Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3920: Regain consciousness

   Chapter 3920 Consciousness Recovery

  Now Li Dongchen, after all, still controlled the killing intent in his blood.

   Although his cultivation has broken through a lot, his body still possesses bloodthirsty killing intent.

   After all, Li Dongchen was reformed by the snake gods.

  The bloodthirsty killing intent in his body made Li Dongchen's cultivation stronger, but it also brought him a lot of trouble at the same time, and Chen Xuan was still a little worried.

  He was worried that Li Dongchen could not control the bloodthirsty killing in his own body. Once he returned to Jiuding Inn, Li Dongchen would do something to his own people.

  After Li Dongchen's cultivation, he will surely get a little bit of snake spirit into it.

  Chen Xuan was very worried about this, and wanted to make a breakthrough in his cultivation, but it was more than just absorbing heaven and earth aura.

  In case Li Dongchen gets into trouble while practicing, he will not only die by that time, but all the people in Jiuding Inn will be killed.

  If he hadn't controlled the violent blood in his body, once he did, he would go crazy, and Chen Xuan didn't want to see this scene.

  Along the way, Chen Xuan didn't say a word. In a blink of an eye, they left the Black Cloud Valley and then entered the desert.

  Suddenly, Chen Xuan stared at the front, and he vaguely sensed that there was danger nearby.

"There seems to be a soul-removing leopard nearby, Li Dongchen, we must be more careful. The cultivation base of the soul-removing leopard is very strong, and the most important thing is that these soul-removing leopards are dispatched in groups." Chen Xuan said .

After hearing what he said, Li Dongchen did not refuse. He knew that Chen Xuan was doing it for his own good.

   "Where are we going now?" Li Dongchen said.

  Suddenly a layer of light red light filled the sky. In a short moment, several Soul-Recovering Leopards suddenly rushed out, and then violently attacked in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Seeing these soul-removing spirit leopards rushing towards him, Chen Xuan smiled and said, "These beasts dare to come to me for trouble, they are absolutely reckless!"

  In the next moment, Chen Xuan had an extra Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and bursts of fierce Suzaku fire were released from the Liaoyuan sword, and the flame instantly burned towards the soul-removing leopard.

  Even though the number of Soul Leopards is large, their cultivation is still not strong after all. When a Soul Leopard is burned to death by the Fire of Vermillion Bird, the other Soul Leopards dare not continue to approach.

   Seeing this group of beasts wandering in the distance, Chen Xuan said coldly: “Aren’t you very strong, come here if you have the ability, I want to see if you dare to trouble me.”

  The remaining soul-removing leopard began to growl constantly, but he knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was very strong, so the soul-removing leopard still did not rush over.

  Li Dongchen's face also carried a bloodthirsty killing intent, and a red light burst out from the long sword in his hand. In a short moment, he rushed in the direction of the Imperius Spirit Leopard.

  A sword aura hit the body of the Imperius Spirit Leopard.

  The body of this soul-removing leopard was instantly knocked into the air.

  The cultivation base of the Imperius Spirit Leopard is not very strong, at most it has only reached the mid-eighth stage of the Shenluo Realm, but Li Dongchen's current cultivation has already entered the Divine Soul Realm, so he can kill the Imperius Spirit Leopard in front of him.

  After seeing Li Dongchen easily kill the Imperius Spirit Leopard, Chen Xuan exclaimed: "Li Dongchen, your current cultivation level has improved quite quickly."

"But there is one thing I have to tell you. You should pay attention to it when you practice. After all, there is violent blood flowing in your body now. If you are not careful, you may get into trouble." Walking on the desert, Chen Xuan whispered.

  He knows how Li Dongchen's injuries are now, and he knows that if Li Dongchen fails to control the blood of rage, he is very likely to fall into trouble.

  If he gets into trouble, no one in Jiuding Inn can control him, unless Chen Xuan stays in Jiuding Inn.

  But Chen Xuan was not prepared to stay in the Jiuding Inn. Now that he has found the dragon stone stele, Chen Xuan still needs to return to Jianyuezong as soon as possible.

  He had a bad premonition, but Chen Xuan couldn't tell where this feeling came from.

  Is the reason for the perception of dragon patterns?

  Chen Xuan thought to himself in his heart, and then his eyes looked into the distance: "Let’s get out of here quickly, don’t talk nonsense."

  Li Dongchen nodded and said nothing.

  He knew it was still very dangerous, so Li Dongchen hurriedly followed Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan has been thinking about one thing now. He doesn't know if Li Dongchen can control this violent blood. If Li Dongchen can control it, his cultivation level will usher in a further breakthrough.

  But if he did not control the blood of violent blood, the entire Jiuding Inn was likely to be in danger, and this must be prevented from happening.

  Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen left the Demon Wind Desert and returned to the place where the warriors healed in the previous Jiuding Inn.

  This is the Jiuding Inn.

  Chen Xuan has not been to Jiuding Inn for a long time. After all, the people of the Snake God Sect have been playing the idea of ​​Jiuding Inn in recent days.

  Fortunately, the people of the Zombie Sect had given up the attack on Demon Wind Town, so Jiuding Inn is now temporarily safe.

  Chen Xuan knew in his heart that the people of the Zombie Sect would not give up, but he also knew that the people of the Zombie Sect had no way to fight against Devil Wind Town.

   Nowadays, Demon Wind Town has been set up by Chen Xuan with several spirit formations. As long as this spirit formation exists, the people of the Zombie Cult wanting to occupy Demon Wind Town are idiotic dreams.

