Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3528: Dare to attack me?

  Chapter 3528 Dare to attack me?

  Tuoba Lianbie pulled back a sword in his hand instantly, smiled lightly at Chen Xuan, and said nothing.

  At this moment, Liu Tianyun felt despair.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuan was seriously injured, but Liu Tianyun happened to encounter him by accident. He did not have any pity, and Chen Xuan would naturally not pity him.

  I saw a kick on Liu Tianyun’s chest, and Chen Xuan’s face revealed a vicious look: "Liu Tianyun, how did you harm me in the first place? Today I want you to pay back a hundred times, hehe."

  Chen Xuan's body was rippling with fierce auras, and even a burst of demon soul power was mixed in it. Of course, Chen Xuan had not yet fully integrated this power with the power of the dragon pattern.

Liu Tianyun had resisted just now, but for an instant his body was blasted by the power of the demon soul, and when he was about to try to stabilize his figure, suddenly a long sword pierced into his body directly from his back. .

   let out a scream, Liu Tianyun's body began to tremble constantly


  Chen Xuan held the Liaoyuan sword and pierced into Liu Tianyun's body.

   "Chen Xuan, you." Liu Tianyun vomited blood, and he lost his vitality before he could finish a sentence.

After the deaths of several people, Chen Xuan quickly destroyed the corpses, immediately withdrew from the formation, put away the Liaoyuan sword, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

  Shangguan Haoran and strength closely followed Chen Xuan, and disappeared in just a few seconds.

  The remote streets are very calm, as if nothing had ever happened.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan had already avenged the revenge of the four Tianhong City warriors, but he still had things to do. In addition to Gongsun Tianguang, there was also the city lord of Tianhong City. Their cultivation bases were not weak.

  Chen Xuan put this matter aside for the time being, after all, he already felt that Gongsun Tianguang had returned to Tianhong City.

  Gongsun Tianguang is also a master of the Shenluo Fifth Layer after all, even if he and Shangguan Haoran join forces, he may not be able to defeat Gongsun Tianguang.

  Rather than wasting time with them in Xuzhou City, Chen Xuan still settled Gongyezitai's problem first.

  After all, the matter of Gong Yezi is extremely important. Once Gong Yezi finds out, and the clues in his study are taken by Chen Xuan, he will definitely kill Chen Xuan at all costs.

  Temporarily searched for a safe zone in the nearby Tianhong Mountain Range, and Chen Xuan also learned from Tuoba Lianbie that the Taizishen Soulgrass was found in the Tianhong Mountain Range.

  "Do you know if there is still Pseudosciaena sylvestris in the Tianhong Mountain Range?"

   "Possibly there is P. chinensis? But the quantity of P. chinensis must be very scarce." Tuoba Lianbie said in a low voice.

  After hearing this, Chen Xuan also nodded, and then said: "If this is the case, let's search inside for a while to see if we can find P. chinensis. I need to improve my cultivation."

  Now Chen Xuan's dragon pattern power has not been fully integrated with the power of the demon soul. It is very troublesome for these two powers to fully condense.

  Since cultivating the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan seldom practiced the demon soul anymore. The two powers were originally the same source, and naturally there was no need for Chen Xuan to cultivate the demon soul again when he cultivated the dragon pattern.

The power of   Dragon Mark is stronger than that of Demon Soul. This is what Chen Xuan personally experienced. Since he practiced Dragon Mark, his defense has improved, not to mention his offense has been greatly increased.

  The power of dragon pattern is almost comprehensive for the improvement of the practitioner, and the cost of sacrificing the power of a dragon pattern is also very high.

  Of course, if Chen Xuan can find the dragon stone stele, the speed of improvement will naturally be greatly accelerated.

  But where is the dragon stone stele is so easy to find. These dragon stone steles are like scattered pearls. On this black rock continent, there are many dragon stone steles with some very hidden corners.

  If Chen Xuan wants to find the dragon stele, he must travel to many places.

  It caused Chen Xuan to think that he had found the ruins of a broken sword in a certain ruin before. He thought of feeling a power from the short sword, and then cooperated with the soul of the sword.

Chen Xuan also felt that this power actually had some similarities with the power of the dragon pattern. In addition to the demon soul refining displayed by Chen Xuan before, it also made him feel the demon soul in his body. It has a very high connection with the power of the dragon pattern.

   "Isn't that demon soul in my body, is it actually the power of dragon marks?" Chen Xuan muttered to himself in a low voice.

  Finally, he shook his head.

   "Let’s search the Tianhong Mountain Range first in the last few days to see if we can find P. chinensis." Chen Xuan said.

  As soon as they started, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the roar of a few monster beasts in front of him. It was obvious that there must be many monster beasts here, and the Prince Ginseng Soul Grass was in front.

   "Are these monster beasts guarding the Prince Ginseng Soul Grass?"

   "It should be, my father killed a lot of these monsters back then." Tuoba Lianbie replied.

  Chen Xuan fixed his eyes and found that there were still many Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopards in front of them.

  The Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard is a very fast monster. Even human experts of the same realm can't catch them.

   "Be careful, these Primordial Demon Soul Leopards are very fierce, and they live in groups, and they are very fast. Once they erupt, it is very dangerous." Tuoba Lian said nothing.

   Needless to say, Chen Xuan also knew the danger of Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard.

  Suddenly, a Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction. As for the blade in Chen Xuan's hand, a fierce air current burst out, and then Chen Xuan gathered the power of the dragon pattern.


   let out a dragon roar, Chen Xuan's speed instantly increased, and then his body jumped into the air, directly knocking the three Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopards out of several hundred meters.

