Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6411: Chen Xuan and Zi Ning

 Chapter 6411 Chen Xuan and Zi Ning

Dongfang Xun waved his hand and said with a smile: "Young man, you have extraordinary talent and understanding. I am willing to help you and hope that you can continue to make progress in your practice. Remember, swordsmanship is the highest realm in the way of practice. It requires What is important is the insight into one's mind and the improvement of one's understanding. Cultivation is not just about strength, but more importantly about cultivating one's mind and character. "He taught Chen Xuan with sincerity.

“Thank you, Senior Dongfang Xun, for your guidance. I will keep it in mind.” Chen Xuan said solemnly. He has a deep yearning for swordsmanship, and Dongfang Xun's teachings are a great inspiration to him.

Zi Ning listened quietly beside her. She knew that compared with Chen Xuan, she still had a long way to go in cultivation, but she was not discouraged. On the contrary, she was full of expectations.

Chen Xuan and Zi Ning bowed deeply to Dongfang Xun on the backs of golden camels to express their sincere gratitude.

“Senior Dongfang Xun, your advice to us is so valuable, we will keep it in mind.” Chen Xuan said sincerely.

Dongfang Xun smiled and nodded, and said in a calm tone: "Young people, your journey of cultivation is still long, so you must always remain humble and calm. Swordsmanship is the realm of unity between man and nature, and what is needed is firmness of mind and understanding. Pioneering. You all have extraordinary talents. As long as you persevere, you will surely become a true master of swordsmanship.

“Yes, we will definitely work hard to practice.” Zi Ning said with confidence.

“Senior Dongfang, please take care of yourself. If we are destined to meet again, we will meet again.” Chen Xuan said goodbye to Dongfang.

Dongfang Xun smiled and waved, without saying much. He just took a deep look at Chen Xuan and Zi Ning, as if he saw something unusual in them.

The golden camel set foot on the yellow sand again, leading Chen Xuan and Zi Ning to continue heading into the depths of the desert. They know that the next journey is full of unknowns and challenges, but they are ready.

“Chen Xuan, did you understand what Senior Dongfang said just now?” Zi Ning asked curiously.

Chen Xuan nodded and replied seriously: "I understand. Swordsmanship is the highest realm in the way of cultivation. To reach the realm of unity between man and nature, we need insight into the mind and improvement of understanding. In the process of our cultivation, not only To improve our strength, we must also cultivate our mind and nature, and constantly improve ourselves. Only in this way can we truly become masters of swordsmanship."

Zi Ning's eyes flashed with approval. She knew that Chen Xuan had begun to understand the true meaning of swordsmanship and had a good understanding.

 Deep in the desert, golden camels were traveling quickly. Chen Xuan and Zi Ning felt the flow of spiritual energy, and their hearts were filled with excitement and anticipation...

 Chen Xuan and Zi Ning went down to the edge of the central desert to express their gratitude and farewell to the golden camel. The golden camel swayed gently, seeming to understand their intention to move on. At the moment of farewell, Chen Xuan patted the golden camel's back and said with emotion: "Thank you, golden camel, for leading us through this dangerous desert. We will always remember your help."

 Zi Ning also patted the golden camel's head gently and said, "You are our good partner. I hope you can have a happy life in this vast desert."

The golden camel seemed to understand their words, neighing lowly, then turned and left, quickly disappearing at the edge of the desert.

 Chen Xuan and Zi Ning watched the golden camel’s leaving figure, feeling deep emotions in their hearts. They all know how important the golden camel's help is to them in this strange and dangerous desert. Now, they have to move forward and face more unknown challenges. This kind of parting always makes people feel a little reluctant.

“The environment of this desert is so harsh. I never thought that the central desert would be so barren.” Zi Ning looked around, frowning slightly, sighing at the harsh environment of the desert.

 Chen Xuan nodded and said with deep sympathy: "Yes, the environment here is indeed unimaginable. It seems that the cultivation environment in the central desert is not suitable for us. We should continue to explore other places."

