Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6045: The war zone in Chaosheng City

Chapter 6045: The war zone in Chaosheng City

 Over the battle area in Chaosheng City, the surrounding area immediately became dark.

 The feeling of oppression comes over.

"What the **** is going on? Damn it, something big is going to happen."

Seeing this situation, Wanyan Longju's expression became extremely gloomy, and then he turned around and left without saying any more nonsense.

But a breath appeared in the red earth, and it was the sect leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance.

“Master of Xianyunlong Sect, what are you going to do?”

The voice of the leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance suddenly spread out.

 “The young and powerful members of our Immortal Cloud Dragon Sect cannot be killed for no reason.”

The very unhappy voice of the leader of the Xianyunlong Sect came from there.

Not far away, Wanyan Longju felt helpless after hearing this.

"What's going on? What happened? Did Chen Xuan really kill all the young and strong men in the Xianyun Dragon Sect?"

  After carefully thinking about the changes in the enemy kill score recorder during the previous period, as well as the madness of the leader of the Xianyun Dragon Sect, Wanyan Longju still believed it.

"Our original rule was that several fighting areas would start fighting at the same time. Now that I, a disciple of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance, have killed a young and powerful member of your Xianyun Dragon Sect, you want to destroy this fairness?" The sect leader said: "I don't think I'm worried."

At this moment, the leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance directly used the technique.

The world and space are suppressed, and the top experts are fighting together, and their aura is very powerful.

Just at this time.

 The body of a warrior slowly walked out from the sky.

His appearance immediately caused the two strong men in the battle to stop attacking. Their expressions changed and they looked at the warriors coming over.

The warrior who came over was surrounded by gray aura, and there was a black aura surrounding him, and there was a red sword aura that was very scary.

 “There is no way in the Golden Dragon Area to endure your fighting.” The gray-clothed warrior said with a very calm expression.

After hearing this, the leader of the Immortal Cloud Dragon Sect suddenly said: "The Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance went back on its word, violated the rules, and killed a young and powerful member of the Immortal Cloud Dragon Sect. This revenge must be avenged."

The gray-clothed warrior looked extremely helpless and said, "This is what Mr. Wang Ju said to me."

 At this moment he turned around and disappeared.

At this moment, the terrifying atmosphere in the earth disappeared in an instant.

As for the sect leader of the Xianyun Dragon Sect, his face was actually very gloomy. When he looked at the sect leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

 But he didn't have the guts to use the technique.

He knows Wang Ju’s strength better than all the warriors, and the gray-clothed warrior who just appeared, probably filled with red sword aura, is the strong man under Wang Ju.

He is also Wang Tianlong, whose reputation can be regarded as the strongest among nearly a hundred regional lords in the Golden Dragon region.

 “It really deserves to die.”

After thinking carefully, the leader of the Xianyun Dragon Sect used violent power and quickly retreated.

 Seeing this situation, the leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance showed a smile on his face.

Since the large-scale sect fighting that disrupted the city has ended, there is no need for the war zone to exist.

The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance gently waved the long sword in his hand. The huge and terrifying formation defense disappeared, and many cabinet disciples in the fighting area quickly walked out.

Wang Bodong and the others were obviously very excited that the large-scale sect battle was finally over.

 “You, you just shocked me.”

Seeing Chen Xuan come out, Wanyan Longju suddenly smiled.

"Your kill points have greatly exceeded 200,000. If the inference below is correct, there is a high probability that you have killed all the young and powerful people in the Xianyun Dragon Sect?" Wanyan Longju said very Said doubtfully

 “Not just killed them all.”

Guo Xiaodong, who was not far away, couldn't help but said: "Elder Wanyan Longju, yes, Brother Chen Xuan broke through during the battle. He only relied on his power to completely suppress Zhao Boyun without spending much power. Break the Immortal Sword Intention Secret Technique of the Immortal Cloud Dragon Sect, which is famous throughout the Golden Dragon area."

