Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3926: Lin Tianhun

  Chapter 3926 Lin Tianhun

  Lin Tianhun's pupils showed a strong killing intent.

  He wants to resist the opponent's attack.

  At the moment Li Dongchen rushed over, Lin Tianhun gently waved the long sword in his hand, and then he said coldly: "Li Dongchen, since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you."

   "Hehe, do you really think you can crush me? Lin Tianhun, the difference in cultivation base between you and me is not as great as before. Maybe you are no longer my opponent!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? The cultivation base of the two of us is still a big difference. Since you want to stop me, I will kill you first." Lin Tianhun roared, his pupils released a black light. , The light instantly hit Li Dongchen's body.


  Li Dongchen's body was repelled by two steps, but he quickly reacted.

   Then Li Dongchen gently swayed the long sword, and a fierce breath was instantly released.

   "Even if your current cultivation base reaches the realm of Divine Soul, what can you do? You will always be my defeated opponent!"

  As soon as Lin Tianhun's voice fell, his long sword suddenly emitted a terrifying light. In this light, bursts of terrifying aura were condensed, and it also contained a strong killing intent.

  As a killer, his sword aura is full of murderous aura.

  These murderous auras can make his sword aura more powerful.

  The most important thing is that Lin Tianhun's heart is full of killing intent. They came to the Demon Wind Empire this time only to kill Chen Xuan, and he wanted to avenge his elders.

"Elder Liu, don't worry about your old man. If I don't kill Chen Xuan today, I will commit suicide when I go back..." Lin Tianhun secretly thought in his heart. He had already sworn a poisonous oath and came to the Demon Wind Empire this time. Chen Xuan must be beheaded.

  He wanted to kill Li Dongchen quickly, and then went to rescue Zong Yunguang.

  He saw Zong Yunguang’s current state was very exhausted, and if he continued to fight, he would definitely be killed by Chen Xuan.

   "Last time you didn't die, but this time I let you die without a place to bury you." The long sword in Lin Tianhun's hand struck through the air, and then directly pierced Li Dongchen.

  Li Dongchen also roared, and then he mobilized all his strength to fight with Lin Tianhun.

  At the same time, now Chen Xuan has completely taken the initiative. Every time he swings the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, a sword mark will appear on Zong Yunguang's body.

  Zong Yunguang let out a miserable cry, he finally resisted Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire, but when he was about to fight back, he was actually blasted out by Chen Xuan's sword aura.

   Seeing that Zong Yunguang was blasted into the air, Chen Xuan's toe was a little bit, and the Liaoyuan sword in his hand instantly cut out.


On the tip of the Liaoyuan Sword, with a murderous intent from the starting point, Chen Xuan was floating around a long sword.

"how can that be."

  Zong Yunguang also noticed a hint of danger. He roared unwillingly, trying to resist Chen Xuan's attack, but Chen Xuan's attack was too powerful.

The   Liaoyuan sword pierced Zong Yunguang's head in this instant.

  Zong Yunguang’s soul had no chance to escape and died directly.

  This scene happened to be seen by Lin Tianhun.

  He couldn't imagine that Zong Yunguang was actually killed by Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan, who had done all this, seemed so relaxed.

  Zong Yunguang's body fell softly to the ground, his body did not emit any breath.

  Seeing this scene, Lin Tianhun was now very angry, and his whole body exuded a wild and terrifying aura.

   "Boy, you are looking for death, I will not let you go."

  When Lin Tianhun and Zong Yunguang heard that Elder Liu was killed, they were a little bit disdainful. A small disciple of Jianyuezong could kill Elder Liu?

  When they came to the Demon Wind Empire, they were going to assassinate Chen Xuan.

  As a result, they felt a terrifying aura from Chen Xuan's body, and Lin Tianhun knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was far less simple than he thought.

  After that, they entered the Demon Wind Empire. Originally in the Demon Wind Empire, they obtained many magic weapons.

  If there is no accident, when they return to the Blood Soul Gate.

  The cultivation base of the two of them will definitely be able to reach the first peak of the Divine Soul Realm. At that time, the two of them will join hands, no matter how difficult the task, even if it is to kill the strong leader, they will not be afraid.

  But now Zong Yunguang's death made Lin Tianhun very angry, his pupils were full of murderous aura, and the scarlet aura was released.

