Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 6510: Qianqiu

Chapter 6510 Qianqiu

 The man in black pondered for a moment, and then replied: "I believe that the real dragon crystal has a special aura that can help me complete an important task. And you are also looking for the real dragon crystal!"

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting looked at each other, then nodded. They decided to trust the mysterious man in black, and at least in the current situation, they had no reason not to trust him.

“If you are also looking for the True Dragon Crystal, we can work together:” Chen Xuan suggested.

 Chen Xuan and Lin Yuting both wanted to know more about this mysterious man in black, so Chen Xuan asked again: "Can you tell us your name and your origin!"

The man in black nodded slowly, then gently pulled down the hood on his head, revealing his face. His face was engraved with traces of time, and his deep eyes shone with the light of wisdom.

"My name is Qianqiu," the man in black introduced himself: "I was once a monk who wandered in the fairy world, with extraordinary skills and cultivation. However, an accident caused me to fall into this world, and my cultivation We are also restricted and can only look for opportunities to return to the fairy world here!"

 Lin Yuting frowned slightly. She was no stranger to the concept of the fairy world, but she still asked curiously: "How did you get into this world!"

Qianqiu's eyes became a little complicated, and he said slowly: "It was a violent space storm, and I was involved in it and came to this world. Here, my cultivation was sealed, and I lost the ability to return to the fairy world. Ability. I can only look for precious items like True Dragon Crystal, maybe it can restore my cultivation and allow me to embark on the path to the fairy world again!"

Chen Xuan expressed sympathy for Qianqiu's experience, and he could understand the pain of losing his cultivation.

 Then, he continued to ask: "What do you know about true dragon crystal? How should we find it!"

Chiaki smiled and nodded, he seemed happy to share his knowledge! "True Dragon Crystal is an extremely precious treasure. It is rumored that it contains the power of the ancient dragon clan. In this world, it is considered a rare treasure of heaven and earth, with endless possibilities. But you have to find it It’s not easy, and usually requires solving some kind of puzzle or completing a difficult task. However, its existence will definitely cause many monks to fight for it, so we must be careful to avoid unnecessary trouble!”

After listening to Qianqiu's introduction, Chen Xuan thought for a moment, and then said: "Since we have the intention to cooperate, we can look after each other during the search for the real dragon crystal. However, I suggest that we first understand the situation and check Find out the clues to the true dragon crystal and take action again!”

Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu learned that there were rumors nearby that a precious magic weapon was about to appear, attracting a large number of practitioners to compete for it. The news quickly spread throughout the nearby sects, and many practitioners came to compete for this rare treasure. In this case, a fierce duel will inevitably occur.

They came to a vast valley, where hundreds of cultivators had gathered, representing various sects and cultivating schools. The atmosphere was tense and competitive, with everyone watching each other warily with sharp-eyed expressions.

 Chen Xuan and his party stood in the middle of the valley, wanting to know more about this magic weapon. They felt that the atmosphere around them was tense, like a taut string, about to explode.

Suddenly, a young cultivator in a green robe stepped forward. He represented a huge sect, and his voice was cold and confident: "That magic weapon is the destiny of my sect, and you are not qualified to own it!"

 Chen Xuan smiled calmly and responded: "Fate cannot be predetermined, and magic weapons should be obtained by those who are destined. We are not here to fight with you, but if someone tries to take it by force, we will never show weakness!"

At the same time, practitioners from other sects also began to express their opinions. Some of them threatened, some requested, and some tried to resolve disputes through communication and compromise.

 However, in the face of such a precious magic weapon, the possibility of a peaceful solution seems slim.

 The smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger, and the tense atmosphere almost exploded. Lin Yuting frowned slightly. She didn't want the fight to escalate into a battle of life and death, but she also knew that some people would not give up easily.

 Chianqiu began to investigate the origin of the magic weapon, trying to find a way to resolve the dispute.

 He had a long conversation with a cultivator of the sect, hoping to reach some consensus.

Just when the tension reached its peak, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the valley. A figure descended from the sky, suspended in mid-air, exuding a powerful aura. This sudden appearance attracted everyone's attention, and silence fell instantly.

Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu learned that there were rumors nearby that a precious magic weapon was about to appear, attracting a large number of practitioners to compete for it. The news quickly spread throughout the nearby sects, and many warriors came to fight for this mysterious magic weapon. The atmosphere was tense and competitive, with everyone watching each other warily with sharp expressions.

 Chen Xuan and his party stood in the middle of the valley, hoping to get more information about this magic weapon. They felt that the atmosphere around them was tense, like a taut string, about to explode.

Suddenly, a tall warrior wearing a green robe stepped forward. He represented a powerful warrior sect, the Yunxue Sect.

His eyes were sharp and his voice was cold and confident: "This magic weapon is destined to belong to our Yunxue Sect. Others don't have to waste their efforts!"

