Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6039: The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance

Chapter 6039: The Sect Leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance

Finally, after a few minutes passed, the aura fluctuations disappeared, and a mocking laugh appeared on the face of the leader of the Xianyun Dragon Sect. Then without saying any more nonsense, he turned around and left.

The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance looked at the attacked Xiaoxianyu with a gloomy expression. He waved his long sword and returned directly to the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance.

  The main hall of the sect's main area.

 After a while, many elders have come together.

 Their faces were very dark, because they already knew that the Xianyun Dragon Party was at war with the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance some time ago.

Needless to say, he also knew that the master of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance was obviously interested in this matter, which troubled him.

 Finally, when all the warriors arrive here.

The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance deliberately lowered his voice and said: "The Xianyun Dragon Sect directly provoked a large-scale sect battle and wanted to take back the three small fairy realms. Naturally, I, the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance, will not give up casually."

“From today onwards, all disciples will participate in the battle. Today we must catch them off guard.”

The sect masters of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance have an agreement with the sect masters of the Xianyun Dragon Sect. In each battle area, no high-level strong men can appear, otherwise it will affect the battle balance of large-scale sects.

The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance also agreed instantly.

 Obviously this is the history of the Golden Dragon region and even the Pangu world.

“The disciples of the inner sect will set off after a few days to go to Tiancongyun City. The top genius disciples will go to Wanjin Dragon Tower City. As for the cabinet disciples, they will actually go to Luanzheng City.”

It didn’t take long for the clan leaders of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance to be allocated.

 All the senior elders returned and began to arrange disciples.


Several warriors from Wanyan Longju stayed behind and asked very puzzledly: "Where should Chen Xuan go?"

With Chen Xuan's cultivation level, he has the power to become a disciple of the cabinet, but his current status is that of a disciple of the inner sect.

If you go to the battle area of ​​Tiancongyun City, you will definitely use all your aura to suppress the opponent. If the Xianyun Dragon Sect determines that he is a high-level warrior, there is a high chance that he will not make any sense at all. To the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance Launch a crazy revenge.

 “Let him go and disrupt the war zone in the city.”

The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance thought for a moment and then continued.

Now that the Xianyun Dragon Sect has known Chen Xuan's identity, it is no longer interesting. By coincidence, they can seize this excellent opportunity and let Chen Xuan experience a very dangerous battle and break through in advance.

 In just one month, many disciples had left the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance.

The person who led the cabinet disciples to Luan Zheng City was Wanyan Longju. He and Chen Xuan were walking in front, and this scene surprised many cabinet disciples.

What is this guy's identity and why is he almost on the same level as Wanyan Longju?

 The young warrior in black walking in the corner of the team looked at Chen Xuan and smiled.

“This guy is Chen Xuan, the inner sect disciple who completely suppressed the entire inner sect disciple area.”

 Near his body, a young warrior with a very gloomy expression said coldly.

 “It’s definitely that **** little brat.”

The young warrior in black exuded a gloomy aura: "There were rumors at the time that his talent and strength were very powerful, especially in the magical and mystical arts, and he beat Zhang Wanliang until he was covered in mud."

"Hahaha, it's really funny. Zhang Wanliang is actually not strong. It's just that many disciples in the inner disciple area praise him desperately. If he were placed on top of Tianyun Peak, he wouldn't even be ranked among the top few." The young warrior with a very gloomy expression continued.

 Finally, he didn't like Chen Xuan at all.

The young warrior in black shook his head: "I can find that this guy has a very powerful aura."

 The cabinet disciple is already a top-level warrior in the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance.

The danger for cabinet disciples is that they are invincible at the Shenlong realm.

 And this young warrior in black is obviously also an invincible and powerful man who can break through the sky at the first level of the divine dragon realm.

With a very gloomy expression, the young warrior said: "When the battle between the sects in the chaos city area begins, we will know whether he has much cultivation."

