Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3636: Two people join hands

  Chapter 3636 Two people join hands

The battle between    and Chen Xuan made Guo Yujie believe that Chen Xuan was able to release the fire of the Vermillion Bird because of the Liaoyuan Sword. Otherwise, the flame sword he displayed would definitely kill Chen Xuan.

   got up and stood up, Huang Tianlong looked around the pavilion. Suddenly, he turned his head and said, "There is no way...Since we have failed this time, let's look for another opportunity."

"Chen Xuan has only entered the Sword Moon Sect for a few months, and his cultivation has reached such a terrible level. If there is no accident in the middle, he will definitely become the number one in the outer door, and may even enter the Sword Moon Sect. Gate……"

  What is the weight of the inner gate of the Sword Moon Sect?

  Every disciple of the inner sect of the Sword Moon Sect can basically walk sideways in the entire Yunxiao Mansion, and even Yunxiao City must give some face to the disciple of the inner sect of the Sword Moon Sect.

With a vicious smile on his face, Huang Tianlong continued: "Of course, if Chen Xuan had some accident halfway, he might not be able to grow into a master of that realm. The winner is the one who can laugh to the end. You see, we can eliminate the threat as long as we kill Chen Xuan in the middle!"

   "Then what do you mean?" Guo Yujie's face is still full of respect. He knows that Huang Tianlong's cultivation is very strong, and if he wants to eradicate Chen Xuan, he must rely on him.

As the head of the family, Huang Tianlong could not avenge his son and ignored the development of the family. While he was doing this, Huang Tianlong was also prepared to sacrifice. To eradicate, to avenge Huang Yunhong.

   "Now Chen Xuan has the help of Zhuge old man, you know, he is the elder of the inner door, I can't be his opponent at all, and now I can't go to Jianyuezong blatantly."

"Chen Xuan is now well protected by this old man. I am afraid that he will only come out of Jianyuezong when his cultivation level breaks through to be able to deal with me. I shouldn't be able to kill him now, but you still have a chance." Huang Tianlong said suddenly.

  Guo Yujie nodded first, and then he was puzzled: "I don't know what Lord Huang means?"

Huang Tianlong smiled coldly: "Your talent is pretty good. Are you sure that in the last few months, you can make your own cultivation level break through to the next level? I believe that as long as we have the great help of our family, your The breakthrough speed of cultivation base will definitely be very fast!"

Guo Yujie’s face suddenly showed a touch of joy. He was only one step away from breaking through: "Then I would like to thank Master Huang, don’t worry, I only need my cultivation base to break through, and I can definitely get the dog thief Chen Xuan. Death, revenge Huang Yunhong!"

  As soon as these words came out, Huang Tianlong nodded in satisfaction, and finally called a few servants to get Guo Yujie a lot of herbs.

  After cultivating here for a few days, Chen Xuan never went out. He knew that many people outside wanted to kill him, but Chen Xuan did not go to cause trouble, and the trouble would eventually come up.

  One day, Li Tianpo found out that Chen Xuan was in Jianyuezong, and he directly engaged a disciple of Jianyuezong to make an appointment with Chen Xuan.

  After more than two months of training, Li Tianpo thinks that his wings are now so hard that he can compete with Chen Xuan. As for Li Zongfeng, he also gave Li Tianpo a lot of good things, hoping that he can win the battle.

Standing on the martial arts stage, Chen Xuan clinging to the sword, his face was full of disdain: "Li Tianpo, you kid hurt me so badly at the beginning, you actually asked your master to deal with me, don't you think it is now? My opponent?"

Li Tianpo smiled coldly, and immediately replied: "Chen Xuan, don't you really think that I have never been your opponent. I didn't draw all the spirit patterns at the beginning, but now I have drawn a complete spirit pattern. There are twelve lines in total, you can never be my opponent!"

  Chen Xuan also knew that the spirit pattern on Li Tianpo's body could not have been drawn by him alone, and there must be an expert in the Li family helping him behind it.

  Chen Xuan didn't take it to heart. He was confident that he could defeat Li Tianpo. After all, Li Tianpo's cultivation base was not as good as Huang Yunhong.

  Li Tianpo laughed and said sarcastically: "This game is just a competition. I said Chen Xuan, you can use all your strengths and show me your cultivation level!"

  This game is not that simple.

  Li Tianpo also represents the Li family disciple, and Chen Xuan represents Jianyuezong, just a friendly match.

   But whoever wins or loses in this game will affect the status between the two schools. Naturally, Chen Xuan will not relax his guard.

   After his cultivation reached the Five Major Consummations of the Shenluo Realm, even a powerhouse one level higher than him was not his opponent, let alone Li Tianpo.

  But Chen Xuan's only fear was the spirit patterns drawn on Li Tianpo's body. The power of these spirit patterns was not so easy to deal with. If Chen Xuan burst out dragon patterns with all his strength, it would be stronger than the strength of the spirit patterns in a short time.

  But the patience of the spirit pattern is good, and you can drag the time down.

   "Don't talk nonsense, just do it." Chen Xuan said softly.

  The next moment, Li Tianpo swung his long sword, and the white figure instantly charged towards Chen Xuan. Seeing the speed of this figure, Chen Xuan's face also showed surprise.

  As Netherweave Masters, they also have a unique fighting technique, which is to draw magic talisman.

  At this moment, Li Tianpo touched a magic talisman in his hand, and slapped him fiercely in Chen Xuan's direction.


  A dazzling light flashed out suddenly, and a dazzling light appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes.

  A fierce energy stabbed towards his shoulder.

   "What's the matter, is it allowed to use magic talisman?" Chen Xuan's face was full of surprise. Knowing this, he displayed the power of the dragon pattern.