Chen Xuan smiled calmly and responded: "Destiny cannot be predicted, and magic weapons should be obtained by those who are destined. We are not here to fight with you, but if someone tries to take it by force, we will not show weakness!"

Lin Yuting added: "Indeed, our goal is to practice and pursue the way of a warrior. If we can find a more reasonable way to solve this problem, we are willing to try!"

Gu Yun still maintained an indifferent expression, and he did not agree with the words of Chen Xuan and his party.

 But then, a warrior from another sect came forward and made a suggestion worth considering.

The warrior said: "Everyone, we are all warriors, let's see if there are other ways to deal with this magic weapon!" Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu all agreed, and other warriors began to express similar thoughts. Gradually, the atmosphere became tense. It gradually eased down.

However, Gu Yun still insisted on his position. He believed that the magic weapon should belong to the Yunxue Sect instead of sharing it with other sects. He was uninterested in compromise and clearly intended to fight for the talisman alone.

 Everyone's opinions began to diverge and they reached a deadlock.

Although some warriors are willing to cooperate to resolve disputes, Gu Yun's resolute attitude makes the situation complicated and tense.

Suddenly, a young warrior stepped out of the crowd. His eyes were firm and sharp, and he was obviously dissatisfied with Gu Yun's decision. He raised the long sword in his hand, and the cold sword energy quickly condensed, piercing the silence in the valley.

"Gu Yun, if you insist on seizing this magic weapon, you must pass my level first!" The young warrior's voice was full of challenge.

Gu Yun's eyes were cold. He didn't like being challenged, let alone having his decisions questioned. He reacted quickly, swung out his sword, and a bright sword light flashed across like lightning, instantly stabbing the young warrior's body.

The young warrior's body trembled, and blood spurted out. His body was swaying like a candle in the wind. Then, he fell limply to the ground without saying a word.

 Everyone was silent for a moment, this sudden scene shocked them all. Gu Yun's strength has exceeded their imagination. This sword seems to be instinctive and merciless.

Gu Yun looked at the young warrior who fell to the ground indifferently, then turned his gaze to everyone, and said in a cold tone: "Now, does anyone dare to challenge me?"

 The atmosphere in the valley became oppressive and solemn, and everyone was silent. Gu Yun's performance made them understand that he was not an opponent to be trifled with, and they would probably pay a heavy price if they wanted to compete with him for this magic weapon.

 Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu also felt the pressure increase.

Although they do not want to conflict with Gu Yun, they cannot easily give up hope for the magic weapon.

The tense atmosphere in the valley was so tense that one could almost hear the heartbeat. Gu Yun's eyes were always fixed on Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu, and everyone was also staring closely at the stranger who suddenly appeared.

This stranger was wearing a light blue robe, with a handsome face, a slender figure, and a pair of deep eyes that revealed a sense of confidence and determination. He walked up to Gu Yun confidently and handed over a small white jade plaque without saying a word.

"My name is Peng Xue, from the Free Warriors Alliance. I propose that all warriors be allowed to enter the cave and compete for magic weapons freely!" Peng Xue's voice was calm and firm.

Gu Yun took the jade token and glanced at Peng Xue, seeming to be thinking about something.

Then he nodded and responded without hesitation: "Okay, since you asked, then as you wish. But remember, this is a dangerous place, no one will give you a second chance!"

The Alliance of Free Warriors is very powerful, and Gu Yun still has to give it some face.

Peng Xue smiled slightly, with a sharp light in his eyes. He knew that he must cherish this opportunity.

 He nodded again in agreement, and then followed Gu Yun towards the cave.

 Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting and Qian Qiu exchanged glances. They could feel the aura of Peng Xue. This was an extraordinary opponent.

 Perhaps, cooperating with this strong man from the Free Warrior Alliance is also an opportunity for them.

The entrance to the cave exudes an ancient atmosphere, as if it hides many secrets. Everyone watched Peng Xue and Gu Yun silently, expecting them to successfully obtain the magic weapon.

 After entering the cave, the battle for the magic weapon will intensify, and this is also their last chance.

 Deep in the cave, the exploration of Chen Xuan, Lin Yuting, Qian Qiu, and other warriors was not going well. They had just entered a spacious cave when they suddenly encountered an extremely strange monster.

This monster is a monkey-shaped creature, huge in size, with skin like gray rock and extremely hard. Its eyes flashed with a green light, and the sharp claws on its long arms shone with a cold light. The most eye-catching thing is that there is a huge ruby ​​on the head of this monster, which is shining brightly.

 Chen Xuan and other warriors quickly prepared for battle. They understood that this monster was no ordinary beast.

The monkey-shaped monster first let out a sharp roar, and then suddenly pounced on Chen Xuan and the others.

 (End of this chapter)

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