Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3544: Blue Link

  Chapter 3544 Qinglian Demon Gate

  He acted in a hurry at the beginning and did not find evidence of the Li family. Now he can only go to Qinglian Demon Gate to look for clues.

   "But the Qinglian Demon Gate is far away from Lu Yu County. The warrior of the Qinglian Demon Gate did not leave too far."

  "He is not from the Qinglian Demon Sect. I heard that this person's name is Gongsun Leiyang, who you said is the second in command of the Qinglian Demon Sect." Chen Xuan whispered.

   "The second in command of the Qinglian Demon Sect, that may really be Gongsun Leiyang, you have to be careful, this Gongsun Leiyang's mind is very vicious. If it is really him, maybe he has already entered Lu Yucheng."

   "He will also come to Lu Yucheng?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

"I know a little bit about Gongsun Leiyang. At the beginning, I went to the Morrowind area. I also conducted some investigations on this Qinglian Demon Gate. The Qinglian Demon Gate has existed for a long time, almost 70 years. , Has always been active in the Morrowind area."

Although the Qinglian Demon Gate has existed for a long time, their power in the Morrowind area is not very strong. The reason why they want to assassinate the Lord Lu is because the Qinglian Demon Gate wants to occupy Lu Yu County and expand the territory here.

  The people of Qinglian Demon Sect are also very courageous, and even Lu Yucheng dare to set foot. If this matter is spread, the entire Yunye Empire's royal family will definitely not let it go.

  After all, City Lord Lu is also a member of the imperial royal family. Although he is not the main line, he is also the royal family. How could they be allowed to do anything wrong.

  A few days later, Chen Xuan began to search for the Gongsun Leiyang in Lu Yucheng, but after searching for a few days, he did not notice where Gongsun Leiyang was.

  "This Gongsun Leiyang should be very smart and will never appear in front of us. I think Gongsun Leiyang must have been separated from the Li family. Therefore, he will definitely investigate the Li family's martial artist in the last few days."

  "We should also be careful. The patriarch of the Li family is indeed not weak, but now that Dongfang Longbu and you are here, we still have a great chance to kill him."

  Naturally, Dongfang Longbu's cultivation base, it is needless to say, that is the powerhouse of the seven levels of the Shenluo realm, even if you fight with these people from the Qinglian Demon Sect, you can easily win.

  But Chen Xuan was also a little puzzled. Since the people of the Qinglian Demon Sect had the courage to attack Lu Yucheng, it meant that they were pretty sure.

  Since Qinglian Momen can be active in the Morrowind area, it means that they must have two brushes.

  The entire Morrowind area is extremely dangerous. At the beginning, the Yunye Empire also controlled the Morrowind area, but it has gradually been out of control. Most of the residents in the Morrowind area have already left the Yunye Empire.

  Many countries originally existed in the Morrowind area. The Morrowind Empire is naturally the strongest force among them. However, after the Yunye Empire retreated from the Morrowind area, the Morrowind Empire did not take the entire area into its hands.

  Among them, large and small complex forces have always been active in the Morrowind area, and Qinglian Demon Gate is just the tip of the iceberg.

  There are many other sects that are also active in the Morrowind area. As far as Chen Xuan knows, there is another sect called Shen Luomen who is also active here.

   "This Qinglian Demon Sect is not afraid, I am very curious, when this roller dragon will attack Lu Yucheng."

   "Oh, no matter what you do, if they have the courage to come over, let this group of people come back and forth." Dongfang Longbu laughed and said to them.

  In the evening, Chen Xuan saw a very strange man on the streets of Lu Yucheng. At the same time, he also walked directly into an inn.

   "I don't know if this is Gongsun Leiyang." When Chen Xuan followed the Li family martial artist, he didn't see what Gongsun Leiyang looked like. He just felt that the man in black was acting a little weird.

  Chen Xuan also concluded that the other party must be very cautious.

