Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3535: Legacy of the Fourth Dynasty

  Chapter 3535 Legacy of the Fourth Dynasty

  Although the ‘Tianluo Ming glaze spar’ was left over from the Fourth Dynasty, it goes without saying how much it is treasured.

  The remaining Hunyuan formation has a very old time. Even Chen Xuan doesn't know whether this Hunyuan formation can be activated.

"I don't know why the Fourth Dynasty was set up here, and also put a'Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone'." Chen Xuan couldn't help but think of it, he should feel it, this relic is definitely not that simple of.

  Three minutes later, Chen Xuan felt that their power was getting closer and closer, and even now he felt very nervous in his heart.

  The pressure on him from the strong snake gods is too strong.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan saw two figures flashing in directly, and a wave of fierce spiritual power continued to bloom.

"You are really hiding here, good boy, it's a pity that the'Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone' has now been obtained by me." The snake **** cult powerhouse's face was full of blood, and he suddenly lifted it up. The snake-shaped scaly stick knife in his hand said angrily at Chen Xuan.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan stepped back and smiled slightly: "You have also seen it, here are all the aura left over from the'Tianluo Ming glaze spar', you have already come in, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid of what? Hahaha, I thought I would follow your plan!?" The snake **** cult powerhouse suddenly let out a wild laugh, and said viciously at Chen Xuan: "Boy, don't think I don't know what you are doing. What an abacus, I accidentally touched the'Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone' just now, but it didn't affect me in any way."

  Following the scream of the strong snake **** cult, Chen Xuan found that a light red light appeared on his body, and a stream of air suddenly condensed from these scaled knives.

However, Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that the strong snake gods had actually inserted the'Tianluo Mingli crystal stone' into the serpentine scale stick knife. As the strong snake gods attacked, Chen Xuan's face was There was a big smile.

   "It’s all effortless. I originally wanted you to take out the ‘Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone’, but instead you inlaid it on the scale stick knife yourself. That’s good, good?"

   "What do you mean!" The strong snake gods frowned, and his flushed faces were full of murderous aura.

   "What do I mean? I'm afraid you'll know it later." Chen Xuan gave a strong smile, and then he pressed his hands on the Hunyuan formation pattern on the ground.

  A few seconds later, there was a burst of light blue light in this room, which instantly enveloped several of them.

  Gong Ye Zitai just rushed over, and he saw the breath of'Tian Luo Ming Glass Spar' exuding from this room, even he felt the terrible power of this power.

   "What's going on..." Gong Yezi said in a low voice.

  Standing outside the room, Gong Ye Zitai didn't dare to walk in, but at this moment, he felt that his mind was bewitched, and his feet walked involuntarily.

  Half a foot came in, Gong Yezi was too unable to fix his body, and could only helplessly figure out the ‘Tian Luo Ming glaze spar’ that was spinning in the air.

  Gathered the rotation of the ‘Tianluo Mingli Glass Spar’, it would be better to say that the serpentine scale stick knife of the strong snake gods is spinning in the air.

  As the scale rod knife rotates, the ‘Tianluo Mingglass Crystal’ is also peeled off from the inside little by little.

  A few seconds later, the ‘Tianluo Ming glaze spar’ slowly landed on the core of a Hunyuan formation in the center of the room.

  This ‘Tian Luo Ming Glass Spar’ was obviously made for this inner shell, only to see a burst of blue magical light from the core of the Hunyuan Formation, which instantly radiated everyone’s face.

  Chen Xuan, the strong snake **** cult, and Gong Yezi Tai all stared at the inner core, which was emitting blue light from the center, with shocked eyes.

   "What the **** happened!" The snake **** cult powerhouse now focused all his attention on his scale rod knife.

This scale stick knife is basically used by the warriors of the Zombie Sect. These snake-shaped scale stick knives can further improve their skills. Unfortunately, the scale stick knife has been absorbed by the power of the'Tian Luo Ming Glass Crystal Stone'. Completely broke through.

  It didn't take long for the scale rod knife to shatter, and finally fell slowly to the ground.

  Chen Xuan seized the opportunity, in their horrified eyes, went straight out of this space, and then closed the Shimen.

   "It's okay..." Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief: "I don't know how long I can trap them. Forget it, I still don't want that much."

  In the room, the strong snake gods and Gong Yezi Tai took on a hideous color. Now they have begun to be controlled by the hallucinations emanating from the ‘Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone’.

  The abilities of ‘Tian Luo Ming Glass Spar’ are very powerful, even if there is only one ‘Tian Luo Ming Glass Spar’, Gong Ye Zitai is almost controlled by his mind, but the snake **** cult powerhouse is different.

His cultivation reached the five peaks of the Shenluo realm, and this'Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone' really couldn't deal with him, but Chen Xuan accidentally strayed into the Hunyuan formation left from the Fourth Age. The mixed element formation can also further increase the power of the'Tian Luo Ming Glass Spar'.

  Even a strong man in the realm of the snake **** cult strong man, has gradually been affected by the divine consciousness.

  Once a cultivator’s consciousness is affected, he will feel their actions.

  At this time, the strong snake **** and Gong Yezi made strange movements in this room.

  If Chen Xuan were here, I would think they were dancing, with his back leaning against the wall, and Chen Xuan was also listening to the sound inside.

  After recuperating for an hour, Chen Xuan pulled out the Cang Yan Huan Shao Dagger from his arm, and blood suddenly splashed out.

   Resist the pain, Chen Xuan's face even looked a little pale, he hurriedly took out the pill, and quickly swallowed it into his abdomen.

  There was even a trace of toxin in the Cangyan Illusion Breaking Dagger.

