Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6481: The flow of spiritual energy around you

 Chapter 6481 The flow of spiritual energy around you

Chen Xuan smiled and took out a pill that shone with light golden light from the ring and handed it to Lin Yuting: "This is a pill that I refined. It's called Lingxin Pill. I hope it can be helpful to your practice." "

 Lin Yuting took the elixir and observed it carefully. She felt the rich spiritual energy contained in it and nodded slightly to express her gratitude: "Thank you.

 Chen Xuan smiled more kindly: "You're welcome, we are all companions of the inner sect, and we can only grow better here by supporting each other.

 Lin Yuting smiled and nodded, carefully putting the Lingxin Pill into her Najie: "I can do it, and I hope we can make progress together and become the best among the inner sect."

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting looked at each other and smiled.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting started their respective cultivation journeys in the inner sect. The inner sect has richer resources and rich spiritual energy, allowing them to focus more on improving their cultivation.

Chen Xuan chose a quiet corner and began to practice with his eyes closed.

his mind was calm and spiritual power was flowing in his body. He began to mobilize the spiritual power in his body and conduct in-depth cultivation. He worked hard to master the spiritual energy movement method taught by the inner sect, and constantly adjusted his breathing so that the spiritual energy in his body could move more smoothly. He could feel the growth of spiritual energy in his body, and he was accumulating strength with every breath.

At the same time, Lin Yuting is also practicing diligently in her own practice venue.

She focused her attention on the Dantian in her body, using spiritual power as a link to condense the surrounding spiritual energy into her Dantian, and then manipulated the spiritual energy in her body to practice her martial arts. Her figure is as nimble as the wind, and every punch and kick shows her superb kung fu. She continues to practice and strive to achieve the best.

Day after day, Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting are making continuous progress in silent cultivation. They have not relaxed their demands on themselves, nor have they forgotten their original intentions.

Although the cultivation life of the inner sect is difficult, they all know that only by continuous efforts can they stand out in this highly competitive environment.

Chen Xuanjing was sitting in the courtyard of the inner gate, surrounded by a peaceful atmosphere, which made people feel relaxed and happy. He sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes slightly closed, feeling the flow of spiritual energy around him. He took a deep breath, introduced the spiritual energy into his body, and then slowly exhaled to eliminate the turbid air from his body.

 His body seemed to be a small world, with spiritual power flowing through his meridians like a long stream of water. He focused his thoughts and began to use the spiritual energy movement method taught by the inner sect. He could clearly feel the flow path of spiritual energy in his meridians. He guided the spiritual energy along this path, allowing it to circulate and continuously nourish his body.

With the movement of spiritual energy, Chen Xuan felt that the strength in his body was constantly increasing, and his muscles seemed to be gradually becoming tougher and stronger. He began to mobilize the spiritual power in his body and operate his own unique cultivation method. He gently raised his palm, and a pale golden light condensed in his palm. It was the spiritual power he had cultivated.

 Chen Xuan condensed his spiritual power into a beam of light, and then waved it gently. The beam cut through the air, leaving a clear trace.

His movements are smooth and precise, and every swing carries an aura of agility. He continued to practice and gradually integrated this movement into his body, allowing him to use his spiritual power more freely.

 The wind in the courtyard blew by, blowing Chen Xuan's robes. His expression was calm and focused. His state of mind became more and more calm during practice, and he was able to fully integrate himself into the state of practice, feel every flow of spiritual power, and understand the mystery.

Time passed quietly during practice, Chen Xuan's brows relaxed slightly, and he felt the changes in the spiritual power in his body.

 His cultivation level is constantly improving. Although the progress is slow, he knows that as long as he persists, he will reach a breakthrough one day.

As the sun slowly set, Chen Xuan finally stopped practicing. He took a deep breath and felt the flow of spiritual power in his body. He knew that although today's practice was just a small accumulation, it was an indispensable step on his way forward.

 He stood up and stretched.

In the inner sect area, three cultivation holy places stand in different corners, exuding a mysterious atmosphere, attracting inner sect disciples to come and practice.

 The first thing is the tower that towers into the sky, like a huge sword thrust into the sky. This is the Mingyue Tower. Both the inside and outside are made of silver-white material. The tower is covered with exquisite reliefs, depicting the fantasy scenes of the fairy world.

Whenever night falls, the Mingyue Tower will emit a faint silvery white light.

  Second is a deep forest, which is called the dreamland. This place is shrouded in light mist all year round, leading to another world with towering trees, lush flowers and plants, and countless spiritual beasts and rare treasures hidden there. In this secret realm, inner disciples can practice their physical strength and master the power of nature.

 At the end is a majestic attic called Tianyuan Pavilion.

This pavilion is located on the bank of a clear lake. Tianyuan Pavilion contains rich spiritual energy. Inner disciples can practice various magic techniques and martial arts here.

Chen Xuan stepped towards the towering Mingyue Tower. The appearance of the tower is as white as jade, and the reliefs depict terrible fairyland scenes, as if it can make people feel the terrible power in the distance. When he stepped into the tower, he immediately felt a powerful spiritual energy rushing towards his face, as if he had entered a completely different world.

