Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3890: Stay away

  Chapter 3890 Stay away

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said: "This is not true. If you get hurt, you can't blame it on my head."

"Of course not. Why should I blame you? I'm very curious about what realm Brother Chen has reached now. I heard that you have also practiced the swordsmanship of Wanjian Villa. Brothers hurry up and show me your hands. I can't wait..." Huang Guowu asked eagerly.

  Chen Xuan could feel that there were already many warriors around the city lord’s mansion, and they were likely to do something on themselves.

  So Chen Xuan did not act rashly.

  "Wait a minute." Chen Xuan suddenly closed his eyes, and his body was filled with a light red aura.

  At this time, Chen Xuan had already displayed the power of the dragon pattern, and his perception ability was greatly improved. There were several warriors around him, and he could feel it clearly.

  As soon as he took back the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan heard the voice of a young man in the distance, who was Shangguan Yunhai.

   "Chen Xuan, Lord City Lord, what are you doing here?" Shangguan Yunhai's voice floated.

  Chen Xuan opened his eyes, turned around and smiled at Shangguan Yunhai and said: "The Lord of the City wants to see my cultivation level, so I will come to test what level I have reached."

   Shangguan Yunhai looked at Huang Guowu blankly, he obviously knew what Huang Guowu wanted to do.

  Although Shangguan Yunhai would not attack Huang Guowu, if Chen Xuan could help him kill Huang Guowu, Shangguan Yunhai would definitely not say much.

  Shangguan Yunhai's temper was straightforward, but he also knew what Huang Guowu was thinking.

  After so many years, Shangguan Yunhai has made a lot of credit for Tianling City, but Huang Guowu has always ignored it, as if there is no such person as Shangguan Yunhai.

  He has been squeezing out Shangguan Yunhai, just want to let Shangguan Yunhai retreat, don't stay in Tianling City, otherwise Shangguan Yunhai will definitely threaten Huang Guowu's status.

  Shangguan Yunhai knew all of these things, and he had never broken this relationship, because Shangguan Yunhai had nowhere to go except Tianling City.

  For so many years, Shangguan Yunhai has been looking for the murderer who killed his father in the first place. He only knows that it was done by the people of the Zombie Cult, but now that it has been so long, he still hasn’t found any clues.

  According to Shangguan Yunhai’s inference.

  One of the people who killed his father was Zhao Zhiyun.

   Shangguan Yunhai was not sure if Zhao Zhiyun was the murderer of his father?

  But he and the people of the Zombie Cult have already had a feud, so he doesn't care about that much.

  As long as you encounter a warrior of the Zombie Cult, Shangguan Yunhai will directly kill him.

   "Brother Chen, why don't you hurry up to show it? I am really curious about your cultivation level, hurry up." Huang Guowu was already impatient.

  After hearing his words, Chen Xuan was also upset. He thought that he came to Tianling City as a guest.

  Why did Huang Guowu let him show off his cultivation? Even if Chen Xuan refused, Huang Guowu couldn’t say anything.

  However, Chen Xuan also wanted to take this opportunity to give Huang Guowu a wake-up call and let him know what realm his cultivation level had reached.

   "Okay." Chen Xuan said softly.

  The long sword in his hand burst out with a dark red light, and a sword qi that reached its extreme instantly slammed on the huge boulder in the center.


  The huge boulders suddenly splashed, and pieces of rubble fell on the ground.

  This scene was watched by Huang Guowu, and at the same time by Song Yunmin in the distance.

  Huang Guowu and Song Yunmin have already discussed, if Chen Xuan's cultivation level does not enter the realm of spirits, they will directly kill Chen Xuan.

  But now Chen Xuan can directly destroy the boulder, indicating that his cultivation level must have reached the early stage of the Divine Soul Realm, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to directly destroy the boulder in half.

  Huang Guowu's expression was extremely shocking, which was completely different from what he thought.

   "Unexpectedly, Brother Chen's cultivation level has reached such a strong level, you will not have reached the realm of the soul now, right?" Huang Guowu said.

