Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3931: Devilwind Empire and Devilwind Town

   Chapter 3931 Demon Wind Empire and Demon Wind Town

  Time flew by, and they continued to talk in the room for more than half an hour.

"Well, Liu Xiaoyun and I are about to leave. You must think clearly, and don't let yourself delay too much time because of this trivial matter." After Li Dongchen finished speaking, he and Liu Xiaoyun left together. Here.

  After a long time, Xiang Yuntian looked at the leg he had lost, and could only slowly shook his head: "People of the Zombie Cult, I will never let them go..."

  Two hours later, Xiang Yuntian was ready to rest, but suddenly a spiritual formation gathered around him, directly wrapping his body in it.

  Xiang Yuntian didn't notice the changes in the surrounding breath. Just when he reacted, he saw that a layer of light red light suddenly wafted around him, and bursts of strange auras continued to surround his body.

  "What happened..." Xiang Yuntian was very surprised.

  Before this, there had never been such a weird thing in Jiuding Inn.

   "Could someone come here?" Xiang Yuntian whispered.

  He immediately got up and took up a weapon, and then looked around him guardedly: "Isn't it a Zombie Cult?"

   Thinking of this, Xiang Yuntian suddenly yelled, but no one answered him.

  After a quarter of an hour, a warrior of the Zombie Sect walked in gently from the door of the room, his face was full of bloodthirsty expression.

   "Hehe, you still don't shout, we have set up a spiritual formation around, your voice has been completely blocked, if I guess correctly, you are Xiang Yuntian?" The snake **** teaches the martial artist.

  Xiang Yuntian hated the people of the Zombie Sect, he yelled, and then he directly raised a long sword, and slayed at the warrior of the Zombie Sect.


  Xiang Yuntian's body was instantly knocked back.

  Several zombie warriors looked at Xiang Yuntian with a sneer.

"Xiang Yuntian, you are now a useless person, just because you still want to do something to us, you are so funny, hahahahaha!" After the zombie warrior finished laughing, he did not forget to mock Xiang Yuntian: "You are simply a waste. Without others to protect you, you will not pose any threat to us at all!"

   "It's a pity, although you have lost a leg, you are still very suitable for transformation. If you add violent blood to your body, you can definitely make your cultivation reach the realm of soul..."

   After hearing their talk, Xiang Yuntian was a little surprised. He didn't understand why these snake gods came to him.

   "What do you mean?"

As soon as these words came out, a zombie warrior suddenly laughed and said: "Xiang Yuntian, it seems that you have not noticed the changes in your body. We were already in your body when you were injured before. Gu poison."

   "If you let the toxin and the blood of violent fusion, your cultivation will further break through, don't you want to become a master of the realm of spirits?" said the snake **** martial artist.

  Xiang Yuntian suddenly hesitated, but he still hated the people of the Zombie Sect very much: "Hehe, what are you talking about? How could I surrender to you, all of you Snake Gods should die!"

In the next moment, the long sword in his hand madly killed the Zombie Sect warrior, but Xiang Yuntian is now only one person. When the three Snake God Sect warriors joined forces to attack him, Xiang Yuntian was finally killed. Knocked out.

"Haha, your cultivation level is really not very good, it is a pity, now you are basically a trash, it is too simple for us to kill you..." Several snake gods taught The warriors talked with each other.

  Their expressions are very mocking.

  Xiang Yuntian couldn't bear the opponent's cynicism, and he continued to rush towards the opponent.

If Xiang Yuntian left now, there might still be a chance to escape, but when he launched an attack on the zombie warrior, a layer of light red aura suddenly filled the palm of the opponent's hand, and a snake was immediately entwined. On his body.


  Xiang Yuntian's body was directly entangled by the spirit snake. After a short time, he fell into a coma directly.

  Several zombie warriors watched this scene calmly.

   "Take him back, Master Lu Tianjue has to reform his body well, hehe, I don't know what level his cultivation can reach, maybe it can bring us help..."

  Several zombie warriors are talking to each other.

   "Speaking of which, shall we bring that Liu Xiaoyun back as well? Now he should also be seriously injured," said a zombie warrior.

  "Don’t worry now, we have already caught Xiang Yuntian. It is only a matter of minutes to catch Liu Xiaoyun. I believe Liu Xiaoyun will definitely not pose a threat to us."

  The next morning, Chen Xuan had already inquired about the elder of the Blood Demon Sect.

   "Unexpectedly, he turned out to be Huang Yunlin..." Lei Pojun said with a look of surprise.

  "Have you heard of the name Huang Yunlin before?"

   "There is absolutely nothing wrong. Huang Yunlin personally killed our Demon Wind Town at the beginning. His cultivation is very strong. Chen Xuan, if you encounter him, you must be careful." Lei Pojun said.

  Chen Xuan nodded silently. He thought that even Lei Pojun was very afraid of people, indicating that the blood demon elder's cultivation is indeed very powerful.

"Is he specifically the elder of the Blood Demon Sect or the protector? I don't know, but I only know one thing. His cultivation must have reached the second level of the Divine Soul Realm. We are not necessarily his opponents." Lei Pojun Whispered.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was also thinking.

   "Is his cultivation really that strong?"

   "Of course, he is the elder of the Blood Demon Sect. After all, he can become the elder of this kind of magic door. His cultivation level must be very strong, otherwise he would never be the top elder..."

  At this moment, in a cave not far away.

  An old man in a gray robe was full of murderous expression: "These two boys are still asking me. They simply don't want to live anymore. Do you know what their identities are?"

   "Report to your lord, they are all disciples of Jian Yuezong."

