Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3950: Zhou Lingtian

  Chapter 3950 Zhou Lingtian

  Isn’t this looking for a dead end?

  It can only be said that Chen Xuan's cultivation level has been improved in a timely manner, otherwise so many disciples of the Wood Sacred Sword Sect would be really difficult for them to deal with.

  After all, Zhou Lingtian's cultivation has reached the realm of Soul and Soul. It is said that he has a very good relationship with Chen Yungui.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun finished killing the disciples of the Wooden Sacred Sword Sect, then turned and left.

   But at this moment, a horrible breath suddenly emanated.

   "Hehe, you two are really courageous!" Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun were both going to leave.

  As a result, a ghastly voice came into the ears of the two of them.

  Chen Xuan's body stopped suddenly, and then he looked back.

  The voice was extremely gloomy, and there was a dark aura, suddenly surrounding them.

After sensing this power, Chen Xuan shook his head slightly.

"Something wrong?"

   "Two of you, you are very courageous, and your cultivation level is also good, but it is a pity that you may not be able to leave today."

  Hearing this voice, the pupils of Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun were full of impatient expressions.

  Then the two of them turned around one after another, staring coldly at a man holding a long sword in front of them.

  There is also a deep scar on the man’s face.

  Moreover, he is still wearing the robes of a martial disciple.

  He just appeared in front of the two Chen Xuan.

   Seeing this person, some onlookers nearby showed horrified expressions.

   "No way! It turned out to be him!" A warrior took a breath.

   "It's horrible, his cultivation must be very strong!"

   "It's actually Zhou Runhong of the Heavenly Soul Gate. I heard that his cultivation has reached the Divine Soul Realm, a major consummation, right?"

   "I am afraid that these two boys are going to be unlucky, a master with a perfect spiritual realm, they can't be opponents!"

   "Zhou Runhong's cultivation is very strong!"

   "Does even Zhou Runhong couldn't help but want to do it? By the way, when did Zhou Runhong appear here this time? Could it be that...he was also for two amber spirit crystals?"

"Amber spirit crystals are very precious treasures, but that person sold more than one million high-grade spirit stones, and both of them can afford them. To be honest, for amber spirit crystals... as long as you are a monk, I'm afraid you will be tempted? "

   "Zhou Runhong's cultivation base is so strong. Now that he takes action, I am afraid these two boys are dead. They will definitely not be able to escape today."

  Several martial artists who were observing in secret, after seeing Zhou Runhong of the Heavenly Soul Gate, they all showed expressions of surprise.

  This Zhou Runhong is actually the second strongest in the inner door of the Heavenly Soul Gate, and he has reached the late stage of the first stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

  His goal is to improve his cultivation level, to make himself a higher status in the sect, even surpassing his senior brother.

   Originally wanted to come to the Demon Wind Empire to experience it. When he left, his cultivation level would definitely be on the list of Yunxiao Mansion’s sect.

   even made herself the number one in the sect.

  The hard work of cultivation is not comparable to eating amber spirit crystals.

  They just saw that Chen Xuan bought the amber spirit crystal, so these people went into madness, the purpose is to get the amber spirit crystal on Chen Xuan.

  Moreover, his hidden swordsmanship is a very powerful sword technique of the Heavenly Soul Gate.

  The so-called Heavenly Soul Sword Technique, even the soul will be affected.

  Because this sword technique is too domineering, in the same realm, it is basically invincible.

   "Zhou Runhong, this is the first time I heard this name?"

   "Haha, Chen Xuan, it doesn't matter if you don't know me, but you should still remember what happened in the sea of ​​fantasy, right?"

   Zhou Runhong's face was so gloomy, he looked at Chen Xuan coldly.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan naturally recognized Zhou Runhong in front of him. Only then did he remember that Zhou Runhong had brought several people and wanted to seize his heritage.

Lei Pojun asked in a cold voice, "Brother Chen, do you know this person?"

"Haha, it's hard for him not to know him! Anyway, since you know me, I will make a long story short. I won't waste time with you anymore. I just saw that you bought Amber Spirit Crystals, right? Brother Chen Xuan, if You can hand over the amber spirit crystals and the spirit stones on your body. I, Zhou Runhong, might spare your life. Although your life is like an ant in my eyes, Zhou Runhong is also a gentleman, so The gentleman said that horses are hard to chase, and I can definitely keep you safe." Zhou Runhong smiled.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun looked at each other, and then he held the Liaoyuan sword in his hand and said: "Hehe, I don't want you to let me go. No need, I want to ask about your cultivation level!"

  As soon as Chen Xuan's voice fell, the Vermillion Bird's fire suddenly condensed in his body.

  In an instant, the flames gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword.

  The next moment, he threw a sword, and a fierce red aura condensed.

  The domineering sword light blasted out instantly.

   Seeing this scene, Zhou Runhong's expression was very shocked.

   "This is impossible, his cultivation will definitely not be that strong..."

