Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3915: Bewildered by the zombie warrior

   Chapter 3915 Bewildered by the Zombie Warrior

  Chen Xuan looked at the little Firebird, and he whispered: "What did you do just now? How come you even eat the body of this zombie warrior, don't you fear that you will be controlled?"

  Little Firebird spit out a mouthful of light red flames very disdainfully.

   Chen Xuan smiled helplessly: "Well, let's not say so much!"

   Seeing that the little Firebird was fine, Chen Xuan did not continue to question. He knew that the little Firebird must be an Eudemons, but Chen Xuan didn’t know the specific bloodline of the Eudemons.

  Fortunately, Little Firebird is fine, otherwise Chen Xuan would suffer a huge loss.

  Chen Xuan's eyes moved up and down on Little Firebird.

  It seemed that Chen Xuan's gaze was felt, and the little Firebird chirped a few times.

  From beginning to end, Chen Xuan couldn't figure out whether Little Firebird was a real Eudemon.

  Now Chen Xuan discovered that the Little Firebird is indeed very strong. The most important thing is that the Little Firebird can swallow anything.

  And even if the poisonous mist is eaten, the little firebird doesn't seem to have any damage.

  The strength of the little firebird is very keen, even if the enemy is hundreds of miles away, the little firebird can clearly see the opponent.

  These are the advantages of Little Firebird.

  One more thing, the little firebird also has a very peculiar flame. This flame is similar to the Suzaku fire, but it is completely different.

  The red flame on the little flamingo is stronger than the soul fire.

  Moreover, the speed of Little Firebird is not slow, even Chen Xuan cannot match it.

  What kind of monster is this...

  Chen Xuan began to think in his heart.

  Little Firebird heard Chen Xuan's voice, and immediately replied to him.

  Chen Xuan said dumbfoundedly: "Don't even know you yourself?"

He thought that when he got the little flamingo, he was still in a secluded space. At the beginning, Chen Xuan thought that what he got was just an ordinary bird's egg, but when the little flamingo hatched, he knew that he was I found the baby.

  Chen Xuan was not ready to continue thinking about it. He knew that one day secrets would surface, and then the little Firebird would definitely further awaken the power of mystery.

  Once that time comes, Chen Xuan will know what secret method Little Firebird has.

  Chen Xuan took out the Demon Cloud Pills that had not been eaten before from the space ring, and then he swallowed all these Demon Cloud Pills.

  There is no danger now, and Chen Xuan can practice with peace of mind.

  After eating the Demon Cloud Spirit Pill, Chen Xuan's body was filled with a light red aura.

  Chen Xuan sat cross-legged on the ground, and this force was penetrating towards his dantian little by little. After about two quarters of an hour passed, Chen Xuan slowly stood up from the ground.

   "It seems that there is still no breakthrough. I don't know if eating two Demon Cloud Spirit Pills will improve the cultivation level!" Chen Xuan whispered.

  He now felt that his cultivation was only one step away from breaking through, but Chen Xuan couldn't completely enter the realm of Divine Soul no matter how he tried.

  If he wants to rise to the realm of Divine Soul, it is impossible to break through by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He must increase the power of Divine Soul.

  Chen Xuan's practice in the previous world was completely different from this world, and he had no idea what the spirit was.

  At the same time, Li Dongchen slowly opened his eyes.

  Li Dongchen's expression was very dazed, he didn't seem to know where he was.

  Chen Xuan opened his eyes, and after seeing Li Dongchen wake up, there was also a touch of joy on his face.

   "Li Dongchen, great, you finally woke up!" Chen Xuan said hurriedly. He was just about to go and help Li Dongchen.

  It turned out that a strange dark red light was condensed on the opponent's body.

  Chen Xuan immediately stopped.

   Li Dongchen’s pupils were full of blood-red murderous aura. At the moment when he saw Chen Xuan, Li Dongchen's body couldn't help standing up.

   "What's wrong with you?" Chen Xuan asked immediately.

  He felt that Li Dongchen had a very strange aura.

