Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3957: The corpse of the Gorefiend Lord?

  Chapter 3957 The corpse of the Blood Demon Sovereign?

  The body of this blood cloud spirit corpse contained a strong and extremely murderous aura. This murderous aura began to fill the sky continuously, and then landed on top of Chen Xuan's head.

  Chen Xuan immediately displayed the power of refining the body, with dragon patterns all over his body.

  Under the blessing of the power of the dragon pattern, even if this murderous strength is strong, it will not pose any threat to Chen Xuan.

  At the same time, he can clearly feel that if a slightly weaker warrior touches these murderous auras, he will undoubtedly die.

  They simply cannot bear such a terrible murderous aura.

  A blood cloud corpse can emit a murderous aura sufficient to kill a warrior in the Shenluo realm, which shows that the owner of this blood cloud corpse must be a super powerful power while alive.

  And he must be a magic monk.

  Is it really the Sect Master of the Gorefiend, this shouldn't be possible?

  Why did the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect hide in this space? Moreover, these worms were constantly gnawing on the blood and cloud spirit corpses.

  The red bugs on the ground began to climb continuously. After seeing these bugs, Chen Xuan felt very sick.

  The body of the bugs was still filled with a layer of mucus, and these bugs began to burrow inside the blood cloud corpse continuously, devouring the murderous aura of the blood cloud corpse.

   "The red bug bites this blood cloud corpse? This is not in line with common sense at all." Chen Xuan was shocked.

  This is the first time he has seen such a strange situation.

  Since these worms swallowed the blood cloud corpse in front of him, this is a bit different from Chen Xuan's previous inference.

  He originally thought that the red bugs on the ground were all left by the Gorefiend Sovereign.

  He thought that the Gorefiend Sovereign wanted to use these red bugs to revive himself.

   Now it seems that Chen Xuan’s inference is completely wrong.

  Otherwise, these worms would definitely not swallow the blood cloud corpse on the ground.

   "You said, this blood cloud corpse on the ground is not the blood demon sect master, right?" Chen Xuan said.

  Lei Pojun walked over and glanced at it twice: "It should not be, but I feel that his cultivation base is very strong, which means that his cultivation base must be very scary during his lifetime."

  "This blood cloud corpse was a great power before his death. There should be nothing wrong with it, but what is the origin of these insects?" Lei Pojun was puzzled, and he stared at the red insects.

  These insects are still constantly devouring the blood cloud corpse, but at this moment, Chen Xuan thought of the black-robed old man he had encountered.


  The red worms bite on the blood cloud corpse, constantly absorbing the fierce murderous in the blood cloud corpse. Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan was even more shocked.

  He has never heard of a bug that can absorb murderous energy. What is going on?

  These red bugs look very ordinary, it doesn't seem to be any strange place at all.

   "What kind of bug is this? I have never seen such a weird bug before." Chen Xuan tried his best to calm the shock in his heart and asked suspiciously.

  Everything that happened before his eyes exceeded Chen Xuan's cognition. If it weren't for his knowledge, he would definitely not be able to guess it right now.

   Hearing Chen Xuan’s words, the red-scented bug suddenly said, “You two humans, you have followed here. Do you two want to live?”

   Seeing the red bug on the ground suddenly speak, Chen Xuan was even more surprised.

   "My dear, even bugs can talk, this is not a monster..."

  That Chen Xuan felt that his brain circuit was about to be unable to turn.

  Insects did not come to attack Chen Xuan.

  In fact, Chen Xuan was also sure that he could burn him to ashes with the fire of the Vermillion Bird at the moment when the insects launched an attack.

  So he has no fear.

  At this time, Chen Xuan just stood on the spot, but then bursts of fiery red flames gathered on the palm of his hand, slowly spreading in the direction of the red bug.

   "I ask you a few questions, you have to answer me honestly." Chen Xuan said.

  This red bug seemed to feel the danger, and he knew that he could not be Chen Xuan's opponent.

   "Okay, okay, I really lost in your hands..." the red bug uttered.

  "I want to ask your first question, what is this place? Why is there so much murderous intent here? And why are there so many blood cloud corpses" Chen Xuan asked suspiciously.

  The bug suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, you have more than one question, you have asked me several questions, which one should I answer first?"

  Chen Xuan frowned and said, “Don’t give me a twist here. It’s best to tell me everything here, or I’ll kill you today.”

  The red bug did not pay attention to what Chen Xuan said, but quickly absorbed the murderous aura in the blood cloud corpse.