 “What do you mean?”

Wanyan Longju was surprised, and then said slowly: "I still underestimated your talent and strength."

At this time, the body of the leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance also flew gently to the ground.

“You have helped the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance a lot. When you return to the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance, I will give you many magic weapons.”

 It was arranged that the warriors would return to the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance immediately after.

 On the road.

"Sect Master, in this battle, it is impossible for Chen Xuan not to cause so much trouble in the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance." Wanyan Longju said in a low voice: "If the Xianyun Dragon Sect releases the news, it will definitely cause trouble. The greed of almost all practicing monks.”

"The Xianyun Dragon Sect launched a large-scale sect battle, obviously with the purpose of completely suppressing Chen Xuan." The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance said: "If my inference is correct, the Xianyun Dragon Sect should not want to spread the news, because they also I want to take the initiative to find Chen Xuan.”

The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance seems to have decided.

 “I’m going to let this kid go somewhere.”

“What?” Wanyan Longju said in confusion.

The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance shook his head, and his body immediately flew out and reached the area of ​​the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance.

 All the cabinet disciples who survived the war in Chaosheng City, the moment they returned to the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance, their hearts fell to the ground.

 Chen Xuan's matter was naturally known to many warriors in the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance.

 Those warriors who were against Chen Xuan at that time were obviously full of fear of him.

The cultivation of a strong man who can kill Zhao Boyun can be said to be terrifying.

 When things got to this point, the leader of the Huanjian Dragon Alliance was not prepared to let Chen Xuan continue to stay in the Ten Thousand Thunder Golden Peak area.

Originally, he was planning to accept Chen Xuan as his successor disciple, but after thinking about it carefully, he was still not ready to continue this idea.

 He brought Chen Xuan to the cabinet disciple area and made him the number one disciple in the cabinet disciple area.

Wang Bodong has no other thoughts about this matter.

 After the battle with Chen Xuan, there was a big sensation here.

  In residence.

Chen Xuan sat in the pavilion, thinking carefully about the mystery of the second floor.

“The second level is actually similar to the Immortal Sword Intention Secret Technique of the Xianyun Long Sect. However, through my Ten Thousand Fires Immortal Sword Technique, I can gather the power of the second level and surpass the Immortal Sword Intent Secret Technique of the Xianyun Long Sect.”

 Chen Xuan said secretly.

He took out a stone of inherited secret method from nearby. This is the very powerful Immortal Sword Intention Secret Technique of the Xianyun Dragon Sect, and it is also Zhao Boyun's trump card.

 After a while, he read the Immortal Sword Intention Secret Technique of the Xianyunlong Sect and nodded slightly.

If he were to give up the Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique and practice the Immortal Sword Intention Secret Technique of the Immortal Cloud Dragon Sect, there would be no need to be so overqualified.

He uses the Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique to practice the secret technique of Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Intent. This is the final level of his Immortal Sword Technique.

At present, the only idea is to use the Immortal Sword Intent Secret of the Immortal Cloud Dragon Sect as a help to perfect the Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Intent Secret Technique.

 This moment…

The sky and earth space flickered, and the leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance arrived directly.


 Chen Xuan stood up and said.

“There’s no need to say so much, let’s talk while playing chess.”

The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance sat in the pavilion and chuckled: "Wang Bodong said that you gave up many magic weapons to them."

“Your magical magic **** surpasses warriors of the same realm who have similar cultivation levels, and you still have such magnanimity. It’s really good.”

“Sect Master, there is no need for this, I also got a lot of points for killing enemies.” Chen Xuan smiled.

The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance nodded: "This is what I want to say on this trip. You have obtained the secret method of the Immortal Sword Intention of the Xianyunlong Sect. If you don't want to practice in seclusion, you can give it to the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance for a fee."

 “Don’t be anxious yet, what’s going on?”

