Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 4042: protector

  Chapter 4042 Guardian

  At this time, above the Tianyun Hall, in the light red mist.

  The guardian is observing all the warriors in the entire huge giant hall.

  When he saw Chen Yungui and Song Ziru appear, a murderous intent appeared in his pupils.

"The warriors of the Blood Demon Sect, I really didn't expect you to hide so deeply." The guardian said to himself, although he now knows the existence of the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect, he has no way to deal with the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect. Only one trick to drive the tiger and devour the wolf can kill them.

   "I don't know which warrior can get the inheritance treasure of the adult." The guardian twisted his body and looked at the place where the inheritance was.

  This look directly made the Guardian feel very shocked.

  He found the heritage treasure?

  The guardian stared at the two closely.

  As Chen Xuan stepped out, a happy smile appeared on the guardian's face.

  But at the same time, his heart is also very shocked.

  He was able to find the treasure in such a short time. What is the origin of this kid?

  Under the guardian's gaze, Chen Xuan found the treasure of inheritance very smoothly.

  At this time, Chen Xuan walked forward according to Long Tianpo's words.

  Suddenly, the ground trembled, and then the guardian appeared.

   "Boy, you can actually find the treasure of inheritance." The guardian looked at Chen Xuan and said.

no way……

  At this time, Li Wentian's face also showed shock.

  Really found the inheritance?

  Li Wentian looked at Chen Xuan's eyes, full of surprise, obviously not believing that Chen Xuan could find it so quickly.

   "Since you are looking for inherited treasures, you are qualified to accept inherited treasures, but the energy of inheritance is very powerful. If you can't accept the power of inherited treasures, you are likely to be swallowed by this power." said the guardian.

   "I...I will try..." Li Tianwen said.

  "Would you like to try first?"

  Although he is a member of the Li family, Chen Xuan had saved his life in the first place, and according to his personality, he did not seem to be a murderous man.

   "Well, I want to try it!"

   "Well, in that case, you come first!"

  At the moment Li Wentian sat down cross-legged, a light red breath emerged under the ground, and it instantly penetrated into Li Wentian's body.

  At this moment, Li Wentian showed a trace of pain.

   "I didn't expect this force to rebound so powerfully, Guardian, I think he should be okay?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

   "Don't worry, although his cultivation is not strong among you, but her willpower is very strong." The Guardian said afterwards.

  Time passed bit by bit, and half a day passed in a blink of an eye. During this half day, Li Wentian has been accepting the treasure of inheritance.

   But Li Wentian's breath became more and more chaotic, and in the end his body directly began to shake continuously.

   "It seems that he has no way to accept the inherited treasures of the adults, and is about to be swallowed by this power." The guardian said in a deep voice.

  "What should I do?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly.

   "After you absorb the adult's breath, he will slowly get better." The guardian said afterwards.

  Chen Xuan sat directly behind Li Wentian, and suddenly a fierce and strange energy appeared.

  About a quarter of an hour later, Li Wentian woke up, and when he found Chen Xuan's palm on his shoulder, his face seemed panicked.

   "You can't accept the heritage treasure, and you almost were swallowed by this power. You have to thank him. This time he saved you. If it weren't for him, you might have died just now." The guardian looked at Li Wentian and said.

  Li Wentian showed a look of surprise on his face, and then he was full of gratitude to Chen Xuan.

  After Li Wentian was sober, the soul of the Vermillion Bird in Chen Xuan's body was suddenly released, and the aura continuously penetrated into Chen Xuan's mind.

  Chen Xuan felt that a source of power to inherit the most precious appeared in his mind.

  The time passed bit by bit, and the aura in Chen Xuan's body had been rising. One day later, the aura around Chen Xuan had risen to the limit.


  At this time, Chen Xuan had already received most of the energy of inheriting the treasure.


  A loud noise rang from inside Chen Xuan's body, and then Chen Xuan's cultivation reached the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

  After Chen Xuan's cultivation reached the second level of the Divine Soul Realm, his dragon pattern power unexpectedly broke through again.

  In a short instant, Chen Xuan's cultivation level reached the initial stage of the Second Layer of Soul and Soul.

  After reaching the initial stage of the Divine Soul Second Stage, Chen Xuan's aura began to stabilize, and at this time, Chen Xuan's surrounding aura disappeared.

  Seeing what Chen Xuan looks like now, the Guardian breathed a sigh of relief.

  This shows that Chen Xuan has fully obtained the power of inheritance.

  Li Wentian immediately said after him: "Guardian, when will he wake up."

   "I can't tell, he should take a while to consume the energy in the body, wait and see!"

  After that, Li Wentian nodded.

  He didn't say much, since Chen Xuan still needs some time to wake up, so he sat cross-legged beside Chen Xuan and slowly closed his eyes.

  When Chen Xuan accepted the inheritance, several warriors in the entire Tianyun Hall were frantically looking for inheritance treasures. They didn't know that the inheritance had already been obtained by Chen Xuan.