Seeing that the insects ignored Chen Xuan, Lei Pojun on the side showed a terrifying murderous aura. He stepped forward, and then a very exciting energy gathered in his body and said: "Chen Xuan, don't talk nonsense with this thing, ask me Say, he must be some evil thing, let me kill him directly, everything will be understood."

   After finishing speaking, Lei Pojun's body appeared directly in front of the blood cloud corpse, his palm stretched out instantly, and he held it directly on the body of the red insect.

  Lei Pojun roared and exhausted all his energy, trying to catch the red-scented bug.

  But the red-scented bug did not move a bit.

   "Boy, your blood is a bit special, you can touch blood demon blood, but with your strength, it is absolutely impossible to threaten me, hahaha." The red worm looked at him with a sneer.

   Facing the mocking Lei Pojun, he definitely couldn't stand the other side not seeing him in this way.

   So the next moment, Lei Pojun’s body suddenly condensed with a burst of terrifying thunder power. Just when Lei Pojun was about to kill the insects, Chen Xuan suddenly grabbed him.

  "Don't worry..."

  Chen Xuan discovered that when Lei Pojun came into contact with the red bug, his blood exuded a special aura.

  As this breath emanated, Chen Xuan felt that this force could actually withstand the attack of murderous aura.

  And he could feel that this breath was the same as the breath radiating from the red bug.

   "It seems that it should be the blood of the elders of the Blood Demon Sect." Chen Xuan said with his eyes closed.

  Lei Pojun is very angry now, because the red bug is constantly taunting him.

   "Hahahahaha, why don't you use more strength? Get your breastfeeding power out, your strength is too small, you see, I am still motionless now!"

  The red bug constantly looked at Lei Pojun mockingly.

  Lei Bianjun frowned tightly, his eyes focused on the red-scented bug on the blood cloud corpse.

   "Damn, I advise you not to be so proud, otherwise I will kill you when I get you out!" Lei Pojun said loudly.

  The red worm in the blood cloud corpse didn't take any notice. His body still bloomed with red aura, constantly absorbing the blood of the blood cloud corpse.

   "I want to try again..." Lei Pojun thought in his heart. He took advantage of the red bug not paying attention, the speed suddenly broke out, and then directly caught the bug.


  An amazing breath burst out, Lei Pojun's body took two steps back, and a panic expression appeared on his face.

   "Impossible, what the **** is this bug? Why can it exude such terrifying power..."

   Afterwards, Lei Pojun kept trying to pull out the bugs, but to no avail.

   Chen Xuan just stepped forward when he was attacked by a strong murderous intent.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan hurriedly displayed the Suzaku Fire.

   Flames continued to gather in front of him, but the murderous aura released from this blood cloud corpse was really too powerful.

  Even if Chen Xuan's current cultivation base is already very strong, he can't resist the murderous aura at all.

Seeing Chen Xuan's direct defeat, Lei Pojun sighed and said, "Brother Chen, this bug is a bit hateful. I think you surround the Suzaku fire around him? I want to see this bug. How can I get out of it."

  The red bug didn’t take it anymore. He continued to mock Lei Pojun: "Grandpa, I won’t go out anymore. You two boys, I really thought I would be afraid of you!"

"I eat spicy food here. Even if I live here for a few hundred years, there is no problem, but you are both mortal wombs. Apart from the kid who can display strange flames, he is a bit more powerful. Maybe he can't. Eat or drink for more than two months, but I don't think you can do it, right?" The red bug said very much.

  Chen Xuan kept thinking about how to get this red bug to come out of it.

  He vaguely guessed that this red bug is the old man in black robe just now.

  In other words, the origin of this red bug is very mysterious.

  Chen Xuan is puzzled, why can this red bug transform into a human form? And just now, he was able to perform the techniques of the Bleeding Demon Sect.

  As early as when Chen Xuan saw the black-robed old man, Chen Xuan had already guessed it. The origin of this black-robed old man must be extremely mysterious.

  Although he has guessed one or two now.

  Although Chen Xuan has a lot of doubts in his heart, he believes that as long as the red bug is pulled out, some doubts will be wiped out.

  This red bug must know some secret.

  The fire of the Vermillion Bird in Chen Xuan's body was released again, and then he and Lei Pojun sat on the ground, carefully observing the insects in the blood cloud corpse in front of them.

   "Boy, there is no way you want me to go out. I have a condition I don’t know if you are willing to agree."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows lightly, and he hurriedly said: "You dare to negotiate terms with me, but I am very curious about what your terms are. Tell me about it."

  (End of this chapter)

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