  In a while.

 Several of their warriors went to fight against the sects in the city area.

 The very large and mysterious Luanzheng City has been besieged by the sect masters of the Huanjian Dragon Alliance and the sect masters of the Xianyun Dragon Sect.

"When you go in, be sure not to be arrogant, and don't act without thinking." Wanyan Longju said loudly: "The city of Luanzheng is very large, so don't prepare plans haphazardly, and be careful to hide your aura. If you are seriously injured, If there is a risk of hurting your soul, quit."

 Hearing this, all the warriors nodded.

 “Stop talking so much, just go in.”

Wanyan Longju took out the most important sword from nearby and waved it gently. Suddenly a gap appeared in the powerful defense formation, and a huge aura slowly filled the air.

 Many cabinet disciples quickly entered the fighting area of ​​Luan Zheng City.

 This moment…

 Chen Xuan appeared in an open area.

At this moment, a large amount of information about the battle area in Luanzheng City emerged from his consciousness. After a brief inspection, Chen Xuan was very confused.

As long as you break through the defensive formation and use the power of your divine consciousness, you can leave the combat area.

And if you leave the defensive formation, it means entering the combat zone.

 “Don’t waste any time, get away from here quickly.”

 Many cabinet disciples quickly broke through to the fighting area without stopping.

 “Kill the enemy and you can get points for killing the enemy.”

 Chen Xuan said helplessly that the points earned by killing enemies can be exchanged for more precious top-level magic weapons.

“What a coincidence, I can also understand the Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique.”

Chaosheng City's battle area is filled with a terrifying aura, and the entire earth's aura is very terrifying, which completely defends against the sense of consciousness.

 Chen Xuan looked around him in the sky. After waiting for a long time, he did not find any disciples of the Xianyun Long Sect.

 “Can’t delay like this.”

  Chen Xuan thought about it in his heart and quickly came up with a solution.

His power of consciousness was used to condense a phantom soul, and then he mastered the phantom soul and walked slowly on the earth.

 But he actually used the time and space magic to follow behind and hide in the sky.

 “Don’t be anxious yet, what’s going on?”

As soon as the phantom soul appeared, Chen Xuan clearly noticed several auras coming from him, and he seemed to be observing carefully.

 Suddenly, a killing sword aura appeared directly in the sky with a very terrifying aura.

 At this moment.

 The sword energy that suddenly appeared directly broke Chen Xuan's phantom soul.

"What the **** is going on? Damn it. Something big is going to happen."

 However, the young strong man in the Xianyun Dragon Sect didn't know what was going on, so he retreated several kilometers.

 “Obviously it’s too late.”

 Chen Xuan suddenly appeared, his aura restrained the young strong man from the Xianyun Dragon Sect, he took back the Liaoyuan Sword, and swung out a sword aura.


The Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique, the method of Ten Thousand Fires.

 At this very moment.

The body of this young strong man from the Xianyun Dragon Sect fell to the ground without any breath of life.

 Chen Xuan came to the young strong man in the Xianyun Dragon Sect, the long sword in his hand appeared, and activated the empty jade stone. The innate talent of the young strong man in the Xianyun Dragon Sect was immediately absorbed.

Just at this time.

 After absorbing the innate talents of the young and powerful men in the Xianyun Dragon Sect, Chen Xuan showed up their information and enemy kill points.

“Is it close to one hundred enemy kill points to kill a strong person who is in the early stages of the Shenlong Realm’s first-level invincibility?”

 Chen Xuan shook his head slightly. It seemed that Kong Yushi suddenly recognized the enemy-killing points given by the warrior's cultivation.

In the following time, Chen Xuan deliberately set up insidious and cunning strategies and secretly killed several young and strong men from the Xianyun Dragon Sect.