  Li Dongchen did not speak.

   Chen Xuan paused, his eyes focused on Li Dongchen's neck.

  He discovered that there was a deep wound on Li Dongchen's neck, and it was on his Adam's apple.

  Li Dongchen was obviously speechless.

  Chen Xuan immediately took out a few pills from the space ring, and then handed them to Li Dongchen's hand.

  Li Dongchen took the pill in his hand very dumbly, and then he swallowed it very hard.

After taking the pill, Li Dongchen's face showed bloodthirsty murderous aura, he slowly said: "Brother Chen, I am now..."

  His voice is very hoarse.

   "Why did you come here?" Chen Xuan did not relax his vigilance. He felt that Li Dongchen still had a very evil aura.

  Li Dongchen slowly said: "I and a few brothers have just returned to the vicinity of Mofeng Town, and we encountered a few people of the Zombie Sect wandering there. I thought..."

   "Then you were caught by them?" Chen Xuan said immediately.

  Li Dongchen knew that he was saved by Chen Xuan, he said very gratefully: "Big Brother Chen really thank you, how long it took you to save me twice..."

  He knew that he must have been taken away by someone from the Zombie Sect, and Chen Xuan just appeared in front of him, indicating that Chen Xuan must have saved his life.

   "Li Dongchen, how are you feeling now?" Chen Xuan immediately asked, he always felt an evil spirit in Li Dongchen's body.

  Li Dongchen paused, and he spoke very hard: "Brother Chen, I feel a very bloodthirsty breath in my body, which is impacting my soul. You should go quickly. I don't want to do it to you."

   "Are you all right now?" Chen Xuan said softly.

"Although I am fine now, this power is constantly devouring my soul. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on. Brother Chen, I beg you, please go quickly..." Li Dongchen screamed suddenly, he The whole person is constantly rolling on the ground.

  Seeing Li Dongchen like this now, Chen Xuan really felt unbearable.

"Brother Chen, I am indeed very grateful to you, but I am about to lose control of that power now, I don't know if you can..." Li Dongchen's body began to tremble uncontrollably, and he was desperately resisting the snake The breath of religion.

   "What the **** did you do by them?" Chen Xuan said with a puzzled face.

"I don't remember clearly. They seemed to inject a drop of blood into me. When the blood was injected into my body, I felt completely blinded by a mysterious atmosphere, and I was about to lose myself. , There is only one thought in my mind, which is to kill everyone..." Li Dongchen explained.

  Chen Xuan got up and walked over, slowly placing his hands on Li Dongchen's body: "Can you still run the aura of Dantian now?"

  Li Dongchen nodded and said: "It can be, but I am worried that I will be confused by that mysterious power again!"

  Chen Xuan understands Li Dongchen's current mood very well.

Li Dongchen continued, "I am afraid that the drop of essence and blood in my body has been completely refined. This blood has penetrated into my soul. I can no longer control myself. Seriously, I have never felt this way. , It is too painful..."

   "I will desperately suppress this power, Brother Chen, or kill me..." Li Dongchen said.

   Chen Xuan's eyes were extremely cold: "I won't kill you, don't you want to walk out of here alive and find revenge for those of the Zombie Cult?"

"Of course I think, but once I meet them, I will definitely be controlled by these snake gods again..." Li Dongchen was about to cry, he was worried that his mind was not firm, and he would definitely be controlled by the snake gods. The teacher once again controlled and became a puppet.

   Chen Xuan's heart also had a killing intent, and he thought that these people of the Zombie Cult were too cruel.

   "It seems that these serpent **** cults want to create several killing machines, and I must stop them..." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

  This is very close to Leizhou, but after all, it is still the territory of the Demon Wind Empire. The people of the Zombie Sect will definitely not come here to make waves.

  One thing that worries Chen Xuan is that if the people of the Serpent God Cult are killed at this time, he will definitely have no way to resist.

   With Chen Xuan's own power, he can only deal with at most one strong person in the realm of Divine Soul, if there are too many people on the other side, he is definitely not an opponent.

