Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3937: Return of the Gorefiend

  Chapter 3937 Return of the Blood Demon

   "You are right, we can't be Lu Tianjue's opponent. After all, he is a master at the second level of the Shenluo realm."

   "Brother Li has been there for so long, alas, in my opinion, let's retreat as soon as possible, don't stay here for a long time..."

   "What nonsense are you talking about? Big brother will definitely not abandon them, we just need to wait patiently here, and he will definitely bring Big Brother Chen over by then!" Another warrior said.

  At this moment, Huang Yunlin personally brought a few warriors from the Blood Demon Sect to the Demon Wind Empire.

  He wants revenge.

Although the people of the Blood Demon Sect improve their cultivation very quickly, once they are injured, they need a lot of time to recuperate, and they also need to hunt humans and absorb their efforts.

  Two pedestrians passing by were just passed by Huang Yunlin when they were directly grasped by one of his big hands.

  Huang Yunlin directly twisted the necks of the two men and swallowed their heads.

   "Master Huang Yunlin, are these two boys really in this place?"

   "How do I feel that there can be no living people in this desert!"

  Several blood demon sect warriors began to talk to each other, they were all the first time in the Demon Wind Empire.

   "It really doesn't look like someone can live in, but Demon Wind Nation is still a very powerful empire. We must be careful when we come here..."

  Chen Xuan did not know that he had been followed by Huang Yunlin.

As the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, Huang Yunlin has her own unique tracking skills. He can find Chen Xuan's whereabouts from a hundred kilometers away, but he cannot locate Chen Xuan's specific location. He can only perceive Chen Xuan's general information. direction.

   "If I didn't guess wrong, they should go southwest. Let's go quickly." Huang Yunlin said.

  The warriors of the Blood Demon Sect didn't dare to defy Huang Yunlin's orders, they hurriedly followed behind.

  Along the way, the warriors of this group of Blood Demon Sect remained silent.

   "By the way, a few of them have been there for so long, and it seems that they haven't come back yet? Wouldn't they have been killed?"

   "I don't know, Chen Xuan's cultivation base should be very strong, otherwise Master Huang Yunlin would definitely not bring so many people there..."

   "I heard that a guardian died in his hands before, we must be careful this time."

  Hearing these **** demon sects' comments behind her, Huang Yunlin couldn't get angry.

  He thought that the reason why he was defeated by Chen Xuan at the beginning was because he was seriously injured, and the other reason was because these blood demon sect warriors took off his hind legs.

   "Chen Xuan, you wait for me, I will definitely kill you today..."

  Chen Xuan didn't know that Huang Yunlin was already behind him. He, Li Dongchen, Lei Pojun and others were still heading towards Jiuding Inn.

  At this time, Chen Xuan slowly said: "I feel a very terrible breath behind us."

   "No way? Brother Chen, can it be said that there are some strong people behind us?"

   "What the **** does he want to do? Is he from the Blood Demon Sect?"

   Chen Xuan said: "There is a blood demon gas, I think it should be the blood demon sect."

   "These people from the Blood Demon Sect are really troublesome. We have repelled them many times before, but we didn't expect them to come to us for trouble."

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan said with a smile: "If I didn't guess wrong, the warrior of the Blood Demon Sect behind us should be Huang Yunlin."

   "It turned out to be him?"

"Huang Yunlin has already been defeated by you before, and he dared to come to us. Could it be that his injuries have recovered? But I heard that these blood demon sect warriors want to recover their injuries, it is impossible in such a short time. Just recover."

  Lei Bianjun also showed a confused look. When he heard the three words Huang Yunlin, his face was full of murderous intent.

  Blood and goblin blood flowed through his body.

  This is all thanks to Huang Yunlin. Although the cultivation base has been improved, Lei Pojun would rather not let his cultivation base be improved. He also does not want blood demon essence and blood in his body.

Blood demon essence and blood means that Lei Pojun is equivalent to half of the blood demon sect, that is to say he is a puppet of the blood demon sect, but fortunately, Chen Xuan has now helped him get through the pulse. The blood was forced out.

  Even so, he still has a very serious sequelae of essence and blood in his body. These blood demon essence and blood have improved his cultivation a lot, but it also tied him to the blood demon sect.

  Lei Pojun sometimes became very irritable. This was all because the blood demon essence and blood reacted in his body, and Chen Xuan could not dissolve the blood demon essence and blood.

"Lei Pojun, you can't act rashly this time. You have learned the lesson last time. The people of the Blood Demon Sect are not that easy to provoke. We must find their weaknesses if we want to win. I know that Huang Yunlin is injured now. Although the aura he exudes is terrifying, it is not as strong as when I first saw him."

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes slightly, and a dark red aura burst out from his body.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan has completely released the dragon mark perception, and he can very keenly perceive what level Huang Yunlin's current cultivation level has reached.

  Huang Yunlin is only 50 kilometers away from Chen Xuan and others. Within this distance, Chen Xuan can feel his position.

A burst of red clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, and several blood demon sect warriors wearing gray robes suddenly appeared. Their faces were full of bloodthirsty expressions, and their expressions were like they wanted to eat Chen Xuan. In half.

