Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 5130: Xuanyuan Dragon Book

Chapter 5130 Xuanyuan Dragon Book

 Chen Xuan calmed down his mind slightly. Since the other party had guessed half of it and was willing to come to him, it meant that he was definitely sure.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan said to him: "I wonder how the knight Xuanyuan Dragon Book can tell that I am not from this dimension?"

“Hehehe, it seems that it is the same as what I thought. So, Master Chen Xuan acknowledges what I just said?” Xuanyuan Longce said.

After Chen Xuan heard what he said, he smiled bitterly and said nothing. Although the other person was right, Chen Xuan didn't want to admit it prematurely.

"If you want me to tell the truth, I am not a warrior in the Xianyun Space." Xuanyuan Longce said.

"What did you say? No way." Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was someone who had the same experience as him.

“A few years ago, I wanted to go to the second heaven, but on the way I fell into the Heavenly Blood Fairy Mountain in the Immortal Cloud Space. After that, I have been thinking of ways to go to the second heaven.”

Xuanyuan Longce's words made Chen Xuan feel surprised. He did not expect that the other person's experience was the same as his own.

 The most important thing is that he actually knows the second heaven. Does this mean that he knows the way to leave the Xianyun space?

If this is true, maybe the other party really knows some secrets.

 After all, Chen Xuan has only been here for a few years, but the other party has probably been here for hundreds of years.

However, Chen Xuan did not show his feelings because he was not sure where the other party came from?

Moreover, Chen Xuan didn’t know whether what he said was true or false.

He has encountered many enemies, some cunning and some clever. Maybe they are testing whether he comes from this space?

 So Chen Xuan still hasn’t let down his guard yet.

 Chen Xuan looked at the other party lightly.

Soon, Xuanyuan Longce continued: "In the past few years, I have been trying every means to leave the Xianyun space, but after using it for such a long time, I found that it is not that simple to leave here. However, I still found Find a way."

"Really or not, now that you have found a way, why are you still here? Is it difficult to leave here?" Chen Xuan asked.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Longce glanced at Chen Xuan, and then gently shook his head at him, with some helplessness on his face.

"All the sects in Xianyun Space have reached the extreme level of worship for Shangguan Xianyun. If we want to leave here, we must ask them." Xuanyuan Longce continued: "Although I really want to leave this space and go to the second world. Zhongtian, but my cultivation is too weak at the moment, and it’s not that easy to leave.”

  carefully observed whether the other party was lying to him, but after a while, Chen Xuan was sure that what he said should be true.

“Although I have been looking for solutions over the years, I have still gained something.”

Xuanyuan Longce’s pupils observed Chen Xuan.

 After hearing his words, Chen Xuan still looked at the other party cautiously.

"Brother Chen Xuan, why didn't you say a word? It was me who was talking from the beginning to the end, and you just stared at me. After all I have said, are you still doubting me? You Don’t you believe me yet?” Xuanyuan Longce asked with a smile.

 Chen Xuan chuckled after hearing what he said. It was nothing else. It was indeed Chen Xuan who met many people who deceived him in the previous world.

However, since the other party has already mentioned this, it does make Chen Xuan a little embarrassed.

"Haha, that's right. I am indeed a warrior from outside. But I also want to go to the second heaven. It seems that the two of us are like grasshoppers on the same rope." Chen Xuan confessed.

“Where did you come from to the Xianyun Space?” Xuanyuan Longce asked.

"I fell into the Immortal Cloud Space through the Sky Jade. This time the fourth level warrior competition in the Divine Realm is one of my plans. Now my plan is to let the nine masters of the Immortal Qi Mountain Range apply for this competition. For this reason I will stand out in this competition and join the Master Immortal Dragon Palace to see if I can find a way to leave this space. If I can leave, it would be the best. If there is no way to leave, I can only think of other ways." Chen. Xuan said slowly.

Xuanyuan Longce nodded, and then said: "Actually, we have a way to leave the Xianyun space, but you should also know who is the largest sect in this space, and he is also our obstacle."

“You are saying that the biggest obstacle is the Main Immortal Dragon Palace.” Chen Xuan was a little surprised.

 “Are you talking about Shangguan Xianyun?”

Xuanyuan Longce shook his head and said: "Shangguan Xianyun, is this person really there? Can you be sure?"

 “What’s going on? What does this mean? You mean this person never existed.”

"I asked many sect monks in Tianxue Immortal Mountain, but they have never seen Shangguan Xianyun." Xuanyuan Longce said: "Maybe Shangguan Xianyun is not in the Xianyun space at all, and his old man is probably also in the second heaven. There is no Shangguan Xianyun at all."

 “No way, actually…”

 After hearing his words, Chen Xuan was shocked.

If what Xuanyuan Longce said is true, it would indeed be so terrifying.

"The Xianyun Space is just the space closest to the second heaven of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. It is not very far from the second heaven. If Shangguan Xianyun really exists, I think there is a high possibility that he is there. The second heaven." Xuanyuan Longzhu said softly.

