Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6459: need to be vigilant

 Chapter 6459 Need to remain vigilant

As time passes and the sky gets darker, the atmosphere in the courtyard becomes peaceful, but the inside and outside are still full of uneasiness and uncertainty.

 Late at night, in a secret place, Chen Xuan and others had been waiting for a long time. Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of them, it was the leader of Longxiang Sect.

 The sect leader’s expression was solemn and his brows were slightly wrinkled. He looked at Chen Xuan and others, with a hint of apology in his tone: "Chen Xuan, you came to my sect, but you suffered such unfair treatment, I am deeply sorry."

Chen Xuan's eyes were calm. He knew that he could not lose his mind due to anger at this moment. Although he doubted the position of the sect master, he still chose to stay calm: "Sect Master, we hope to understand the truth of the matter. Who betrayed the Longxiang Sect and wanted to deal with us."

The sect leader sighed, and obviously understood the position of Chen Xuan and others: "This incident was indeed planned by my elder. He was controlled by the king, and in order to safeguard the interests of the Longxiang sect, he actually betrayed the sect. I I feel deeply guilty and hope you can forgive me.”

 Chen Xuan's heart sank. It turned out that the person behind the great elder's betrayal was actually the country's leader.

He said in a deep voice: "Sect Master, we do not doubt your sincerity, but this matter has involved life and death, and we must protect ourselves and our partners."

 The sect leader nodded with a complicated expression: "I understand your position. I will try my best to calm the disputes within the sect, and I will also communicate with the king to try to find a solution."

Bai Yunpiao interjected: "Sect Master, we are not here to ask the sect to go against the king, we are just for ourselves."

The sect leader smiled slightly and looked at everyone: "I understand your difficulties. I will try my best to maintain the reputation of the sect and seek compromise with the leader to avoid greater conflicts."

 Chen Xuan and others felt a little relieved, at least the sect master was not entirely on the side of the great elder. They knew that the situation in front of them was still complicated, but the attitude of the sect leader gave them some comfort.

The sect leader continued: "Your cultivation and strength are very outstanding, but strength often determines everything. I can provide you with some resources to help you enhance your strength and cope with future challenges."

 Chen Xuan's heart moved. He knew what the sect leader meant, which was to provide a possibility of cooperation. He smiled slightly: "The sect master is overly praised. We just hope that we can get through this difficulty safely."

The sect leader nodded with a serious expression: "I will try my best to help you, and at the same time, I will work hard to safeguard the interests of the sect. I hope you can understand my internal and external dilemma."

Everyone looked at each other and knew that the matter was far from over, but at least at this moment, they had reached a tacit understanding with the leader of the Longxiang Sect. This is a temporary alliance, they temporarily stand together for the common good.

The Great Elder was furious. He was angry at the investigation actions of Chen Xuan and his team. Their actions had gradually revealed the conspiracy he had hidden for many years. He understands that once Chen Xuan and others reveal the truth, everything about him will be completely exposed and his power position will be burned to the ground.

 In the heart of the great elder, the sect master has become his stumbling block and the biggest threat to his betrayal.

In order to maintain his position, he decided to take more extreme measures and secretly plotted to kill the suzerain to eliminate this potential danger.

 He began to conspire with some of his cronies to discuss how to act. In a secret place, the great elder met them, his eyes coldly scanning the crowd.

“The sect leader has become a thorn in our side and we must get rid of him as soon as possible.” The great elder’s voice was low and cold.

“But the sect leader is very powerful, and there are Chen Xuan and others around him, how should we start?” A close confidant asked cautiously.

The Great Elder took a deep breath, and there was a fierce look in his eyes: "We don't need to take action directly this time, I have already obtained some information. The sect leader is going to a place recently, and we can set a trap there to make him inexplicably die."

 “What do we need to do?” asked another confidant.

The great elder showed a conspiratorial smile: "I have already made arrangements, you just need to act according to the plan. Once the sect master encounters an accident, we will be able to smoothly take control of the sect's power."

Everyone nodded in agreement, with a fierce look in their eyes. The great elder's determination and plan had ignited the desire in their hearts. They were no longer afraid, but looked forward to the arrival of that critical moment.

At this time, although Chen Xuan and others did not know the great elder's conspiracy, they had already made up their minds.

 The Great Elder was plotting his conspiracy in the dark. He knew that his position was seriously threatened, and the investigative activities of Chen Xuan and others made him even more uneasy. He understands that if this matter is exposed, everything about him will be in vain and his power status will not be guaranteed.

 In a secret chamber, the great elder sat alone, with a road map for the sect master in front of him. He carefully checked every detail on the map, sneering and thinking about countermeasures.

“Sect Master, do you think you can go to that place without any scruples? Your recklessness will become your fatal fate.” The great elder secretly mocked.

 He has received information and knows that the suzerain plans to go to a relatively remote place. This is just the opportunity he needs. The great elder carefully planned a trap and prepared to set an ambush at that location, waiting for the arrival of the sect master.

“As long as the suzerain falls into my trap, I can easily get rid of him.

 Then, I can take the opportunity to control the sect and make it my personal power. "The great elder's heart is full of desire.

 He began to discuss the plan with some cronies, arranging the location, time and action plan of the ambush.

Every detail has been carefully considered, and he is unwilling to make any mistakes. Once successful, he will be able to become the leader of the sect.