  "Brother Chen, are you back?" The face of this warrior was full of joy, not because of anything else, but because several warriors of the Zombie Sect were hovering near Devil Wind Town in recent days.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuan defeated one of the top powerhouses of the Zombie Cult by his own power, causing all the Zombie Cultists in the Demon Wind Empire to flee back.

  If it weren’t because Chen Xuan happened to be in Demon Wind Town,

  Magic Wind Town is completely finished.

  So after the warrior of the Jiuding Inn saw Chen Xuan, the expression on his face would be so happy.

Seeing Chen Xuan's return, a Jiuding Inn warrior's face was full of excited smiles: "Brother Chen, you are finally back. In recent days, we have seen many people of the Zombie Sect wandering around. Do you want to take them To kill?"

  After hearing their words, Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said, “These people of the Zombie Cult will not be able to become a climate at all. How are the injuries of the other people?”

  These zombie warriors had been to the Black Cloud Valley at the beginning. They wanted to find the treasure with Li Dongchen, but unfortunately they were not found, but they were seriously injured.

  Only one of the Jiuding Inn martial artists was not seriously injured, and the other two were seriously injured.

  There was even one person who was seriously ill. Even if Chen Xuan fed him the spirit pill he had refined, his injury was still very serious.

   "How is your injury now, how is it?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

  He knew that the cultivation base of this Jiuding Inn martial artist was not strong, but he had just reached the mid-sixth stage of the Shenluo realm, which was completely incomparable with Li Dongchen.

  That's why he suffered such a serious injury.

  The reason why this Jiuding Inn warrior was injured was not because of the people of the Zombie Sect, but because of the siege of the martial artists of the martial art.

   "I'm getting better, but Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian..." The Jiuding Inn warrior was halfway through, and stopped talking.

  The name of the section chief warrior who was questioned by Chen Xuan was Li Yun, and his injuries were the least among the three.

  "Do you know where the two of them are?" Chen Xuan said.

"Brother Chen, now the two of them are not in Jiuding Inn. We found a cave near Devil Wind Town, and there is a lot of spiritual energy in this cave, or I will take you over to see it now." The warrior said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan did not refuse, he just nodded slowly.

  About two quarters of an hour later, Chen Xuan entered the cave and found that Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian were practicing.

  Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian's original cultivation bases are both relatively strong, and few people in the entire Jiuding Inn have better cultivation bases than them.

   But now it's completely different. Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian were all seriously injured.

   Liu Xiaoyun broke an arm, and his face was full of blood. Two or three days have passed since Liu Xiaoyun’s cultivation level has not recovered.

  After breaking one arm, it also means that Liu Xiaoyun will definitely not be able to practice swordsmanship in the future. Even if Chen Xuan wants to help him get his arm back, he can't do it at all, because his other arm has been completely shattered.

  At this time, Liu Xiaoyun's face was full of despair, and he knew that his cultivation level had been greatly reduced.

  "Brother Chen..."

After seeing Chen Xuan approaching, Liu Xiaoyun said in a deep voice.

  As for Xiang Yuntian, his leg broke directly.

Not only did he lose his mobility, but his current pubic area was also severely damaged.

  One person had his arm cut off, and the other had one arm cut off. This was a big blow to two people.

  They can't imagine that one day their cultivation level will be greatly reduced.

   Their cultivation base has dropped a lot. After breaking their arms and legs, it becomes more difficult for them to cultivate.

  Even if the injury recovers, combat effectiveness will also be lost.

"What shall we do now? My hand has been broken, and I will basically be a useless person in the future. It is of no use!" Liu Xiaoyun's expression was very desperate. He felt that the reason why he was able to come to this day was because of his own performance. That swordsmanship.

  Now that his left arm is cut off, it has become more difficult to use swordsmanship.

   "Don't worry, you still have an arm, and I will find a way to make you break through the shackles in the future." Chen Xuan said.

  Although Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian were desperate, Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian decided to continue practicing, and they had to seek revenge from the snake gods.

   "These people of the Zombie Cult are really hateful, we must kill him!"

  Chen Xuan knew that the person they were talking about was definitely the warrior of the Zombie Sect who besieged them.

   "The people of the Zombie Cult have been killed by me. You should recover from your injuries in the last few days. I feel that the other Zombie Warriors will definitely continue to attack."

  Chen Xuan is definitely not alarmist. Once this group of zombie warriors gather, they will definitely launch the next round of attack against Demon Wind Town.

  He must ensure the safety of Demon Wind Town before he can leave Demon Wind Empire.

   Seeing Chen Xuan coming in, Liu Xiaoyun stopped practicing with Xiang Yuntian, and then he looked at Chen Xuan.

   "Brother Chen, what shall we do now?" The two greeted Chen Xuan.

  They knew that only Chen Xuan could restore their cultivation base.

  After nearly two months of getting along, Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian both saw the spirit pill refined by Chen Xuan. They knew that Chen Xuan was an alchemist.

  Originally, Liu Xiaoyun and Xiang Yuntian were the strongest martial artists in Jiuding Inn except for Li Dongchen, but now they are already useless.

  Xiang Yuntian was better, but Liu Xiaoyun became very depressed.

   "Brother Liu, we don't need to think about that much. One day our cultivation level will definitely become stronger. At that time, we must go to the group of snake gods to take revenge!"

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan nodded slowly: "What he said is correct, as long as your injuries recover, your cultivation base will become stronger and stronger in the future, and one day you will be able to slash the enemy."

   "But eldest brother, there is also that school that caused us to be seriously injured in the first place...Do you know where this school comes from?"

  (End of this chapter)

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