 Inside the tower, spiritual energy permeates the air, and a cool fragrance fills the air, making people feel extremely comfortable. Chen Xuan walked up the winding stairs and gradually entered the inner space. The scene here is even more fantastic. It seems to be isolated from the outside world. Only the light shines through the windows, creating a quiet cultivation atmosphere.

 Chen Xuan found a suitable corner to sit down, closed his eyes and meditated. He began to circulate the spiritual power in his body and blended with the spiritual energy in the tower. As time went by, he gradually entered a state of cultivation. He felt the spiritual energy flowing through his body, seeping like a trickle. Deep in his consciousness, there seemed to be a channel that was constantly expanding, connected to the aura between heaven and earth.

 In this state of cultivation, Chen Xuan felt a terrible feeling of being connected with heaven and earth. He gradually put down his thoughts and immersed himself in cultivation. Time seemed to blur in this state, and he only focused on communication and integration with the aura.

In the Mingyue Tower, Chen Xuan continued to practice for several hours, and every moment was a deepening of his own strength.

The spiritual power in his body was like a ripple, spreading continuously and gradually penetrating his meridians and muscles. He felt that every cell in his body was getting stronger, as if he was becoming different.

In the Mingyue Tower, when Chen Xuan was immersed in the state of cultivation, a clear voice suddenly sounded, breaking his meditation. He looked up and saw a figure walking towards him.

That was a young man with a handsome face and a trace of calmness and calmness in his eyes. There was a faint aura of spiritual energy exuding from his body, and he was obviously an inner disciple. He walked up to Chen Xuan with a smile, clasped his fists and saluted, "You must be classmate Chen Xuan. I heard that you performed well in the competition and entered the inner gate."

 Chen Xuan nodded and responded with a smile: "Yes, I am Chen Xuan. Are you?"

The young man smiled and explained: "My name is Lin Ran, and I am also a member of the inner sect. I heard that you caused quite a stir when you were in the outer sect, and you gained even more recognition after entering the inner sect."

 Chen Xuan smiled slightly and did not react much to this compliment. He said lightly: "This is just the beginning. I still have a long way to go."

Lin Ran nodded, his expression full of understanding: "You are right, there are many inner disciples, and there are also many powerful people. However, this is also a good place for you to improve yourself. I believe you have the ability to gain success here. More growth."

 Chen Xuan nodded in agreement. He knew that the inner gate was a higher stage and a more severe test. Here, he will meet more talented disciples and face more challenges. But this was his chance to grow.

Lin Ran looked at Chen Xuan with a trace of interest in his eyes: "I heard that you performed exceptionally well in the outer sect, especially in the battle with Lin Yuting. You were able to fight her to a close, which shows that your strength is extraordinary. "

Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He didn't like to show off, and just said softly: "That's just a game, and it's also an improvement."

Lin Ran smiled and seemed to like Chen Xuan's low profile: "With such strength, you will also attract attention in the inner sect. If necessary, I am willing to practice with you and learn from each other."

 Chen Xuan nodded to express his acceptance. The two talked for a while and gradually developed a friendship. They all understand that in this inner sect cultivation environment, they need to support and encourage each other. Different talents can gain more from communication.

Lin Ran said goodbye and left, leaving Chen Xuan to continue practicing alone.

In the Mingyue Tower, the spiritual energy was flowing. Chen Xuan was bathed in the atmosphere of cultivation and felt at peace. He knew that the path of cultivation in the inner sect would not be easy, but he was ready to meet all challenges.

Chen Xuan sat in the Mingyue Tower, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let the fresh spiritual energy fill his body.

 He focused his attention on his Dantian and controlled the flow of spiritual power in his body. Gradually, he felt a subtle energy flowing through his body like a trickle, moving silently.

 He no longer uses the alchemy furnace, but directly controls the spiritual power with his mind, allowing it to fuse and converge in the body, and then flow through the meridians.

This method of cultivation has become a daily routine for him. He treats every ounce of spiritual power as his own, feeling it with his heart and guiding it with his mind.

 Surrounded by spiritual energy, Chen Xuan's body gradually entered a state where he felt as if he had merged into the flow between heaven and earth and resonated with the spiritual energy. His breathing became steady and rhythmic, and his mind gradually calmed down, completely focusing on his cultivation.

Time passed quietly during cultivation, and Chen Xuan seemed to have forgotten everything except the flow of spiritual power and the tranquility of his mind. The spiritual power in his body is also constantly condensing. Although the progress is slow, it is moving forward steadily.

 Gradually, he felt that the spiritual power in his body had reached a state of balance, with no more fluctuations and bumps, just like the calm on the lake. At this time, he opened his eyes slightly and woke up from the silence.

He stood up and felt the flow of spiritual power in his body. He was familiar with this state, which was a sign of his continuous cultivation and progress. He knows that every breakthrough requires time and accumulation, and he cannot rush for success.

 Chen Xuan felt a faint sense of satisfaction in his heart, and he knew that he was on the right path.

 He took a deep breath, sat down again, and prepared to continue practicing. He understands that there are no shortcuts in this world, and only by continuous hard work can we gain true strength.

 (End of this chapter)

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