Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3953: Lei Pojun's Essence and Blood

  Chapter 3953 Lei Pojun’s Essence and Blood

  The next step is to absorb Lei Pojun's blood. When the black-robed old man came into contact with Lei Pojun's blood, a fierce aura was instantly released.

  Only saw the black-robed old man's palm, as if he had been burned by flames, and he let out a miserable cry.

   "My mother, why is this power so terrifying..."

After hearing his cry, Chen Xuan's heart also felt very curious. It stands to reason that the black-robed old man practiced the blood demon sect technique, but when he came into contact with Lei Pojun's blood, he even made a noise. Scream.

  In other words, he can't fully integrate Lei Pojun's blood.

Hearing this cry, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun set off together. The power of the dragon pattern that they both displayed immediately spread across Chen Xuan's body. You followed Chen Xuan directly. Jumped up and appeared in front of the black robe old man.

  The expression of the old man in black robe was very surprised.

  Chen Xuan waved the long sword in his hand, and the flame of the Vermillion Bird suddenly condensed from his pubic area.

  The Vermillion Bird's fire burned instantly, and at this time the black robe old man's body turned out to be scorched.

  But the burn marks on his body were not burned by the Suzaku fire, but because of the blood of Lei Pojun.

  These scars burned out by the essence and blood seem to have been burned by flames.

There is not much difference between    and the traces of the Suzaku Fire.

  Chen Xuan was a little puzzled, he didn't quite understand it.

  Since this old man is a member of the Blood Demon Sect, why did he absorb the blood in Lei Pojun’s body and become like this?

  It is reasonable to say that after he absorbs the blood demon essence and blood in Lei Pojun's body, his cultivation level will definitely be greatly improved.

  The scars of the black-robed old man were obviously burned by the blood of Lei Pojun, this can't be fake.

  Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan looked at Lei Pojun very suspiciously.

  Lei Bianjun also showed a puzzled expression, and he didn't know why his blood demon blood would make this black robe old man so painful.

  Chen Xuan turned his head and glanced at Lei Pojun thoughtfully: "Lei Pojun, it seems that the blood in your body makes this old man very painful."

   "It hurts me? Why is this kid's blood so weird? It's completely different from what that guy said."

  The black robe old man at this moment is in pain

  He waved his hands continuously.

   Seeing that the black-robed old man wanted to escape, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun joined forces to attack.

  The fierce auras were released immediately, and they were instantly stopped in front of the black-robed old man.

  The expression of the black-robed old man was very panicked. He knew that once Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun controlled him, he would definitely be killed by them.

  And there is no chance to escape.

  Lei Bianjun was not in a hurry to kill the black-robed old man, his face was full of bloodthirsty expressions.

  Although Lei Pojun has gradually controlled the blood and blood in his body, he will still be affected by the outside world.

   "Who are you guys..." The black-robed old man whispered, "I have no grudges against you, why are you here to chase me?"

  The black robe old man suddenly said a word, which surprised Lei Pojun and Chen Xuan.

  Then he thought to himself that if this old man was really from the Blood Demon Sect, he would definitely not speak to them in this tone.

   "I'm really curious about what identity you are." Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face.

  Lei Pojun just wanted to kill the black-robed old man, Chen Xuan stopped him directly.

  Chen Xuan vaguely felt that this matter was not that simple.

  Who is this old man?

  He can't even tell.

  If this old man is really a warrior of the Blood Demon Sect, his identity is worthy of scrutiny.

  "Is it really a member of the Blood Demon Sect." Chen Xuan was surprised.

   Hearing Chen Xuan’s words, the black-robed old man continued to speak: “You two guys know a fart, I’m not from the Blood Demon Sect.”

  After hearing his words, Chen Xuan nodded slowly. Since the other party said that he was not a member of the Blood Demon Sect, this showed that Chen Xuan's previous speculation was correct.

   After finishing speaking, the black-robed old man slipped away and was ready to escape, but Chen Xuan had already made preparations. His figure flashed, and his palms gripped, directly holding the black-robed old man's burned body.

"Ah, my mother, it hurts me to death." The black robe old man yelled miserably, his body is being continuously swallowed by the fire of the Vermillion Bird, and at this moment, Chen Xuan is also constantly gathering the truth in his body Angrily, he began to constantly impact his dantian.


  The black-robed old man was very decisive. He knew that he could not be Chen Xuan's opponent. If he continued to fight with Chen Xuan, he would definitely be killed in the end.

  Only saw a fiery red light condensed in front of the black robe old man, and then the light rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction.