Two of the monks were at the early stage of the Shenlong Realm, the first level of invincibility, and the last warrior was at the early stage of the Shenlong Realm, the first level of invincibility. After killing all these warriors, the number of enemy kill points in the Kong Jade Stone became 1,500. Twenty o'clock.

“The first level of invincibility in the Shenlong Realm and the invincible powerhouse in the mid-stage Shenlong Realm are worth a thousand?”

 Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan also agreed very much in his heart.

As he had inferred, Kong Yushi suddenly recognized that the higher the cultivation level, the more points for killing enemies.

Now it is basically certain that a strong person in the early stage of the Shenlong Realm's first level invincibility is worth close to one hundred points, while a strong person in the middle stage of the Shenlong Realm's first level invincibility is actually worth a thousand points.

He overestimated the dangers of large-scale sect battles. A few hours later, the young and powerful men in the Xianyun Dragon Sect were obviously more powerful than before. They also started a plan, and Chen Xuan also fell into the trap. The insidious and cunning plan of the young strong man in the Xianyun Dragon Sect threw away a phantom soul.

 Chen Xuan, who possesses the time and space magic, does not need to worry about the phantom soul.

 But other warriors are different. If you want to deliberately set up a cunning plan and kill the enemy secretly, you need to pay a high price.

 More than a month later, Chen Xuan's enemy kill points reached 5,500 points.

“The enemy is more weird than before. Now it is difficult to kill him secretly by deliberately setting up a cunning plan with the phantom soul.”

 Inside the main hall, Chen Xuan remained motionless, observing the ground carefully, and said helplessly.

“However, large-scale sect battles last for a long time, so there is no need to worry too much.”

 Chen Xuan continued.

 During this period, his understanding of the Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Techniques was obviously more profound than before.

The method of Ten Thousand Fires is also almost perfect. At one point, he has completely understood the subsequent changes of the Ten Thousand Fires Sword Technique.

Just at this time.

 Suddenly, a wave of breath appeared in the sky.

 Chen Xuan's expression changed, but it didn't take long to realize that the nearby jade stone was flashing, indicating that the warrior who came over was a disciple of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance.

 This moment…

 A young warrior surrounded by black body-protecting power appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

“Have you noticed any young strong men from the Xianyun Dragon Sect passing by here?”

 The young black warrior said very doubtfully.

Chen Xuan nodded helplessly: "I have been chasing him not long ago, and I can confirm that he is here." The young black warrior said: "Did you really not see it?"

While talking to Chen Xuan, the young black warrior approached Chen Xuan without making any movement.

 When he turned around, suddenly the young black warrior performed the thunder technique.

"go to hell."

 There were long red swords floating around his body, and he suddenly swung them.

Just at this time.

The red sword swung and hit Chen Xuan's body.

 “What do you mean?”

Chen Xuan also did not expect that he would attack him.

"What's going on? Even if he defeated Zhang Wanliang, the top genius disciple, it would have no effect." A red long sword floated around the body of the young black warrior. At the same time, the red long sword used all its power to break Chen Xuan's body.

 But now he found that even though he exerted all his strength, the red sword could not move.

 “What’s going on? What happened?”

The young black warrior looked up and found that Chen Xuan's surroundings were instantly filled with the surging aura of sword energy.

 “The power of body refining?”

The young black warrior said with a mocking laugh: "Watch my red sword break you."

At this moment, the young black warrior broke out instantly, and the long sword in his hand struck nearby.

At this moment, the power near the red sword reached its peak.

 At this very moment.

The red long sword directly hit the surging sword energy, which caused the surging sword energy formed by the true immortal-level Suzaku body refining within one mile of Chen Xuan to be broken.

“If you are known by the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance, even if you have close to a hundred lives, it won’t be enough.”

Chen Xuan said in a very cold voice.

"You know? I will kill you, take your body, and exchange some enemy killing points with the young strong men of the Xianyun Dragon Sect. Isn't this very good?" The young black warrior laughed mockingly.

 (End of this chapter)

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