   "Sure enough, as I expected, your kid really hid here, ha ha, I will take away your life today!" Huang Yunlin laughed and said.

   Chen Xuan felt very unreasonable. Didn’t he defeat Huang Yunlin in the first place? Why does this person dare to trouble him? Isn't this asking for a dead end?

This is not because Huang Yunlin came to die, but because after he returned to the base camp of the Blood Demon Sect, he recovered a lot of his cultivation base through the blood demon essence and blood. Now his cultivation base has reached the initial stage of the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm. Basically, it has returned to 90%.

  He thinks he can kill Chen Xuan completely.

   "Chen Xuan, today you have to pay for your arrogance. Give it all to me!"

  As soon as these words came out, all the blood demon sect warriors took out their weapons one after another, and then rushed in the direction of Chen Xuan fiercely.

  Lei Pojun just wanted to do something, Chen Xuan stopped in front of him and said, "Lei Pojun, you still have blood, demon, essence, and blood in your body. Let me deal with this person!"

  He was worried that when Lei Pojun was fighting with Huang Yunlin, the power of the blood demon in his body would be controlled by the opponent, and Lei Pojun would still be controlled by that time.

  There are a total of three people on their side, and their cultivation bases have all reached the realm of Divine Soul.

  Chen Xuan's cultivation is basically close to a monk in the realm of Divine Soul.

  As for Lei Pojun, Li Dongchen and others, their cultivation bases have all reached the level of the soul. If they fight with Huang Yunlin, they will definitely bring a lot of help.

  If Lei Pojun was controlled, Chen Xuan would need someone to deal with the powerhouses of this group of Blood Demon Sect.

  Not only did Huang Yunlin's cultivation reach the Divine Soul Realm, but also the cultivation of two warriors entered the Divine Soul Realm, but they all only reached the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

   Their cultivation is not strong, Lei Pojun and Li Dongchen are completely capable of dealing with them.

   "Chen Xuan, die for me!"

  Huang Yunlin roared, his body suddenly burst out with a terrifying spiritual pressure, this light group instantly rushed in the direction of Chen Xuan

  Chen Xuan's wrist shook slightly, and the Liaoyuan Sword immediately shuttled out, and then bursts of terrifying fire gathered in the sky.

   Against the background of this burst of fire, a sharp sword kept surrounding Chen Xuan's body.

   "Hehe, even if you display thousands of swordsmanship, what can you do? Today you are destined to be killed by me, I advise you to catch it!" Huang Yunlin said.

  Chen Xuan became a little impatient. He thought to himself that Huang Yunlin’s nonsense was so much that he had already reached this point, and he even dared to surrender.

"Huang Yunlin, no matter if it is you or me, now we have nowhere to go. The two of us have to decide the winner and see if you are stronger or I am stronger, but I think your current cultivation base shouldn't be fully restored. "Chen Xuan smiled sarcastically.

  He believes in the other party and will never threaten him. Chen Xuan has no fear.

Huang Yunlin’s cultivation is certainly very strong, but Chen Xuan’s current cultivation has also reached the Ninth-level invincibility of the Shenluo realm, which is basically equivalent to a monk in the second stage of the Divine Soul realm. If the opponent does not reach the second stage of the Divine Soul realm, he will It could not be Chen Xuan's opponent.

  Huang Yunlin didn't say much nonsense, a burst of blood gathered in his palm, and then he sent a palm to Chen Xuan's fiercely.


  This palm wind rolled up a burst of air, and instantly rushed to Chen Xuan's body.

  Within two meters in front of Chen Xuan's body, there are all sharp swords in suspension.

  The power of thousands of swords is extremely terrifying.

  Huang Yunlin's palm wind hadn't come over, and a sharp sword pierced his palm directly.

   "It's impossible!" Huang Yunlin's expression was terrified. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to easily break his palm.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan's body bounced into the air, and his eyes were full of firmness.

   "People from the Blood Demon Sect, really **** it!"

   Another sharp sword aura rushed towards Huang Yunlin quickly.

  Huang Yunlin hurriedly drew out a long sword, and then cut a sword gas towards Chen Xuan.

  This long sword carried waves of blood demon gas, and then another **** gas continued to gather.

   "Chen Xuan, my blood demon sword will cut off your head, hahaha!" Huang Yunlin laughed loudly.

  But when he was still smiling, a sharp sword aura cut off his head directly.

  All this only happened between the electric light and flint. No one could see exactly what happened just now, and no one could see the movements of Chen Xuan's hands.

   "No..." Several blood demon sect warriors showed shocked expressions. They only saw the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand flicker, and Huang Yunlin's head fell to the ground.

  Although the head and body had been separated, Huang Yunlin was not killed.

  About a short quarter of an hour later, Huang Yunlin's head turned into a cloud of red mist, and finally connected to her neck.

  Huang Yunlin, who survived the catastrophe, is no longer as rampant as before.

   "What a kid, you can break my Gorefiend defense. You are much stronger than I thought!" Huang Yunlin said.

  (End of this chapter)

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