Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6445: black lion body

Chapter 6445 The Black Lion’s Body

Bai Yunpiao continued to use his sword skills as fast as lightning, and the sword light turned into a white phantom, constantly penetrating the black lion's defense.

Leng Yun used ice blockade to slow down the Black Lion's movements, providing more attack opportunities for everyone.

Yang Wen exerted the power of the flame lotus. The power of the flames trapped the black lion in the sea of ​​fire, making it difficult for him to get close to everyone.

Chen Xuan's fairy sword is like a dragon. When it is swung, it brings up strong winds and huge waves, and its attack is like a rainbow. During the battle, he gradually found the Black Lion's weaknesses and attacked them in a targeted manner.

As time passed, the battle was still fierce, and everyone did not relax at all and went all out. They understand that only by putting in more effort can they completely defeat the black lion.

The black lion roared, and the black air around its body became more and more solid. It seemed to be using its last strength.

 “Be careful! It’s going to counterattack!” Leng Yun warned vigilantly.

Sure enough, a powerful impact suddenly erupted from the black energy condensed by the black lion.

 A black energy tornado formed and swept towards everyone.

Everyone did not dare to be careless and dodge one after another. Bai Yunpiao quickly moved his body to avoid the attack of the tornado, while Yang Wen avoided the fatal attack by controlling the position of the flame lotus.

However, Chen Xuan and Leng Yun did not have time to escape. They were caught by the tornado and flew backwards.

 “Chen Xuan!” Leng Yun shouted hurriedly.

 “Leng Yun, it’s okay!” Chen Xuan’s voice came.

Although he was swept away, Chen Xuan was not seriously injured. He activated the real fire in time and neutralized part of the attack.

Seeing that the situation was not good, everyone joined forces to fight again and continued to attack the black lion.

The Black Lion was once again beaten back steadily, but it was still difficult to fall.

It seems to be immortal, and every time it seems to be defeated, it can miraculously regain its fighting strength.

“This black lion is too scary!” Bai Yunpiao felt helpless.

"We must find its weakness." Before Yang Wen finished speaking, a roar came again.

A deafening roar broke out again, the black lion's eyes widened with anger, and its whole body was covered with black energy, like a bloodthirsty demon. It seemed to be aware that it was in danger, and frantically displayed its most powerful strength in an attempt to reverse the situation.

 “Be careful, it’s getting more violent!” Leng Yun reminded.

 Everyone did not relax at all, and cooperated with each other tacitly, focusing their attacks on the black lion.

 They know very well that this is the moment that determines victory or defeat, and they must not slack off in the slightest.

Bai Yunpiao's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, appeared behind the black lion, and slashed towards its spine with a sword.

However, the Black Lion's sensitive perception allowed it to turn around and dodge in time, avoiding a fatal blow.

Leng Yun saw the right moment, and condensed his ice attribute power into a ball of frost. It was as fast as lightning and aimed at the heart of the black lion.

However, the Black Lion's defense is extremely strong, and it easily deflects the frost.

“This black lion’s defense is so strong!” Yang Wen exclaimed.

 Chen Xuanze suddenly sneered, he saw the weakness of the black lion.

He concentrated the power of the real fire, making the flames dazzling, and turned into a flame that shot straight at the black lion's chest.

 The Black Lion felt threatened by the flame dragon, but still confidently waved his claws to block it.

 However, Chen Xuan's flame dragon did not actually attack the target, but to cover up the real attack.

 Chen Xuan suddenly smiled coldly. He raised the fairy sword without hesitation, the sword edge flashed, and pierced the black lion's eye with the sword.

 The black lion was taken aback and wanted to hide, but it was too late.

 Chen Xuan's sword edge was like a shuttle of light and shadow, extremely swift and fierce, and accurately pierced the black lion's eye.

“Ah!” The black lion let out a shrill roar. It waved its claws wildly, trying to catch Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan avoided it in time and escaped the Black Lion's counterattack.

This blow caused the black lion to be extremely painful. Its eyes were pierced by the sword edge and it almost lost its sight.

 It roared, trying to escape from the battlefield.

 “Don’t let it escape!” Leng Yun shouted.

 The crowd immediately launched a pursuit and trapped the Black Lion inside. The black lion was like a bereaved dog, running around trying to get rid of the crowd.

Bai Yunpiao smiled coldly and waved the fairy sword in his hand continuously. The sword energy was like a rainbow, suppressing the black lion's escape route.

Yang Wen used the flame lotus to circle around the black lion, making it unable to escape.

Chen Xuanze continued to launch fire attacks, forcing the Black Lion to a dead end.

 Finally, the black lion could no longer hold on. It roared and finally knelt on the ground.

"We...we won!" Bai Yunpiao said happily.

Leng Yun and Yang Wen also breathed a sigh of relief, but still remained vigilant. They knew that although the Black Lion had been injured, it had not completely lost its fighting power.

 Chen Xuan stared at the black lion kneeling on the ground, with a hint of thinking flashing in his eyes.

He knows that although the Black Lion is powerful, the tacit understanding between himself and everyone is the key to defeating powerful enemies.

“We must take advantage of now to defeat the Black Lion in one fell swoop!” Chen Xuan made up his mind.

 Everyone worked together again to launch the final attack. The black lion resisted tenaciously, but in the face of everyone's combined attack, it finally could no longer hold on.