  Chen Xuan had already noticed the opponent's attack, his face showed a vicious murderous aura, this black robe old man's attack was impossible to bring any harm to Chen Xuan.

   Seeing that Chen Xuan was about to attack, the black-robed old man directly reluctantly ran away to the distance.

   Seeing the black-robed old man leave in a hurry, Chen Xuan showed a disdainful smile: "I want to escape from under my nose. What you think is so simple."

   "Chasing, absolutely can't let this person escape from my palm."

  Chen Xuan looked at the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and a layer of even more terrifying power suddenly rippled through his body. The next moment, Chen Xuan roared.

  This force rushed directly into the sky, covering the sky.

   Now Chen Xuan's dragon pattern power has once again increased, and he can detect where the black-robed old man is hiding.

  Lei Pojun followed Chen Xuan, he and Chen Xuan chased after him.

  Time passed quickly, and half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

  In this desert, Chen Xuan had already locked the trace of the black-robed old man.

  This time, no matter what, the old man in black can't be allowed to escape.

  The reason why he was able to escape from under Chen Xuan's eyelids was because the black robe old man had displayed a very mysterious technique. Chen Xuan was unprepared at the beginning, but now it is different.

  He believes that as long as he displays all his cultivation bases, no matter how strong the cultivation base of the black-robed old man is, there is definitely no way to escape from him.

   "This time, I must catch you."

  At this time, Chen Xuan had fully displayed the power of the dragon pattern, and a dark red light in the sky shuttled directly to the front.

  The old man in black robe has nowhere to hide.

   "Hehe, I still want to escape from under my nose. You have been locked by the power of my dragon pattern. I want to see how you escape."

  Chen Xuangang was about to rush out, but he heard a roar from Lei Pojun next to him.

  Lei Pojun's body is condensed with a terrifying thunder power.

  The next moment, Lei Pojun roared, and the thunder in front of him rushed into the sky.

I have to say that Lei Pojun's own cultivation base is very strong, and now he is urging his whole body strength. This thunder force constantly stimulates Lei Pojun's body, and then a purple thunder light surrounds Lei Pojun's body. Body.

  His speed has been increased thousands of times, only to see Lei Pojun transform into a purple thunder light, and then disappear.

   At this time, Lei Bianjun chased the black robe old man extremely fast.

  He and the people of the Blood Demon Sect are different from each other.

  Although the black-robed old man said that he was not a member of the Blood Demon Sect, Lei Pojun would definitely not let him go.


  After chasing for about an hour, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun saw the black-robed old man crawling into the mountains ahead.

   "This guy has escaped into the mountain, we must take him away..."

   Chen Xuan said to himself in his heart.

  He felt that the origin of this black-robed old man was very mysterious. If he could find out the blood demon soul in his body, there might be a way to get rid of the blood demon essence in Lei Pojun.

  Of course, this is only Chen Xuan's current inference.

   "Go, go in and take a look, we must catch him out." Chen Xuan saw the black robe old man enter the mountain range.

  He felt the breath of the black-robed old man still staying nearby.

  Lei Pojun nodded and said directly: "He must be killed today."

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly: “Don’t rush to kill this person. I feel that his identity is very difficult. Let’s find him out first.”

   Then, Chen Xuan and Lei Pojun dived into the mountains.

  Time flickered, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

  Walking into this mountain range, Chen Xuan felt a little weird.

   "Brother Chen, how do I feel that there is danger nearby? Could it be that there are still a few monsters attacking us nearby?" Lei Pojun whispered.

  When two people entered the mountains, they instantly felt a dangerous atmosphere around them.

  Chen Xuan actually felt this breath a long time ago. The reason why he didn't say it was because Chen Xuan felt that the source of this breath was two monsters.

   "There are two monster beasts with great strength, but these two monster beasts are in the deepest part of the mountain. Let's not rush and startle the snake. Hurry up and look for this black robe old man."

When    was walking forward, Chen Xuan suddenly stopped.

   "Where is this? Why do I feel that this place is a bit weird."

   Chen Xuan felt his eyes go dark. He had never seen such a sight before.

  As the air in front of him suddenly accelerated, he opened his eyes immediately.

  Chen Xuan looked around him dumbfounded.

   "It's really weird. Great changes have taken place when we came in. Could it be that we were caught up in his scheme..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

  Lei Pojun suddenly pointed behind him, and then hurriedly said to Chen Xuan, “Brother Chen, it seems that we walked into this mountain range is a bit unusual. Have you noticed that the scene behind has changed?”

  Chen Xuan turned his head and looked behind him, his face suddenly showed a surprised expression, because he found that there were no mountains at all, not even a single tree.

  (End of this chapter)

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