   "Brother Chen, you'd better kill me as soon as possible, I can't control this kind of power anymore!" Li Dongchen gasped and said.

  A red light appeared in Chen Xuan's palm, and this light group immediately covered Li Dongchen's body.

  In a short moment, Li Dongchen's face became quite flat.

   "Do you feel better now?" Chen Xuan whispered.

Li Dongchen desperately replied his true anger, he said: "Brother Chen, listen to me, the zombie warrior who was designed to harm me is inside Heiyunfeng. Now he has been seriously injured. If we can find it If he then kills him, maybe he can crack this technique..."

  Hearing this, Chen Xuan thought of the person of the Serpent God Cult that he had met before: "Can you feel his breath?"

  He originally thought he had killed the snake **** martial artist, but according to Li Dongchen's words, the other party was not dead.

   "Yes, I can feel his power, big brother, we must find him!" Li Dongchen said very hard.

Chen Xuan knew that Li Dongchen must be very painful now, so he hurriedly said: "You help me break the spiritual circle inside the Black Cloud Peak, and then we will leave here first, and then we will look for him. I will definitely take him. Killed!"

  After his voice fell, Li Dongchen immediately understood, and then he gently got up and stood up.

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and he instantly displayed the power of the sword soul.

  A burst of red light flickered, and under Chen Xuan's efforts, the formation was quickly cracked.

  About two quarters of an hour passed, Chen Xuan recovered the power of the sword soul, and then he broke all the formations.

  Li Dongchen has been covering his head.

  Chen Xuan knew that Li Dongchen could not hold on for long, and when the formation was destroyed, the grayish aura immediately dissipated.

  Beside the core of the last formation, there is a spirit stone exuding black aura.

  Chen Xuan walked over quickly.

  He found that Li Dongchen was more painful.

   "You wait here first, I'm afraid the power in this spiritual stone has some connection with the people of the snake gods." Chen Xuan said.

   Seeing that Li Dongchen was suffering intensely, Chen Xuan could only speed up his pace.

  He picked up the spirit stone on the ground.

   "It seems that he is hiding nearby!" Chen Xuan said with a murderous look.

  Li Dongchen's face is very sullen, he is desperately maintaining his last trace of sanity to avoid being swallowed by this evil breath.

After Li Dongchen heard Chen Xuan's words, he suddenly sat cross-legged on the ground and began to desperately suppress the power in his body.

  The moment Chen Xuan got the Lingshi, a fierce aura was released from a distance.

"Hehe, I still want to occupy my body, what I think is so simple!" Chen Xuan snorted coldly, his body immediately condensed a burst of extremely fierce power, and then Chen Xuan swung the Liaoyuan sword, this wave Jian Qi suddenly rushed forward.

  Li Dongchen also erupted his cultivation base, a roar suddenly sounded, and the spiritual stone was instantly destroyed.

  At the moment when the black spirit stone was destroyed, a man in a red robe appeared in front of them.

   "I didn't expect you to come here, huh, Chen Xuan, do you really think I was not your opponent at the beginning?" The snake **** martial artist roared.

After seeing him, Li Dongchen immediately covered his head, and he let out a scream.

The zombie warrior smiled: "Li Dongchen, you actually help outsiders deal with this seat, do you know what consequences this will bring to you, you only need my order, your head will blow up, hahahaha ."

After hearing this, Li Dongchen didn't dare to act rashly.

  Chen Xuan walked over calmly, and he said in a deep voice, "You dare to do something to my friend, haha, no matter what your status in the Serpent God Cult, you will definitely die by my sword today!"

The    Snake God teaches the warrior screamed, released a **** light from his pupils, bursts of strange aura directly rushed out, and then covered Li Dongchen's body.

  Li Dongchen let out a miserable cry, his body rolled desperately on the ground: "Brother Chen, hurry up, I can't hold on anymore!"

  After hearing Li Dongchen's voice, Chen Xuan immediately swung the Liaoyuan sword, and then slayed fiercely towards the Snake God Sect warrior.

  (End of this chapter)

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