Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3982: bet

  Chapter 3982 Bet

On the   mountain range, many onlookers were shocked.

  After the shock, the disciples of these sects suddenly thought of something, and then they were heartbroken.

   "Damn it, I thought we had made a bet before, but I didn't expect it, I thought Brother Song could definitely kill him..."

   "Damn it, my spirit stone, it seems that all of them will be handed over this time."

   "But I really didn't expect Chen Xuan to suppress Song Wenzhen. The spirit stone I finally got from the Demon Wind Empire is now gone."

  Several disciples were crying so hard, these were all high-grade spirit stones, they had worked so hard to save them, and they were about to give away in an instant.

  And it was still given to Chen Xuan.

  None of the disciples were optimistic about Chen Xuan. When they first placed their bets, they all thought that Chen Xuan would definitely lose to Song Wenzhen, but the reverse turned so fast.

  Chen Xuan directly suppressed Song Wenzhen in a few rounds, and the opponent had no chance to resist.

   "My three million ordinary spiritual stones, these spiritual stones are all saved by me with great pains."

  Although these disciples were very depressed, they were still a little bit happy, because Chen Xuan was not going to kill him.

   "For these millions of ordinary spirit stones, I actually ruined all my belongings."

  "Damn it, you are just a few million ordinary spirit stones. All I took out were high-grade spirit stones. I almost died in a ruin in order to get these spirit stones."

   "Damn, this Song Wenzhen's strength is simply too weak, you shouldn't believe Song Wenzhen at the beginning, I didn't expect that he would lose to Chen Xuan."

  After hearing these disciples’ talks, Song Wenzhen’s expression was extremely hideous.

   "You rubbish, how could I lose to Chen Xuan!" He roared, and then rushed towards Chen Xuan fiercely with his fists.

  In this instant, a violent breath was released instantly, and then it slammed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan just glanced, and then he gently waved the long sword, the hurricane of sword energy suddenly condensed into the air, and blasted in the direction of Song Wenzhen.


  Song Wenzhen's body was directly knocked into the air, one of his arms was directly cut off, and flames were constantly emerging from his body. This scene was noticed by all the disciples.

  They were amazed in their hearts.

   "Why is this Chen Xuan's cultivation base so strong..."

  At this moment, the white-robed man's eyes were red, and the long sword in his hand slowly stretched out from his sleeves.

   "No, I definitely can't let Chen Xuan win. I must find a way to interfere with the outcome of the game..."

  In his eyes, the battle between Chen Xuan and Song Wenzhen was just a fight of life and death.

   But Chen Xuan gambled his life to kill Song Wenzhen.

  For Song Wenzhen, he was just to save his life.

  Although their battles caused many disciples of different sects to bet against each other, the white-robed man didn't think so much. He himself belonged to the Li family.

  Among the sects that besieged Jianyuezong at the beginning, there was the Li family.

  The man in the white robe belongs to the Li family, and his cultivation level is also very strong, and he can also infer that the reason why Chen Xuan wanted to kill Song Wenzhen was probably because he was a disciple of Jianyuezong.

  This is just his inference, and he is not sure that Chen Xuan is really a member of Jianyuezong.

  Regardless of whether Chen Xuan was from the Sword Moon Sect or not, it would definitely be a curse to keep Chen Xuan, not to mention that he had crushed Song Wen by millions of spiritual stones.

  He will never let himself lose.

   Few people think Chen Xuan can win, but the man in the white robe is not one of them.

  He thinks Song Wen really can win, but now Song Wen really loses.

  At this moment, the long sword in the hands of the white-robed man suddenly burst out with a dark red aura, and instantly rushed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan was about to kill Song Wenzhen, but he suddenly felt the breath coming from behind.

  "Are you looking for death?" Chen Xuan immediately turned around, and then he gathered the zhenqi in his body and defended against the back of his body.


  An astonishing breath burst out instantly, and the long sword in the white robe man's hand stopped in front of Chen Xuan's eyes.

  Chen Xuan's eyes stared at the sword in his hand like this.

   "Hehe, it seems you can't afford to lose." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  The white-robed man thought to himself, since he has reached this point, he might as well directly join hands with Song Wenzhen to kill Chen Xuan.

   "Look, Brother Li actually colluded with Song Wenzhen. It seems that the two of them were prepared."

   "No way, there is a lot of fun this time, I don't know if Brother Li can defeat Chen Xuan."

  Several warriors suddenly discussed.

   "I think his cultivation is definitely not Chen Xuan's opponent. Now that you can compete with Chen Xuan, you are the only Li Longbao from the Li family..."