"I think you must have heard a lot of rumors. As long as you get the approval of his old man, you can go to the second heaven. However, I have always been skeptical about this news."

“And no one in Xianyun Space has seen Shangguan Xianyun. This is the news I recently found out.”

"You have said so much, but does it have anything to do with us leaving the Xianyun space?" Chen Xuan asked, suppressing the curiosity in his heart.

"Of course there is. If what I infer is true, Shangguan Xianyun has already left the Xianyun space. With my strength, if we are united, the strong people in the fourth level of the divine realm in the main Immortal Dragon Palace can also It can't stop us." Xuanyuan Longce said: "At that time, we can go directly to the strongest sect and find a way to leave the Xianyun space."

"But, I haven't confirmed it yet, so this is just my inference now. After we join the main Immortal Dragon Palace together, I will tell you some secrets, but you must not tell others these things. There are still people in this space now. Even I am not sure if there are people who have similar experiences to us." Xuanyuan Longce said.

"And I'm not sure how many people can leave here. If they can really leave, it means there must have been people here before, but so far, I haven't found any trace of them."

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan nodded slightly. It was indeed as he said. If the other party was willing to tell him so much, it did mean that he was ready to join forces with him.

At this time, it was getting later and later, and Xuanyuan Longce slowly stood up from the ground.

"Master Chen Xuan, we have said so much today, I won't waste your time, I will leave first. What happened today is a secret between the two of us. If someone has been here before, it means that There are definitely more than two of us trapped in this space. I hope you won’t tell anyone about it. I also hope that only you and I know about this, because as far as I know, the passage out of here can only accommodate two people at a time. " Xuanyuan Longzhu said.

"Only two people can pass, but I'm curious why you trust me so much? And you told me so much," Chen Xuan said while looking at the Xuanyuan Dragon Book.

Xuanyuan Longce said: "The reason is also very simple, because I think Brother Chen Xuan is more pleasing to the eye. Maybe it's because you are more handsome."

After he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Dragon Book disappeared in front of him, which made Chen Xuan feel a little shocked.

The reason is definitely not this. Although Chen Xuan does know that he is more handsome, this may be just a joke he made to himself.

“This guy is really mysterious.” Chen Xuan shook his head and did not want to think too much.

 All night, Chen Xuan was thinking about Xuanyuan Longce's remarks.

If what he said is true, does Shangguan Xianyun really not exist? So in this space, no one can really restrain them.

 Even the masters of the nine sects do not have the strength to fight against them.

 But why did the other party tell him this? No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out what his purpose was?

 However, Chen Xuan has not given up his concerns about him now. He does not want to be treated as a pawn.

But now he can only take one step at a time.

 The next day, the next game starts.

 The first match is between Zhang Yuting and Shangguan Tianji. There is still a huge gap in strength between the two of them. At this moment, almost many warriors are supporting Zhang Yuting, thinking that he can win easily.

At this time, a dark shadow flashed across, and Shangguan Tianji stood in front of the competition stage. But at this moment, Chen Xuan also suddenly sent a message and said a few words.

After hearing what Chen Xuan said, he nodded without saying anything more, and then came to the competition stage.

 “Shangguan Tianji?”

Zhang Yuting seemed to be very disdainful of Shangguan Tianji after seeing that it was the other party. He vaguely remembered that his friend Shangguan Yi was injured by Chen Xuan.

And he also knew that the relationship between the other party and Chen Xuan seemed to be very good.

So now the anger in his heart suddenly burned. He had great opinions on Chen Xuan, but at present he had no way to fight Chen Xuan, so now he wanted to vent it all on Shangguan Tianji and let Chen Xuan Know how powerful you are.

 But it was beyond the expectations of many warriors, and even the elders fighting in the sky did not expect it.

 Because before the game started, Shangguan Tian looked at the opponent with a smile, then put his weapon back and admitted defeat.

"I won't fight, I'm no match for you." Shangguan Tianji said loudly.

After hearing this, Zhang Yuting also looked extremely ferocious, observing Chen Xuan under the competition stage.

“This is the so-called top expert in the Immortal Qi Mountain Range?” Zhang Yuting said sarcastically.

However, Shangguan Tianji didn't care at all. His cultivation was no match for the opponent. If the fight continued, he would most likely be seriously injured in the end.

As for the other party's ridicule, Chen Xuan didn't care at all. Anyway, he was not the one who was embarrassed.

“Haha, it’s so funny. If you don’t want to fight, Chen Xuan, just wait for me. I will definitely meet you in the next few games. You have to be careful.”

 After saying these harsh words, Zhang Yuting walked off the competition stage.

 Soon, the second game will be there. The man in gray robe from Mogui Fairy Mountain faced off against Lu Wenglong from Fairy Mountain.


As Lu Wenglong roared, his long face contained terrifying power, and his body was instantly attacked.

 (End of this chapter)

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