Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3893: Zhao Zhiyun escapes

  Chapter 3893 Zhao Zhiyun escapes

   Shangguan Yunhai's cultivation base has reached the realm of Divine Soul, and Chen Xuan's cultivation base is also not weak, now the only people who can deal with Zhao Zhiyun are Chen Xuan and Shangguan Yunhai. There is no one in the entire Tianling City who can deal with Zhao Zhiyun.

  At this time, Huang Guowu suddenly thought of someone. He knew that Song Yunmin's cultivation level was also not weak, but it was not clear whether Song Yunmin could deal with Zhao Zhiyun.

   "Sir, what shall we do now?" a guard asked hurriedly.

After hearing his voice, Huang Guowu's expression was very disdainful: "What else can we do now? Hurry up and bring tea to Shangguan Yunhai and Brother Chen. We must discuss it carefully!"

  He knew he had to ask Chen Xuan for help now.

  If he hadn't poisoned the food in the first place, Chen Xuan might still help him.

   But now that he and Huang Guowu have already turned their faces, how could Chen Xuan help him deal with Zhao Zhiyun?

  Chen Xuan thought that Huang Guowu's face was really thick. He sent someone to kill them before, but now he turned his face and wanted to ask for their help.

Shangguan Yunhai didn't say a word, his gaze stayed on Chen Xuan, obviously waiting for Chen Xuan to nod in agreement.

  Chen Xuan would definitely not help Huang Guowu deal with Zhao Zhiyun, he even used Zhao Zhiyun to kill Huang Guowu.

  If Chen Xuan is allowed to kill Huang Guowu, it will definitely cause him a lot of trouble, after all, Huang Guowu is the lord of Tianling City.

Chen Xuan didn’t want to cause trouble, and he didn’t want to stay in the Demon Wind Empire anymore. He had to go back to Jianyuezong to practice as soon as possible. Now Chen Xuan's cultivation is already ranked in the top ten in Jianyuezong. .

  If Zhuge Bai and Sect Master Zhuge knew that Chen Xuan's current cultivation level had reached the realm of Divine Soul, I am afraid the two old men would be very shocked.

   "My Lord City Lord, it seems that today's weather is not too late. Shangguan Yunhai and I are going back. Mofeng Town is also very dangerous. We must protect the safety of Mofeng Town." Chen Xuan said.

  Hearing these words, Huang Guowu already knew what Chen Xuan meant, but he was still not ready to let go of the opportunity.

  "Brother Chen, hahaha, I really feel sorry for what happened before, and I hope you don’t take it to heart."

  Chen Xuan thought, you sent someone to assassinate me before, now let me not take it to heart. Isn’t this Huang Guowu’s brain faulty?

  He would definitely not agree to Huang Guowu's request. Anyway, whether Tianling City is dead or alive has nothing to do with Chen Xuan. He only needs to protect the safety of Mofeng Town.

   "Shangguan Yunhai, hurry up and say a few more nice things to Brother Chen!" Huang Guowu said bitterly. He knew he had offended Chen Xuan, but at this critical moment, he had to ask Chen Xuan for assistance.

  Otherwise he is likely to be killed by Zhao Zhiyun.

  Huang Guowu's mind is very simple.

  He felt that Zhao Zhiyun was Chen Xuan's first-class enemy. Compared with Zhao Zhiyun, Huang Guowu's cultivation was not strong, only the eight major points of the Shenluo realm were completed.

The gap between    and Zhao Zhiyun is like an elephant and an ant.

  Huang Guowu is really nothing in Chen Xuan's eyes.

  Huang Guowu knew that Chen Xuan didn't take a look at him at all, and he knew that compared to Zhao Zhiyun, his cultivation was very weak.

  He wants to join forces with Chen Xuan to deal with Zhao Zhiyun.

   "You should also know that Zhao Zhiyun has escaped now, if he suddenly kills, I think you are definitely not the opponent?" Huang Guowu asked tentatively.

  Although he heard that Chen Xuan defeated Zhao Zhiyun before, Huang Guowu did not fully believe it. He felt that Chen Xuan was deliberately deceiving himself.

If it is alone, Chen Xuanzhen may not be able to deal with Zhao Zhiyun. The reason why he could kill the strong man of the Blood Demon Sect was because Chen Xuan was located in the small town of Demon Wind, and there were several other places he had set up. Suzaku Ling Formation.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan just smiled slightly. He had already seen through Huang Guowu's inner thoughts, so his expression was very calm.