 Finally, the black lion roared for the last time, fell heavily to the ground, and stopped moving.

"We...we really defeated it!" Yang Wen said in disbelief. “I didn’t expect that we could defeat this black lion.” Leng Yun smiled happily.

 At this moment of victory, Chen Xuan, Leng Yun, Bai Yunpiao and Yang Wen were filled with joy and pride. They know that victory in this battle is hard-won and is the result of their unity, cooperation and joint efforts.

“This black lion is really too powerful. Fortunately, we can work together.” Leng Yun gasped.

“That’s right, it’s impossible for us alone to defeat it.” Bai Yunpiao said in agreement.

“Our tacit cooperation is the key, and coupled with your strong strength, we can defeat it.” Chen Xuan said with a smile.

“I would also like to thank two seniors, Chen Xuan and Leng Yun. Your combat experience has been of great help to us.” Yang Wen said sincerely.

Everyone exchanges their feelings about fighting with each other. They know that in this strange world, only by trusting and supporting each other can they go further. They reaffirmed their friendship and solidarity with each other.

However, at this moment, they have not forgotten that their goal is to find the secret of inheritance.

 Entering the depths of the ruins, everyone found that the place was covered with ancient runes and carvings.

 The air in the ruins is filled with a mysterious atmosphere, making people feel a sense of awe.

“The atmosphere here is so great. It seems that we are not far away from inheritance.” Leng Yun said excitedly.

“Yes, we must continue to look for clues.” Chen Xuan nodded in agreement.

They walked into the depths of the ruins, and more and more ancient cultural relics appeared in front of them. Everyone began to observe carefully, trying to find key clues.

While they were exploring around, the ground suddenly trembled.

Everyone couldn't help but look around with vigilance, their eyes flashing with vigilance.

“Everyone, be careful, there may be some danger.” Bai Yunpiao reminded in a low voice.

Chen Xuan, Leng Yun and Yang Wen immediately looked around vigilantly, but found nothing unusual. However, the trembling feeling became more and more intense.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly shot up from the depths of the ruins, and everyone couldn't help but frown.

 “What is this?” Chen Xuan asked doubtfully.

“Maybe it’s some treasure or inheritance that attracts us.” Leng Yun guessed.

Everyone’s eyes were shining with anticipation, and they were ready to walk in the direction of the light.

 However, when they got closer to the light, they found a huge light curtain blocking them. The light screen flashed with complex runes, making it difficult for people to get past it.

 “This is a barrier!” Yang Wen said in surprise.

"We must break this barrier to enter it." Bai Yunpiao frowned tightly.

“This barrier doesn’t look simple.” Chen Xuan frowned.

“Indeed, this is a rather complicated barrier, and I’m afraid it will take some effort.” Leng Yun nodded in agreement.

“Can we work together to break it?” Yang Wen asked.

“Maybe you can try it, but be careful, this barrier may have backlash.” Bai Yunpiao reminded.

Everyone stood in front of the barrier in tacit understanding, gathering their true energy, preparing to attack together. Chen Xuan waved the sword in his hand, and the sword energy was flowing horizontally. Leng Yun condensed thunder and lightning, Yang Wen released blazing flames, and Bai Yunpiao controlled the wind.

 “Let’s do it together!” Chen Xuan shouted.

 The four of them worked together to launch a powerful attack.

Sword energy, thunder, lightning, flames and wind intertwined with each other, violently impacting the barrier.

 The barrier shook violently, as if it could no longer hold up, but it still held on.

 Everyone did not dare to relax at all and continued to attack with all their strength.

 “Come again!” Leng Yun gritted his teeth and increased the intensity of his attack.

 “Don’t stop!” Chen Xuan’s eyes flashed with determination.

The people's attacks became more and more fierce, and the barrier trembled more and more violently. Just when everyone was preparing to attack again, the barrier suddenly made a harsh buzzing sound and the light rose sharply.

 “Be careful!” Bai Yunpiao shouted vigilantly.

Everyone reacted quickly and immediately stopped attacking and prepared to dodge.

However, the light burst out and turned into a huge fairy lion, with astonishing power.

 “What’s going on?” Yang Wen asked in surprise.

“It seems that this barrier is not an ordinary trouble, but a spiritual formation.” Leng Yun took a deep breath and looked solemn.

The Immortal Lion let out a roar that shook the sky, stretched out its huge claws and rushed toward everyone.

 Chen Xuan and others could only form a temporary formation to resist the attack of the immortal lion together.

 The battle was extremely fierce, and the power of the immortal lion was far beyond everyone's expectations. They could only cope with it with all their strength.

 Chen Xuan wields his sword skills with flexibility, Leng Yun's thunder and lightning, Bai Yunpiao controls the wind, and Yang Wen controls the flames. It is still difficult for the four of them to cooperate.

"This fairy lion is too powerful, we can't resist it!" Yang Wen was a little anxious.

“We can’t delay any longer, we must find a solution as soon as possible.” Chen Xuan’s face was solemn.

 “I’m coming!” Leng Yun’s eyes flashed, thunder and lightning flashed under his feet, and he launched an even more violent attack on the immortal lion.

However, the immortal lion became more and more courageous as he fought, and seemed to show no signs of fatigue.

 Everyone felt heavier and heavier, and it seemed that they could not defeat this powerful fairy beast.

 (End of this chapter)

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