Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3996: Forcing the blood demon sect warrior

  Chapter 3996 Forcing the blood demon sect warrior

  Chen Xuan did not expect the bones of this blood demon sect warrior to be so soft. He hadn't done anything yet, this person had already said all the news about the blood demon sect.

   "The reason why we chose to enter the Failed Secret Realm is because we want to sacrifice all the blood of all the disciples in this Failed Secret Realm to our Sect Master..."

  Hearing this, several martial artists of the sect showed panic expressions.

   "What? They actually want to resurrect the Gorefiend Sovereign here."

  "They must not be allowed to resurrect the Gorefiend Sovereign. If he is resurrected, our entire Yunxiao Mansion will be shaken."

   "That's right, quickly kill this blood demon sect..."

  At the same time, this blood demon sect warrior exudes a burst of red cloud of smoke. Before many warriors could react, his body turned into a red light and quickly disappeared in place.


  Several figures in a row, quickly chasing the warriors of the blood demon sect, they can't let these blood demon sects escape.

  Otherwise, once the Gorefiend Lord is resurrected, it will bring a huge shock to the entire lost secret realm.

  No one can escape from the hands of the blood demon sect master, after all, the opponent is a super power in the realm of souls.

  At the beginning, the three major sects couldn't deal with him, and relying on the disciples of these sects, they wanted to kill the blood demon sect master, like a foolish dream.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes. When he saw these warriors chasing further and further away, his heart couldn't help but start thinking.

   "No wonder I met the strong man in the independent space before. It seems that this should be the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect. There is nothing wrong with it..."

At the beginning, Chen Xuan couldn’t understand why the people of the Blood Demon Sect appeared in the Lost Secret Realm on a large scale, but he now knows that this is the place where the Blood Demon Sect Master passed away. I am afraid these Blood Demon Sect’s people Martial artist, has long been in the Lost Secret Realm for a long time.

  Although the lost secret realm will open for a period of time, no one knows how these Blood Demon Sect people stayed here.

It stands to reason that the Failed Secret Realm will close itself for a while, and no matter how strong the cultivation base is, there will be no way to stay in it, but these Blood Demon Sect people have spent so long in the Failed Secret Realm. Chen Xuan calculated carefully, they probably have been here for several years.

   "It's really terrifying to think carefully, it seems that this failed secret realm is very likely to be established by the Gorefiend Sovereign..."

  Thinking of this, Chen Xuan knew that he could not delay any longer, otherwise many people would die because of this. This incident must not be made public.

  Although Chen Xuan wanted to wipe out the sects he had dealt with at the beginning, the situation is different now. Compared with these sects, the Blood Demon Sect is more dangerous.

   "Never let the people of the Devil Realm arise. If Yunxiao Mansion becomes a pot of porridge, it will be difficult for me to find Li Qiuyu..."

  For so long, Chen Xuan has been searching for news about Li Qiuyu.

But now, he still hasn’t found any news about where Li Qiuyu is. Chen Xuan has concluded that Li Qiuyu must be in the Li family. His original idea was not wrong, but why did the Li family deliberately hide it? News from Li Qiuyu?

  This made Chen Xuan puzzled.

   shook his head quietly, Chen Xuan threw out all the thoughts in his mind, and finally his eyes looked far away.

  So many people went to hunt down the remnants of a blood demon sect, but they didn’t even catch him.

  Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan could only do it.

After displaying the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan's speed increased significantly. This blood demon sect warrior hid in a dark jungle. He thought he could escape the chase of the disciples of the martial arts, but he just Seeing a flash of fire in the air, Chen Xuan's body finally fell in front of him.

Chen Xuan always has a playful expression on his face. He knows that he can catch the blood demon sect warrior. Even if he hides in the end of the world, Chen Xuan can confirm the aura exuding in him because of Chen Xuan’s current dragon pattern Perception is already very strong, no matter where he goes, Chen Xuan can catch him on the spot.

  At this moment, this blood demon sect warrior was trembling all over, and he looked at Chen Xuan dumbfounded, with a last look of horror.

   "What the **** do you want to do? Didn't you say you want to let me go? Why did you come here? Where did I mess with you?"

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan wanted to laugh very much.

"What you think is really wonderful. I did say that I would let you go, but now I have changed my mind and want to escape from my hands. Do you really think you have that strength?" Chen Xuan smiled. Said.


  A cold light flickered, and the head of the blood demon sect warrior suddenly fell on the ground, rolling several times along the ground.

  But Chen Xuan did not intend to stop at all.

  He knows that the people of the Blood Demon Sect can master a secret method. Even if they are killed, they can also use the exercises to reshape the spirits. Only by completely destroying their souls can they kill the people of the Blood Demon Sect.

