Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3553: Eastern Rushing and Bloodwing Eagle Demon

  Chapter 3553 Dongfang Longbu and Bloodwing Eagle Demon

  On the Morrowind Plain.

The blood winged eagle demon that was shot down had a burst of blood on its wings. As for Dongfang Rumble, he rushed over in an instant. The body is shrouded in the formation.

"Now you can't run away..." Dongfang Longbu was holding a cyan long sword, with a hideous look on his face: "Killing so many of us, you still want to escape, little demon, give it to you today. I am going to die!"

   City Lord Lu also showed a wave of anger, and instantly waved his sword blade, directly slashing the blood-winged eagle devil's head.

  Blood splashed, but the blood-winged eagle demon was not a copper head or iron bone, and its head was directly chopped off.

  Finally, the rest of Lu Yucheng warriors rushed in, venting their anger at the corpse of the blood-winged eagle demon.

  This **** demon actually killed so many of us.

  This monster's cultivation base is so powerful that it has reached the six major consummations of the Shenluo realm.

  Many of the warriors in Lu Yucheng were also surprised. They only now realized why the Morrowind area is so chaotic, which is also called the extremely dangerous area of ​​the entire Black Rock Continent.

  Chen Xuan was also the first time to come to the Morrowind area. After seeing the Bloodwing Eagle Demon, he also expected that it would be very difficult for City Lord Lu to completely incorporate the Morrowind area into his palm.

   "Lord Lu, are you really thinking of the Morrowind area?" Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows on half of his face.

  Although he didn't directly click on it, his inner words were obviously a bit suspicious. If City Lord Lu wanted to occupy the Morrowind area, he would definitely consume a lot of energy.

  He also knew very well that City Master Lu would definitely continue to improve his cultivation until one day he could compete with the many powerful monsters in the Morrowind area, but now it is far from the time.

  City Lord Lu is not too old, he is already more than 40 years old, even in the world of Black Rock, he is considered very young.

  It’s just that if he wants to occupy the mountains and rivers in this Morrowind area, it’s impossible without a few decades.

  Many monsters in the Morrowind area, and even some of their cultivation bases have reached the realm of the emperor, these powerhouses can be dealt with casually.

   "Chen Xuan, I have also thoroughly thought about it. The Morrowind area is not something I can enter casually, but if I only occupy the western part of the Morrowind area, it is still possible."

The Morrowind region is divided into two halves by the island in the middle, which also presents a bowl shape. In this eastern region, most of them are extremely powerful.

  Although the west is extremely chaotic, the super strong will basically not gather here, because the truly rich area of ​​the Morrowind area is in the easternmost part, and there is the East China Sea.

  At this moment, their camp was almost destroyed.

  Although the battle with the blood-winged eagle demon was won, the loss was also very serious for the landlord and the others. The camp is gone, and it is very difficult for them to continue to gain a foothold here.

  At this time, Chen Xuan could even feel a gust of wind from a distance, and there were even many monsters constantly calling.

  Compared with these monsters, these monsters are insignificant, but this is not absolute, although most monsters are stronger than monsters of the same realm.

  However, some monsters have survived for a long time, but they have never awakened their wisdom.

The number of these monsters is very rare, and most of the surviving in the Morrowind area are also spirit beasts. These spirit beasts are not so easy to deal with. Chen Xuan and the others have encountered several spirit beasts on the road. They were all beheaded in the end.

  The inner alchemy in the spirit beast's body has been condensed into the water of the inner alchemy, which is very good for cultivation.

After absorbing the inner alchemy, Chen Xuan also began to breathe the spirit of the world around him. He felt that his body was a little stiff, so Chen Xuan slightly raised his left arm, which contained bursts of light red dragon pattern power.

  Condensing the power of the dragon pattern on his body surface, Chen Xuan can clearly notice that his defense power has increased a lot.

"Unexpectedly, the power of the dragon pattern has such a big relationship with the four-image magic." Since practicing the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan has also vaguely felt that his basalt power seems to have been combined with a part of the power of the dragon pattern. .

When these dragon patterns appeared on his body surface skin, Chen Xuan’s defense power was also increased accordingly, but this was not as direct as Chen Xuan’s direct use of the power of basalt, but the performance of this power was actually Very prominent.

   Relying on these two forces, Chen Xuan believes that even if he faces Gongsun Leiyang again, he will have the power to fight.