  Lin Tianhun roared loudly: "Chen Xuan, you wait for me, one day I will kill you!"

After killing Zong Yunguang, Chen Xuan appeared directly in front of Li Dongchen.

  After seeing Chen Xuan coming over, Li Dongchen's expression was extremely happy. He was worried that his cultivation base was not the opponent's opponent.

   "Li Dongchen, we two joined hands to kill him." Chen Xuan said loudly.

  The two teamed up to attack Lin Tianhun, instantly reducing Li Dongchen's pressure a lot.

  At the beginning, when Li Dongchen was fighting Lin Tianhun, he consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

  Now that Chen Xuan joined the battle, the two of them began to suppress Lin Tianhun.

  Lin Tianhun's cultivation base itself is not as good as Zong Yunguang, even Zong Yunguang can't support three rounds, Lin Tianhun can hardly scream alone.

   "Let's shoot together and kill him directly" Chen Xuan said to Li Dongchen.

  With a bloodthirsty look on his face, bursts of ferocious aura were constantly released.

  Although Li Dongchen didn't get into trouble, the aura permeating him was constantly strengthening.

  Not only Chen Xuan, but Li Dongchen's heart was also angry at Lin Tianhun.

  He wanted to kill Lin Tianhun a long time ago, if it wasn't for Lin Tianhun's cultivation base to be too strong, Li Dongchen would definitely break him into pieces.

"Lin Tianhun, you didn't think you would have today?" Li Dongchen smiled very happily now, and his words were full of insults to Lin Tianhun: "In my eyes, you are now a dead body. Up!"

  Lin Tianhun roared, his body was filled with a layer of fiery red aura, in a short moment, Lin Tianhun's body disappeared without a trace.

   "Where did he go?" Chen Xuan said while looking at the distance.

   "Brother Chen, he is under the tree in the north, and we two will go over together!"

  Li Dongchen's body turned into a red light, and he immediately came to Lin Tianhun's body.


  Although Li Dongchen has not practiced in the martial arts, he has also learned a sword technique in a small school. When attacking Lin Tianhun, Li Dongchen displayed an exquisite sword technique.

  The power of swordsmanship is indeed very strong. Even though Lin Tianhun has already displayed the power of refining his body, he still has no way to resist the power of this swordsmanship.


  In the sky, deafening sounds rang out.

  The voice began to resound continuously.

  As the sound becomes smaller and smaller, the breath of sword aura becomes weaker and weaker.

  There is no need for Li Dongchen to exert all his strength, he now has the confidence to win.

"Lin Tianhun, you can run away from here if you have the ability, hahaha, your little destiny is destined to stay here, let me die!" Li Dongchen roared, his body instantly rushed towards Lin Tianhun Past.

  Lin Tianhun has been seriously injured.

  In a short instant, two more sword marks appeared on Lin Tianhun's body.

  Chen Xuan was watching the battle next to him. He was not in a hurry to go and join the battle, because he knew that Li Dongchen's power alone was enough to deal with Lin Tianhun.


   Another sword aura killed Lin Tianhun. From the beginning, Lin Tianhun was able to handle it easily, but later he was a little overwhelmed. He was completely unable to resist Li Dongchen's attack.

   "How is this possible..." Lin Tianhun's heart was very shocked: "I will never die in your hands, I will fight you!"

  He didn't want to die in Li Dongchen's hands.

  In Lin Tianhun's heart, Li Dongchen was his defeated man. As a result, Li Dongchen's cultivation directly broke through a large level and reached the first level of the realm of spirits. Now Li Dongchen can even fight against him and share the same color.

  Lin Tianhun couldn't bear it.

   "Even if you continue to resist, it is futile, you are destined to be killed by me today!" Li Dongchen snorted coldly.

  After half an hour of fighting, Lin Tianhun's body was instantly knocked out, and he was finally defeated by Li Dongchen.

   Li Dongchen had a bad premonition in his heart. He felt that Lin Tianhun's body was filled with a layer of light blue aura, and this aura was very evil.

   "Where did this power come from..." Li Dongchen stopped, and he stared at Lin Tianhun from a distance.

   Lin Tianhun still gathered a horrible breath, he was very unwilling: "If you have the ability, you will kill me. Don't talk so much nonsense, hehe, come and kill me!"

After hearing what he said, Li Dongchen smiled coldly, and then replied: "Since you are so desperate to find death, I will fulfill you!"

