Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3743: Sovereign of Black Cloud Gate

  Chapter 3743 Sovereign of Black Cloud Gate

   "Look, isn’t this the Sect Master of the Black Cloud Gate? I heard that his cultivation is also very strong, I wonder if there is our Sect Master’s power!"

   "It should be less powerful than our Sect Master, after all, Sect Master Zhuge's cultivation has just broken through, I think he is definitely not the opponent of Sect Master Zhuge!"

Lei Pojun approached Chen Xuan's ear and whispered to him: "Look at this person clearly. He is the Sovereign of the Black Cloud Gate. This person has a very strong cultivation base. If we enter the Illusory Sea Secret Realm, we must be careful of Black Cloud. The warrior of the door!"

  The Black Cloud Gate and the Sword Moon Sect have been grudges for a long time, and they tried to find the Sword Moon Sect trouble before.

   Twenty years ago, when the Sea of ​​Magic Secret Realm was opened, the Black Cloud Gate joined the warriors of other schools to besiege Jianyuezong, and finally let the warriors of Jianyuezong return without success.

  Zhuge Yun has always been brooding about this matter, but the Sect Master of the Black Cloud Gate is indeed very strong, and even Zhuge Yun can't deal with him.

  Chen Xuan already understood that these Black Cloud Gate warriors had troubled Jianyuezong before. No wonder he felt that the conversation between Sect Master Zhuge and the other party had a strong smell of gunpowder.

   "I don't know what the cultivation level of these Black Cloud Sect disciples is. If you meet them inside, I am afraid it will be another **** battle!" Chen Xuan said softly.

While he was thinking, the Sect Master of the Black Cloud Gate continued to sneer: "Zhuge Yun, as long as your cultivation level does not break through, you will still be trampled under my feet after all, even if your Jianyue Sect has a genius unparalleled in the world. , But you still have to be careful, I am afraid that the so-called genius of your Jian Yuezong will eventually die in the hands of my apprentice!"

   Zhuge Yun coldly snorted: "What do you do with so much nonsense? If you have the ability to see the true chapter in the Secret Realm of Illusory Sea, I don't believe that you disciples of the Black Cloud Sect can be stronger than our Sword Moon Sect!"

  In the years when Zhuge Yun became the Sect Master of Jianyue Sect, this year's disciple was the strongest he had ever seen. Not only was there a genius like Lei Pojun, but also Chen Xuan was a peerless sword repairer.

  Not long after, Zhuge Yun led many inner disciples to a relatively remote place, and then began to rest.

  Because Xiaoding City is very old, there is no place to rest.

Zhuge Yun continued to say to many disciples: "The time since the opening of the Mystic Sea Secret Realm is already very fast. You can move around here freely, but you must remember to me that you will gather here after twelve hours. Place an order!"

  "If someone comes to trouble you, send me a message through Yinchuan Yuhuan. Also, you must be careful of the people at Heiyunmen, they will definitely come to trouble you."

   "Don't worry, Sect Master Zhuge, I will definitely make these Black Cloud Sect disciples look good at that time!"

   "Hahaha, I don't believe that their cultivation base can be better than me!" An inner disciple said vowedly.

  Everyone nodded, and then Chen Xuan sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

  Before, he didn't let the cultivation base break through in Jianyue Tower, which made Chen Xuan worry.

  His cultivation level has not reached the eighth level of the Shenluo realm. If he encounters a strong man of the nineth level, the chance of Chen Xuan winning is very slim.

  He must ensure that his cultivation reaches the next level in order to deal with stronger disciples.

  The disciples of the Black Cloud Gate would definitely come to trouble them. Chen Xuan had not dealt with them before, but through Zhuge Yun's explanation, he knew that the people of the Black Cloud Gate were definitely very strong.

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan has refined many elixirs.

  Not only did he refine two bottles of Rejuvenation Pill, he also refined three bottles of Rejuvenation Pill, the grade of these pills far exceeded the general quality, after all, this was refined by Chen Xuan.