"The Immortal Sword Intent Secret Technique of the Xianyun Dragon Sect is actually a high-level Immortal Sword Intent Secret Technique, and its value should be around 10,000 enemy kill points." The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance said: "Are you willing to get more than 10,000 enemy kill points? "

Chen Xuan didn't think much and agreed to the request of the leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance.

 Obviously giving him to the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance for a fee would not only earn him more than 10,000 enemy kill points, but he would also be able to continue searching and get a favor.

"You have hundreds of enemy killing points before. The Immortal Sword Intention Secret Method of the Xianyunlong Sect counts more than 10,000 enemy killing points, which is about nearly 300,000 enemy killing points. This time, we can win the battle area in Chaosheng City. It’s all your points as a warrior, so I decided to give you 100,000 enemy-killing points, and now your enemy-killing points have reached more than 400,000.”

The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance said.

 This moment…

 The long sword in his hand waved, and a very terrifying aura appeared in the sky.

“This is where the top magic weapons of our Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance are gathered.” The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance said: “The points required for killing enemies in exchange are all different.”

 Chen Xuan looked at the very scary magic weapon pavilion. There were many top-level magic weapons on it, and each top-level magic weapon would cause a big sensation if placed elsewhere.

"let me see."

Chen Xuan suppressed the excitement in his heart and said slowly.

He took a look and found that the Immortal-level magic weapon area actually included all the most powerful Immortal-level magic weapons. The True Immortal-level secret methods actually corresponded to cultivation techniques. As for the heavenly materials and earthly treasures, they were very expensive.

"You should think about it slowly for the time being. When you figure it out, we can exchange it directly." The leader of the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance just finished speaking. He turned around and left here without saying any more nonsense.

Chen Xuan calmed down his excited heart and thought carefully.

His cultivation level has reached the limit of Shenlong Breaking Ancient Realm. The most important thing now is to find a way to upgrade to the first level of Shenlong Breaking Ancient Realm, which is invincible. Now his control over the power of heaven is obviously improved compared to before, and is close to Zhigao rules.

“Choose a true immortal-level elixir that can allow me to break through and has no other effects.” Chen Xuan said secretly.

His long sword lightly touched the True Immortal Level elixir area, and suddenly many True Immortal Level elixirs appeared in front of his eyes.

 They are all true immortal elixirs that are tens of millions of years old.

“It’s really terrifying. It’s worthy of being called the Fantasy Sword Dragon Alliance. There are so many true immortal-level elixirs.”

 Looking carefully at the True Immortal Level elixir area, there were only a few True Immortal Level elixirs that finally entered Chen Xuan's heart.

 In fact, it is the True Immortal Grade Tianlong Longan Pill and the True Immortal Grade Ghost Blood God Pill.

 These two true immortal-level elixirs represent the breakthrough to the divine dragon realm and the first level of invincibility.

 Chen Xuan carefully watched the effects of the two True Immortal-level elixirs. After swallowing the True Immortal-level Ghostly Blood Immortal Pill, he was able to fully gather all his power to break through to the first level of the Divine Dragon Realm, invincible.

However, the possibility of finally breaking through to the level one invincibility of the Shenlong Realm is far less than half.

 Obviously, even if you swallow close to a hundred True Immortal Level Ghost Blood God Elixir, there is no guarantee that you will be able to successfully break through.

“In addition to the chance of breakthrough, just allowing the power to be completely gathered, and even if it is forcibly gathered, it will leave some other effects.”

 Chen Xuan said.

 His eyes fell on the True Immortal Grade Tianlong Longan Pill.

 After seeing the description of the True Immortal Tianlong Guiyuan Dan, Chen Xuan suddenly showed an expression of joy.

 Obviously the reason is that the True Immortal Level Tianlong Guiyuan Pill is used to improve his talent. His innate talent is actually the Immortal Dragon level innate talent. In the Pangu world, it can indeed be said to be rare.

 (End of this chapter)

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