 They decided to continue exploring the depths of the desert to find a place more suitable for cultivation. In this vast world of immortals, the cultivation environments vary widely from place to place, and they must constantly look for opportunities that suit their practice.

They walked through the desert, sometimes encountering ferocious fairy beasts, and sometimes being attacked by sandstorms, but they never gave up. In every dangerous situation, Chen Xuan and Zi Ning overcame countless difficulties.

 Finally, they came to the depths of the central desert, and a spectacular scene appeared in front of them. In a vast oasis, strange buildings rise from the ground, like a fairyland.

“Look where that place is?” Zi Ning asked curiously.

 Chen Xuan looked carefully and saw that there seemed to be an ancient training place there, and the surrounding area was filled with rich aura, which made people fascinated.

“Perhaps there is a holy land for cultivation. We can go and have a look.” Chen Xuan said excitedly.

 Chen Xuan and Zi Ning walked into the peculiar building and saw that there was no one inside, but the air was filled with rich aura, as if it was a paradise for cultivation.

“The aura here is so rich, it’s so intoxicating.” Zi Ning sighed.

Chen Xuan nodded, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he said: "The aura here is richer than any place we have seen before, and it should be twice the result with half the effort. Let's take the opportunity to practice here for a while, and improve our strength before setting off." Late."

Zi Ning nodded in agreement. Both she and Chen Xuan understood that strength is crucial to immortal cultivators. Only by continuously improving your strength can you remain invincible in the world of Xianxia.

So, Chen Xuan and Zi Ning started practicing in this mysterious building. They closed their eyes and concentrated, circulating the spiritual energy in their bodies, feeling the rich spiritual energy around them pouring into their bodies, and gradually entered a state of cultivation.

Time passed during the practice. I don’t know how long it had passed. Both Chen Xuan and Zi Ning felt that the spiritual energy in their bodies began to boil, and they seemed to have made a breakthrough in their cultivation. Chen Xuan opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with joy, and he felt that his strength seemed to have improved to a certain extent. He smiled at Zi Ning and said, "Zi Ning, how do you feel? I seem to have made a breakthrough."

Zi Ning also opened her eyes and said with a smile: "Me too, thanks to the aura here, our cultivation has been further improved. Chen Xuan, let's continue to practice, maybe we can go further."

 Chen Xuan nodded, and the two of them closed their eyes again, meditating, and devoted themselves to practice. Their cultivation state is getting deeper and deeper, integrating with the surrounding environment. In this mysterious place of cultivation, they felt the fun and mystery of cultivating immortals.

Time passed quietly during practice. Chen Xuan and Zi Ning spent several days immersed in this mysterious building. Finally, when they opened their eyes again, they felt that their cultivation had made a qualitative leap.

 Chen Xuan's heart was filled with joy and emotion. He had never thought that he would find such a treasured land for cultivation in this central desert. This mysterious building is undoubtedly a heaven-given place for cultivators, and it has benefited them a lot.

“Zi Ning, I feel that my strength has made a breakthrough. The training here is really extraordinary.” Chen Xuan said excitedly.

Zi Ning's face was also full of joy. She smiled and said: "Yes, I feel the same way. The aura here is really amazing, and it makes our cultivation grow rapidly. However, it's time for us to leave here, after all, we still have There's a wider world to explore."

Suddenly, a strange sound came to their ears.

Chen Xuan looked around cautiously and whispered to Zi Ning: "Did you hear it? There seems to be something moving."

Zi Ning nodded, with a hint of vigilance on his eyebrows: "Yes, something feels wrong. Although the spiritual energy here is strong, it may have attracted the attention of some fairy beasts. We must be careful, there may be danger."

Just as the two were preparing to be alert, there was a sound of slight footsteps, and then, a giant red spider slowly appeared in their sight. This spider is huge, with red light flashing on its body, making people feel a strong pressure.