  Not long after he sat down, Lei Pojun suddenly stood up.

   "I have never been to Xiaoding City before, or let's go around here."

  Chen Xuan thought for a while, and finally agreed, so he wandered in the downfall of Xiaoding City.

There are many shops selling pills and weapons on the streets of Xiaoding City, but Chen Xuan doesn't even want to look at it. He already has a heavenly weapon like the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand.

  Not to mention that Chen Xuan is still an alchemist.

  The pill he refined was several levels higher than those refined by other alchemists.

   "Chen Xuan, you are also an alchemist, why don't you refine a little pill for sale here? It will definitely bring you huge profits." Lei Pojun said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan thinks what he said is very reasonable, he can indeed refine the pill here, and then resell it.

   "What you said is really reasonable, let's see if we can sell it first." Chen Xuan said.

   For a long time, Chen Xuan thought that Lei Pojun was the kind of superior swordsman genius, but then he saw this scene, which completely made Chen Xuan dumbfounded.

After Lei Pojun got two bottles of elixirs from Chen Xuan, he immediately squatted beside the street, yelling while carving words on a stone with a long sword.

   Seeing his proud work, Lei Pojun smiled and said, “Chen Xuan, what do you think of these words I wrote? Isn’t it very atmospheric?”

  Chen Xuan nodded a little speechlessly: "Isn't it just selling a few bottles of medicinal medicine? Is it necessary for such a big fanfare?"

   "Come and take a look, the pill made by the famous alchemy master of Yunxiao Mansion, there is no such shop after passing this village!" Lei Pojun shouted loudly.

  Chen Xuan felt that he was very embarrassed, and the admiration in his heart for Lei Pojun was now completely lost.

At any rate,    was also the first person at the outer door, but now he is squatting next to the street, no different from an ordinary hawker.

  If it weren’t because he was wearing the costume of a disciple of Jianyuezong, some people would think that Lei Pojun was just a civilian selling medicine here.

  As his voice grew louder and louder, several disciples of the sect approached in their direction.

   "What do you sell here?" a disciple asked.

  Lei Pojun looked at the person, smiled at him and replied: “There are many medicines here, don’t you know if you want to buy it?”

  "How much are your pills?" the disciple asked.

  Lei Pojun set his sights on Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan walked over and said, "A bottle of pill is worth five thousand high-grade spirit stones."

  As soon as these words came out, these disciples suddenly showed a look of disgust.

  "Is there anything wrong? It's just a few bottles of Rejuvenating Pills. They are so expensive. Do you want to kill people?"

   "You are right, I haven't bought a rejuvenating pill. A bottle of rejuvenating pill is only worth one high-grade spirit stone at most!" said the disciple.

  Lei Bianjun smiled slightly at him: "That's just an ordinary rejuvenation pill, but I am a pill made by a top alchemy master, and the price will definitely not be that low."

  In the distance, several disciples from the Black Cloud Gate also noticed them.

   "Big Brother, isn't that from Jianyuezong? Shall we go and take a look?"

   Hearing this, the Black Cloud Gate disciple nodded slowly, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

  "Master has already told us that people who meet Jianyuezong must not be merciful. Let's go and see what they want to sell, ha ha!"

  After they walked over, the Black Cloud Gate disciple revealed a sneer on his face.

   "You people from the Sword Moon Sect are really unkind, ordinary rejuvenation pills are sold so expensive, you can only buy one bottle of 5,000 high-grade spirit stones, you might as well just come and grab it!"

   "That's right, how can this mediocre pill be sold at such an expensive price? It's a joke!"

  "Hehe, I really thought we didn’t know the goods, guys, don’t listen to these two little guys, don’t confuse the public. The value of this rejuvenation pill may not even be a high-grade spiritual stone, but at most a low-grade spiritual stone!"

   Seeing the costumes on these disciples, Chen Xuan guessed that they must be from the Black Cloud Gate. This is here to smash the scene.