   "It's not a coincidence, Lord City Lord, I have something wrong these days, I'm afraid I can't stay here to help you." Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face.

  Huang Guowu's expression was murderous, he knew what Chen Xuan thought.

   "You can't say that, Zhao Zhiyun has escaped now? One day he will definitely make a comeback. Do you think your cultivation level can deal with Zhao Zhiyun?" Huang Guowu asked loudly.

  He thought to himself, could Chen Xuan's cultivation really be comparable to Zhao Zhiyun, or how could Chen Xuan be so confident, as if he didn't worry about Zhao Zhiyun's revenge.

  At the same time, in a gloomy jungle outside Tianling City, a wounded man gently fell to the ground.

   "This time you have done meritorious service, Song Yunmin, I will definitely report to the lord when I go back, and he will reward you again."

  This young man is Zhao Zhiyun.

  At this moment, his injuries are basically healed, but his face is always bloodthirsty.

  Zhao Zhiyun was tortured for a long time in the great prison of Tianling City. Huang Guowu wanted to get out of Zhao Zhiyun’s mouth and ask how many people from the Serpent God Sect had come to the Demon Wind Empire.

After hearing what he said, Song Yunmin said with great joy: "I am very grateful to Master Zhao, but there is one thing that I must make clear to Master Zhao. Now Tianling City will definitely send someone to search for you. You still don't want to return for now. The Demon Snake Tower."

   "When I go back, I can deal with it. I will personally take someone over to catch you, sir, only you know and I know about this, and no one else can know!" Song Yunmin said with a gloomy expression.

Zhao Zhiyun looked at the rickety old man, his mouth raised slightly: "Very well, it seems I was right to put you here before. You must be careful when you go back. You must be careful. That Chen Xuan!"

   "And this Huang Guowu, you can kill him directly." Zhao Zhiyun said.

   "Yes!" Song Yunmin honestly knelt on the ground, and then shaking his broad robe and sleeves, he slowly stood up from the ground.

"One more thing, you have to be wary of Chen Xuan. His cultivation is very strong. As far as I know, he has also cultivated the power of dragon patterns. His perception ability is very keen. You can't be discovered by them... …" Zhao Zhiyun whispered.

  He has dealt with Chen Xuan many times, so Zhao Zhiyun is very clear about what exercises Chen Xuan has cultivated. If Song Yunmin's identity is seen through by Chen Xuan, their plans will be lost all the time.

  Zhao Zhiyun absolutely cannot allow this to happen, so he informed Song Yunmin in advance.

  Song Yunmin is a zombie cult person who Zhao Zhiyun used to plant beside Huang Guowu.

  In such a long time, Song Yunmin provided Zhao Zhiyun with a lot of information. It is precisely because of Song Yunmin's inside line that Zhao Zhiyun chose to build the Demon Snake Tower near the Mofeng Town.

They regarded the Demon Snake Tower as a secret place for the development of the Snake God Sect. In such a long time, no one could find the Snake God Sect warrior in the Demon Snake Tower. If it weren't for Chen Xuan to come here, Zhao Zhiyun would definitely not be Huang Guowu Find.

   will not be caught by Huang Guowu.

  Zhao Zhiyun did not put Huang Guowu in his eyes at all, he asked Song Yunmin to deal with Huang Guowu.

  As for Zhao Zhiyun, the current focus is entirely on Chen Xuan.

  He knew that the people of the Blood Demon Sect had been killed by Chen Xuan.

  "You must be cautious when you go back. As for other things, I don’t need to say any more. I hope you can provide me with information about Tianling City as soon as possible. I will temporarily return to the Demon Snake Tower in the last few days."

   "There are formations I set up in the Demon Snake Tower. I believe that as long as the formations still exist, they will not be able to threaten me." Zhao Zhiyun whispered.

  The scene is terribly silent.

  Song Yunmin and Zhao Zhiyun did not discuss here for too long, they knew that the warriors of Tianling City would soon be chased and killed.

Just less than a quarter of an hour after Song Yunmin's figure disappeared, several warriors came to the vicinity of the jungle in an instant. They began to search around constantly, trying to find the whereabouts of Zhao Zhiyun, but after searching for several quarters, they still did not find Zhao Zhiyun there. Where.