  These Mingxia Thunderbolts have numb Chen Xuan's body, otherwise he would have already figured out a way to escape here, and would not stay near this room at all.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan recovered his injuries very quickly. Two hours later, he already felt that his injury had recovered more and more, and he was not prepared to continue to waste time in Luo Mingli Cave on this day, Chen Xuan Hastily walked out and started to leave.

  A black figure suddenly flashed, before Chen Xuan had time to think, he saw Shangguan Haoran already running towards him.

   "Shangguan Haoran?" Chen Xuan, with a hint of doubt on his face, immediately asked, "Where did you go before? Shangguan Haoran.

With a bitter smile on Shangguan Haoran’s face, he immediately replied: “I thought you were caught by them. Did you know that there seems to be a ruin hidden in Luo Mingli’s cave this day, like'Tian Luo Mingli Spar'."

   "How did you know!?" Chen Xuan's face was full of surprise.

  He didn't expect that Haoran had already learned that there was a'Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone' in the Tianluo Mingli Cave.

   "I mentioned it by accident when a few warriors passed by, should we go in and take a look?"

"Don't look." Chen Xuan smiled bitterly: "Just now the Serpent God Sect powerhouse and Gong Yezi were planning to look for the'Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone' in the Tianluo Mingli Cave, and I still ran into them inside. "

   "No way? How did you come out?" Shangguan Haoran opened his eyes wide, and the surprise on his face was clear.

Chen Xuan continued to answer: "I just encountered the formation from the Fourth Age here. When they chased me, I directly opened the formation, and they are now Shi's hallucinations are under control."

  "Have you destroyed the'Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone'?"

   "I don't know too." Chen Xuan replied.

  At this moment, the snake **** cult powerhouse and Gong Ye Zitai are still in hallucinations, but Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran have already left here.

  They don't want to stay in this Tianhong Mountain Range, after all, Dan Vessel is still very dangerous.

  I don’t know how much time has passed, the strong snake **** sect fell into a hallucination. On this day, he suddenly opened his eyes and his face was full of murderous aura.

  Looking at the ‘Tian Luo Ming Glass Spar’ ahead, a dark red snake god’s power burst out of the hands of the strong snake **** cult, and it instantly rushed to the body of the ‘Tian Luo Ming Glass Spar’.


  'Tianluo Mingglass Crystal Stone' was still gathering energy, but after being attacked by the power of the snake god, it suddenly shattered.

The   Snake God Sect powerhouse is also extremely distorted. If they don’t give the ‘Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone’ a chance, they may still be manipulated by this illusion.

The   Snake God Sect powerhouse also tried his best to escape from the illusion.

  After the'Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone' was destroyed, Gong Ye Zitai slowly opened his eyes, released from the hallucinations, he only felt that his body was very weak.

   "What happened?" Gong Yezi said in surprise.

The   Snake God Sect powerhouse did not answer, but turned his head, his face was full of ferocious colors: "You are to blame for this, the'Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone' is no longer available."

   "You blame me..." Gong Yezitai also slowly backed away.

  In this gloomy room, if a strong snake **** wants to kill him, it doesn't take much effort to kill him in just one round.

"what are you going to do?"

The strong snake **** sect smiled distortedly: "Gong Ye Zitai, what do you think I can do, you let me not get the'Tianluo Mingli Crystal Stone', if this matter is let the high priest know, I can't eat it and walk around. It seems that I must kill you today to avoid people's eyes!"

  Blood flowed out of the room. As for the strong snake **** cult, his body was also teleported out in an instant, and he was still looking for the trace of Chen Xuan and Shang Guan Haoran in the entire Tianhong Mountain Range.

It's just that Chen Xuan and Shangguan Haoran have long since disappeared, and they are not so stupid either, knowing that they can't beat the strong snake gods, they are still staying in the Tianhong Mountain Range.

  Three days later, Chen Xuan appeared in Tianhong City again.

  But at this time, he was not in a hurry to find City Lord Gongsun of Hongcheng that day, and Gongsun Tianguang.

  Temporarily rest in Tianhong City, after all, Tianhong City is still very close to the Tianhong Mountain Range.

  In the past few days, after Chen Xuan basically recovered from his injuries, he and Shangguan Haoran set off in the direction of Yunxiao Mansion.

  Since Gong Yezi went missing, the entire Yunye Chamber of Commerce was also searching for his traces, but they didn’t know that Gong Yezi had been killed by a strong snake **** too early.

   "We must report this to my uncle." Shangguan Haoran whispered.

  Chen Xuan also nodded slightly, then this matter is not that simple, even if Chen Xuan wants to deal with the warriors of the Snake God Cult, he can’t do it at all.

  After all, the opponent's cultivation base surpassed him by several levels, and Chen Xuan couldn't even shoot a horse.

  Moreover, the strong snake **** can easily kill him and Shangguan Haoran, and only the master of the Yunxiao Mansion can have the opportunity to deal with the strong snake god.

   sighed, Chen Xuan immediately replied: "It is really unexpected that the strong snake **** will come here."

  The strong snake gods came to Yunxiao Mansion from remote Leizhou, and there was still a long distance in between.

  Leizhou is also one of the sites of the gods. Although Leizhou is not completely occupied by their snake gods, Chen Xuan has also heard about it.

Zhou Mu of Leizhou seems to be inextricably linked with the Snake God Sect. It is said that Leizhou still wants to break away from the control of the Yunye Empire.

  But the Yunye Empire would definitely not allow Leizhou to separate from their hands. Anyway, this matter has been dragging on, and Chen Xuan can't manage that much.

  (End of this chapter)

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