  Zhou Runhong hurriedly displayed the power of refining, even too late to dodge, and did not use the power of refining to prevent the fire of the Vermillion Bird.

  I can only say that the power of Suzaku swordsmanship is too amazing.

  In an instant, he was pierced by Chen Xuan with a sword.

  At the same time, Lei Pojun’s long sword also pierced into the bodies of several disciples beside Zhou Runhong.


  In an instant, a fierce air current burst out.

  Several disciples of the martial art approaching here were suddenly caught in, and in the blink of an eye, they lost their breath of life.


   is too strong!

  No one dared to say a word anymore.

  Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun joined forces and directly killed Zhou Runhong with one move. This scene shocked all the martial artists around.

   "You guys are so strong..."

   Zhou Runhong's expression was very panic.

  He felt that his body was being continuously consumed by flames.

Chen Xuan's gaze was very plain: "It's a pity, Zhou Runhong, your cultivation level is still good, but you don't understand when you die, why the strength of the two of us is so strong, this is due to the power of the amber spirit crystal... …"

After hearing this, Zhou Runhong was very uneasy. "Chen Xuan, don't be proud, our senior brothers from the Heavenly Soul Clan will definitely avenge me!" Zhou Runhong's mouth kept flowing blood, and his heart was filled with despair.


   Zhou Runhong's breath gradually disappeared and fell to the ground.

  At any rate, he is also the second strongest in the inner door of the Heavenly Soul Gate.

   But even so, Zhou Runhong still had no power to fight back when facing Chen Xuan. In this way, a strong man who was the second in the inner sect died directly in the hands of Chen Xuan.

  Many monks hiding in the shadows all showed surprise expressions.

  They were all horrified.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan said loudly: "If you still want to trouble me, please stay with me!"

  No one dared to speak.

  After Chen Xuan left, the many monks hiding in the dark were surprised.

   "Why is his cultivation so strong?"

   "I don't believe it anymore, his cultivation is really that powerful!" Some people doubted Chen Xuan's words.

   "He is so strong, why didn't he know it before? Could it be that this kid is from the Sword Moon Sect?" a disciple asked in confusion.

"Yes, although his cultivation is very strong, I am still very curious about his identity. This is a bit strange. I am curious whether he is a disciple of Jianyuezong, since he has killed so many heavenly souls. The person at the door, this matter will soon be unavailable, I believe that his identity will be known soon."

   "No matter how strong his cultivation is, he is definitely not one of those mighty opponents, right?"

"The Devil Wind Empire is also really messy. The three major sects joined forces to kill the disciple of Jianyuezong some time ago, and now there are two more warriors who are basically equivalent to the top inner disciples of the two-star sect. "

"Zhou Runhong is also really pitiful. Before he could finish speaking, he was killed by that person. However, his cultivation base is very strong, especially the flames. Even the soul can burn and even be killed. The flame burns through the heart."

   "Zhou Runhong is also a strong inner sect of the Heavenly Soul Gate anyway. He was killed by that kid, and the Heavenly Soul Gate will definitely not give up."

  Many disciples were talking about it, but they racked their brains and couldn't figure out who the warrior was who just killed Zhou Runhong.

  At this time, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun showed their fastest speed.

  Especially Chen Xuan, he himself has already awakened the power of the dragon pattern.

  Now, his body has turned into a phantom.

  The speed got the ultimate sound.

   Soon, he and Lei Pojun passed through a dark jungle and appeared on another desert.

  Most areas of the Demon Wind Empire are deserts.

  The endless desert.

After swallowing the Amber Spirit Crystal, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun's strength greatly increased, as long as he is not the chief disciple of the two-star sect.

  Especially Chen Yungui's group of people.

  If he met other disciples, Chen Xuan would not worry at all now.

  Lei Pojun suddenly said, "Chen Xuan, the one we killed just now was Zhou Runhong from the Heavenly Soul Gate."

   "Hehe, then, can he bring someone to kill me? Now he has become a wild ghost with a withered soul, no, he even burned his soul by me." Chen Xuan said indifferently.

   "The Heavenly Soul Gate is the top power of Yunxiao Mansion, and they are also one of the two-star sects. If they knew that you killed Zhou Runhong, they would never let you go." Lei Pojun said in a low voice.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said, "Lei Pojun, this Demon Wind Empire is very big, and it's not easy for them to find me. When they find me, maybe my strength will increase again at that time, reaching the first peak of the Divine Soul Realm. What? They will definitely not be our opponents by then!"

Seeing Chen Xuan's answer, Lei Pojun could only nod slowly.

  Since Chen Xuan didn't take this matter to heart, it means that he must have no fear.

  So Lei Pojun did not continue to say anything, but nodded, and then remained silent.

  In fact, Lei Pojun knew that there was a person in the Heavenly Soul Gate who had a very strong cultivation base.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, we'd better be careful. You probably haven't heard of the name Lu Tianwen, but his cultivation... is indeed very strong."

  Hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slightly.

  (End of this chapter)

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