  He originally thought that Chen Xuan was only the Nine Major Consummation of Shenluo Realm, but the power that Chen Xuan showed just now clearly exceeded the Divine Soul Realm.

  With such a strong cultivation base, how could he be an opponent?

  Even if he and Song Yunmin were added together, it would not be possible to pose a threat to Chen Xuan.

   "Hahaha, I didn't expect Brother Chen to have reached the realm of spirit and soul, I really underestimated you before." Huang Guowu said loudly.

  Although the expression on his face is very happy, his heart is very desperate.

  Huang Guowu did not show his inner thoughts, he was very tolerant.

After    destroyed the boulder, Chen Xuan gently retracted the Liaoyuan sword, his expression was very calm, as if he had never done this before.

After seeing Chen Xuan’s eruption of cultivation base, Shangguan Yunhai's heart was also shocked. He walked over and whispered: "Brother Chen, I didn't expect your cultivation base to be so strong..."

   Shangguan Yunhai thought that he could not destroy the boulder, but Chen Xuan did it.

  He knows that his cultivation level can be promoted to the realm of Soul and Soul, mostly because of Chen Xuan's reasons, so Shangguan Yunhai is very grateful to Chen Xuan in his heart.

  He does not want Chen Xuan to be involved in this power struggle.

   Shangguan Yunhai was about to leave Tianling City. He knew how dangerous this city was.

  He also didn't want to compete with Huang Guowu for the position of the city lord. After all, Huang Guowu was originally the city lord, even if Shangguan Yunhai was stronger than him, he might not be able to sit on the city lord.

   Moreover, Shangguan Yunhai didn't want the lord of Tianling City, he had always been framed by Huang Guowu.

  Huang Guowu directly put an unnecessary hat on Shangguan Yunhai.

  It’s no wonder Huang Guowu would think so, after all, Shangguan Yunhai’s cultivation base far surpassed him.

  Huang Guowu was also very jealous of Shangguan Yunhai.

  He thought to himself that after so many years of cultivating in the sect, it was only the eighth major consummation of the Shenluo realm. As a result, it took only a long time for Shangguan Yunhai to reach the spirit realm.

   "My Lord, you have seen my cultivation base, right?" Chen Xuan smiled and asked.

  Huang Guowu immediately nodded: "Unexpectedly, Brother Chen can cultivate to the realm of spirits and souls in such a short time. I really admire and admire him. After all, why are you still in the realm of Shenluo?

  Huang Guowu asked the doubts in his mind. He saw that Chen Xuan's cultivation was only the ninth level of the Shenluo realm. Why could he destroy the boulders of the Divine Soul realm.

  If it were said that Chen Xuan's cultivation had not reached the realm of Soul and Soul, even Huang Guowu would not believe it.

  How strong this boulder is, Huang Guowu knows very well in his heart, he knows that his cultivation level cannot destroy the boulder, even the powerhouse of the Ninth Great Perfection in the Shenluo realm cannot destroy it.

   "A strong cultivation base..."

  Many guards in the city lord’s mansion showed doubts.

   "Who is he? Why have I never seen him before?"

  "It may be a friend of our Lord City Lord, speaking of his cultivation is really strong, he can actually destroy that huge stone, this is a strong man in the realm of Divine Soul."

  "Will it be the rescuer brought by our adults? After all, there are many snake gods who teach warriors who have come to the Demon Wind Country..."

  Several guards started talking.

  They didn't know that Huang Guowu and Chen Xuan looked like brothers on the surface, but they were already fighting in secret.

  "Who knows, let's not ask so much, this adult is not a person we can afford." A guard said.

Huang Guowu paused. He pointed to the giant stone at several guards, and then smiled and said to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, it's better to go to the pavilion next to the bar for a drink. We can just discuss the Zombie Sect. ."

  According to Chen Xuan's many years of experience, Huang Guowu certainly does not just want to discuss with him about the Zombie Sect.

  Huang Guowu probably wanted to use the hands of the Serpent God Sect to kill him, and he even wanted to get rid of Shangguan Yunhai.