Zi Ning recognized this fairy beast, her face changed slightly, and she lowered her voice and said: "This is the Ghost Faced Dragon Spider. It lurks deep in the central desert. It is a poisonous fairy beast and is very dangerous. We must Be careful and don’t take it lightly. “

 Chen Xuan's eyes were firm, and he held the Qingxue Sword in his hand tightly. He said to Zi Ning: "Don't worry, let's deal with it together. As long as we work together, we can solve this ghost-faced dragon spider."

Zi Ning nodded and clenched the magic weapon in her hand. Together with Chen Xuan, she faced the attack of the Ghost Faced Dragon Spider. The spider's movements were agile and its attacks were swift and fierce, but Chen Xuan and Zi Ning had an extraordinary tacit understanding and a tacit understanding of each other, so they were able to keep up with each other for a while.

 Sword light and mana intertwined in the air, bursting out with dazzling light. Chen Xuan transformed into a figure, nimbly avoiding the sharp claws of the Ghost Faced Dragon Spider, and at the same time launched a sharp attack with the Green Snow Sword. Zi Ning used a spell that condensed spiritual power to form a powerful offensive, trapping the Ghost Faced Dragon Spider.

 The Ghost Faced Dragon Spider roared and tried to get rid of the siege of Chen Xuan and Zi Ning, but the cooperation between the two was like a fish in water, making it unable to find a flaw. Chen Xuan's swordsmanship is sharp and exquisite, while Zi Ning's spells are powerful and steady. Their strengths complement each other, making the Ghost Faced Dragon Spider intimidated.

As the battle progressed, Chen Xuan and Zi Ning gradually gained the upper hand. Their offensive became more and more fierce, forcing the Ghost Faced Dragon Spider to retreat steadily. The red light on the spider gradually dimmed, and the poison was suppressed. Chen Xuan and Zi Ning saw the right moment and launched a fatal blow.

The Green Snow Sword and the spiritual weapon slashed at the Ghost Faced Dragon Spider at the same time. After a scream, the huge spider fell to the ground without any movement.

 Chen Xuan and Zi Ning breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at each other and could see the joy in each other's eyes. They succeeded in defeating the Ghost Faced Dragon Spider, and although the battle was fierce, they ultimately won.

“Zi Ning, you are so powerful.” Chen Xuan said approvingly, admiring Zi Ning’s strength very much.

Zi Ning responded with a smile: "You are not bad, Chen Xuan. We joined forces together, so we were able to defeat the Ghost Faced Dragon Spider."

 The two of them complimented each other and exchanged their thoughts on the battle. This battle in the depths of the desert gave them a deeper understanding of each other's strengths and enhanced their friendship.

 Subsequently, Chen Xuan and Zi Ning practiced in the building for a period of time, fully absorbing the rich spiritual energy around them. They felt that their strength had improved to a certain extent, and their hearts were filled with joy.

“Zi Ning, our cultivation time is not short, we should move on.” Chen Xuan stood up and said to Zi Ning.

Zi Ning nodded and recovered from her cultivation state. She smiled at Chen Xuan and said, "Yes, we still have many places to explore. Although the desert center is dangerous, it also contains endless opportunities. We must continue to work hard, Become stronger."

 Chen Xuan and Zi Ning continued to move forward, embarking on a journey deeper into the Zhonglu Desert. The danger in the desert becomes more and more severe, and fairy and monster beasts appear from time to time, trying to block their way forward.

 Deep in the desert, Chen Xuan and Zi Ning encountered a group of violent sand wolves. These sand wolves were agile and fast, transformed into sand, and waited for opportunities to attack.

“Be careful, they are coming!” Zi Ning warned vigilantly.

Chen Xuan held the prairie fire sword tightly and dealt with it calmly. A pack of sand wolves rushed towards him, and he faced one of them, his sword flashed, and he killed the sand wolf.

Zi Ning concentrated on casting the ice and snow spell, and the cold air filled the air, freezing the other sand wolf. Then he pointed out the ice pick and penetrated its head.

 (End of this chapter)

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