   "If Li Longbao hadn't taken the shot himself, no one could stop Chen Xuan..."

  The white-robed man yelled, and a wild aura rippled in his body once again, and a burst of spiritual light rushed towards Chen Xuan's cheek fiercely.

   Chen Xuan stretched out his hands, the turbulent aura burst out instantly, and then hit the white-robed man.

  At this moment, all the disciples of the school closed their eyes tightly.

  When the Vermillion Bird's fire burned the sky, no one dared to look down upon Chen Xuan.

  The white-robed man's body was burned with scars, and he said angrily: "Chen Xuan, you still want to win because of you, you really value yourself!"

  Chen Xuan did not put this person in his eyes.

  "Are you from the Li family?" Chen Xuan said disdainfully.

  In his eyes, the only person who can fight him now is Li Longbao, but Chen Xuan believes that with his own cultivation level, he can definitely kill the opponent easily.

   "You are definitely not our brother Li's opponent!"

  The white-robed man still wanted to resist, but immediately after he saw the Suzaku fire in the air, it quickly divided into two waves, one of which was burning toward his body.

   "No!" He let out a scream, but how could Chen Xuan let him go.

   "Just because you want to attack me sneakily, you are also ridiculous!" This white robe man's cultivation is indeed quite good in the Li family, but it is nothing in Chen Xuan's eyes.

  Song Wenzhen is not his opponent, only an inner disciple of the Li family wants to trouble him.

  Just thinking about Chen Xuan makes it very ridiculous.

   "I won't give you a chance, because you don't deserve my pity!" Chen Xuan roared wildly, and then there was a more ferocious Vermillion Bird fire on his body.

  This time, Chen Xuan's pupils even shot out two red lights. Chen Xuan was like a killer. The disciples of the sect watching here did not even dare to look into Chen Xuan's eyes.

   "Chen Xuan's cultivation base is really too strong, even if Song Wenzhen joins hands with him, there is no way to defeat him..."

Suddenly, the white-robed man panicked. Although he knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation level was very strong, he could not be Chen Xuan's opponent, but he felt that Chen Xuan must have consumed a lot of truth in the battle with Song Wenzhen. gas.

  As a result, when he attacked Chen Xuan sneakily, he was forced to retreat by a simple sword aura from the opponent.

   "I don't believe..." Before the white robe man's voice fell, a sword aura directly penetrated his neck.

  The blood immediately fell to the ground.

"You have seen his fate. If someone wants to attack me sneakily, you can give it a try. If you think you can kill me, I will stand still here. I want to see who else dares. Come and trouble me." Chen Xuan stood in the sky, his eyes coldly scanning all the disciples of other schools.

  Nowadays, these disciples have seen Chen Xuan's power, so no one dares to speak...

   "It's too strong..."

  Many warriors who bet on Song Wenzhen are afraid to speak anymore. They know that Chen Xuan's strength just broke out. Even Li Longbao is not necessarily an opponent.

  At this time, suddenly a few disciples in black robes hurriedly surrounded Song Wenzhen.

  They and Song Wenzhen belong to the same sect. Now that Song Wenzhen is in danger, these disciples will certainly not sit back and die.

   "Boy, you are so arrogant, do you know what kind of people we are?"

   "That is, I only need to move my fingers to let us, the top powerhouse of the school, come over, and I don't believe you can walk out of this unsuccessful secret realm..."

   After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan wanted to laugh very much: "I thought you could wipe me out by moving your fingers, but I didn't expect you to say this kind of profanity..."

   "Even if the elders of your sect come over, I am not afraid." Chen Xuan roared, and then a fierce aura condensed in his dantian.

  Several disciples of the sect were howling.

   "Chen Xuan's cultivation level is not something they can fight against. These people dare to trouble him, and they are simply tired of life."

   "Indeed, Song Wenzhen couldn't hold on Chen Xuan's hands for three rounds. The cultivation of these people was far inferior to Song Wenzhen. If it were me, let's slip away now!" a disciple said.

  Although the battle has not been completely over, the outcome of this battle has already been seen by others. They all know that Chen Xuan can kill Song Wenzhen with a wave of his hand.

  In other words, Song Wen’s true defeat is set.

  He is not Chen Xuan's opponent at all.

  All the disciples were watching, Chen Xuan, they wanted to see how Chen Xuan would treat Song Wenzhen.

   "Will he kill Song Wenzhen?"

   "I think he and Song Wenzhen seem to have enemies, although the origin of Chen Xuan is very mysterious, but..."

  These disciples looked at Chen Xuan with eagerness to speak, they didn't know if Chen Xuan would suddenly act on them.

  (End of this chapter)

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