  In an instant, the Suzaku fire burned desperately, and the soul transformed by this blood demon sect warrior was also disintegrated in an instant, and disappeared within a short time.

  When many disciples rushed over, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

  The blood demon sect powerhouse that they tried their best to catch up was unexpectedly killed by Chen Xuan easily.

   "Senior Brother Chen's cultivation is really strong. He actually killed this blood demon sect at such a fast speed. Fortunately, we didn't do it right with him before..." the martial artist said.

  Chen Xuan did not take his words to heart.

   "Brother Chen, speaking of it..." This warrior just wanted to speak.

  But then he saw Chen Xuan's figure, which had disappeared.

  Chen Xuan still has more important things to do, and he doesn't have so much time to delay here.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan set off towards the east of the Lost Secret Realm.

  He heard that there is a small gathering place for exchanging goods in the east, where many disciples of the sect are here.

  The Secret Realm is very big after all, so naturally many disciples will take the items they don’t need to small gathering places to exchange them.

  Chen Xuan calculated carefully, it would take about half an hour to get to that small gathering place.

  This is still a short cut.

  If it is a detour, it may take longer.

   "Forget it, I can take a short cut directly, so I don't have to spend so long. Go and see what good things are inside." Chen Xuan said as he set off quickly towards the east.

  Time flew quickly, and when Chen Xuan Road was halfway there, he suddenly heard the roar of monsters coming from ahead.

  "Is it a lonely leopard?"

After hearing the voice of the emptiness spirit leopard, Chen Xuan's face showed a surprised expression. He heard that the emptiness spirit leopard is a very rare monster beast. If the emptiness spirit leopard's inner alchemy can be obtained, then Can make the soul condense the very essence of the power of the soul.

  Empty and Silent Spirit Leopard is only available in the Lost Secret Realm.

   "Very good, let me try first, what is the strength of this emptiness leopard?" Chen Xuan said softly.

  The emptiness and silence spirit leopard let out a continuous roar, which was long and powerful.

  If a disciple with a weak strength heard the voice of the emptiness of the leopard, his body would probably be trembling uncontrollably.

  "The strength of the emptiness spirit leopard might be very strong..." Chen Xuan just finished speaking, and saw a behemoth, rushing towards him frantically.

   Seeing that the emptiness leopard was about to rush in front of him, Chen Xuan remained unmoved, as if he was very confident that he could instantly kill the emptiness leopard.

  He gave a soft drink, and in the end, layers of red light appeared on his body, and this layer of light enveloped Chen Xuan's body.

  About two quarters of an hour later, a ray of light rushed out in an instant, and then fell fiercely on this empty leopard.


  The body of the emptiness spirit leopard was directly shaken out, and then the flames of the Vermillion Bird relentlessly swallowed the body of the emptiness spirit leopard.

  Chen Xuan thought that this trick could kill the emptiness leopard in a flash.

   But when the flame dissipated, the emptiness spirit leopard appeared in front of him intact.

   "What a strong defense, even more powerful than I thought..." Chen Xuan said with a sigh of emotion.

   Facing the emptiness leopard with such a strong defense force, Chen Xuan felt a little at a loss now. He gently raised the Liaoyuan sword, and then rushed out towards the emptiness leopard again.

  What Chen Xuan is doing now is just testing, and he didn't try his best to fight the emptiness spirit leopard.

  It is more dangerous to kill an empty leopard in such a place to exhaust all the aura.

  There is hatred between him and the disciples of other sects, and it would be bad if these people seized the opportunity.

  Chen Xuan must avoid making clothes for others.

  No one can guarantee that those sect disciples will suddenly appear and **** his prey.

  This kind of thing is not uncommon.

  Chen Xuan had even encountered similar things before, if it weren’t for his strength, I’m afraid he would have been in danger already.

  So when Chen Xuan faced this emptiness leopard attacking, although he was now able to do well, he still had to make sure that no one near him would come and do it.


  A fierce sword energy cut directly on the head of the emptiness spirit leopard, and the emptiness spirit leopard let out a long moan.

   then raised his huge claws and rushed towards Chen Xuan quickly.

   Seeing that the emptiness of the leopard was about to rush in front of him, Chen Xuan shouted, and then the power of the Vermillion Bird's fire burst out all over his body.

  Under the burning of flames, the body of the empty leopard finally turned into a mass of ashes.

After killing the emptiness spirit leopard, Chen Xuan took out the emptiness spirit leopard's inner alchemy. Looking at the dark red inner alchemy in his hand, a smile appeared on his face.

   "Unexpectedly, this is the inner pill of the emptiness of the leopard. I heard that the inner pill of this monster beast is very difficult to obtain. Today I got one, which can be used to refine the pill..."

  (End of this chapter)

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