The Great Elder did not take action directly, but was prepared to use the help of others to cause the sect master to suffer accidents without his knowledge. He secretly contacted some sect masters who were also dissatisfied with the sect leader, promising power and benefits in exchange for their cooperation.

 These masters will be arranged in an ambush location, waiting for the arrival of the sect leader.

"All this is under my control, sect leader, your end is coming soon." The great elder took a deep breath and was determined. He would put his conspiracy into practice at all costs. On the other side, although Chen Xuan and others did not know the great elder's conspiracy, they had already felt the unease of the sect.

 They understand that there may be hidden dangers within the sect.

 Chen Xuan and others did not know that the Great Elder was planning a conspiracy, and they continued their investigations and actions.

 In the Everlasting Sorrow Restaurant, they summarized their findings and guesses.

 Chen Xuan frowned and said: "We already have a lot of clues, but we still can't confirm that the great elder is related to the conspiracy.

Bai Yunpiao nodded and agreed: "Yes, to uncover this conspiracy, we must have conclusive evidence and cannot make assumptions based on thin air."

 Zi Yunzi sighed softly and said: "This situation seems to be getting more and more complicated, and we don't have much time. If the Great Elder really has a conspiracy, he may have already prepared to take action."

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and said firmly: "In this case, we can no longer wait passively."

 In a quiet valley, the great elder secretly plotted his conspiracy.

 He knew that this was his best opportunity for revenge, and the arrival of the suzerain was the moment he had carefully waited for.

The great elder carefully deployed the ambush. He sent several men to hide in various corners of the valley, waiting for the arrival of the sect master. They each hid behind the grass and stones, and their figures almost blended into the surrounding environment, making them difficult to detect.

Time flies and the sky is getting late. At this moment, a cold figure slowly walked into the valley. That was the sect master. There was a trace of worry in his brows, and he had obviously learned some inside information.

The sect leader stepped into the valley step by step. Suddenly, the sound of the wind around him suddenly became unusual.

 Arose out of a crisis.

His eyes scanned the surroundings and discovered the enemies lurking in the darkness.

“Sect Master, you have arrived at the door yourself!” The Great Elder’s voice suddenly sounded, and then, a figure rushed out from the darkness and attacked the Sect Master.

The sect leader's face changed slightly. He raised the fairy staff in his hand and faced the swift attack. In an instant, strong energy fluctuations erupted in the air, making a roaring sound. The two people's moves intertwined, and the space seemed to be torn apart.

 The Great Elder's skills are extraordinary, and every move he makes contains powerful strength and combat experience. The sect master, on the other hand, remained calm and collected, and the fairy staff turned into a stream of light in his hand, entangled with the opponent's attack.

 The battle was changing rapidly, and the confrontation between the two was as fast as lightning. Strong energy fluctuations raged in the valley, and the wind and sand rolled up, covering the surrounding scenery in a blur.

 “Great Elder, how dare you plot against me!” A flash of anger flashed in the sect leader’s eyes, and he used his fairy staff to gather powerful magic power to push back the Great Elder’s offensive.

The great elder sneered, his eyes full of cunning: "Sect Master, you are the foundation of my sect, but it is precisely because of this that I want to eradicate you and seize the sect power."

Before he finished speaking, the great elder's figure suddenly disappeared, and then, he appeared out of thin air behind the sect leader, and quickly struck out the magic weapon in his hand.

The sect master's face changed. He instantly felt the threat to his life and did not dare to be careless at all.

His fairy staff waved and turned into a huge light curtain, resisting the fatal blow of the great elder.

The battle became fierce again, and the attack and defense between the two people quickly switched. After all, the master's cultivation level was higher, but the elder had rich experience and cunning methods.

Every collision between them triggered earth-shattering energy fluctuations, causing the entire valley to tremble violently.

  The figures of the two men intertwined in the valley, and the sound of fierce fighting could not be heard. The great elder's offensive was like a huge wave, and the sect master responded with a steady defense. The two sides went back and forth, and the battle was extremely fierce.

The sect master condensed the magic power of the fairy staff and launched powerful spell attacks, each move carrying astonishing power. The Great Elder constantly changes the angle and rhythm of his attacks, sometimes violently like a storm, sometimes viciously like a poisonous snake, making the sect master always elusive.

The wind and sand in the valley were swept up by the energy fluctuations of the two people, forming a huge whirlpool. Countless energy fragments exploded in the air, turning into light spots and splashing, like stars twinkling, beautiful and beautiful.

 “Great Elder, what are you doing!” shouted the sect leader, his voice full of helplessness and anger. He knew that this battle would determine the fate of the sect, but he would never give in easily.

The great elder sneered and stopped answering. His whole body emitted a dazzling light, like an evil demon king, entangled with the sect leader. Time seemed to be stretched out, and the battle continued more and more fiercely.

During this fierce battle, the Great Elder suddenly launched a vicious combo, and his offensive became extremely ferocious. The sect leader was unable to resist and was forced to retreat. His robes were torn and his body was covered in wounds.

“Sect Master, you have no way to escape!” The great elder sneered, his eyes flashing with ferocious light, as if he had already seen the scene of victory.

 However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield. Chen Xuan appeared next to the sect leader. He was holding a long sword, and the sword body emitted a bright light.

 (End of this chapter)

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