   Following the black man, Chen Xuan quietly walked into the inn.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuan also lived in the inn, so he was very familiar with the terrain.

  After the black-clothed man walked in, his face was filled with a hideous smile, and he said to the innkeeper: "Prepare a guest room for me."

   "Our guest room is full now, this one, you should change the place." said the innkeeper.

   Chen Xuan fixed his eyes and found that the man in black in the inn was indeed Gongsun Leiyang.

It's just that Gongsun Leiyang's face showed caution, even when he was talking to the innkeeper, he was staring at his back cautiously, worried that someone was following him.

   "I have ten high-grade spirit stones here. Give me a place to live, or I will poke you here today." Gongsun Leiyang's voice was full of gloomy cold.

  It's not easy to see the other person, the innkeeper can only help him arrange a room for him.

After    entered the room, Gongsun Leiyang set up the surrounding spirit formations to avoid being overheard.

  After late at night, Chen Xuan still did not leave here.

  Relying on the Liaoyuan Sword, Chen Xuan controlled the blade from a distance, and at the same time displayed the soul of the sword, condensing his own voice on the Liaoyuan sword.

I only saw Gongsun Leiyang looking at the maps in the room, and at the same time, there was a touch of blood on his face: "Hey, these Li family members really can't count on them, if they are allowed to become City Lord Lu Yu. , If we bite us back, there is really no way to take them."

Thinking of this, Gongsun Leiyang suddenly opened the window and looked outside: "If I can attract the City Lord Lu to this neighborhood, with the spiritual formation, I will send aura to Zhang Luolong. City Lord Lu can definitely be killed."

   "Even if all the families in Lu Yucheng come over, it will never be possible for us to be the opponent of Qinglian Demon Sect." Gongsun Leiyang kept thinking inside.

   Suddenly, his ears moved, Gongsun Leiyang had also practiced the power of the demon soul, and he could vaguely hear movement nearby.

  The window closed suddenly, and Gongsun Leiyang’s face was murderous: "Someone is watching me nearby."

  Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword quickly retracted, with a touch of surprise on his face: "I still can't think that his perception ability is also very strong, and he has actually noticed me."

   Thinking like this in his heart, Chen Xuan still used the Liaoyuan sword, and did not leave him too far.

   "It's better to kill Gongsun Leiyang today and see what news you can get from his mouth." Chen Xuan thought suddenly.

  But the next moment, he felt that Gongsun Leiyang's cultivation base was not so easy to provoke, and he might have reached the mid-fifth stage of the Shenluo realm. Chen Xuan's current cultivation base was definitely not his opponent.

  Fortunately, now there is Dongfang Longbu, Chen Xuan simply returned to the City Lord’s Mansion and called Dongfang Longbu who was sleeping directly.

   "Chen Xuan, what are you doing? I have to take a good rest now." Dongfang Longbu complained.

Chen Xuan smiled: "Dongfang Longbu, if it wasn't for something important, I would definitely not come here to find you. You first listen to me. I found the Gongsun Leiyang of Qinglian Demon Sect. He is indeed just like you. Say, it's in this Lu Yu City."

   Hearing the name Gongsun Leiyang, Dongfang Longbu immediately became energetic, sat up directly from the bed, and instantly grasped the sword in his hand, and a fierce cyan spiritual power was released from his dantian.

   "Then let's go now!" Dongfang Long stepped into the sky, regardless of Lu Chengzhu.

  Even regardless of Chen Xuan's painstakingly following behind him, he came directly to the vicinity of the inn.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan felt that Gongsun Leiyang had disappeared.

   "Hey, what's the matter? Didn't you say Gongsun Leiyang is here?" Dongfang Longbu asked suddenly.

  Chen Xuan frowned tightly, closed his eyes slowly, and released the power of the dragon pattern.

   After the power of the dragon pattern swallowed the last force of the demon soul, it also gave Chen Xuan's power of the dragon pattern a keen perception. The two forces were originally the same, regardless of you and me.