   "It's really weird. I clearly saw two figures here just now. Why are they suddenly disappeared?" A warrior from Tianling City whispered.

   "I don't know, let's be more vigilant, it would be no good if there are people from the Zombie Sect nearby!" Another warrior said.

   When they were communicating, a flash of thunder suddenly flashed in the sky, and the bodies of the two Celestial City warriors were instantly struck by thunder and lightning, and then turned into a mass of ashes.

   Chen Xuan knew nothing about this.

  He and Shangguan Yunhai have returned to Mofeng Town.

  At this moment, there are still many warriors from Jiuding Inn in Mofeng Town, but they are always vigilant now, for fear of people from the Zombie Sect attacking.

   "Li Dongchen, how are the last few days?" Chen Xuan asked him.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan returned to Mofeng Town, Li Dongchen's heart was very happy: "Don't worry, Lord Chen, no one has come here in the past few days. We haven't met anyone from the Zombie Cult here yet."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan continued: "You must not let your guard down, Zhao Zhiyun has now escaped."

   "What did you say? Zhao Zhiyun escaped?" Dugulun's expression was extremely shocked. He did not expect that Zhao Zhiyun would escape from under Chen Xuan's eyelids.

"I don't know how Zhao Zhiyun escaped. It stands to reason that he has been caught by Huang Guowu. There is no way to escape. But now I feel that things are not that simple. Maybe there is an inner ghost in Tianling City. "Chen Xuan whispered.

   "If there is an inner ghost in Tianling City, we must be more cautious..." Yu Wenqiu said.

  Time flickered, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

  In the last few days.

  Chen Xuan has always stayed in Mofeng Town. In order to defend Mofeng Town from being attacked by the people taught by the snake gods, Chen Xuan continued to set up two Vermilion Arrays here.

According to Chen Xuan’s thoughts, after Zhao Zhiyun escaped, he would definitely notify the other members of the Zombie Cult. At that time, these members of the Zombie Cult will definitely gather together. Once there are too many of them, Chen Xuan will definitely not be them. Opponent.

  Heavenly Spirit City.

  In the City Lord’s Mansion.

  The face of a middle-aged man in a red robe is extremely gloomy.

   "Song Yunmin, how exactly do you manage things? I have trusted you very much for so many years, but how did I hear that you were in prison?" Huang Guowu asked.

Song Yunmin smiled sullenly, and then he whispered: "My Lord City Lord, this can't be blamed on me. Zhao Zhiyun's cultivation base is really too strong. I just wanted to go and visit, but I didn't expect Zhao Zhiyun to break through. The **** of law."

   "It's a pity, but we can still catch Zhao Zhiyun, Lord City Lord, Zhao Zhiyun must be hiding in the Demon Snake Tower now, or should we take a few more people over to catch him?" Song Yunmin said.

  On the side of the two of them, there is a young man who is Shangguan Yunhai.

Shangguan Yunhai did not go back with Chen Xuan.

  After all, Shangguan Yunhai’s cultivation has reached the realm of Divine Soul, no one in Tianling City can threaten him, even if someone wants to do something against Shangguan Yunhai, he is absolutely impossible to be Shangguan Yunhai’s opponent.

   Shangguan Yunhai remained silent now, he had actually guessed in his heart, it is very likely that Song Yunmin let Zhao Zhiyun go.

"My lord, I heard that Shangguan Yunhai's cultivation has broken through to the realm of souls. Or let Shangguan Yunhai go over and grab Zhao Zhiyun. Zhao Zhiyun must be seriously injured now. He can't be Shangguan Yunhai's opponent." Song Yunmin began to give it to him. Huang Guowu came up with an idea.

  Huang Guowu frowned tightly. He was already suspicious of Song Yunmin in his heart, but Song Yunmin had saved his life after all.

  So Huang Guowu was just skeptical, and didn't open his mouth to pierce through: "Song Yunmin, let's not act rashly. If this trouble is thrown on Chen Xuan, we don't need to spend a lot of time to find Zhao Zhiyun."

  Huang Guowu’s thinking is very simple. He knows that there is a deep contradiction between Chen Xuan and Zhao Zhiyun. If Zhao Zhiyun is asked to trouble Chen Xuan, he can take advantage of the power of the fisherman, just like he took Zhao Zhiyun back last time.

  And he also knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was enough to deal with Zhao Zhiyun.

  (End of this chapter)

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