   "Come here too, Shangguan Yunhai!" Huang Guowu said slightly.

After hearing his words, Shangguan Yunhai did not refuse, but quickly walked over. After all, his current position is still lower than Huang Guowu, and he is also affiliated with Tianling City.

When    came to the pavilion, Chen Xuan just found a place to sit down.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan was so skilled, Huang Guowu's expression was extremely bitter, but there was murderous intent in his pupils.

  Since Chen Xuan had already sat down, Huang Guowu could only follow along.

  He wondered whether he is the lord of the city or you, Chen Xuan, the lord of the city. Why do you just sit on the chair without saying a word? Isn't it clear that it didn't put me in the eye?

  Huang Guowu was destined not to say this sentence. He knew that it was not the time to turn his face with Chen Xuan, otherwise his cultivation would never be able to deal with Chen Xuan.

  He even knew that the incident of his poisoning last night had been known to Chen Xuan.

The reason why    pretended to look so alike was because Huang Guowu was still a little afraid of Chen Xuan in his heart.

  Chen Xuan is different from Shangguan Yunhai after all.

   Shangguan Yunhai is the warrior of Tianling City. If Shangguan Yunhai rebelled against Huang Guowu on the face, Huang Guowu could naturally ask for the assistance of his upper level, but Chen Xuan was not affiliated with Tianling City.

   And the cultivation base is still very scary.

  Plus Huang Guowu framed Chen Xuan, the other party must have known it.

  Chen Xuan killed him directly, and no one could help Huang Guowu deal with Chen Xuan.

  After all, the strongest cultivation base in Tianling City is Shangguan Yunhai, but Shangguan Yunhai has already been offended by him.

  Shangguan Yunhai will definitely not help Huang Guowu.

  In the entire city lord’s mansion, the only person who could pose a threat to Chen Xuan was Song Yunmin.

  Song Yunmin’s origins are very mysterious. No one knows where he came from. It is said that his cultivation is very close to the realm of spirits and souls, and even reached the ninth level of the realm of Shenluo.

  The reason why Huang Guowu was not jealous of Song Yunmin was partly because Song Yunmin had rescued Huang Guowu.

  Song Yunmin's cultivation base is very high and strong, of course, needless to say, but no matter how strong his cultivation base is, he cannot be better than Chen Xuan.

  For Chen Xuan, the only person who needs to worry is Song Yunmin, which Shangguan Yunhai once told him.

  Shangguan Yunhai and Song Yunmin have been complaining for a long time.

  Since Song Yunmin entered Tianling City, he had been thinking of ways to kill Shangguan Yunhai.

  No one knows what Song Yunmin thinks, but it seems that he and Shangguan Yunhai have already had an feud.

After taking his seat, Huang Guowu smiled, and then ordered several people to bring the wine up: "Brother Chen, you must taste this wine, it tastes very delicious. Anyway, do you know Zhao Zhiyun? Who do you fight to get hurt?"

  Chen Xuan did not say about the bleeding demon sect. He felt that it was unnecessary: ​​"I don't know. If the Lord of the City wants to follow up, you can directly ask Zhao Zhiyun, you don't need to ask me."

  Huang Guowu didn't get angry at first. Although he had a murderous intent in his heart, he knew that it was not the time yet. In case Chen Xuan was not killed, he would be killed by Chen Xuan.

"That's the case. I thought Brother Chen knew. Since you don't know, I have nothing to do. Come on and get this glass of wine first!" After speaking, Huang Guowu held up a glass of wine and drank it. Exhausted.

  He also didn’t know clearly whether Chen Xuan knew what Zhao Zhiyun’s cultivation level reached. In short, Huang Guowu was very clear.

  Zhao Zhiyun has reached the first peak of the Divine Soul Realm. Even if Chen Xuan's cultivation is already comparable to a powerful person in the Divine Soul Realm, it is absolutely impossible to kill Zhao Zhiyun.

   Huang Guowu began to think about it, but he still had to deal with Chen Xuan now.

  (End of this chapter)

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