  Chen Xuan came out and said, “You have never used it before, naturally, I don’t know. The rejuvenation pill I made can recover your injuries within ten minutes.”

   The two Black Cloud Sect disciples let out a chuckle.

   "This is simply the funniest joke I have ever heard. Can he refine such an expensive pill?"

   "Even a very famous alchemist dare not exaggerate it like that. He said that he can recover from his injury in ten minutes. Don't brag, okay?"

  "Then you want to try it?" Chen Xuan asked with a smile.

"Hehe, why are we trying? It's just an ordinary rejuvenation pill that can be sold at such an expensive price. I think you are here to kill people!" After the black cloud gate disciple finished speaking, he left directly. Come and take the Rejuvenation Pill in your hand.

  With a smile on his face, he said to Chen Xuan sarcastically, “Even if this kind of pill is given to me, I won’t want it. In my eyes, it’s just rubbish!”

After    finished speaking, he directly smashed the Rejuvenating Pill to the ground.

   Chen Xuan's pupils revealed a murderous aura: "If you don't want it, don't want it, why did you smash my pill on the ground?"

   "Hehe, this kind of garbage can still be sold at such a high price, I think it is better to just throw it away!"

  In his eyes, the Rejuvenation Pill is not worth five thousand high-grade spirit stones.

  In fact, a very ordinary alchemist can refine a rejuvenating pill.

  But the pill that they refined is definitely not comparable to that refined by Chen Xuan.

  These Black Cloud Gate warriors did not know the goods, and Chen Xuan would not blame them.

  But the three of them smashed the pill on the ground, making it clear that they were deliberately angering Chen Xuan.

  Lei Pojun’s pupils also released a murderous aura: "Are you deliberately asking for trouble?"

   "Hehe, what can we do if we are just asking you for trouble!"

   Seeing the dispute that took place here, other warriors from the sect gathered around, looking at the excitement with a smile on their faces.

   "What happened here?"

   "It seems that there was a conflict between the people of the Black Cloud Gate and the disciples of Jianyuezong, let's take a good look at the excitement."

   "Although the Sword Moon Sect and the Black Cloud Sect are both two-star sects, the strength of the Black Cloud Sect will eventually be stronger. I think these Sword Moon Sect disciples can only swallow their breath!"

   "The Black Cloud Gate is not to blame at all. The two disciples of the Sword Moon Sect sell too expensive things, and a Rejuvenation Pill actually costs 5,000 high-grade spirit stones!"

   "I can only say that they deserve it, haha, let's read the jokes!"

Suddenly a fierce killing intent burst out of Lei Pojun's body, and his whole body was full of sword energy.

   "Do you want to do it?" the Black Cloud Sect disciple asked.

  The other two Black Cloud Gate warriors also took out their weapons and looked at them arrogantly.

  Xiaoding City is very big, and the other Black Cloud Gate warriors did not realize that there was a conflict here.

   "Chen Xuan, let's not act rashly. The disciples of the Black Cloud Gate are not weak, so we must be more vigilant!" Lei Pojun said softly.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly. Of course he knew the truth: "These people from the Black Cloud Gate are indeed very hateful. I have made this bottle of Rejuvenation Pill by hard work. I must not just let it go!"


  Two Black Cloud Gate warriors walked over arrogantly and said in a very mocking tone.

   "You two Sword Moon Sect's offal, you actually sell Rejuvenation Pills so expensive, do you think we are all ignorant?"

"That's right, these Jianyuezong people don't have a good thing. Today we are going to teach them a lesson!" A Black Cloud Sect warrior rolled up his sleeves and released a fierce murderous intent. Came over in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  After seeing him walk over, Chen Xuan said a little uncomfortable: "Just rely on you guys, they are not my opponents at all, let the stronger come over."

   "Hahaha, this is the first time I have heard that someone can be so arrogant, you simply don't take our Black Cloud Gate in your eyes!"

   "Teach him a lesson today, let this kid know how good you are!"

  (End of this chapter)

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