  A gust of wind blew suddenly in front of him, and swift groups of light appeared around Chen Xuan, which firmly wrapped his body in it, making Li Tianpo's attack useless.

   "Li Tianpo, you were not my opponent at the beginning, and now you want to trouble me. You are not afraid of losing too badly and being ridiculed by others?" Chen Xuan smiled coldly.

  At this moment, many of the senior leaders of the Li Family and Jian Yuezong below the competition stage watched the game intently, and they were very surprised.

   "This kid can easily break the magic talisman, and his cultivation is really strong."

   "This magic talisman has blocked his sight. He can actually react with his own consciousness. It is indeed very rare. His cultivation level must have reached a very strong state."

   "I have never seen anyone who can enter this level. This kid is definitely a genius. If Jianyuezong is well cultivated, his cultivation level will definitely improve very quickly!"

  Li Tianpo also dumbfounded watching his magical talisman dissipate in an instant

  No, you must win!

  In his arm, a group of swift light condensed in an instant. After swinging the long sword in his hand, Li Tianpo rushed directly in front of Chen Xuan's body.

  In a short moment, Chen Xuan also felt that terrible energy was erupting, and he swiftly swung his long sword, also releasing the Suzaku sword technique.

  Everyone was stunned at the match between the two on the stage.

   Chen Xuan's body speed increased instantly under the eruption of this sword aura, and a sword pierced Li Tianpo's direction directly.

  Li Tianpo threw out several magical charms in a row, but it was of no avail after all, and his body was instantly knocked to the bottom of the martial arts stage.

   Li Tianpo, whose face was full of surprise, looked at his undamaged body in disbelief.

  If Chen Xuan wanted to kill him just now, he could do it in minutes.

Chen Xuan did not do that. After all, there are still many Li family's strong players present here. This is just a friendly match. Chen Xuan does not have to do so absolutely. This time it is just to teach Li Tianpo a lesson and let him know about others. Someone, there is a sky outside the sky.

  Frustrated Li Tianpo could only stand up from the ground and said, "I lost..."

  Li Gongfeng, who was watching the battle in the distance, showed a murderous look on his face. Only he knew how Chen Xuan bombed the Li family mansion in the first place.

  However, Li Gongfeng did not say it for the sake of face.

   "Very good, let's go!" After Li Zhufeng finished speaking, he left here with Li Tianpo directly.

In the mansion that the Li family had just built, Li Tianpo’s face was full of grievances, and he stood in front of Li Zhufeng and said: “Enjoy, I want to improve my cultivation! I am not convinced, this Chen Xuan unexpectedly Defeated me!"

Li Gongfeng said with a gloomy expression of resentment, "Apprentice, don't worry, I will definitely let Chen Xuan pay the price, but you remember it for me. Only the two of us know about this. Never tell other people."

  "Starting from today, I will show you how to cultivate the top swordsmanship of the Li family. The swordsmanship of the Li family is already extensive and profound, and even the Sword Yuezong cannot be compared with us!" Li Zongfeng said loudly.

  For the next period of time, Li Tianpo had been cultivating in the mansion. He wanted to take revenge before, but he caused trouble to the Li family. Almost half of the entire Li family mansion was blown up.

  As long as his strength improves, he can be sure of defeating Chen Xuan.

  As for the Li Family Sword Art, it was taught to him by Li Gongfeng. This Sword Art is very profound, and it takes several years to master the basics of entry. Until now, Li Tianpo still has not grasped the power of the Li Family Sword Art.

   Hearing Li Zhufeng’s personal guidance, Li Tianpo's face also showed joy.

  Li Tianpo is the son of Li's elder.

  He didn't come to Jianyue Ancient City for a long time, just over half a year, and the cultivation of sword tactics was also taught to him by a few outside elders of the Li family.

  Li Jifeng is different. His strength exceeds these outer door elders. With his guidance, Li Tianpo believes that his cultivation level can definitely be improved quickly.

"Chen Xuan, wait for me. When I see you again next time, I must kill you!" Li Tianpo thought fiercely, his face also flashed with violent killing intent. .

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also returned to his own independent courtyard, only to find that Elder Zhuge had already been here waiting for him.

   "Xiao Chen, how is your practice recently? By the way, you did a beautiful battle in that battle. I didn't expect you to win so easily." Elder Zhuge said with a smile.

Chen Xuan also smiled softly: "Elder Zhuge is really too acclaimed. I have been practicing non-stop in recent days. Li Tianpo was defeated by me before. No matter how he cultivates, he can't be a disciple. opponent."

   Hearing this, Elder Zhuge said the key point of this visit: "I came to you this time for a reason. I heard that the Jianyue Ancient Vein was abnormal. I don't know what happened."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression also changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked: "I don't know what happened?"

  He had also entered the Jianyue Ancient Vein back then, knowing that it was extremely dangerous, and if something abnormal happened, it was very likely that a monster beast with top strength had appeared.

"I don't know, but the Jianyue Ancient Vein is abnormal, and it has shocked many strong people in the Jianyue Ancient City. I heard that after they passed, the seal in the Jianyue Ancient Vein was actually loosened. The specifics are No one knows the reason."

  "The seal of Jianyue Ancient Vessel is loose?" Chen Xuan's face was full of surprise.

What does    represent?

  He didn’t know much about the Jianyue Ancient Veins, he only knew that the Jianyue Ancient Veins had existed for a long time.

   "There is nothing wrong. If the seal of the Jianyue Ancient Vessel becomes loose, those mysterious areas can be entered freely, and you can certainly enter with your cultivation."

  (End of this chapter)

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