primordial phantom soul beast actually heard my movement!" Chen Xuan shouted, hurriedly trying to drive the power to fly.

  However, the Zhiyuan phantom spirit beast rushed directly in the direction of Chen Xuan. Seeing that the huge size of the phantom spirit beast was about to be killed, Chen Xuan immediately released the power of the dragon pattern.

   Fortunately, the ultimate phantom soul beast in front of him was not as powerful as he and Shangguan Haoran had encountered. When the power of the dragon pattern bloomed, the ultimate phantom soul beast was obviously timid.

The power of the    dragon pattern can act as a deterrent against some weak monsters. Therefore, this monster also heard the dragon roar, so naturally he did not dare to take a step further.

  Although it can temporarily repel this ultimate phantom soul beast, there are other powerful monsters in the Tianhong Mountains. Chen Xuan's power of driving the dragon pattern has also attracted the attention of some powerful experts nearby.

  Suddenly, many monsters in the entire Tianhong Mountains heard their voices, and one after another appeared in Chen Xuan's direction.

The Zhiyuan phantom soul beast also let out a roar, obviously calling his companions. Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan had no time to think. Now his body is extremely weak, and he can only run the soul land desperately and fly far away. On a boulder at the place.

  Chen Xuan used the power of the demon soul to bring himself on top of this stone. Although the demon beast in the Yunguang Valley was furious, there was nothing to do.

  I saw that many monsters below were constantly roaring at him. Chen Xuan was also sweating coldly. If these monsters rushed up, even Chen Xuan would have no way to deal with it.

Chen Xuan discovered that there were more than one hundred monster beasts, and almost all of them were Zhiyuan Phantom Soul Beasts. The Zhiyuan Phantom Soul Beasts were huge in size, with over 200 meters of boulders on their lungs, and Chen Xuan was also here. Resting on a boulder, after several days, Chen Xuan's injury has not fully recovered.

   "What kind of exercise did the warriors of Tianhong City use? Why is my injury so difficult to repair." Chen Xuan sighed. If he is usually injured, Chen Xuan will be able to fully recover in just a few hours at most.

  But now that several days have passed, Chen Xuan discovered that there was still a gap in his heart. Using the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan put his spiritual sense into the wound, and he found out.

  On top of his heart, there is actually a tiny crystal, emitting bursts of light blue light.

   "Damn it, it left a star on my heart. No wonder my injury has passed for so long and I haven't fully recovered."

   "These people from Tianhong City actually harmed me, I will definitely not let you go." Chen Xuan said coldly.

  The next time is a long recovery.

  After completely recovering the injuries in his body, it was already a month later, Chen Xuan's injuries healed, so he returned to Yunxiao City.

  The first thing Chen Xuan did when he entered Yunxiao City was to find the Yunxiao Chamber of Commerce.

  In a hidden courtyard of the Yunxiao Chamber of Commerce, Liu Yuanjian was chatting with Chen Xuan.

  "Where have you been these days? Brother Chen, I thought you were dead, I couldn't find you if I wanted to." Liu Yuanjian's face was full of smiles.

   "What are you talking about?" Chen Xuan's face was serious.

  For more than a month, the Yunxiao Chamber of Commerce has successfully occupied the market in Yunxiao Mansion. Even the Yunye Chamber of Commerce, which does business in Yunxiao Mansion, is a bit helpless.

  Although during this period, the Yunye Chamber of Commerce also launched a soul-tempering pill, it is not scary compared to the pill of the Yunxiao Chamber of Commerce.

  In the end, people still madly bought the medicine of Yunxiao Chamber of Commerce, and ignored the medicine of Yunye Chamber of Commerce.

  For this reason, Yunye Chamber of Commerce has lost a lot.

  Finally, the senior management of Yunye Chamber of Commerce finally made a decision, that is, to cooperate with Yunxiao Chamber of Commerce.

  Not only the Yunye Chamber of Commerce, other chambers of commerce in other cities, even from the Dragon Blood Empire, began to send high-level officials to meet with the Yunxiao Chamber of Commerce.

  Finally, several chambers of commerce confirmed the partnership.

  (End of this chapter)

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