Hearing the three words Jianyuezong, Huang Yunlin suddenly laughed: "Who I thought it was? I didn't expect them to be disciples of Jianyuezong. I heard that the six great Wuhous joined forces to besiege Jianyuezong. Yuezong has already been destroyed, and these two boys dare to provoke me."

   "We don't need to directly kill them, I just need to release the news that there are disciples of Jianyuezong appearing nearby, and the six great Wuhou will definitely come and kill them."

  After hearing his words, a warrior of the Blood Demon Sect immediately said: "Master Huang Yunlin, the talents of these two boys seem to be very strong. If they can absorb their blood, we will definitely be able to make a breakthrough in our cultivation."

   "Haha!" Huang Yunlin smiled coldly: "What are they from? I heard that there is a very talented disciple in Jianyuezong. I wonder if it is him?"

   "If I didn't guess his name wrong, he should be called Chen Xuan. I don't know the name of another person, but I think his cultivation level must be very strong..."

  Huang Yunlin suddenly didn’t plan to spread the news. Although he could kill Chen Xuan when the six great Wuhous, he still wanted to absorb Chen Xuan’s blood.

  For the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect, the stronger the blood they absorb, the more obvious the improvement of cultivation.

   "Let's kill them two directly!" said a warrior from the Blood Demon Sect.

Hearing this, Huang Yunlin immediately said: "Don't act rashly, both of them have reached the realm of spirit and soul."

  "How did you know?" A warrior of the Blood Demon Sect was full of doubts. He wondered why Huang Yunlin could accurately tell the cultivation level of Chen Xuan and others.

   Huang Yunlin counted, the red aura on his body became even more violent: "Don't worry about that much, our area is very safe, you find an opportunity to bring him over.

   "Oh, Lord!"

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun searched the nearby mountains for several days, but they still did not find a trace of the blood demon sect warrior.

   "It's really strange, why do these people from the Blood Demon Sect appear here? Don't they know that this place is very close to the Demon Wind Empire?" Lei Pojun whispered.

Having said that, Chen Xuan also knew that there were a few warriors of the Blood Demon Sect who came to the Demon Wind Empire. Although they came to trouble themselves, Chen Xuan can more or less infer that even though the people of the Blood Demon Sect were all Stay in Yunxiao Mansion, but they will also go to the Demon Wind Empire to find magic weapons.

  According to the news obtained by Chen Xuan, the Demon Wind Empire also has some remnants of the Blood Demon Sect.

   Their actions in the Demon Wind Empire are not so rampant, after all, the base camp of the Blood Demon Sect is still in Yunxiao Mansion.

  It is said that the Sovereign Blood Demon is also recovering from his injuries in Yunxiao Mansion. More than one hundred years have passed. No one knows where he is hiding.

  This one hundred years of time, although for ordinary mortals, has crossed their lives, but for the power of the level of the Blood Demon Sect Master, he will not feel any loss of time at all.

The elders of the Blood Demon Sect had already appeared here, and Chen Xuan had to be prepared.

  The opponent's cultivation base must have reached the second level of the Divine Soul Realm, and Chen Xuan's current cultivation base may not be able to win.

"Lei Pojun, I know that you and the people of the Blood Demon Sect have hatred, but I hope that you must remain calm when encountering those blood demon sect warriors. You must not let the hatred go to your head." Chen Xuan said worriedly.

  In case Lei Bianjun went directly to trouble the elders of the Blood Demon Sect, the two of them would not be able to win at that time, and on the contrary, they might be surrounded by them.

   Chen Xuan got the news that the blood demon sect was in a nearby cave.

  "When shall we be there?" Lei Pojun said.

  Chen Xuan thought that now is not the time to attack in the past, he must investigate clearly, how many warriors are there in the base of the Blood Demon Sect? What realm has their cultivation reached?

  If only Huang Yunlin was alone, Chen Xuan would certainly not be so cautious.

  But he knew very well that Huang Yunlin's cultivation was definitely not as simple as it might seem on the surface. His cultivation would only be stronger than Chen Xuan had imagined, and definitely not weaker than he had imagined.

  For a top powerhouse of Huang Yunlin's level, he doesn't even need to do it himself, some Blood Demon Sect will help him clear the obstacles.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was not ready to do anything, Lei Pojun was still a little unhappy. He had always dreamed of killing a top powerhouse in the Blood Demon Sect, but now he has finally found an opportunity, but Chen Xuan has always been there. Advise him not to act rashly.

"Brother Chen, this is an excellent opportunity. I definitely can't let go of this opportunity. These blood demon sect's shards have actually appeared here. We must kill them. This is also for our Yunxiao Mansion!" Lei Pojun whispered.

He was born in Yunxiao Mansion, but Chen Xuan was not a person in this world. Chen Xuan would not care if Yunxiao Mansion would encounter any danger. The only thing he worried about now was the protector of the Blood Demon Sect. Will it threaten Sky Dragon City? After all, their hiding place is relatively close to the location of Sky Dragon City, and the total is only more than 100 kilometers.

  If the elder of the Blood Demon Sect launched a surprise attack on Sky Dragon City, Chen Xuan knew that Dugulun and Yu Wenqiu would definitely not be their opponents, and they would definitely be defeated by the elder of the Blood Demon Sect.

   "Let's wait for the wind first. We won't look for them in the nearby mountains to see if we can find their whereabouts." Chen Xuan whispered.

  While they were talking, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a strange breath coming from a distance, and this power suddenly increased.

   Chen Xuan's perception is already very keen, and he can clearly perceive where this breath is coming from.

  "It's a bit weird. I noticed a few people from the Blood Demon Sect nearby. We two will go over together." Chen Xuan whispered.

  Lei Pojun’s face was full of excitement, and he hurriedly followed Chen Xuan.

  Then the two walked towards the depths of the jungle one after another.

  (End of this chapter)

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