  At this moment, when Chen Xuan released the power of the dragon pattern, he felt a familiar aura in front of him, almost similar to the Shangguan Chonglin he had encountered in the Yuyan Luo Tower.

   "This force seems to be very similar to Shangguan Chonglin..." Chen Xuan thought inwardly, and then gathered the Liaoyuan Sword, and began to search for his whereabouts in the vast Morrowind area.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan saw a figure.

   "More than one!" He began to instill all his own spirit, and Chen Xuan carefully observed the figures in front of him.

  One of the figures is very similar to Shangguan Chonglin, but there are many people beside him. Chen Xuan carefully observed and found that they were all Qinglian Demon Sect martial artists.

At this moment, a warrior of the Qinglian Demon Sect leaned forward and said to Shangguan Chonglin, "Big Brother Shangguan Chonglin, I believe what you said, instead of letting Gongyang Tiangu be the leader of our Qinglian Demon Sect, I still want you. Come here."

  "This ram always thinks of himself, regardless of whether we live or die!"

   "That's right. Although Shangguan Chonglin killed those people, I believe he was definitely for our Qinglian Demon Sect!"

All of these are loyal and loyal. Even though they have seen Shangguan Chonglin killing many people, they still believe in Shangguan Chonglin and think that Shangguan Chonglin did what he did. Everything is to avenge Zhang Roller.

  At this time, Shangguan Chonglin also felt bitter and unable to tell. After all, he hadn't killed those warriors at the beginning, just showing them a look.

But Shangguan Chonglin is too lazy to explain now, she can only say: "Don't say so much. After three days, we will go to the border between the Morrowind area and Luyu County. I want to see where Lucheng is the main player. What tricks."

   "Big Brother Shangguan Chonglin, I suspect that this city lord will never send us the medicine pill refined by Master Nangong..." a warrior from the Qinglian Demon Sect whispered.

   "Look at you fool, now we are all at a loss. If we don't try to get a pill from their hands, I think big brother, we still have to try it!" the warrior said suddenly.

  Shangguan Chonglin could only nodded slowly, and then replied: "You have some truth, we can't relax our vigilance."

   "What does Shangguan Chonglin mean?"

"A few people went to look for them to see if they had got the medicine of Master Nangong. I also doubted that this city owner had any scheming. Before, our eldest brother Zhang Roller was caught by them. This time, he is sure There are other ideas." Shangguan Chonglin said slowly.

  That’s right, this group of people is really hateful, our eldest brother Zhang Roller must be killed by them in this way.

   actually even gave us the medicine of Master Nangong, although this city lord can really give us, but I believe that he is definitely an expedient measure, that is, he wants to destroy all the people of our Qinglian Demon Sect.

  Yeah, what are you saying about unity? These people in Lu Yucheng are all superficial and behind the scenes, and they can't believe what they say.

  After hearing their conversation, Chen Xuan gradually took the Liaoyuan sword back. After all, Shangguan Chonglin was an extremely strong man. Once he found out his aura, Chen Xuan and the others would have no way of acting.

   "I didn't expect that Shangguan Chonglin would be able to guess..." Chen Xuan was still thinking about it, but soon he reported the matter to City Lord Lu.

After learning about Shangguan Chonglin's thoughts, Lu Chengzhu lightly touched his beard, with a sneer on his face: "Unexpectedly, Chong actually has a few brushes, but we have listened to their words. When it arrives, I will really get a few pills from Elder Nangong and send them to them."

"By the way, Shangguan Chonglin was driven out by Gongyang Tiangu." Lu Chengzhu whispered: "Sure enough, it is almost the same as I thought. Before Gongyang Tiangu, Shangguan Chonglin was very upset. The spirit array set up in the room must have left me and let us in deliberately."

   "No wonder..." Dongfang Longbu said.

  Chen Xuan did feel that it was too easy for them to penetrate the spirit circle inside Yuyan Luo Tower, and there was basically no obstacle in the middle.

"This Ram Tiangu must also have his own ideas. He wants to be the leader of the Qinglian Demon Sect. However, without Shangguan Chonglin, only this Ram Tiangu is left. He can't just do it casually. Killed by us."

  The reason why they had some scruples about Qinglian Demon Sect was because of the existence of Shangguan Chonglin. Once Shangguan Chonglin was driven away by them, it would only be a matter of minutes to deal with Gongyang Tiangu.

  (End of this chapter)

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