   "The Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard, it is ridiculous that he wants to attack me." Chen Xuan smiled disdainfully.

  But at this moment, he found that some of the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard's bodies began to shake violently, and bursts of icy frost continued to bloom.

These extremely true frost powers began to freeze in the direction of Chen Xuan, and several other Yuanshi demon soul leopards also let out a roar, the extremely true frost condensed in the body instantly turned towards him and Shangguan Haoran's direction spread.

   "Be careful, this Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard is very scary!" Chen Xuan said loudly.

  Under the sudden attack of two Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopards, Shangguan Haoran just wanted to raise his sword to fight back, but suddenly saw a Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard rushing towards his body.

The Azure Cloud Sword in    suddenly burst out with a fierce light, and under the attack of the two sword lights, the chest of this original demon soul leopard was attacked by a gap.

   And the Qing Ming sword in his hand jumped into the sky at once. At this time, Shangguan Haoran had already displayed the Qinglong sword technique, and the fierce sword aura continuously connected, and instantly rushed to the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard.

The five Yuanshi Demon Spirit Leopards attacked Shangguan Haoran, while the other two Yuanshi Demon Spirit Leopards attacked beside Tuoba Lianbi, and Chen Xuan was now facing the largest Yuanshi Demon Spirit Leopard. .

  This Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard was full of icy frost, and this extremely true frost was also attacking Chen Xuan's body.

   "It's ridiculous that Extreme Frost still wants to attack me!" Chen Xuan instantly displayed the power of the Vermillion Bird, and the fierce flame burned toward the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard.

   let out a violent roar, Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard felt his own extreme frost, and it was being continuously burned by the fire of Vermillion Bird.

   Extremely Frost Facing the Suzaku Fire, there is no chance of resistance at all.

It’s not because this Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard’s defense power is very strong. Chen Xuan killed him in just one round. However, this Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard’s speed is very fast, and Chen Xuan’s Suzaku sword aura is about to hit. When he was on his body, he was directly avoided by this Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard.

  At this time, a dragon pattern also appeared on Chen Xuan's body, which also greatly increased his body speed, and completely approached the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard in just two seconds.

Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard also showed a suspicion. Obviously, it was unexpected that a human being could approach its speed. In normal times, Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard showed its full speed at the same level, even two higher than Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard. Three levels of human power can hardly catch up with his speed.

  "Is this Chen Xuan..." Tuoba Lianbie's face was full of shock.

  Only saw two black shadows in the air constantly inciting, and they were constantly fighting at a speed that his eyes could not catch.

  As he hesitated, the huge claws of a Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard slapped him directly on his chest, causing Tuoba Lian's other body to fall on the ground.

  Another Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard rushed towards him and let out a roar, a very real frost condensed in his huge mouth, and it continued to attack his body.


   Tuoba's other body was instantly sealed by Extreme Frost, no matter how hard he struggled, there was no way to escape from this Extreme Frost.

   Seeing that Tuoba Lianbie was defeated by Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard, Shangguan shouted aloud, and instantly raised the Qing Mingjian, his body flashed quickly, and he came directly to Tuoba Lianbie.

"Why don't you worry so much? The speed of these Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopards is very fast. Don't take it lightly." The Qing Ming sword in Shangguan Haoran's hand burst out with an astonishing sword light, radiating towards the surroundings. .


  The sword light began to burst out with powerful rays of light. When a Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard rushed over, one of the sword energy instantly penetrated through the body of the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard.

  Blood continuously flowed from the body of the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard, but it was sealed by the extremely true frost that was still condensed from the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard.

  As for Chen Xuan, at this time, he concentrated on dealing with the largest Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard.

  Looking at the speed of the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard was faster than the others, and the extremely real frost condensed on his body was also very terrifying.

  In just a few rounds, Chen Xuan has already fought Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard for more than a dozen rounds, basically you chased me.

  There was absolutely no way to catch the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard, and the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard could not attack Chen Xuan, and the two sides immediately stalemate.

Seeing that something was wrong, Chen Xuan's gaze was placed on the faraway Prince Ginseng Soul Grass. Their purpose this time was to obtain Prince Ginseng Soul Grass and improve their cultivation. Naturally, Chen Xuan would not continue to delay the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard. time.

   "Shangguan Haoran, look for a chance to get the Prince Ginseng Soul Grass." Chen Xuan said loudly.

  Shangguan Haoran kept nodding to Chen Xuan, but at this critical moment, thirteen Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopards attacked him from different directions.

  Shangguan Haoran is also an old fritters. Seeing these Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopards rushing towards him, the sword suddenly flew into the air, and he continued to kill each Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard.

  Quickly shaking the Liaoyuan sword, Chen Xuan's dragon pattern power even penetrated into the Liaoyuan sword, the fierce aura began to bloom continuously, and after only two seconds, it hit the body of the Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard.

  The body quickly floated in the sky, and the body of this original demon soul leopard began to continuously condense a more fierce extremely true frost, and slayed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   Terrible voices constantly resounded through the world. Under the constant attack of Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard, Chen Xuan's speed was getting faster and faster, and the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand began to continuously gather a burst of shocking sword aura.

  Under the condensation of the two sword lights, Chen Xuan also revealed a terrifying aura. Even if it was this Yuanshi Demon Soul Leopard, he also felt a terrifying power from Chen Xuan's body.

  (End of this chapter)

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