  Lin Tianhun is very desperate, his heart is very urgent, now Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen have joined forces and have completely suppressed him.

  He felt that he was about to support it to the limit, and Zong Yunguang had been killed.

  Even if he and Zong Yunguang join forces, they will definitely be defeated by Chen Xuan in the end.

  Zong Yunguang had been killed, even if Lin Tianhun displayed all his cultivation skills, there was no way to escape from Chen Xuan's hands.

"No, I can't go on like this. I must find a way to leave here..." Although Lin Tianhun pretended to be very tough on the surface, he knew very well in his heart that he would continue to entangle Chen Xuan and others here. Will definitely be killed.

  As the killer of the blood soul gate, Lin Tianhun is very smart, he must not let his life be lost here.

Where there is life, there is hope.

  As long as he has a chance to leave here, he can continue to find the treasure of inheritance. If he improves his cultivation, he can come back to seek revenge on Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen.

   "You must leave here as soon as possible, or I will die here too, I can't be killed, I must avenge Elder Liu and Zong Yunguang..." Lin Tianhun's heart was full of killing intent.

  But he is still very anxious now. At this time, Lin Tianhun secretly thought in his heart: "The entrance to the east has been blocked by them. Let me see if I can escape from the west."

   Chen Xuan’s pupils flickered, and he thought to himself whether this Lin Tianhun really wanted to escape from his own hands.

   "You have no chance today, where do you want to run? Didn't you find that there is no road nearby?" Chen Xuan smiled, and a fiery red light gathered on his body.

  The fire of the Vermillion Bird spread instantly, and Chen Xuan believed that as long as the flame of the Vermillion Bird burned on Lin Tianhun's body, he could be killed instantly.

  After Lin Tianhun thought about the previous test, he knew that he could not be Chen Xuan’s opponent, so he made a decision in an instant, that is to run away.

  If he doesn’t find a chance to escape, he will definitely be killed by Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen.

  Lin Tianhun had already seen the cultivation base that Li Dongchen broke out just now.

  Lin Tianhun’s cultivation is no matter how strong he is, but he can’t face Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen alone.

  Seeing that the other party was about to escape, Chen Xuan displayed thousands of swordsmanship, and bursts of fiery red sword light instantly filled his side.

   Feeling the power of Thousand Thousand Sword Art, Lin Tianhun's expression was very surprised: "I didn't expect you to be a monk in Wanjian Villa. What is your origin?"

  Although Lin Tianhun performed missions in the Blood Soul Gate, he had also heard of the reputation of Wanjian Villa.

  Wanjian Villa is a very mysterious sect, neither belongs to the three-star sect, nor does it belong to the four-star sect.

  In short, Wanjian Villa does not belong to the various martial arts.

  No one dared to provoke Wanjian Villa.

  The sword technique that Chen Xuan showed just now was clearly the Wan Jian Art of Wan Jian Villa. Lin Tianhun recognized it at a glance. He knew that the power of this sword technique was very powerful, and he could not resist it at all.

   "No, I must quickly find a chance to escape..." Lin Tianhun thought to himself.

  The long sword in his hand exudes a terrifying scarlet aura, and this power immediately permeates his body.

  Lin Tianhun's expression became very hideous: "You want to kill me today, it's impossible!"

  The next moment, as Lin Tianhun's figure flickered, his body turned into a black light, which instantly bombarded Chen Xuan and Li Dongchen.

  Chen Xuan wanted to laugh very much. He thought that Lin Tianhun was now at the end of his way, and even dared to take the initiative to attack.

"Lin Tianhun, you are dying now, so you dare to come and attack, do you think you have lived too long?" Chen Xuan laughed, his body suddenly fell to the ground, and then a sword aura went straight Smashed in the direction of Lin Tianhun.


   Lin Tianhun's body was directly repelled.

   "If you two join forces, you might still be able to block me, but now you are the only one left, and now you can't be my opponent." Chen Xuan smiled and said.

  After hearing what he said, Lin Tianhun was very unwilling, but he had to find a chance to escape. If he continued to consume it here, he would definitely be killed by Chen Xuan.

   "I don't believe I can't live without here today..." Lin Tianhun roared, the long sword in his hand released a red light, and then a sharp sword aura instantly killed Chen Xuan...


  (End of this chapter)

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