  It's just that the power of the dragon pattern is more powerful, but after Chen Xuan enlarged his perception ability, he still didn't feel the slightest breath around him.

   "It's weird. I clearly saw him here just now, but this Gongsun Leiyang has already noticed my existence just now, and now he has probably left here." Chen Xuan also whispered.

"Leave here, haha, since this Gongsun Leiyang has entered Lu Yu City, he won't leave too far. Let's search the entire Lu Yu City to see if we can find his trace." Dongfang Longbu finished, his body He jumped into the sky in an instant, and a pair of eagle-hook eyes kept searching throughout Lu Yucheng.

  Chen Xuan also slowly closed his eyes, once again released the power of the dragon pattern, and searched for the trace of Gongsun Leiyang in Lu Yucheng.

  "Have you found..." Dongfang Long flew down, seemingly unable to find where Gongsun Leiyang is.

  Chen Xuan opened his eyes again, and he pointed to the north direction: "I seem to feel that he is going north, but I can't tell where exactly."

"He actually went to the north, very good, I want to see where this Gongsun Leiyang can escape." Dongfang Longbu smiled, while condensing the power of his dantian, he quickly pursued and killed in the direction of the north. Past.

  A few hours later, Chen Xuan and the others still did not find the trace of Gongsun Leiyang in Lu Yucheng, which also made Chen Xuan feel a little puzzled.

  The perception of his dragon pattern power has been greatly improved, and he had clearly noticed the whereabouts of Gongsun Leiyang just now, but when they came here, they still didn't see anything.

   "Ah, it's not good, we seem to be in their ambush!" Dongfang Longbu thought in his heart, and instantly returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

  Sure enough, the entire City Lord’s Mansion was in chaos.

  "Hurry up and find City Lord Lu!" Dongfang Longbu said loudly.

  Chen Xuan frowned and instantly released the power of the dragon pattern. Under his pursuit, a Li family warrior was instantly killed.

   "These Li family members are just crazy, they dare to rebel directly, dare to kill to the city lord mansion, they are really looking for death!" Dongfang Longbu shouted angrily.

  Chen Xuan also continuously released the power of the dragon pattern. In their horrified eyes, there were bursts of red light floating in Chen Xuan's body, and he directly searched for the whereabouts of City Lord Lu in the entire City Lord's Mansion.

  Finally, Chen Xuan found the trail of City Lord Lu, so he and Dongfang Longbu rushed towards him in an instant.

  I only saw that City Lord Lu’s half of his arm was already full of blood, and in front of him, there were several warriors of the Qinglian Demon Sect and the head of the Li family, all with a hideous look.

   "City Lord Lu, you have suppressed our Li family time and time again over the years. You forced me to do this. You can't blame me." The head of the Li family said angrily.

  At the beginning, their Li family also felt threatened. After all, several big families in Lu Yu City were killed by City Lord Lu three times in a row.

  These families had previously disobeyed the orders of City Lord Lu, and simply ignored the instructions given by City Lord Lu.

  Only the Li family followed the orders of Lu Chengzhu, but the patriarch of the Li family knew very well in his heart that after Lu Chengzhu liquidated the other families, their Li family would definitely not be able to escape.

  In order to allow the Li family to continue, this is why Li Honglun made the next move. They united with the Qinglian Demon Sect to kill Lu City Lord in Lu Yu City.

  But they are countless, obviously they didn't expect that Chen Xuan and Dongfang Longbu would come here improperly, so Chen Xuan's cultivation base would not be discussed.

  The cultivation base has reached the fourth peak of the Shenluo realm, but just a Chen Xuan brought them a lot of threats, not to mention Dongfang Longbu.

  Dongfang Longbu is a member of Wanjian Villa. Not only is his background very strong, but his cultivation base is also very strong.

  (End of this chapter)

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