  At the same time, Elder Xue Heng and Chen Yungui also waited for the Tianyun Hall to be closed again. After the Tianyun Hall was closed, they could leave.

  In more than a month, Chen Xuan's cultivation base broke through once again. Although he remained in the early stage of the Divine Soul Second Layer, his cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds while accepting the inheritance for more than a month.

  Although the foundation is a bit unstable, it does not prevent Chen Xuan's spirit from being promoted again.

  Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes.

   Seeing Chen Xuan wake up, Li Wentian showed a slight smile.

   "Wake up?" Li Wentian asked.

   "Boy, after such a long time, you have finally accepted the energy of the inheritance. I want to warn you that this power is very strong, and you still need some time to digest it." The guardian's face was full of joy.

   "Since you have completely accepted the heritage treasure, I want you to help me with one thing."

   "As long as I can do it underneath, I will definitely help you." Chen Xuan said softly.

   "The blood demon sect people appearing here, I am afraid you should know?" The guardian looked at Chen Xuan and asked.

   "There is a blood demon sect warrior in this Tianyun Hall?" Chen Xuan asked suspiciously.

The guardian nodded lightly, and then he said: "What you said is not wrong. There is an elder of the Blood Demon Sect hidden in the Heavenly Cloud Hall, but his cultivation has not recovered, so he was suppressed in the second stage of the Divine Soul Realm. , And he just snatched the soul of a warrior, and now you have a breakthrough in your cultivation base. Now that you have reached the second stage of the soul realm and accepted the inheritance treasure of the adult, I believe you must have the strength to kill him."

   "If he is allowed to leave here, his cultivation will be restored to the third level of Divine Soul Realm, it will definitely be a catastrophe for Yunxiao Mansion." The guardian lowered his voice and said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan felt very shocked.

  He did not expect that there is also a powerful Blood Demon Sect warrior hidden in the Tianyun Hall.

  "The elder of the Blood Demon Sect took away the soul and resurrected, how can he find his true body in the next?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

   "Don't worry, you can definitely find him, and you'd better join hands to have a better chance of killing them." The Guardian said afterwards.


  Waiting for Chen Xuan to speak, the guardian waved his hand, and Li Longbao appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

   "Li Longbao." Chen Xuan saw Li Longbao and felt very shocked.

   Immediately afterwards, Liu Qiangwu, Zhang Yunwen of the Heavenly Soul Gate, Lei Pojun, Wang Qiangyun and others all gathered together.

   "You don't need to be surprised, I brought you together." The guardian said directly.

  Although many warriors feel very puzzled in their hearts, the guardians can control this space after all. If they dare to resist, they can even imprison them all.

  As a result, many warriors nodded one after another.

   "I have brought you together to let you join forces to deal with the blood demon sect." said the guardian.

   "So familiar kid..."

  Wang Qiangyun had no idea that Chen Xuan in front of him was a disciple of their Jianyuezong, after all, they had never met before.

   Chen Xuan was stronger than Li Longbao before he got the inheritance, and now he got the inherited treasure even more powerful.

  Even Li Longbao is no match for Chen Xuan, and they are even less likely to defeat Chen Xuan.

  Even if many warriors join forces, it is impossible to defeat Chen Xuan. At this time, although Chen Xuan's cultivation level has only improved a great level, this improvement has already brought Chen Xuan's overall strength to a peak.

  He believes that even if he is a master at the late stage of the triple stage of the Divine Soul Realm, he already has the power of a battle.

  At this time, the guardian said again.

   "The Blood Demon Sect is actually the enemy of our entire Black Rock World. I hope that since you can cooperate with each other and jointly attack the blood demon sect warriors." The Guardian said afterwards.

  In the end, all the warriors unanimously decided to join forces to kill the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect.

   "Among you, Chen Xuan has the strongest strength. This time, you will all listen to him." said the guardian.

  No one refuted.

  They already vaguely felt that Chen Xuan definitely got the inheritance treasure, otherwise it would be impossible to be so confident.

   "You rest for a quarter of an hour, and I will take you to the side of the warriors of the Blood Demon Sect. It will definitely be a fierce battle at that time." said the guardian.

  Many warriors want to completely solve the elders of the Blood Demon Sect, they must fight in the most peak state.

  A quarter of an hour passed, and the faces of several of them were heavy. This time it was the elder of the Blood Demon Sect who had to deal with, and according to the guardian, he was able to raise his cultivation to the triple peak of the Divine Soul Realm.

  If it is a strong person in Yunxiao Mansion, defeating the three martial artists of the Divine Soul Realm is easy, but they obviously have not reached that realm.

   "You are ready, you can tell me." The Guardian said afterwards.

  Many warriors nodded gently, and then the guardian waved a big hand, and several of them disappeared in an instant.

  (End of this chapter)

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